Team UK - March 2011



  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    I used to come on here a year or so ago to lose the baby weight, I lost it but then had anoher baby so am back with the same problem but lso carrying a fair bit of 'eating due to stress trying to juggle it all! Baby now 6 weeks, been back on MFP 2 weeks and lost 8 lb already :-)

    Look forward to getting to know you/ seeing more of some names I recognise from last time around!
  • Midgetgem74
    Midgetgem74 Posts: 40 Member
    Hello again...sooo many posts since I first said hello! I can see I may find it difficult keeping up with everyone!

    Just wanted to say hello again and share that I lost 4lbs at my weigh in tonight so over the moon with that loss as it means 8.5lbs in 2 weeks woo hoo!!!!!

    Loving the nice weather we have at the moment too! Has helped me stay healthy this week as I actually wanted salads and fruits!
  • mickyloo
    mickyloo Posts: 9 Member
    Well done to everyone who has lost weight ..... oh and that includes me !!!! I braved the scales on Tuesday and had lost 2lb, it's not much but it's a loss. In 25 days I have managed to lose a total of 5lb which considering I have been ill and cheating is a flippin miracle for me!!!

    As you can tell I'm a lot more positive (at the mo) and feeling good ..... come on everyone, keep it up, you're all winners !!!!
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Thank you for your kind words of support. Yes the very sudden onset of male cold feet syndrome has literally floored me it was so unexpected. :frown: I'm travelling up on Friday for us to "talk" but part of me fears it'll be a "it's not you, it's me" talk, and I really didn't see this coming at all.

    Take it from someone who knows.... it's better he gets cold feet now before you spend THOUSANDS! Mine got cold feet a few days AFTER our wedding, and my marriage lastd a whole 2 weeks before we split up!

    You seem to be a lovely person, but you have to ask yourself, do I really want to be with someone who could hurt me like this... harsh, I know, but it's one of these things

    I just got dumped by text!! After 2 years. :huh:

    The usual "it's not you it's me" "I am selfish, too much of a loner", "you deserve better", bla bla bla :mad: :explode: :devil:

    I told him he can tell me this face to face when I come to pick up my stuff when I go up there, and if it's the last thing I do.

    I am so angry and upset. What a spineless ****. :sad:
  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    Thank you for your kind words of support. Yes the very sudden onset of male cold feet syndrome has literally floored me it was so unexpected. :frown: I'm travelling up on Friday for us to "talk" but part of me fears it'll be a "it's not you, it's me" talk, and I really didn't see this coming at all.

    Take it from someone who knows.... it's better he gets cold feet now before you spend THOUSANDS! Mine got cold feet a few days AFTER our wedding, and my marriage lastd a whole 2 weeks before we split up!

    You seem to be a lovely person, but you have to ask yourself, do I really want to be with someone who could hurt me like this... harsh, I know, but it's one of these things

    I just got dumped by text!! After 2 years. :huh:

    The usual "it's not you it's me" "I am selfish, too much of a loner", "you deserve better", bla bla bla :mad: :explode: :devil:

    I told him he can tell me this face to face when I come to pick up my stuff when I go up there, and if it's the last thing I do.

    I am so angry and upset. What a spineless ****. :sad:

    I'm so sorry backinthenines :angry: sending you a hug! No offence to any men on here, but sometimes you don't half suck!!
  • fimm
    fimm Posts: 191 Member
    backinthenines, I'm sorry about your relationship troubles.

    I seem to have developed muscles in my lower stomach. I guess they always were there, but there's less fat covering them now. I'm thinking about when I eat, and am concluding I nead a bigger breakfast and less nibbling later in the day!
  • Annerea
    Annerea Posts: 104
    Thank you for your kind words of support. Yes the very sudden onset of male cold feet syndrome has literally floored me it was so unexpected. :frown: I'm travelling up on Friday for us to "talk" but part of me fears it'll be a "it's not you, it's me" talk, and I really didn't see this coming at all.

    Take it from someone who knows.... it's better he gets cold feet now before you spend THOUSANDS! Mine got cold feet a few days AFTER our wedding, and my marriage lastd a whole 2 weeks before we split up!

    You seem to be a lovely person, but you have to ask yourself, do I really want to be with someone who could hurt me like this... harsh, I know, but it's one of these things

    I just got dumped by text!! After 2 years. :huh:

    The usual "it's not you it's me" "I am selfish, too much of a loner", "you deserve better", bla bla bla :mad: :explode: :devil:

    I told him he can tell me this face to face when I come to pick up my stuff when I go up there, and if it's the last thing I do.

    I am so angry and upset. What a spineless ****. :sad:

    I'm so sorry backinthenines but he sounds like a spineless &*^%. Doesn't mean it doesn't hurt though, lots of hugs!!
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    Oh no, Backinthenines, you poor thing, what an arsey way to do this, god you must be fuming. And I'm sure very sad as well.
    I don't know what to say to make you feel better, I feel for you though I really do, no one deserves to be treated like this. :mad:

    On everyone else, congrats on the losses, well done! I'm doing just fine as well, am still grinning about my smaller dress size, I didn't realise how good this would make me feel. Wish I'd been shown MFP years ago. Although maybe it's not MFP per se, but just a mindset I needed to reach or something.

    It's "come done with me" in the creche today, which means I'll be eating my lunch there, with my two girls. Chicked goujons and wedges probably, haha.
  • Midgetgem74
    Midgetgem74 Posts: 40 Member
    Backinthenines so sorry about your relationship break up Big hugs and hope the get together isn't too stressful.

    Hello everyone else xxxxx
  • pj_writer
    pj_writer Posts: 107 Member
    hello again
    I keep forgetting to come and check this thread and join in - I must try harder!
    I'm having a good month. I've managed to stick to my calorie goal nearly every day, even at the weekends when it usually goes a bit tits up.
    I've been doing loads of exercise too and have started doing a lot more strength training than I've ever done before and am noticing a real difference. In about 2/3 weeks I lost 1% of body fat and an inch of my waist. Hurrah! One step closer to a bikini this summer :bigsmile:

    Today though I've woken up with a temperature and a cough so am very annoyed that I will probably need to take a few days off exercising, certainly cardio anyway :frown:

    What are peoples opinions on a bit of gentle weight training while feeling rough? I don't want to lose all the muscle I've gained, but also don't want to make myself more ill!

    well done to everyone who's had a good month, keep at it :drinker:
  • fimm
    fimm Posts: 191 Member
    The usual advice I read on training when feeling a bit ill is "if it is above the neck then you are OK to train (if you feel like it) but if it is below the neck then you shouldn't train".
  • pj_writer
    pj_writer Posts: 107 Member
    The usual advice I read on training when feeling a bit ill is "if it is above the neck then you are OK to train (if you feel like it) but if it is below the neck then you shouldn't train".

    thanks, yes I've read that too.
    It's definitely below the neck sadly... I thought weights might be OK though as long as I don't get too out of breath or put hy heart rate up too much?
    I'm not very good at resting :tongue:

    I have had the day off today though so maybe I'll get used to it :ohwell:
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    Thank you for your kind words of support. Yes the very sudden onset of male cold feet syndrome has literally floored me it was so unexpected. :frown: I'm travelling up on Friday for us to "talk" but part of me fears it'll be a "it's not you, it's me" talk, and I really didn't see this coming at all.

    Take it from someone who knows.... it's better he gets cold feet now before you spend THOUSANDS! Mine got cold feet a few days AFTER our wedding, and my marriage lastd a whole 2 weeks before we split up!

    You seem to be a lovely person, but you have to ask yourself, do I really want to be with someone who could hurt me like this... harsh, I know, but it's one of these things

    I just got dumped by text!! After 2 years. :huh:

    The usual "it's not you it's me" "I am selfish, too much of a loner", "you deserve better", bla bla bla :mad: :explode: :devil:

    I told him he can tell me this face to face when I come to pick up my stuff when I go up there, and if it's the last thing I do.

    I am so angry and upset. What a spineless ****. :sad:

    oh no thats awful. sending you lots of big hugs. you deserve a lot better x
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    Drrrrumroll... I've reached a major milestone! Today in the office, I'm wearing trousers size 12. A SIZE 12!! I cannot even remember when i last was that size! And I'm not even suffocating, which is a bonus. Oh and I also wear a smaller cupsize bra, wahay!

    oh wow! well done you! i love it when clothes fit again!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    hi chaps
    weigh in for me tomorrow! im nervous! lol. either its TOM or im just being piggy as ive been starving all week! I'll see how i do tomorrow, im tempted to cut down to 0.5lbs or 1lbs loss per week as i only want to lose 4 more lbs.

    Ive just been really frustrated with myself but then today ive had a lightbulb moment! I have actually got to my goal, ( ive just reset it to a lower one) so i need to chill out and enjoy the new me! I am much more confident in my body then i have ever been! surely it shouldnt matter much what the blooming scales say!!
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    Lynz, have you ever tried pilates? I'm doing this three months or so and I love it! Have to be honest, I don't like exercising and sweating, but this is quite gentle, and you won't believe how much my stomach area has improved.

    Lesley you're looking great! And I just can't believe you stayed within the calories, that's dedication for you!

    Irns, get well soon!

    I'm back on track again after my little bender this weekend in London, not even that hard to get back, MFP really doe suit me.

    The only thing here that confuses me sometimes are all the contradictory threads about the minimum amount of calories you should be eating. Guess I just stick to the 1230 that I currently get on here, just hope I won't go in that dreaded "starvation mode" (buzz word of this forum it seems)

    Must admit Ive never tried pilates so will take a look on youtube this weekend and ive it a bash!

    Spent 7 hours shopping today!! :noway: worked out 3 hours was constant walking - burned over 800 calories while shopping BONUS!! Bought a size 14 bikini for holiday - very scary because I know Im not quite size 14 in that area yet and know my confidence isnt there to wear a bikini while I still have a belly BUT Im using this as an incentive to make myself get into that bikini at the end of June! fingers crossed!
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    I used to come on here a year or so ago to lose the baby weight, I lost it but then had anoher baby so am back with the same problem but lso carrying a fair bit of 'eating due to stress trying to juggle it all! Baby now 6 weeks, been back on MFP 2 weeks and lost 8 lb already :-)

    Look forward to getting to know you/ seeing more of some names I recognise from last time around!

    Welcome back shoppie :smile:
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Happy Friday everyone. I'm loving this sunny weather, I'm sure I'm solar powered, I have so much more energy and am more positive when the sun comes out. Slight downside is that I managed to get sunburn on my shoulders whilst sitting outside for lunch! Shame the weather forecast says the warm weather is going to end tomorrow :-(
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Sadly it wasn't a happy Friday here...

    Spent day with my now-ex boyfriend with both of us in tears and working our way throught half a bog rolls worth of snot.

    So we're no longer an item. He says he's "just not in love with me". Says there's no one else and I believe him.

    The reason he took the best part of 2 years to work this out was because everything else was so perfect, we're best friends, we never row, have the same interests, his family love me, his friends love me, we are very well suited personality wise and just get on so well, he says he loves me, cares for me deeply and does fancy me... just not "in love" with me... no butterflies for him.

    Seems crazy to give up so much to chase "butterflies". :brokenheart:

    I'm not really angry with him. He knew the text was a spineless thing to do but when I was there it was clear this was just as hard on him.

    Now I need to get my head together and start eating again. :frown:
  • emlov81
    emlov81 Posts: 128
    Sad news:frown: back in the nines, hope you feel better about it all soon!!!

    Just do what you can when you can.....:smile: