Team UK - March 2011



  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Ironically all the stress has brought my weight right down, so I am officially "back in the nines", i.e. back in the 9 stone range. :ohwell:

    Cloud... silver lining...
  • emlov81
    emlov81 Posts: 128
    It's good to look at things in a positive way....i lost 4lb when i had swine flu....was pretty pleased when i felt better enough to care:embarassed:

    Just concentrate on eating well etc from here on!!!:bigsmile:
  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    The usual advice I read on training when feeling a bit ill is "if it is above the neck then you are OK to train (if you feel like it) but if it is below the neck then you shouldn't train".

    Ah so maybe the gym when my chest was wheezing wasn't the best idea! who doesn't love a coughing mess exercising next to you anyway?!
  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    Bonjour everyone,

    backinthenines - sending you seriously big hugs (and lots of food for you to eat!)

    Bad couple of days in the office + feeling rubbish = lots of food! Went to Prezzo last night and instead of being good and having a lighter meal, I had a massive bowl of pasta and and ice cream after. Very naughty.

    Need to get my head around stress and binge eating. I can be an absolute angel when I'm in control, but the moment things start to spiral, my eating goes with it. My exercising remains the same, but it just proves that the main factor in weightloss is the amount you eat, not the amount you burn.

    Sadly work is not going to calm down for at least another 2 weeks, but I'm going to spend the weekend getting my head sorted and make sure April is far more successful than March. I'm about to do some measurements so hopefully they've gone down, even if the lbs haven't.

    Hope you all have a great weekend :)

  • Midgetgem74
    Midgetgem74 Posts: 40 Member
    Hello everyone

    Backinthenines - big hugs you sound like you just need a weekend of lovely comfort food and forget the diet for now!

    Irns88 - I'm sure you will get back on track just forget last night and move on I find thats the best way for me!

    I was actually good last night only had the 1 Magners light in the end and for anyone who likes cider recommend them as only 92 calories a bottle! I bought them in Tesco they are on special offer at the moment!

    Off for leg wax and pedicure this afternoon so then at least I can try swimming again! So wish I could do more exercise to help boost my weight loss :0(

    Have a good day and happy healthy eating lol!
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    lorro - thanks for the welcome back, nice to 'see' you again!

    backinthenines - sorry to hear about the end of your relationship, what a shame :brokenheart: Go out partying with pals, I really hope you feel better soon x

    lrns88 - I totally agree that if you have a slip-up the best way is just to forget it and try to move on - otherwise its too easy to think 'oh well I may as well eat this...and this...and this as well.

    midgetgem - have a lovely pedicure!

    My GP has cleared me as fit to exercise again, I have been doing a fair bit of walkig but as of tonight I am going to add some toning exercises - wish me luck!! :blushing:
  • emlov81
    emlov81 Posts: 128
    Nice tip on the cider midget gem...haven't had a cider in months.....:bigsmile:
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    Just back from the seaside - decided since it was such a lovely day to take a drive out to the coast. Walked along the beach for an hour - did 3 miles! Burn was amazing - 1120 calories just because of the rough sand I was power walking across! So nice! Had a lovely picnic back in the car and then got to have some desert after dinner tonight - definately earned the calories for it!

    Hope you all enjoyed your weekend
  • pj_writer
    pj_writer Posts: 107 Member
    Backinthenines - so sorry to hear about what's going on with you :frown:
    I'm not sure butterflies are a realistic expectation in a long term relationship but there's no telling some people if that's what they are looking for.
    I'm glad that at least you managed to work it through face to face after the crappy text, I hope that helped.

    shoppy - good luck with the toning, I'm guessing that cute little bundle in your profile pic is the reason you couldn't do much exercise until your GP gave you the go ahead? :bigsmile:
  • mickyloo
    mickyloo Posts: 9 Member
    So it's the weekend, I've had a really good day and ate what I wanted ... thank goodness I seem to have remained in my calories. I noticed the other day when my lil boy made my cereal for me that I couldn't finish - I had such a sense of achievement, it made me feel all 'bubbly' inside.

    I'm not religiously doing my version of WW but something's working and I'm gonna keep going with it. However, I need to up the anti so to speak on the exercise front, I'm slacking !!!!!

    Hope everyone's doing well and big hugs for those of you that need it today *HUGS*
  • fimm
    fimm Posts: 191 Member
    Hugs to backinthenines and anyone else who needs a hug.

    I had a very nice weekend visiting my family. I haven't a clue what I ate, though. Back on to logging it all this morning. Did have a super bike ride on Saturday, and a lovely gentle run on Sunday. The weather is too nice this morning to be in an office...
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    Good morning!

    How are you today, Backinthenines?

    I've had a terrible, terrible weekend, eating-wise, Chinese take-away on Sat, which I didn't even enjoy, apple crumble plus countless chocolates yesterday, it was a real "f@ck-it" moment I guess. TOM as well, so I just blame it on that!
    Ah well, back on track today.

    I've upped my daily calories a little bit. I've been reading on the message boards here and am a little freaked by the various "starvation mode" threads. So I've gone up now from 1230 to 1480. Will give that a go for a little while anyway, feels weird though, it's quite a jump, 250 more a day.
  • pj_writer
    pj_writer Posts: 107 Member
    good morning!
    anyone else feeling blah because of the clocks changing? :ohwell:

    I've set my calorie goal to what MFP thinks is my maintenance so am interested to see what will happen! I am definitely keeping up the extra exercise as I'm really enjoying it now, doing more weight training has made quite a difference to my body.
    I'm going to carry on trying to eat a mostly 'good' diet though and not use all the extra calories on wine (like I did yesterday :embarassed: )
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    Backinthenines - so sorry to hear that, but it sounds as though it eventually ended on good terms, so onwards and upwards as they say!

    Mairgheal - I'm not exactly sure what way the laws work re divorce, alls I know is that I was married 2 years before legally seperated, then the divorce came though about 7 or 8 months later.

    Oh, good morning all :laugh:

    Nice to see everyone doing so well!

    I was shockingly bad over the weekend :embarassed: my usual friday night chinese didn't happen as we were fixing my boyfriends car (silly moo hit it a few weeks ago), so we ended up getting a mcdonalds at just before midnight! On Saturday I was good, then we visited the chinese buffet..... that didn't end well! Yesterday it was KFC! So yeah, a proper fat tour of northern ireland!

    I have managed to maintain my weight, so it's not too bad! Going to give myself a few more weeks at maintenance and then I'm going to knuckle down again, maybe even attending Slimming world for that extra incentive! The countdown to the bridesmaids dress is properly on!!!
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Hi Team. :flowerforyou:

    Yes what a rubbish week that was... :frown:

    And this morning the radion played Rick Astley's "Together Forever" of all things... I laughed hysterically. First signs of madness I'm sure!! :huh:

    Anyway the moping stops HERE and NOW.

    I need to start eating properly again. My stomach feels like it's really shrunk and my natural appetite is still not back but I'll have to keep grazing... Kit bag is in boot. Will see if I can face training later.

    And I booked a holiday... I thought if he doesn't know what he wants then I'll sod off to Lanzarote for a week. :drinker:
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    backinthenines - lanzarote for a week sounds just the ticket! :bigsmile: Having a good sob is something everyone needs after something like that, but you are doing great in trying to move on and focus on other things! :drinker:

    lesley - thats brilliant that you managed to maintain despite going off-track, well done :drinker:

    phildhlh - yep, my pic is of my little girl, who is now 6 weeks :smile: I also have 2 boys, aged 4 and 2 so my house is busy but lots of fun!! :love:

    Mairgheal - another victim of yummy chinese food, I have to say I have always really struggled with my food urges at TOM, one advantage of FT breastfeeding I guess as I don't get that (yet). I hope you enjoy your extra cals! :bigsmile:

    lynz - what an amazing calorie burn from a 3 mile walk! Must make it to a beach sometimes soon though my nearest is Brighton and that's rather pebbly!

    I am so excited!!! I have my first NSV (non-scale victory, acronym gleaned from the SAHM thread!) I am back in a pair of size 14 trousers! I know they are generously sized, and I also really ought to be a size 12 I think, but hey I'm so pleased to finally not be in maternity gear! :bigsmile:

    Has been a busy weekend so although I've done my logging I haven't made it in here - hope you all had fun and managed to stay (mainly) on the wagon! :flowerforyou:
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    backinthenines - lanzarote for a week sounds just the ticket! :bigsmile: Having a good sob is something everyone needs after something like that, but you are doing great in trying to move on and focus on other things! :drinker:

    Thanks hun, believe me I've done the sobbing, and on and off I still do... but I need to try to get on with it now.
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    Mairgheal - another victim of yummy chinese food, I have to say I have always really struggled with my food urges at TOM, one advantage of FT breastfeeding I guess as I don't get that (yet). I hope you enjoy your extra cals! :bigsmile:

    Just a little word of warning.... my youngest was conceived during FT breastfeeding, TOM never arrived between our two daughters!! :laugh:
    (well, we didn't actually do it when I was busy feeding, but you know what I mean!!)

    By the way, WELL DONE on getting out of the maternity trousers - and so quick!
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    I looove Lanzarote - good choice!
  • Steveeee
    Steveeee Posts: 62
    I looove Lanzarote - good choice!

    Lanzarote is the reason I am here! I don't want to be ashamed to take my top off on holiday.

    I'm there for the first 2 weeks of June. :bigsmile: