

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hi Ladies

    I'm just about to leave for the hospital ready for my surgery tomorrow and wanted to pop in before I go.

    I will be giving my DH my phone before I go to surgery and he has instructions to check in daily, but I doubt if he'll post anything - who knows where his mind will be.

    Hopefully I will be out of hospital in about a week (god willing) and will be able to report back 'for duty' soon after that. Until then, take care my friends.

    Love to you all.

    Amanda x
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone,

    Amanda I pray that your surgery goes well. I'll be thinking about you.

    I actually had a good day yesterday and stayed within my calories. I finally got on the scale to see what the number was and I think that alone helped me. I heard it once said that before you can move forward you have to "Own the Number". So if any of you have been ignoring the scale, just get on it!

    Hope you all have a good day.

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Amanda, sending positive thoughts and energy your way. Much love as well.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    good morning ladies,
    Amanda good luck on your surgery. prayers coming your way.
    mama cindy I do avoid the scale like the plague. thanks for the reminder. still doing well. will check in later. thanks for all of the words of encouragement you guys send me each and every day. I need to get better at that.
    vicki M
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Hi Ladies

    I'm just about to leave for the hospital ready for my surgery tomorrow and wanted to pop in before I go.

    I will be giving my DH my phone before I go to surgery and he has instructions to check in daily, but I doubt if he'll post anything - who knows where his mind will be.

    Hopefully I will be out of hospital in about a week (god willing) and will be able to report back 'for duty' soon after that. Until then, take care my friends.

    Love to you all.

    Amanda x

    Prayers that all goes well, Amanda. We are all thinking of you!
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Prayers and :flowerforyou: ! You are in our thoughts!
  • maxymom
    maxymom Posts: 35 Member
    Amanda, :flowerforyou: Praying for you. hope you have the very best results!

    :tongue: Can't believe how much sodium tomato soup has in it!

    Grabbit, :flowerforyou: I looked at you food diary, and even your party day was good.:smile: I only weigh myself once a week, on Wednesday morning after I go to the bathroom but before breakfast. To weigh myself more makes me grrrr. As you can see I am new here, and I haven't lost much so probably should keep my mouth shut, but.... I didn't expect any magic wand here. Before I started this month, I was even gradually gaining weight. And some people have a lot of water weight, and that comes off faster. I believe my extra lbs are solid lard! They certainly look like it. :grumble: But I'm not giving up! Stick in there with me:smile:

    :flowerforyou: Sweet ladies, I missed my walk cuz my lawn was being mowed and I had to keep my doggies in and quiet. Going to try for 30 minutes now, even though its pretty warm and humid.
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Its an UGLY JOURNEY for me, so slow, I am keeping on task with the diary, entering all that I eat.
    Taking my dog to the hospital for her pet therapy visits (she is a papillon), and then coming back and riding 30 minutes.
    Nice day here, 75 and sun (AZ)...just frustrated, no signs of that darn scale moving... started March 7.
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Can't believe my exercise yesterday was shoveling snow. :sad: I know it is early in the season but with 3 bridges closed because of flooding and more coming I am done with winter. Today is sunny but not warm. I am wearing a sweatshirt and dreaming of cute summer wear.

    Really only checking in to add my prayers and hugs to Amanda for her surgery and a quick recovery.

    Wishing everyone else a healthy day.

  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    I did well on eating again yesterday, not so well on exercise. It’s a process. But I did go to the evening church service and the singles social group at the local church last night. Another evening out for me. Heavens!

    The social turned out to be an ice cream social. I wouldn’t have gone if I’d known. After I found out, I thought I’d leave early but got so busy talking, I stayed ‘til almost 10 pm. Feels good.

    My weight’s bopping on down. Gotta figure fluid retention was a big part of the gain. If I see a big loss on Friday’s official weigh-in, I’ll know it’s not all (or even mostly) fat, but I’ll still take it. I’ll be celebrating when I get below my lowest of a month or so ago.

    I got my tortilla press yesterday. It was a big help in getting my tortillas just the right, uniform, thickness. And, it looks cool!

    This morning, I wrapped my asparagus in my yummy homemade (did I mention they’re so easy, it’s embarrassing?) corn tortillas along with some salsa, a little feta, and some scrunched up egg. Delicious! I enjoyed every bite. Thanks, Maxy, for the tip about the salsa.

    Natalie, keep on truckin’. If you are eating less and/or exercising more than you were before, the law of physics (or something like that lol) says you will lose weight. If you aren’t doing it already, you might try weighing your food instead of measuring. Weighing works MUCH better for me – and it’s easier too.

    …just read your post about the delish dinner at the party. Eating at parties is the hardest thing I think. Without measuring or weighing what you eat, it’s hard to estimate the calories correctly. It gets me every time!

    I still haven’t replaced my little food scale (it’s the highest-rated one on Amazon and only $25) and I miss it. It works once in a while, which keeps me hoping but I’m going to have to give in pretty soon and get a new one. Be careful not to get the bottom wet. The battery contacts on mine corroded.

    Shirley, you’ve done a fantastic job losing 19 pounds. I’m so jealous thinking of you on the beach (but I’m glad you get to go). It’s seriously raining here with temps in the 30’s. I’ll try to remember when I’m complaining because the temp’s over 100 this summer!

    Michelle, I hope Bonnie’s feeling better by now. You are the exercise queen!

    Marilyn, good job!

    Robin, congrats on the drop. It was just waitin’ there. Sneaky thing.

    98, congrats on a fabulous day. You did a great job.

    Maxy, congrats on great progress. You’re making it work. BTW, I’m practicing that nose wrinkle. I think I about have it perfected!

    Vicki, I was using oil, which helped a lot, but have cut that out for a short time to get my calories down. (Plus, I ran out of olive oil, which is my favorite!) I’ll add it back in soon. I was a big salt eater and have gone cold turkey in cutting it out. It’s an adjustment. I’ll try the garlic. I love garlic. I think using other seasonings is going to be the key.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: Amanda, I just saw your post. You may be in the hospital already. You are a treasure and I’ll miss you while you’re gone. I am thinking about you and praying for good, speedy healing. :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Cindy, congrats on a good day. You are right about getting on the scale and owning it. I was stuck until I owned my weight and posted it on my ticker. That pushed the “on” button for me again.
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Just catching up on reading through the logs. I don't know where all of the time goes.

    Barbie- I liked your comment regarding perhaps it's not so bad having a weight issue when you look around and see the problems other people are battling. I get so angry when I see skinny people chowing down and I eat my tiny bit. But, I am otherwise healthy, and have 3 beautiful healthy daughters. I guess I have a lot going for me.

    Grabbit- hang in there. This age thing has a lot to do with the weight struggle. Just keep on logging your calories and exercise as much as you can. Don't give up.

    Cindy= Nice to see your husband has accepted the challenge. I wish my husband would move off of the couch.

    Robin, that wine sounded so good that I think I will open a bottle tonight. Just one glass won't be bad!

    VickiM- So nice to see your husband goes to the gym with you. If I waited for my husband, I would never get there! He recently was given medication for type-2 diabetes. He is trying to watch his diet and has given up sweets, but he is always too tired or too sore to exercise.

    Amanda- good luck on your surgery

    Maximom- Unbelievable how much sodium is in tomato soup. I broke down yesterday and had a small glass of tomato juice for breakfast, and certainly was lots of sodium there too. Oh, but it tasted so good.

    As part of my exercise today, I shoveled snow for an hour. I had hoped that we had seen the last of the snow for the year, but yesterday we got hit with about 7 inches. Fortunately, the sun is out today, so it was pretty nice out there. It's hard to believe that last week, I took the dog to the park for a run/walk three times. Hopefully this will be the end of the white stuff.

    Several years ago I had lasik surgery on my eyes. My distance vision after surgery was great, but with age the lose vision has been getting worse, requiring a contact lens or glasses for close vision. Tuesday I had surgery again, to help correct the close vision. There is a procedure now offered in Canada that is called blended vision. I can now see both far and near. I am pretty excited about it. Time to go put drops in my eyes!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Amanda: Good luck on your surgery. Hope all goes well. :flowerforyou:

    Today had lunch with an old cooworker, trying to keep in touch because she is near
    to where I work. I had a vege pizza, one slice, with water. Not too bad and I enjoyed
    it thoroughly. I don't eat pizza anymore , just on rare occasions.

    Well we had our snow storm yesterday, I was running errands with my car and
    it was very slippery. Did my exercises with Yoga and Dance 2 and sweated up a storm.
    Only way to get rid of the toxins that build up. :tongue:

    Have a wonderful day ladies!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member

    I like the image of you, sans many layers of winter clothing, at the dog park. :wink: I wish Izzy were just a little bigger. I’d worry about her at a dog park. Maybe they have a park for little dogs?!

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Mimi, our dog park is divided into two areas----one for large dogs and one for small dogs
    the small dog park has bichons, chihuahuas, ****zus, schnauzers, pekingese, skippekees, toy and mini poodles, and a lot of other small dogs.......there is a chain link fence between the two areas so often the large and small dogs play with each other by racing up and down on their own sides of the fence or sniffing through the fence......you and I and Izzy, Brandy, and Sasha could have a great time together except for the 800 mile distance between us :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: and Barb could drive up with Mai Li, Pepper, and Bradley:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies, hope all is well here,

    AMANDA, best of luck and speedy recovery!!

    NATALIE, I have a papillon too, and she has thrown her back out twice now, too fast of a runner for the floors in the house. What has your dog going to therapy? I am a bigger fan of larger dogs, however Buttons' has a huge personality that hides her little body, I really don't know how that all fits into that little suit. Hope all goes well for you, hang in there on your diet, I have been yo yo for so long now I have given up on "when I get there", substituting for " when it starts to work". Just knowing I am behaving each day gives me the strength to carry on, cheating only puts me behind a week or two. Not for me no more.

    Exercises started, and it felt soooo goood!! Have to work without weights for now until I can get my lower abs to work without me having to make them work. My physio says that the upper abs are talking to the lower to make them work, however the lower abs are not talking to anything. So this is going to be a long, long journey There is one example ladies that may be a hold up for some, check out the body, maybe a part or two is not talking!!!

    Okay ladies I have to go, need to get to bed really early tonight, work tomorrow.

  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Our Papillon, ZOEY, is 7 years old, a tri color, and she is a THERAPY DOG, who I take to the local hospital 2x a week to do visits, and also go to the Cancer Treatment center of America 2x a month.
    I did upper body with 5 lb weights about 30 minutes ago.. does anyone have a web site to go to for that...upper body with weights...
    Did 10 repetitions 1x, will work up to 20 slowly. Better than nothing, and so far have drank 6 glasses of water... will drink 2 more soon.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Mimi, our dog park is divided into two areas----one for large dogs and one for small dogs
    the small dog park has bichons, chihuahuas, ****zus, schnauzers, pekingese, skippekees, toy and mini poodles, and a lot of other small dogs.......there is a chain link fence between the two areas so often the large and small dogs play with each other by racing up and down on their own sides of the fence or sniffing through the fence......you and I and Izzy, Brandy, and Sasha could have a great time together except for the 800 mile distance between us :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: and Barb could drive up with Mai Li, Pepper, and Bradley:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Bodi wants to drive over and play too.
  • icubsn98
    icubsn98 Posts: 32 Member
    Amanda--Been on an all day business trip, so I may have missed you , but will be praying for a speedy recovery.

    Hello everyone, hope your mornings started off better than mine.Nothing serious, just one minor irritation after another until it got ridiculous and I started laughing instead of crying or screaming. Things smoothed out by 10:00 and it was a very busy productive day. I was making my monthly hospital onsite visit my review findings. Packed my meals for breakfast and lunch since I leave my home at 5:00 a.m. and walk back in around 630 p.m. Stayed within my calories and made good choices except for the full fat salad dressing. But I use very little. I did not get any purposeful exercise in, but my onsite visit always include over a mile in heels, lol---does that count!
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    It's great to read all the posts. I can relate to so many of them. Really looking that the good carbs versus empty carbs I have in my day and getting back to really measuring the water intake are two things I see that need my attention. I did get back to the gym yesterday after being sick and it was definitely a tough workout for me. I also taught my yoga class last night and I think that helped. I would love to get my husband off the couch more too but after trying to get him to come to the gym with me for a long time, I decided that I had to go to the gym for me. I do worry because I see him getting older and stiffer.
    I spent a part of yesterday and most of today getting ready to go for our income tax appointment. I get so mad at myself that I leave all the organizing to a few days before the appt instead of spending a few extra minutes every month entering things into the areas that our tax person uses. Today I thought I would be finished in a couple of hours.....five hours later....

    Yesterday my friend and I had lunch and the surprise for me was my old boss showed up. We went to Panera and I had planned ahead what I would order (online nutrition is a great thing). Our whole dept just put on a big conference in Florida. We got home on Sunday and on Monday we got the call that the dept was no more. It was such a shock and my boss (who is a wonderful person) really took it hard. It was wonderful to see her but it was also very sad. Lots of emotion..... I noticed that when I got home I thought I was hungry and when I thought about it I knew it was an emotional response to the afternoon.
    Between the tax prep and yesterday afternoon made me think that I need to go read/reread some of the Geneen Roth books. She has a new one out about Food and Money.....

    Have a good night, all.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Our dog caught the fattest mouse I have ever seen. It was a mouse and not a rat. Peggy just caught it, scared it and let it go. Itcouldn't turn back over and run. I know we should have taken care of it, but I had my son put it in the National Forrest. Hopefully, out in the National Forrest he/she can get more exercise and get rid of that extra weight.

    Hubby is going to PT or the doctor's about his back almost every day this past week. I don't think I told you, but he hurt his back breaking up a fight where he teaches. While he was trying to pull one girl off of another a third girl jumped on his back trying to help her friend (who was the aggressor) get away. But the girl jumped on the girl that was down again instead of running away. So both aggressors got caught and the girl getting beat up got saved and my hubby's back got torn up again.

    So, hardly any time for exercise or home cooked meals, but I am staying under or very close to 1200 calories a day. Just don't ask about the sodium count.

    Have a great evening,

  • mrsanderson404
    Amanda...prayers and good wishes for a speedy recovery!

    Bad news....I caved into my old ways and because I needed a fast meal on the run, and the commercial enticed me last night, I drove through Mcdonalds and got a Big Mac Meal....sigh....it's been a REALLY long time since I'd had one. Now it's just sitting in my stomach like a lump and I've learned a good lesson.

    Good news....I logged it into my diary anyway and while I went over my calories by just under 300...I'm under on my carbs!!! LOL