Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - March Challenge!!



  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Hey Everyone!!!

    Sorry I have been MIA this weekend and just now getting around to posting today. I spent a lot of time relaxing this weekend and just enjoying the weather. It was super nice here. I didn't workout at all this weekend, which is not a good trend, but sometimes you just need to be lazy!

    This morning I did anohter 2.3 miles, 1 mile running then the rest some intervals. Did anohter 30 seconds at 7 mph to finish it off. Tomorrow is Spin and then on Wednesday I am going to attempt 2.5 straight again. Then Thursday is bootcamp. On Friday the Hubby and are heading up to Philadelphia for a mini-vacation. Our hotel is right near rittenhouse sqaure so I think I might use this weeknd for some exploring runs and my first opportunity to run outside since I have really concentrated on trying to run. Might make for an interesting trip! We will be walking every where we go so I'm not to worried about food and exercise, but I still want to get in some solid cardio workouts including runs. Mondays are my typical weigh-in days, but I got busy and never got around to it, so I think I might just put it off for a couple more weeks. I am using my scale at home on inbetween days if I want to judge where I am out, but otherwise I use the scale at work that does body composition as my official weigh-in weights. I am just hoping at this point to hit 30 lbs lost by the end of March- which is only 2 lbs so I'd be okay with that.

    I am definiely feeling more fit which is an awesome accomplishment and I am trying to stay positive on that aspect and not think about the scale and what I haven't done on it this month. Hope everyone is kicking some serious *kitten* and I will catch up tomorrow!!!

  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    hroush-Congrats on hitting the "onsies"!! Oh...if you feel that you got bumped from the list...please feel free to copy the most up-to-date one and re-add yourself back on!!

    Mike-you are going to want to pick high fiber OR high protein and low calorie foods to get the most bang for your buck. A few options that I recommend are: 90 calorie fiber one bars, or Greek yogart, or low fat cottage cheese.

    Aly-the best advice that I can say to you is to watch your sodium intake, and up your fiber to try to keep ya "regular" before you go :) Good luck!

    eleanor-great job on hitting your March weight goal!!! Super awesome!

    Meag-enjoy your night with Ty!

    Megan-sounds like you are kicking *kitten* with your workouts still!! You are really a great inspiration for me to kick my 5000 calorie goal out of the water for the thanks!!

    AFM-nothing new to post...I am on my rest days now, but seem to be lined up for a great loss on Wednesday....fingers crossed APU (as per usual)!! Only 10 days to go ladies(and gents)!!
  • hippiechel
    hippiechel Posts: 170 Member
    @mkingraham/Megan - i hope you have fun in philly! tell us how it is! good job on being a fitter you : )

    @meagalayne - don't worry about not checking in on this thread. cheer up! things will get better!

    @lostalykat/Aly - i am going to vegas in 10 days and i am trying to look better too! i'm going to cut down on my sugar and i am trying my darndest to work out everyday (let's see if this will happen.. my workouts have dwindled to once a week). tell me how it works out for you! i wanna visit hawaii one day.

    @kbellnurse/Erin - i love tater tots. i would eat them everyday if i could! i like hard licorice but i don't like soft ones. i FINALLY found some hard licorice at this british store mmm ate two pieces today. so good! my ex-bf used to make fun of me and always said that only australians (he went to boarding school in australia) like licorice.

    @cheralicia - ahhh so jealous that you're going to coachella! the day i wanted to buy my ticket, it sold out!!! horrible. i went last year and it was so freaking fun.

    AFM - i weighed in today at 138.8lbs. it's not too bad but i am not going to reach any of my goals for march! which is ok. i wanted to be below 134lbs by the end of this month, but i would be happy with 137lbs! this would be my weight about 10 months ago! yeah i gained about 30lbs in about a year :|

    one of my goals was not to binge. unfortunately, i definitely binged multiple times this month. but i added a new ticker under my signature that counts the number of binge-free days i have in a row. so this gives me motivation not to binge.. if i do, i have to reset my ticker! i have yet to take measurements, but i will probably do so later after work. i don't really feel like i lost any inches even though i have lost weight. : (

    some bad stuff has happened at home and i wish i was home to support my good friend. i feel terrible, useless and guilty that i am no longer home to help my friends in times of need. all i can do is offer words through texting/whatsapp.

    i hope everyone is having a great monday! xo
  • Fitnurse27
    Fitnurse27 Posts: 71 Member
    This weekend didn’t work out the way I was planning. I worked a 12 hour shift Saturday. Then when I got home I ended up having to take my son right back into the hospital to the ER. He has asthma and he was sick so the usual breathing treatments were not cutting it. It’s so scary watching your child struggle to breathe. Then after about 3 hours in the ER, I picked up McDonald’s since we hadn’t eaten supper, and had to wait about 2 hours before we finally got his medication filled, and got back home. I didn’t get to bed until around 11pm and have to wake up at 3:30am to work another 12 hour shift in the morning. I also woke up a couple times between 11 and 3 helping him breathe through the night. Thankfully, he is starting to feel better and his asthma is better controlled. Needless to say, I did not get in my 30 Day shred Saturday or Sunday over the weekend. Sunday when I got off work I fell asleep right away. Then Monday I woke up feeling like I’m getting sick.
    On the plus side the weather here was great yesterday and I did my c25k run outside. I ended up covering about 4 miles because I went around the country block, and I was pretty excited my endurance is picking up! Today I need to try and get in my run again, and it would be nice to do my 30 day shred as well. I will see because I can definitely tell I’m getting sick, and today is my husband’s birthday. We plan on going out tonight, and I plan on allowing myself to go over on my calories.
    Okay enough of the selfish post...
    Lolahippie- I think that’s a good idea to have a binge free ticker. It helps you be a little more accountable to yourself.
    Megan- It sounds like you are doing awesome with your workouts!
    Meag- I’m sorry things aren’t working out well with your job. I hope something new and safe comes up soon for you! In the mean time, be careful!
    Aly- Hawaii is getting so close! That’s so exciting! You are going to have to post some pictures of your time there.
    Melissa- great job completing your 13.1 miles! You rock!
    Jim- I agree with the above advice. I love to eat so I’m trying to work on eating high lean protein, high fiber, and low calorie. Most days it works well for me to stay full.
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Insert selfish post here
    Hey there ladies! I am getting so excited for Hawaii! I was really good with my vegetarian Monday and I also have some more vegetarian meals planned for the week. I feel that when I focus on the veggies and not the meat I eat so much healthier. I am just not used to it so it can be challenging at times. I felt like I ate really healthy yesterday and it was a great start to my next 9 days of super healthy clean eating! I have a swim tonight and then a run in the morning. I am getting my hair done tomorrow evening so I can't run with my team, kind of a bummer but I am really excited to get a new look. I have been fighting headaches again, I think I am dehydrated. Gotta up those electrolytes! I hope everyone is having a good day.

    Thanks for the tips to help slim down I feel like I have this in the bag :)
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Aly- I can't believe you are going to Hawaii soon!! So exciting! Time flies when you are having fun. I'm sure if you keep up the vegetarian meals you will feel and look better! And a new hair do- can't go wrong :)

    rachel- that sucks that your son was so ill. I can't even begin to imagine. I would not worry about missing your 30 day shred at all since you needed to be with your son, take time for him, and try and sleep before another crazy shift! Sometimes it doesn't matter how hard you try life just gets in the way!

    Lola- I will definitely keep you posted on what happens in Philly! I'm excited to walk around and visit all the historical sites along with enjoying time with the Hubby! I need a vacation!

    Tara- as always you keep me pumped up :)

    AFM- I did spin this morning followed by a mini-bootcamp of sqauts, pushups, lunges, situps, and burpees. do each exercise for a total of 3 minutes with 20 seconds on 10 seconds off, AKA KILLLER! Needless to say I burned 700 cals so I get to eat a lot of deliciously healthy food today :) My quads however are on fire! I'm hoping to run more then 2.5 miles tomorrow so hopefully this soreness works itself out and I get some good sleep tonight (i've been tossing and turning lately). Any who- hope everyone is having a great day!!

  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Rachel-sorry to hear about your son...I am a respiratory therapist and we have been getting in a lot of sick kiddos lately, seems to pass pretty quickly though so good luck!

    Megan-great workout!!! I love the bootcamp style WO's...shakes things up a bit!!! I have been struggling to sleep lately too and have noticed sore muscles from the hiking that I have been doing! A good old fashioned hot bath usually helps out with both for me!

    AFM-my WI day is tomorrow...really hoping to see the 130's!!!! :)
  • CaptainJim157
    I've been eating healthier for 2 days in a row, sounds silly to most of you, but I really hope I can stick with this :P ^^
    Hope you lovely ladies are having a fantastic day & I'll stop by later again on here :)
  • NicNac86
    NicNac86 Posts: 130
    rachel - I have asthma, and it is a pain in the backside. All I can say is he probably will get better as he gets older. While my asthma hasn't gone completely (more on this later), it is a heck of a lot better. I don't take preventers every day anymore :smile:

    Onto the selfish bit - I, as in me, went to my first EVER aerobics class last night! My sister-in-law dragged me along and I actually quite enjoyed it. There was a bit of aerobics, some kickboxing and some Zumba moves, I felt completely shattered afterwards! At one point, I did start wheezing and thought I'd have to slow down, but I just calmed myself down, took some deep breaths for a few mins, carried on and finished the full hour - yay me!

    I also lost another 2.2 lbs last week, hoping for another loss this week after my aerobic antics! :happy:
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Morning friends. This group sure has gotten quiet. Well I woke up today with a sore throat, that sucked! I am just glad it happened now and not right before Hawaii. I made this amazing red curry lentil soup. I pretty much followed the recipe here to a T. Except I added kale. squash and carrots and celery. it turned out sooo yummy! I also threw in a chicken apple sausage, I wish I would have had more of the sausage to put in there it really complimented the flavors nicely. Especially since I was feeling sick this was really the Cat's Meow of soups. I have some leftovers for lunch today as well. I am going to wait until I feel better before working out. I don't want to keep myself any sicker before going to Hawaii to do my race. Tonight I am getting my hair done and I brought a PB and J to eat on the way over there. My hair appts take around 3 hours so I need to make sure I eat something right before so I don't feel awful and starving. That is all for me I hope everyone is doing well :)
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I've been eating healthier for 2 days in a row, sounds silly to most of you, but I really hope I can stick with this :P ^^
    Hope you lovely ladies are having a fantastic day & I'll stop by later again on here :)

    You'll be fine Mike! I know you can do it- just go back to planning the day before! You can do this!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Wow, you could drop a pin in here! :noway: What's happening, guys!?!? Just a lull, I hope!

    Anyway I know I am the #1 culprit and I am determined to get back to posting regularly... I have just been really trying to devote time to finishing some things that I have needed to do for a long, long time and knew that posting all my depressing, helpless rants on here wasn't going to make me feel any better. Life's been pretty horrendous the past week or 2, but thankfully today I'm feeling a bit more positive. We've been getting slammed with a snowstorm ALL day, schools are closed, and I'm going to miss Survivor tonight, but otherwise I have been productive and I feel good about it.

    I am absolutely famished today for some reason, but that's another story. Can't wait for dinner! Fooooood! I haven't had any time to try new recipes lately at all. Last night I finally tried the Cracklin' Cauliflower recipe from and it was fabulous! Great side dish and easy to prepare. I lessened the oil and salt a bit, added more peas, but otherwise kept it entirely intact. Recipe source: Give it a try if you need an easy side you can toss in the oven and forget about for 30 mins (with a few stirs).

    I have a list the size of Nebraska that I still want to try, but I'll get around to them sometime. I am really trying to avoid baked goods lately but it seems like they are EVERYWHERE - and Ty really doesn't help. Good god that boy loves his cookies and muffins and biscotti. He's always buying some kind of snack when we go for coffee, which I always politely decline a taste or, and he seems to always be interested in baking something or having some kind of cereal/granola/cookie/etc. Sigh - I guess it just feels like I say "no" a lot. It gets tiring after a while. He wants to make muffins since we haven't done that and I told him I'd happily make some but that we could just leave them at his place because I wouldn't want any... I'm sure that comes off sounding really judgmental, but isn't it better than outright refusing to make them with him? I'm not even sure anymore...

    On the running front, I ran 4.5miles yesterday at 9:51 and it felt great, until I stopped. Then my foot THROBBED all day. Today I just feel weird - My body hurts like a mother and everything aches. It seems like I just can't recover. It's hard to explain because it's not isolated pain, but even yoga today was really a struggle. Very concerning indeed. My left knee has felt like the tendon or ligament is injured for a few weeks now but I haven't really put much thought into it... Just waiting for it to heal. Who knows! I feel like I'm falling apart some days. Just hoping that soon enough things will heal up and I can get back to running...

    Apart from all that I've just been working a TON and today trying to get my job apps sorted so I can find a legitimate, well-paying job and quit my terrible, dangerous awful one. Fingers crossed. And let me know if you hear of anything :tongue:

    Aly - I *love* curried lentil soup! and this is the recipe that I use as well - I just leave out the chutney and add in more veggies :happy: YUM!

    That's all for me for now. Have to run. Promise to be back to this board sooner rather than later :bigsmile:
    :heart: Meag
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    I'm still here!!

    Nicnac-great job on the loss and getting to a new fun workout!

    Mike-good job on the eating...I agree with Gonks, you CAN do this! stay focused!

    Meag-How ya feelin this afternoon??? TAKE A BREAK!!!! It would truly suck to permanently damage something, please be careful! Otherwise...great job on dealing with the hectic schedule and still gettin in a run (even though)! :)

    AFM- WI was today...not super pumped...I lost the 0.6lbs that I had gained last week, so I have to kick *kitten* this week to reach my March goals now!! :( Although I DO know what happened last week for the gain, I DO NOT know what happened this week for such a small loss??? Hopefully my body will play catch up, as it tends to do on occassion!! I did reach my calories burned goal for the month today though, so I AM pumped about that :)
  • eleanoreb
    eleanoreb Posts: 621 Member
    Meag- Good for you for saying no even if it gets tiring. I feel like when thigsg are there, i cannot resist them.. I can avoid/steer clear, but so easy to be tempted if its there
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Hey everyone! Sorry I have been absent. I got so busy at work and just haven't had a chance to post. I will be MIA until Tuesday because the hubby and I are going on a mini-vacay to Philly!! I'll still be logging in to keep my days logged in going and to track a little bit of food. Otherwise I am just going to have a blast this weekend and not worry about it!!

    Hope you all keep kicking *kitten*!!

  • spellbinder25
    spellbinder25 Posts: 331 Member
    Hello people!!

    I'm having a hard time getting back on track. Went to the gym on Tue & then didn't go yesterday. I plan on going tonight but won't be able to on the weekend. And, I'm not eating healthy either. The past 2 days I ate well till the time I got back home.

    I checked my weight after 4-5 weeks on Tue & the scale did show a loss of 1 lb but I feel like I'm gained inches. I definitely don't want to get back to where I started. So, post this weekend I vow to get back to exercising (running in particular) and eating healthy.

    I also having been reading all your posts either and I will get back to that too on Monday :bigsmile:

    Hope you are all doing well. Have a great weekend!!
  • hippiechel
    hippiechel Posts: 170 Member
    hope everyone is well. i might have gained a pound ah back up to 141.0lbs now. my binging habit is really frustrating and halting to my weight loss. i am going to try to increase my protein intake to see if this helps. going to buy truckloads of tofu after work later. I PRAY FOR STRENGTH TO NOT BUY ANY JUNK FOOD. no cookies. no chips. no baked goods. no chocolate.

    also gonna buy metamucil (psyllium husk) and hopefully that will help with my hunger too. anyone drinks this? is there a limit on how many servings i can consume a day?

    i worked out twice this week so far.. i know it is not a big deal to most of you movers but my couch and i have this relationship and it's so hard for me to leave it. hopefully i get another workout in tonight as well!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    @ lolahippie- Physillium husk is really good for keeping you full. I believe your body will get used to if after a while but I would say only have about 1 tablespoon a day with some sort of juice. I have also heard about it is smoothies, I think it would be better in smoothies. I was drinking it daily when I was doing my cleanse, It does make you feel full/bloated so be prepared. I stopped taking it when I stopped my cleanse. I personally like drinking Kombucha to cleanse my system more. But that is because I was not doing it to keep me full.

    AFM- I am still sick which sucks! I hate being sick! I am trucking along at work just trying to make sure I rest and get better for Hawaii. The good thing is I did not gain weight this week and I am staying at my loss! Yay! I am hoping with being sick and not eating sweets or drinking or anything I should see a loss before my Hawaii trip next week! I really just want to get healthy! Well I hope everyone is doing good and keep on kicking *kitten* peeps!
  • CaptainJim157
    Morning Girls :)
    I have to leave for work in about a half hour, but enjoy your day & I shall tty all later! :D
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Afternoon folks, but morning for me! :bigsmile:

    Well the weekend (mine anyway) is in full swing now which means very little spare time at all... Things have been all around pretty disappointing on the physical front. My body just feels like it's been beaten with a sack of hammers, to be perfectly honest. I feel permanently exhausted and run down these days; I'm dragging my feet at work, can barely carry myself through the day, and my limited circuit workouts are truly pathetic at best. Trying to muster the energy to do 10 push-ups right now is like a olympic feat. Not sure what's going on... Part of me wonders if it's because I'm not working out much and I just need the energy boost. But another part of me has to wonder if there isn't something else going on... Since I haven't (TMI) had my cycle since November, it's pretty clear that my body is under some duress, but I seriously doubt it's from under-nourishment (check my diary if you have any concerns...) I just hope it isn't anymore more serious.

    Food-wise I have been decently good this week. Logging pretty much everything except for the occasional after work snack (yea, ok... confession! I had some raw peanuts and chocolate chips last night before bed :blushing: ) and making pretty healthy choices all around. This weekend will be somewhat interesting, just on account of how busy we are and trying to navigate meals with Tyler once again... It never ends :laugh:

    Weighed-in this morning officially at my lowest adult weight EVER. 123lbs - Very low indeed. My Wii Fit told me that my "ideal" weight (for my height) is 142.0lbs... I remember 142lbs. It wasn't pretty. But this morning, 123lbs doesn't feel pretty either. I feel incredibly weak and generally unhealthy. Just too low for comfort. The graph is now showing the "underweight" line about 8lbs from where I am at... Definitely too close. I am not sure if it's a matter of just eating more, or eating differently, but I'll have to figure it out. Have an appt with a GP FINALLY next Thursday so I am hoping that we can discuss some of these issues and figure out a good plan for me - on MY terms. And no, it will not be a high-carb diet :laugh:

    Aly - Hate being sick! Thankfully it doesn't happen often :) Weren't you and the boy just sick not too long ago? Hope that you are keeping yourself healthy and taking care. Just rest up and get better - Hawaii is right around the corner!

    Mike - Just keep trying to make every day the best day it can be - Good choices all around and be happy with what you've accomplished. Hope work was fun! :happy:

    Lola - Not buying junk and not having it in the house is the *best* way to avoid eating it... I find that it's fairly easy to by-pass things in the store but once they are sitting my cupboard/freezer, they are nearly IMPOSSIBLE to resist. Be strong, girl! You can do it!

    Megan - Enjoy your mini vacay! :bigsmile: Hope you guys have a great time!

    Spellbinder - Welcome back :flowerforyou: I was wondering where you had gone, missy! :tongue: Great loss and hoping you had a great weekend. You can get back on track, no problems. Just one day at a time!

    Tara - Great job reaching your cals burned for the month! And with an entire week left as well - I guess you underestimated your own resolve! Wonderful job lady :drinker:

    Take care everyone and enjoy your weekends! :heart: