Current 140; Goal 115



  • prila13
    prila13 Posts: 222 Member
    I am feeling so much better today. I even went walking and I used my calorie counter/heart rate counter that my fiance so graciously bought me. I managed to walk 2 miles today. :) But, I had to rest for about 20 minutes in between the 2 miles. And, I walked at a slower pace than normal. But, my daily routine is getting back to normal after my back injury. I'm so happy to be able to slowly ease back into my workouts. I hope this progress continues without and further injury. I'm going to do the best I can do prevent it. I'm not over doing it for a while. I'm even putting off getting back to doing JM 30DS. Just simple walking for now.

    Until next time...
  • happybunnysbabe57
    happybunnysbabe57 Posts: 191 Member
    good luck
  • stephnsuarez
    stephnsuarez Posts: 68 Member
    Hey! I am very interested in your story! I am about to turn 21, I'm 5'2 at 135 lbs right now...hoping to get to 115 by summer but my ULTIMATE goal is 110. Seems we are on the same track! Good luck to you!!! And hope your back is better :)
  • prila13
    prila13 Posts: 222 Member
    Thank you stephnsuarez!

    I wish you the best on your goal. It takes time and we all get set back sometimes. But, we must never give up.

    And, a BIG thank you to all that are supporting me. It means so much.
  • ontheskinnyroad
    ontheskinnyroad Posts: 205 Member
    this is a great blog. keep up the good work u are on the right track!
  • prila13
    prila13 Posts: 222 Member
    I don't expect to lose any weight this week because of TOM. But next week is another story. I'm going to weigh in Sunday. Maybe by then, TOM will have passed and I can get my true weight. But I can tell that my jeans are not fitting as snug as they usually do. So, that's a plus.
  • wagn27
    wagn27 Posts: 65
    Thank you so much for posting! I'm also a very short 5' (5 ' 3/4") and I haven't really seen anyone my height and weight posting. It always seems like the people who weigh 140 lbs are 5'6" and to me they look pretty good. It's good to know there is someone out there similar to me and we know how a few extra pounds look on a short person!. Fall of 2009 I was up to my heaviest, 140 lbs, and I'm currently down to 129lbs. I have a lot of trouble sticking to exercise plans and I'm not a very healthy eater so that was a big change for me. My goal is to get down to 115 which was my weight when I graduated high school. Good luck!
  • prila13
    prila13 Posts: 222 Member
    Thank you so much for posting! I'm also a very short 5' (5 ' 3/4") and I haven't really seen anyone my height and weight posting. It always seems like the people who weigh 140 lbs are 5'6" and to me they look pretty good. It's good to know there is someone out there similar to me and we know how a few extra pounds look on a short person!. Fall of 2009 I was up to my heaviest, 140 lbs, and I'm currently down to 129lbs. I have a lot of trouble sticking to exercise plans and I'm not a very healthy eater so that was a big change for me. My goal is to get down to 115 which was my weight when I graduated high school. Good luck!
    We do have a lot in common. My weigh fluctuated between 115-125 when I was in my senior year of high school. Looking back, that was the year I felt my best about myself and was the happiest. I was up to my heaviest back in August of 2009, 165-170. I lost down to 130 by May of 2010 then, I lost my job. I live in the south so around that time, it was harvest season and my dad always gets into gathering watermelons and all that. So, I helped him and managed to stay around 130 until the winter hit. I gained up to 145. I found MFP after my fiance found the app on his phone, that's when I decided to join and do something about the way I felt about myself. That was back in Feb. Since then, I've lost 6 lbs and I'm still going. I want to at least get down to 125. But, my goal is 115.
  • prila13
    prila13 Posts: 222 Member
    Ugh!! I'm so frustrated. My mom & I did my measurements today. And well, while I didn't gain weight over the 2 weeks I was injured, I did gain 3/4 of an inch back. Boooo!!!! I know that still isn't terrible but, I'm not happy about it. It just means I must work harder in the upcoming weeks. I am hoping I lose something by Sunday but, I'm a little discouraged right now. I'm just trying to keep my spirits up somehow but, as you all know, sometimes that can be rough. I do thank all of you that are behind me on my weight loss journey. It means a lot considering I don't have a lot of support from my non-MFP friends.
  • prila13
    prila13 Posts: 222 Member
    I know that I probably post too much on this thread but it's my way of keeping up with myself and what I've done. I keep forgetting we have a blog on this site. It's just much easier to share with everyone by using the forum.

    I'm currently at my brother's house. I stepped on his scale (which always weighs about 3 lbs more than mine) and it said 138 lbs. The last time I stepped on it was before I hurt my back and at that point, it was saying I weighed 140.4. If that's the case, I've lost 2.4 lbs in about 2 weeks. My scales have always been a little lighter anyways. (That's why I use them.) But, I just wanted to share this little bit of info with you all (as well as to keep for a reminder for myself).

    I did L1D1 of Jillian Michael's 30DS today as well as a 1.5 mile walk. I'm not sure how to enter my calories for JM 30DS. (If anyone can help me with that, I'd appreciate it.) I forgot to use my heart rate monitor watch while I was using it. I don't think it would be very accurate considering you do circuit training. (Maybe that is how I should log it!)

    Anyways, until next time...
  • prila13
    prila13 Posts: 222 Member
    I started the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred yesterday. Below are my Day #1 pictures. I'll be posting pictures every 30 days (if able) to keep up with my progress. You all are welcome to join me. :)


  • You are too cute! I love the mp3 player holder you made. And it sounds like you have a supportive honey, that is wonderful. I am going to send you a friend request, I would love to follow your journey!
  • joip
    joip Posts: 39 Member
    Hi there, I'm in the same boat as you. short and around 145lbs. Goal weight is 115 lbs. I would love to know what you're doing to get to the goal. do you have any diet or exercise plan?
  • it looks like your only problem area is your stomach, and im in the same boat with ya!!! I really hope you lose it because I know what thats like.

    I have heard from so many people that belly fat just has to do with your diet so I became a vegetarian and it seems to be working good for me. Also, theres the Atkins diet which has a 2 week starter period where people have lost up to 10 lb.s! its high protein so its the lesser of dangerous diets but it might be worth looking in to.

    I wish you soo much luck!! You can do it *quotes Rob Schneider" :)
  • etpx3
    etpx3 Posts: 147 Member
    the best advice i could give is to NOT give up! I'm saying this from experience...I start to get frustrated because i don;t see results and get real impatient..just keep your head up and keep on keeping on! =) you can def do it! can't wait to see those results =)))
  • prila13
    prila13 Posts: 222 Member
    @ joip: I'm not following a diet specifically. I just try to watch my calories and my carbs as well. I find if I keep my calories and carbs under my goal set by MFP, I lose about 2 lbs per week. As for exercise, I just do what's fun. I walk up to 1.5 miles per day 6x per week. Soon, I'll be increasing that to 2 miles. I have several workout dvds that my mom gathered over a couple of years when she was into exercising more. I do those when I feel like it. I also use my little sister's Wii Just Dance on occasion. I just recently started Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I have seen such great results from people on it, I felt like trying it out.

    @ fallenmack1989: Ugh, tell me about it. My belly. I hate it! I have that area and love handles. I've been trying anything I can to lose it. I'm a picky eater so it's a challenge.

    @ eptx3: Thank you! I've been working on it for over a month and I'm not giving up. 6 lbs lost so far makes me feel like I can do it for sure. As long as I have all the wonderful people here at MFP, I know I can do it.
  • dailyorange
    dailyorange Posts: 128
    Hey just wanted to say hi and lend some support on your weight loss. I loved reading your story, keeps me motivated to keep trying my best! Good luck on the 30 day shred. I've been meaning to try it as I saw so many successes around the forums too. My only advice is to never let a bad day get to you. There have been days when things just don't go my way. I give it a couple of days and things are back on track. Will be checking in to see your progress =)
  • prila13
    prila13 Posts: 222 Member
    Thank you dailyorange! I'm proud to report that I've lost 1 more pound (7 lbs. total) and 0.5 inches since my last weigh-in/measurements. (That's 6.25 inches) All of this since Feb. 9, 2011. Most people lose more in that span of a time but I'm glad for what I have lost. I will continue to work on losing more as well. That's a BMI decrease of approx. 27.3% to 26.0% according to the calculator here on MFP.
  • prila13
    prila13 Posts: 222 Member
    I'm not sure if any of my posts and things that I'm doing are helping to motivate anyone or inspire anyone to do the same but, I enjoy posting on here and sharing my story. It helps me keep myself motivated. I like to think I might be helping someone out there in some small way. With that said, I'm starting a new routine of trying to get up before 10am and doing part 1 of a short Leslie Sansone video ( ) then at night about an hour or 2 before bed, I do part 2 of that video. It's equivilant to a 2 mile walk. That way, in case I wasn't able to workout like regular, I am still getting in some form of exercise. It's all a lifestyle change! LOL But, I'm loving it.
  • prila13
    prila13 Posts: 222 Member
    I managed to get in an extra walk today and I still have part 2 of Leslie Sansone walk video to do before bed. I have an interview tomorrow for a job. Hopefully I can impress them and get it. I also managed to drink 4 8 oz glasses of water today. (For me, that's quite a lot.) I'm heading now to do a little studying in my anatomy class, video chat with my BFF and Nephew in NC then go take a shower and hopefully, go to bed early tonight so I won't be groggy for my interview tomorrow.
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