missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support


FOR THE WEEK OF: MARCH 27 to April 2, 2011


:love: Who would like to make a 1 week pact with us on what YOU need to work on?
Keep it simple & keep it reachable so you can increase weekly.

Focus on just this one week and commit to either.....
examples (may be changed to fit your need)

1. Lose 1 or 2 pounds this week and post how & results by next Sunday

2. Exercise 100 minutes (or your choice) this week, and post how & results by next Sunday

3. Journal daily and & post results by next Sunday

4. Maintain my current weight & post results by next Sunday

5. Choose your own that you have the most problems with & post results by next Sunday

Make your week the week that works for you. Sun to Sat or Mon to Sun, whatever is YOUR week!

“Set new short-term goals. When you feel you've mastered the previous short-term goals you set for yourself, create some new ones. Remember this is a journey, not a destination. Accomplishing any goal, whether it's weight loss or anything else in life, requires a lifelong commitment. You will always have to set new goals and work on new areas even when you accomplish your big long-term goals.”

Thank you and you may friend me if you like, but please include a message in your friend request.

Anyone interested in joining us for another week, or a first week?

:flowerforyou: Good Luck to ALL!! :flowerforyou:



  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    :glasses: OK I am gonna give this NEW WEEK a NEW START!! :glasses:

    I sure had a challenging week this past week but am ready to start all over tomorrow. I feel much better and am moving again!!

    Who's with me? Hoping to see my old buds and make some new ones. :-)

    My new week goals are to Stay under calories & light exercise
    & HOPE & PRAY that I can lose 3 pounds this week since I didn’t lose last week ………….but will settle for 2. :-) NO LESS!! :smokin:

    Week5 Goal 120 min & I did 65/120 CHANGED TO Stay under Calories & I did 6/7 days (.4 gain due to injury)
    Week 4 Goal 120 min & I did 130 (lost 1.8 lbs)
    Week 3 Goal120 min & I did 140 (lost 1.4 lbs)
    Week 2 Goal 100 min & I did 135 (lost 2.2 lbs)
    Week 1 Goal 100 min & I did 120 (lost 3 lbs
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    Last week I did serving sizes of carbs... and failed horribly. This week I am going to keep working on that and add in water... because I literally drink NO water... For my weight I should be drinking 103oz So I will do that everyday this week!
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    Last week I did serving sizes of carbs... and failed horribly. This week I am going to keep working on that and add in water... because I literally drink NO water... For my weight I should be drinking 103oz So I will do that everyday this week!

    Good Luck and you CAN do it!! Keep a bottle close by at all times. Don't leave home without it!!

    I am one of those people that prefers water over anything else. Thank God!! Ohhhh trust me, I MUST have my morning coffee though and occasional SF iced tea. LOL

    Carbs come & go with me. It's that dang Sodium & Sugar!! grrrrrrrrr
  • gozdeh
    gozdeh Posts: 59
    Hi! this sounds like a fantastic Idea!!!!!! Yes I will join you on your challenge.

    OK My challenge is..... To do 50 situps everyday this week! (I bought a yoga mat for this purpose about 4 weeks ago and ıt's still rolled up in its packaging LOL)

    Wish me luck!
  • Seesaa
    Seesaa Posts: 451
    last week was to lose another pound and a half, but I am on my TOM so that clearly didn't happen, so we'll aim for that again this week lol
  • jenneyd
    jenneyd Posts: 308 Member
    ok I am new to this, but man oh man do I need this! I just have not been motivated for the past few days.

    Goal1 get my daily allowance of calcium and iron. This can be simple if I just commit to eating my Total every day.

    Goal 2 minimum 200 minutes of cardio this week.

    Goal 3 burn minimum 3500 calories (this is going to require intense cardio, the REAL goal here)

    Goal 4 lose "the weekend weight" plus an additional pound (173)

    Goal 5 consume 11 glasses of water daily to meet the goal for my weight.

    Ok so good enough for this week. Some are simple, some not so simple. I have learned that when I DO bother to set goals, I work harder and eat better. I set a goal to be under fat grams. I have managed to get this under control. I have made goals to burn 3500 calories and 4000 calories for a week and achieved them. 200 minutes of cardio should be relatively simple for me to do, as I usually do closer to 400 minimum a week, but not this one.
    Thank you so much for posting. Challenging ourselves is what will bring change. And change is what I need!
    hugs to all and good luck!
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello & WELCOME TO Antoni & Gozdeh
    You will find this a very caring & supportive group. Good luck reaching your goals this week. I find better success if I don’t look too far ahead.

    :wink: Seesaa
    I know what you mean. But you did work your tail off this week!! Unfortunately other things got in the way. BUT this can make for a huge loss next week.

    LOL I just worked my tailbone off LOL I made a funny! LOL:laugh:
  • Count me in for another 1=2 pound challenge.
  • AngelsKisses75
    AngelsKisses75 Posts: 595 Member
    I am in! This week my goal is to lose the pound I gained in my down time, and hopefully more! As part of my lifestyle change I am also going to work on keeping my sodium down. *crosses fingers*
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member

    Ok so good enough for this week. Some are simple, some not so simple. I have learned that when I DO bother to set goals, I work harder and eat better. I set a goal to be under fat grams. I have managed to get this under control. I have made goals to burn 3500 calories and 4000 calories for a week and achieved them. 200 minutes of cardio should be relatively simple for me to do, as I usually do closer to 400 minimum a week, but not this one.
    Thank you so much for posting. Challenging ourselves is what will bring change. And change is what I need!
    hugs to all and good luck!

    :flowerforyou: WELCOME & GOOD LUCK!!

    I found that sometimes I added my exercise to my food diay before I did it, and this made me accountable to do it then. Crazy the things we have to talk ourself into when we know that we SHOULD be doing it!!

    (((Huggs back atcha)))
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    You know I'm in again :)
    For this weeks goal in addition to my set workout routine I'm going to do an extra mini ab workout. So 3 sets of 15 of ab activity and 2 sets of 30 second planks.

    Good luck everyone. We can do this!
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    :drinker: Daddy, MAK & Angel

    Soooooo happy you are back at it here. Good Luck!!!

    You guys are really rockin' with motivation & exercise!!

    Hope you have an extra great week!!

    Just noticed your quote. I LIKE it!!
  • Believe4
    Believe4 Posts: 22
    100 mins of exercise and log in daily
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    Last week I did serving sizes of carbs... and failed horribly. This week I am going to keep working on that and add in water... because I literally drink NO water... For my weight I should be drinking 103oz So I will do that everyday this week!

    Good Luck and you CAN do it!! Keep a bottle close by at all times. Don't leave home without it!!

    I am one of those people that prefers water over anything else. Thank God!! Ohhhh trust me, I MUST have my morning coffee though and occasional SF iced tea. LOL

    Carbs come & go with me. It's that dang Sodium & Sugar!! grrrrrrrrr

    The problem for me is fat... last night i was over by one gram... and it caused a horrible gallbladder attack! I am seeing a specialist to start getting ready for surgery so the water drinking will help
  • crazyquilter36
    crazyquilter36 Posts: 74 Member
    I am in again! I am going to up it to 400min of exercise. I really need to do some everyday. No rest for the wicked :blushing:
  • SuzMac1981
    SuzMac1981 Posts: 708 Member
    WELCOME!!!! to the new people joining us this week!!!

    Well, I made my workout goal last week but was 1 pound short of my 5 pound loss this week. That's okay, though. We all know why. :laugh:

    BUT THIS WEEK I need to step it up a notch and REALLY hit a 5 pound loss because my first mini goal is within reach.... I put that I would lose 25 pounds by April 2nd and that's next Saturday!!! So my BIG GOAL is to lose 5 pounds this week and in order to do that I need to commit to doing 30 mins of exercise EVERY DAY this week! So my second goal is to do 200 minutes of exercise.

    Just to clarify - this thread starts on Sundays for the new week, right? But MFP's exercise tracker starts on Mondays?
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    Good Luck Suz!!!!That's a lot of weight for one week. I am sure you will do it!! That's an important goal and 25 pounds is a HUGE SUCCESS!!

    Wish I could do it!! I bet you are feeling a lot better already. :-)
  • bethikabob
    bethikabob Posts: 128 Member
    I passed my 200 min exercise goal last week and I'm upping it to 250 min. Ive stayed under calories almost everyday since the break so I'd like to keep that up :) Good luck everyone! And I'm going to try to make it up to 64 oz of water, its been tough to get that high and i keep leaving my water bottle in other rooms lol.
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    Hey Beth.......................

    You can always get a chain & hang it around your neck with the rest of your beads!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I just COULDN'T resist!!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Good Job & Good Luck!!
  • broso
    broso Posts: 3
    I am beginning with a modest goal: I will work on drinking more water, particularly at work, and exercising 150 minutes this week.
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