What's the best purchase you've made to help your weight los



  • CherylYMerritt
    CherylYMerritt Posts: 114 Member
    in no particular order:

    this website!

    my Nike ipod running program

    starbucks 20 oz drink glass WITH STRAW!

    my ipod

    gym membership at local gym-they even gave me a key (I work shift work) so I can go whenever I want. Iove small towns!

    the 8 week fitness challenge that my husband and I embarked on 7.5 weeks ago! Our local gym sponsored it, we all threw $100 in the pot (24 of us) first prize $800, second prize $400, third prize massage and membership, all other cash goes to local animal shelter. best prize.....new body, what a way to kick start a lifestyle change!
  • ♥Violette♥4Ever♥
    Weight Watchers Smart Ones food. I don't know how to cook...LOL!
  • HannaSavannah
    HannaSavannah Posts: 38 Member
    My trusty 3lb freeweights and Jillian Michaels DVDs. There's really a lot you can do with them surprisingly enough! For the girl on a budget! Hahaha.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    The ipod nano and nike plus kit my children got me for Christmas. I cannot express what a difference that has made to my running.
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    My elliptical & running shoes are tied for best... my HRM & MP3 player & food scale are all equally close 2nds!
  • reallivefitness
    1 - cute workout clothes. I feel really awkward working out, especially if other people can see me, and this eases the anxiety a little.
    2 - my tattoos. I know they came before trying to get in shape, but they are my motivation to not gain weight so that they don't get all gross and stretched out.
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I have two...Turbo Fire and a heart rate monitor.
  • ohohraptor
    ohohraptor Posts: 205 Member
    My gym membership. I used to workout at home while my son was napping but it was often cut short because he either woke up or I had to do laundry/dishes/homework. Now I can take my time at the gym while Levi is playing in childcare. Love it!
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    I have two that are pretty equal....

    1) A Heart Rate Monitor- otherwise I was eating back too much or too little of exercise calories because other ways are not accurate.

    2) A Food Scale- It was shocking how much I thought was a table spoon of ketchup lol. I thought I was eating 2 tablespoons when in reality I was eating 5 or 6. It is shocking to weigh things that I was guessing wrong on before.
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    My elliptical trainer and my BodyMedia Fit Armband! Two very good investments. Also my food scale was well worth the $20, I just love that little thing it's so helpful and accurate.
  • bayles1
    bayles1 Posts: 408 Member
    The things that have served me best so far are,

    New Pair of walking boots.
    Hiking Socks...multiple pairs.
    Kettlebells...great workout tool.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    My food scale! It really makes me feel like I am "in control" of what I eat, and I know that I'm measuring things properly and not just guestimating. Makes me feel a lot more confident that I'm being totally honest about what I put into my body :happy:
  • ohohraptor
    ohohraptor Posts: 205 Member
    1 - cute workout clothes. I feel really awkward working out, especially if other people can see me, and this eases the anxiety a little.
    2 - my tattoos. I know they came before trying to get in shape, but they are my motivation to not gain weight so that they don't get all gross and stretched out.

    Agree x2!
    Having cute workout clothes makes me feel way more confident at the gym. And although most my tattoos faired well with a 60+ weight gain with my son, I have one on my side/back that is COVERED in stretch marks now. Really gross. :/
  • nokittyno
    nokittyno Posts: 293 Member
    Ahhh Hard to choose one. Cross between Polar F60 HRM and my Sole TT8 Treadmill.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    Tide multisport fabric refresher spray...saves my workout clothes.....lol...that and good insoles in my running shoes
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member

    Expensive, low calorie, & healthy food.

    Fresh veggies, FAGE 0% Greek yogurt, Organic dehydrated vegetable snacks, fresh lean cuts of meat, fresh seafood...the list goes on!
  • beatlemom
    beatlemom Posts: 250 Member
    I bought a treadmill. I put it up in the living room and I use it every day!
  • bongowillie
    bongowillie Posts: 35 Member
    family gym membership for my wife and me, and 12 session personal trainer for my wife, so that she can have professional advise and training, that way she knows all the machines and what exersices and routine to do, while i do my workout. the 12 60min sessions cost me 360.00 well worth all of it. Make sure that you connect with your trainer
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    For me it has been the following:
    1. working with my Holistic Nutritionist
    2. My amazing personal trainer at Prime Fitness that I see twice a week
    3. My spin bike
    4. My iPhone!! (that has all my fitness/health apps! including this one!)
    5. My yoga passes
  • 1113cw
    1113cw Posts: 830 Member
    Without a doubt, my gym membership and my FitBit... can't live without either!