Beach Ready Challenge



  • I am really slipping on the beach ready challenge. Hardly any fruit. I'm still drinking water and working out, but I don't think I'm meeting those challenges like I could be. Between the vehicles being broken, all my money going towards that, and TOM making an appearance...yeah. My challenge has been just breathing at this point. I'm going to start over with 30DS on level 2. And I'm going to continue with my 6 week 6 pack. just trying to get back in the game.
  • partcho
    partcho Posts: 225
    When I started my weight loss journey I began with hardcore working out and burning tons of calories. Even though I was seeing results in my strength and clothes fitting, I quickly stopped pushing myself with the workouts because I got bored. I didn't spend enough time thinking how to make things interesting.

    I am trying to get back into things, but am trying to go about it differently. I know plenty of people who have lost weight just walking (and watching food intake) without necessarily hitting the gym and doing crazy cardio work. I feel like I want to drop a good 15-20 pounds before I start that kind of hardcore exercise in part because I feel like I'm putting a lot of stress on my joints. Does anyone feel the same way? I feel like this is a way to really change my lifestyle as walking is something that I feel I can make be part of my everyday life. I'm taking it half a month at a time. For the rest of March I have set a walking goal of 45 miles.

    I'm trying to stick with the water, soda, fruit challenge, but as of right now I'm not really focused on the 3,500 calories burned, though I think it's awesome how you guys are sticking to it!!

    SW (March 7): 163.6
    (March 13): 163.2
    CW: 160
    GW1 (March 31): 155
    GWSummer: (June 25): 140ish...

    6/45 miles (got some catching up to do!!)
  • Challenges sooo not met. What an unbelieveably difficult week. Everything sort of fell by the wayside. Both of my vehicles broke down, TOM visited and I've lost most of the pennies in my bank account (to the broken vehicles naturally). I'm at the tail-end of TOM and I wan't planning on weighing in (depression and all that), but I did it anyway. Mostly to keep me focused and remind me where I do NOT want to go again. This weight WILL come off. I'm getting back into the swing of things...Zumba today and then Day 3, level 2 30DS. Had to start that one over too - but it will get done!

    Current weight: 171
    SUNDAY FEBRUARY 27TH (Let the challenge begin!)
    Chest: 34.5
    Bust: 43
    Hips: 41
    High Waist: 34
    Low Waist: 37
    Arm: 12.5
    Leg: 25
    Neck: 14.5
    SUNDAY MARCH 20TH (Progress to date)
    Chest: 34.5
    Bust: 42
    Hips: 41
    High Waist: 34.5
    Low Waist: 36.75
    Arm: 12
    Leg: 24.5
    Neck: 14.25
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    Didn't loose any weight this week. Not really sure why. Ate pretty well and worked out a lot. I estimate I burned about 3000 calories this week. I'm hoping to loose something this week...

    Goals: Loose 1 pound this week. Stay under 130 pounds. Continue to workout a lot. Eat healthy. Drink more water.
  • Shawna_831
    Shawna_831 Posts: 316
    Did horrible this week! TOM kicked my butt 2 days and my workouts were horrible because of it. I didn't gain or lose so I'm OK with that. Hopefully I can drop 2 more this week but I'm going for 1lb. I did however, buy my 1st pair of single digit size shorts...size 8! It was so nice to try on 8s and they all fit. I think I may end up a size 6 when I'm done. I thought that may be to small since I'm 5'9 but now I'm going for the 6!

    SW: 167.6

    W1: 166.2
    W2: 164.2
    W3: 164.2

    GW: 150
  • Challenges sooo not met.
    Okay - I did meet the 3,500 calories burned challenge. Woohoo!
  • Shawna_831
    Shawna_831 Posts: 316
    **New Challenge**New Challenge**

    Go 1 day without eating any meat :ohwell:

    Continue with:

    4 servings of fruit every day. heart

    3,500 calories burned this week grumble

    64 oz of water every day drinker

    Let me just say this is going to be hard for me. My family loves the meat! LOVES THE MEAT! I will have to cook for them and then something else for me. ugh
  • Shawna_831
    Shawna_831 Posts: 316
    It's Monday....New Challenge week! TOM is gone and I am ready to go! I bought a ton of fruit for this week. My kids have joined in on the healthy food and wanted some healthy snacks for school... Love it!
  • njean888
    njean888 Posts: 399 Member
    I have not been doing so hot lately. I did not gain this week but did not lose either. I've been completely unmotivated. My father is terminally ill and has taken a turn for the worst. I have been so sad and depressed I have not wanted to workout. I know though that in the past, exercise has helped tremendously with my depression so yesterday I forced myself to run. I ran almost 4 miles and felt alot better than I have in the last week.

    I always meet the water challenge. I'm really going to incorporate the fruit this week and exercise. Also no meat should be easy for me this week.
  • Shawna_831
    Shawna_831 Posts: 316
    I have not been doing so hot lately. I did not gain this week but did not lose either. I've been completely unmotivated. My father is terminally ill and has taken a turn for the worst. I have been so sad and depressed I have not wanted to workout. I know though that in the past, exercise has helped tremendously with my depression so yesterday I forced myself to run. I ran almost 4 miles and felt alot better than I have in the last week.

    I always meet the water challenge. I'm really going to incorporate the fruit this week and exercise. Also no meat should be easy for me this week.

    I am so sorry for what you and your father are going through. I understand how depression can keep us down. I went through a rough patch around the holidays and just didn't workout like I was before. I finally just worked out and cried and worked out and cried. It does make you feel better for sure.
    Stay strong :flowerforyou:
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    ugh!!!! I totally screwed off last week. I am re-committing and getting back on track beginning today. Great job everyone!
  • WEEK 4
    I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm struggling with the fruit challenge. This week's challenge:

    No meat for one day
    Burn 3,500 calories
    Drink 64oz water daily
    Eat 4 servings fruit daily

    I found the following article reference fruits/veggies

    Many experts suggest we need from five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables every day. That is a total. Older or inactive women and smaller children need at least three servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit. Growing kids, teen girls, most men and active women would eat at least four servings of vegetables and three servings of fruit everyday. Teen boys and active men should eat at least five servings of vegetables and four servings of fruit. Unfortunately many people fail to eat even five servings each day.

    Here are some typical serving sizes for fruits and vegetables:

    1 banana
    6 strawberries
    2 plums
    15 grapes
    1 apple
    1 peach
    1/2 cup of orange or other fruit juice
    5 broccoli florets
    10 baby carrots
    1 roma tomato
    3/4 cup tomato juice
    1/2 baked sweet potato
    o1 ear of corn
    4 slices of an onion

    You may notice that serving sizes on the Nutrition Facts Label of packaged fruits and vegetables are not always the same size as the one-half cup serving size that the USDA has set for the food pyramid. For example, some frozen vegetable blends may list the serving size as 3/4 cup, which would meet one and one half of your vegetable need for the day.
    One serving of a fruit or vegetable juice is four ounces. V8 Fusion claims to meet one serving of fruit and one serving of vegetables in one eight ounce glass. A large glass may hold about 12 ounces, which would give you three servings of fruits and vegetables.
  • Shawna_831
    Shawna_831 Posts: 316
    I got 1 banana and a little over 15 grapes down. 2 more servings to go :smile: I have some strawberries at the house and 1 apple here at work. I've also just got my 12th glass of water down :drinker: and I now feel like I am about to :explode:
    I'm doing my no meat challenge today. So far I've had this:

    Breakfast: Oatmeal and water
    Snack: Grapes and water
    Lunch: Baked Potato, more grapes and water
    Snack: Banana and water

    Dinner tonight will be; eggs, pancakes and malt-o-meal. :happy:
    and water :tongue:
  • I got 1 banana and a little over 15 grapes down. 2 more servings to go :smile: I have some strawberries at the house and 1 apple here at work. I've also just got my 12th glass of water down :drinker: and I now feel like I am about to :explode:
    I'm doing my no meat challenge today. So far I've had this:

    Breakfast: Oatmeal and water
    Snack: Grapes and water
    Lunch: Baked Potato, more grapes and water
    Snack: Banana and water

    Dinner tonight will be; eggs, pancakes and malt-o-meal. :happy:
    and water :tongue:
    You're doing a great job! I don't think I'll have a problem at all with the no meat challenge. When my husband is deployed, I hardly eat meat anyway. I'm doing great on the water today. I've had an apple and a kiwi fruit today...I also had guava paste - that counts towards fruit serving, right? I think I'll have an apple with peanut butter post workout and I'll have to figure out where else to sneak in that extra serving.
  • Shawna_831
    Shawna_831 Posts: 316
    I made it through Monday without eating any meat :noway: Let me tell ya, that was not easy at all. I need a little better planning on food next time because my head was hurting. I got all my water in and then some, all my fruit, 500+ calorie burn and no meat!
    I'm going to try to do the no meat thing again this week but just a little better planning. I am so close to getting out of the 160s! I am shooting for a size 6 by summer now. :happy:

    Where is everyone at??? It's Tuesday and I haven't heard from anyone....Don't leave me :sad:
  • Goals for this week: 3,500 calories burned, 20 miles run and 2 lbs lost! :bigsmile:

    Monday: Rest Day
    Tuesday: 52 minutes - 584 calories - 4 miles run (it was 85 degrees, freaking HOT! :grumble: )

    Didn't make all of my goals last week but hoping to make this week better!!! :wink:
  • Shawna_831
    Shawna_831 Posts: 316
    Over 500 calories burned

    All of my fruit

    Way over my 8 glasses of water

    No meat on Monday

    This week is going great! It's 8pm and I'm debating a quick 15 minute cardio.
  • njean888
    njean888 Posts: 399 Member
    Thank you Shawna for your kind words. I hate to say it but I have not worked out all week. I'm not beating myself up to bad, between my kids, work, being at the hospital until 10, there is just so much I can do. Still since my working out is practically non existant at the moment, I'm still drinking my water, eating some fruit (today at least) and staying under my calories. It's the best I can do at the moment.
  • skinnyack
    skinnyack Posts: 683
    Height: 5'5

    SW: 158.2
    W1: 155 (-3.2)
    W2: 155.8- I ran a half marathon yesterday- may be holding water.
    W3: 154
    Goal W4: 153.5- I did see this number one time last week. Let's hope I can get it back
    June GW: 149.9

    Having a rough week- hence the late check in. Spent last weekend at the MIL's. Spending this coming weekend there also (family events back to back). Let's just say it's not the easiest place to be, and definitely not the most conducive to weight loss. She stresses me the f out. On top of that just dealing with some personal demons, brought on by other people's stupidity and ignorance. Funniest thing is that it is making me crave coke (as in the drink- not the drug- haha). Guess that is my comfort "food" of choice. Anyways- onwards and upwards ladies! Keep on truckin! Let's look fab for summer!:drinker:
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    Burned 937 calories so far this week and I am planning on adding another 300 tonight. So far today I have 88 oz of water down. Looking at my food diary so far today I have had 0 some veggies though. Still have half of the day to get my fruit in. I have not attempted to tackle the no meat thing yet....
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