30 Day Shred Buddy Group: Shredded by Easter! Join Here!



  • stred321
    stred321 Posts: 48
    I am in! need to buy some weights today so I will start tomorrow! Am VERY excited!!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • busygirl1
    busygirl1 Posts: 217
    I will join! I did a shred thread about a month ago and it was really inspirational. I was thinking of doing the Shred again more for the fact that having to keep that appointment with Jillian every day made me focus a lot more of my food and healthy choices in other areas of my life. I lost 5cm off my waist aswell which was nice although i think I have now put a couple back on :0( I am going to do it right now, thanks for the nudge:drinker:
  • Suebepinkydoo
    Suebepinkydoo Posts: 32 Member
    I will join in please! wont be starting until Monday though as still waiting for my copy... Am looking forward to it :)
  • fantastic! i'll post my starting weight tomorrow morning when i get up. this afternoon i did my first workout of the 30 day shred. it really kicked my butt!

    When you did it the first time did you keep up with weighing in and measuring? I'd like your take on whether I should keep doing those or if I should wait.

    this is my first time doing it-so its new to me too! I'm also new to MFP. I try not to weigh myself more than once a week - and since i started MFP on 2/20 i have not taken new measurements. i think i will this morning though - just so i can track the difference w/ adding the 30DS to my routine.
  • prila13
    prila13 Posts: 222 Member
    I finished D2L1 today. My rest day is tomorrow. I give myself 2 rest days per week. Good luck to everyone and I can't wait to hear about everyone's results.
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    What happened? did everyone give up?? :ohwell:
  • Jenni268
    Jenni268 Posts: 202 Member
    No, ma'am!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Finished Level 2 Day 2 yesterday! I'm still deciding whether or not today is going to be a rest day! I ran around all morning with my family so I'm kinda bushed! I usually take 2 days off a week so my body doesn't burn out! But I never do two consecutive days off!!! I'm excited for the next few weeks to see some more results!
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    Good to hear! I am on L1 D6 and I am still feeling sore HA!
  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    Level 1 Day 5 here. I'm feeling much stronger already. I'm super happy i can now seem to get through all the pushups (easier style, but i couldnt before)!! For me, this seems huge!

    Still struggling on the first series of cardio...has anyone got to level 2?. Is it that much harder? I'm wondering if i should have an extended stay on level 1. I'm not too sore, i just can't seems to get throught hat section without resting a bit in the middle.

    Hope everyone is having success. :)
  • regentin
    regentin Posts: 60
    I'm in!! I've done it for 3 days, but not in a row. Starting tomorrow, I will do it everyday for 30 days!!
  • Did my first 30 shred work out today! I feel soo good! Gonna try to go on a walk tonight too.
  • youngtweezy
    youngtweezy Posts: 183
    If you're still accepting people, I'm in!
  • I am on Day 4 Level. 2 I am in. I am trying to do it consistently.
  • chantel111184
    chantel111184 Posts: 124 Member
    Have done 7 days of 30 day shred level 1 have weighed myself today have lost 2lbs havn't measured myself yet but will do after i finish level 1 to see if any change. Struggled day 1,2 of level 1 but now really enjoy it and don't need to rest manage to finish the whloe workout really pleased with myself and enjoying it. Will keep you posted with my weight lose progress and inches.
    Good luck all getting shred.
  • when you are tracking your exercise on your daily logs how do you report this type of workout??? as aerobic, as circuit??? just wondering if anyone can help me with this:)
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Hi Ive done 7 days (havng today off). just on level 1. Just got some 1.5KG weights to use too. Wasnt using them before. What size weights does everyone use?

    I log it as circuit training.x
  • Jenni268
    Jenni268 Posts: 202 Member
    when you are tracking your exercise on your daily logs how do you report this type of workout??? as aerobic, as circuit??? just wondering if anyone can help me with this:)

    I log it as circuit training, general. I only log about 20 minutes (so as not to include the warm up and cool down) but some people log the whole thing. It's just a matter of preference, I guess. I personally don't log over 20 because I'd rather underestimate than to overestimate!
    Congrats on starting it... it's killer! :)
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    when you are tracking your exercise on your daily logs how do you report this type of workout??? as aerobic, as circuit??? just wondering if anyone can help me with this:)

    I've seen people log it as circuit. I added my own and use my HRM to give me my calorie burn.
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    Today is day 7 on level 1 for me. Last night I finally did it all the way through, excluding all the damn push ups! Still need to work on those. I guess I will go on to level 2 after 10 days after all!
  • thanks ladies! i am excited to lose this 20 pounds left from having baby #10 8 months ago! I am ready to stop wearing two sizes bigger and get back into my skinny clothes:)
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