Others trying to break the 200 lb mark



  • qtwells82
    qtwells82 Posts: 352
    I'm in!
    210.4 as of this morning
  • MisteeT
    MisteeT Posts: 1
    Me!! I started my weight loss journey at 236 and am currently at 209 -- almost 1st goal mark of 199! I hope to eventually get down to 155, hoping this site will help me achieve that goal!
  • manymuses
    manymuses Posts: 162 Member
    Right there with you! We can DO this.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,338 Member
    I'm in! My story is the same as many of you. I've lost the weight and gained so many times but when I gain I seem to go above 200 and have a hard time getting below and keeping it off. My first goal is 180 and I'm 1/3 of the way there but getting below 200 is my challenge! My second goal will be another 30 pounds to be around 150 or so. We can do this! Friend me if you want too!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I am so ready to get out of the 200s! Anyone who wants can send me a friends request !
    I was at 214.5 this morning and i would love to be under 200 by april first if not in the month of april !
    Cannot remember the last time when i was below 200 but it has deffently been along time !
  • JuneGem6471
    JuneGem6471 Posts: 1,001 Member
    I would love to join but everyone is so close, and I'm faaaarrrrrrr away right now, :blushing: but it is what I am shooting for ulimately :wink: I need all the help I can get! Please friend me!
  • eduberek
    eduberek Posts: 9 Member
    I would so love some support! Have been trying to get under 200 forever! Pretty sad that I just want to see my pre-pregnancy weight of 180 right about now. My ultimate goal is 165lb. Can't wait to hear more, Emy
  • mielikkibz
    mielikkibz Posts: 552 Member
    I'll have to throw myself into this ring. . .got down to 195 5 yrs ago due to depression and not eating, and then got heavier than i'd been before that :(
  • chattinchick
    chattinchick Posts: 48 Member
    YEP, YEP, YEP!! Hitting Onderland is one of my goals..I am close (a couple pounds away) and I don't ever want to see the 200's again!!!

    Count me in!!! :)
  • swimgirl1006
    swimgirl1006 Posts: 22 Member
    I would love to join in; but, I have a bit father to go than most in the group. I am currently a little under 280 but would love to keep working at it to get below 200 my ultimate goal is 155. One step at a time though and I will get there. If anyone wants to friend me feel free and good luck to everyone on hitting One-derland!
  • jeepwidow01
    jeepwidow01 Posts: 173
    Keep up the great work! It just seemed like a lot to lose per week. Make sure you are eating those calories that you are burning with all that bike riding!!! =)
  • mayree1979
    mayree1979 Posts: 15 Member
    Lost my first 8 lbs and working on the 200 mark also. 27 to go hopefully I can do that in the next three months
  • ooohhh how that would be amazing... i got to 210 last year ( due to stomach issues :( once i could eat again it all i mean every dang pound i lost came back plus.... I AM IN!!! do we just comment on here or is there a group.......
  • Carmendu
    Carmendu Posts: 409
    Would love to join the party!! :) Feel free to friend me if you would like. I have been trying to get under 200 for a lot of yrs now too. heres to us and the goal of 199 for right now. :)
  • heartpdx
    heartpdx Posts: 97 Member
    i am in, too...so please friend me! i am at about 214 (lost 6 so far) and working hard to get under 200...as well as get my heart healthy.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,338 Member
    I'm stuck at just above 200 right now and it drives me crazy. I just want to get into the 90's to feel like I'm progressing. I've lost 11 as of my last weigh. My highest has been 217 a little over a year ago but I started at 212.6 on January 3rd on MFP. So I just keep at it and know it will eventually drop... I seem to lose pounds in clumps rather than steadily like other people. Or it goes ounce by ounce!
  • vsomsouk
    vsomsouk Posts: 8
    I'm in..it's been a while since I've been under the 200lb mark. Let's do it! :)
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    I'm in! Started @ 220 now I'm 215 and my goal is around 150! Everyone feel free to add me as a friend.
  • amber_hanners
    amber_hanners Posts: 388 Member
    i started my journey at 248 lost 32 pounds before joing and 4 while here currently 212 i can not wait to get to 199 i reached my first goal a couple months ago which was a pair of pants next goal is seeing 199 on my scale. anyone can add me as a friend id love more support and to be able to support you
  • allyd75
    allyd75 Posts: 1
    I too am trying to break the 200 mark, currently 212 - no motivation - no will power, so hopefully seeing other people with positive results will spur me on....:happy:
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