Lenten Scale Diet Official Thread - Join us!



  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    Marnie & I were both the sinners that got on the scale but she lost 2 lbs & I lost 3.2 lbs. Goes to show that we KNOW what to do & don't need that scale to show us! So with that in mind....just USE your mind & make the best choices for you. That scale is just a number. Use your knowledge & then come Easter that scale will be the icing on the no fat no calorie cake!

    I do have to admit, although I was bummed you "sinners" (lol) got on the scale I was floored by your results!! Woohoo!! Infact, I do have to thank you both for falling on the sword. Just as you said, it helped affirm that I know what to eat and I know how to workout. Just gotta do it and let the rest happen!
  • ToniDH
    ToniDH Posts: 3
    I caved and weighed on Sunday morning. I don't think I can go cold turkey, but I will definitely not weigh more than once a week rather than every day like I am accustomed to doing! I've been working out every day and that feels so good! The weather is beautiful so we've been getting out and doing activities as a family - jogging at the park while the kids play and ride bikes. I love spring!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I am still on the angel side instead of the sinner side.
    I love not having the scale. My self worth is not determined by a number on the scale.
    I am fitter, stronger, running faster... and oh yeah in smaller pants!

    Sunday I went shopping (an experience I normally hat with a passion and still do). I grabbed the size 20s because my 22s were started to just get embarrassing (a male doc in my office told me I need new pants because my butt sags!) ...

    The 20s were still waaaay too big.
    I got the 18s ... they fit yeah ..... I was super excited, came out of the dressing room and the saled lady says "uh ma'am lemme get you a smaller size" Ok seriously I almost started panicking at the embarrasment of her getting the smaller size and me not being able to fit into them because there is NO way I can wear 16s right?

    Uh... yeah I can! The 16s fit perfectly, not too tight, but tight enough.
    I bought 3 pairs of size 16 pants and 3 pairs of 14/16 pants as well.
    And about 10 pairs of new underwear too...

    So if I get on a scale today ... and that number isnt what I want... does it matter?
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Marnie & I were both the sinners that got on the scale but she lost 2 lbs & I lost 3.2 lbs. Goes to show that we KNOW what to do & don't need that scale to show us! So with that in mind....just USE your mind & make the best choices for you. That scale is just a number. Use your knowledge & then come Easter that scale will be the icing on the no fat no calorie cake!

    I do have to admit, although I was bummed you "sinners" (lol) got on the scale I was floored by your results!! Woohoo!! Infact, I do have to thank you both for falling on the sword. Just as you said, it helped affirm that I know what to eat and I know how to workout. Just gotta do it and let the rest happen!

    I was floored too! And yes - it is definitely affirmed that we know what to eat & how to workout! I am THRILLED that I know that for sure now & just have to keep on doing it & that alone is the reward we are all seeking!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    I am still on the angel side instead of the sinner side.
    I love not having the scale. My self worth is not determined by a number on the scale.
    I am fitter, stronger, running faster... and oh yeah in smaller pants!

    Sunday I went shopping (an experience I normally hat with a passion and still do). I grabbed the size 20s because my 22s were started to just get embarrassing (a male doc in my office told me I need new pants because my butt sags!) ...

    The 20s were still waaaay too big.
    I got the 18s ... they fit yeah ..... I was super excited, came out of the dressing room and the saled lady says "uh ma'am lemme get you a smaller size" Ok seriously I almost started panicking at the embarrasment of her getting the smaller size and me not being able to fit into them because there is NO way I can wear 16s right?

    Uh... yeah I can! The 16s fit perfectly, not too tight, but tight enough.
    I bought 3 pairs of size 16 pants and 3 pairs of 14/16 pants as well.
    And about 10 pairs of new underwear too...

    So if I get on a scale today ... and that number isnt what I want... does it matter?

    EMMALEIGH!!!! That is PHENOMENAL!!! Congrats to you on going from 22s to 16s!!! :bigsmile: That is DEFINITELY something to be proud of! Cheers to you! :drinker: (H2O of course)
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    So if I get on a scale today ... and that number isnt what I want... does it matter?

    Once again, perfectly said. Congrats on your accomplishment - gotta love those droopy drawers haha - I'm THRILLED for you! The number on the scale has NOTHING on you. You're rockin' it.
  • SolidGoaled
    SolidGoaled Posts: 504 Member
    I must confess - I got on the scale last week and this week, too. :( But the good news is that I did have a 4 lb loss, which set me afire to keep going! I am, however, still alcohol free (my other Lenten sacrifice) and I don't plan on caving in on that one. Sorry to let you all down - I suppose I can try to make until Easter without weighing again - now that I broke my promise, should I try to get back on the scale bandwagon??
  • ruthie3110
    ruthie3110 Posts: 160 Member
    Yeah keep on trying :smile:

    I was pretty bad yesterday.. Not quite as bad as my quick add calories make out, but bad enough. I waaaay over estimates just in case lol
    I feel fatter today :frown:
    I want to get on my scales so badly as I think I'm the same or more even though I should be less..
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    Sorry I've been MIA the past couple days everyone!! Looks like you're all avoiding the scale! Great job! Keep working on those food choices though!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    I must confess - I got on the scale last week and this week, too. :( But the good news is that I did have a 4 lb loss, which set me afire to keep going! I am, however, still alcohol free (my other Lenten sacrifice) and I don't plan on caving in on that one. Sorry to let you all down - I suppose I can try to make until Easter without weighing again - now that I broke my promise, should I try to get back on the scale bandwagon??

    YES get back on the bandwagon! I did & so far so good! Congrats on the 4 lbs!! When I peeked it was 3.2 lbs! Just goes to show that we don't need that scale to do this right!!!
  • ruthie3110
    ruthie3110 Posts: 160 Member
    Being off the scale quite simply does not suit me :frown:
    I'm disappointed in myself.. I sinned!
    I was having a fat day and I couldn't bear it any longer.
    I got on and made my boyfriend look on the promise he wouldn't tell me, only tell me if it was the same, lower or higher.
    Then I caved in and forced him to tell me.
    I did lose. But only 1.25lbs. Which then depressed me even more.
    I'm going to try not to get on again until then. But I can't guarantee it. I may try wait another two weeks instead. More if I can though.
    I'm going to try my hardest to not get on at all.
    I just had such a bad day, and my eating has been on and off awful and I think something my friend said to me today made me feel even worse.
    It wasn't even anything bad, she just made a comment about how every one was dressed summery but I was still all in black...

    Well I was all in black because I was wearing blue jeans and a black and orange band tee shirt..... But I was wearing that because I was having a fat day. I hadn't told her this. But it made me feel worse.
    Then I've eaten a ton of chocolate cake today :(
    But the good news is there is now none left! And I have loads of salad stuff that NEEDS eating so I will have to eat it!

    Sorry guys!!!!!
  • SolidGoaled
    SolidGoaled Posts: 504 Member
    Ha ha! I do the same thing - I have my husband look at the number and then we play our little "games" with the information. It ends up being like 20 questions. Oh well. Yeah - I'm going to try to stay off now until Easter Sunday! At any rate - this Lenten scale diet has at least taught me not to weigh daily - weighing weekly is PLENTY.
  • chubbymumsy
    Just popping in to let everyone know that I sinned! I had to weigh myself this morning. I think it is too early in my journey to quit weighing. I have stopped weighing so frequently though, and am trying to limit it.

    Good luck everyone!!

    Ps. I may have sinned but, I lost 6.7lbs! Yay me :)
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    That is a stellar loss chubbymumsy!! congrats!!!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Great weigh ins everyone...

    I am still scale free -- and I have actually found that I stopped thinking about it 3x a day ... it creeps into my head when I shower after a hard workout ... but other than that I am scale free ... both in person and in thoughts. And I love it!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Just popping in to let everyone know that I sinned! I had to weigh myself this morning. I think it is too early in my journey to quit weighing. I have stopped weighing so frequently though, and am trying to limit it.

    Good luck everyone!!

    Ps. I may have sinned but, I lost 6.7lbs! Yay me :)

    WEIGH to go, Chubbymumsy! That is FLAB-YOU-LESS! :bigsmile:
  • ruthie3110
    ruthie3110 Posts: 160 Member
    I suck... I've been on a few times.. But not everyday which is a big deal for me! Especially as I forgot to take them out of the bathroom!
    I need the scales to keep me on track. I can tell by how my eating attitude changes when it's there.
    My main goal is to stay off as much as possible but I don't think it's right for me to go without when I know it sabotages my weightloss.
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    I'm still going! I need some other peeps to tell me I'm not the only one!! ;) I'm starting to feel a little silly for not weighing...
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I'm still going! I need some other peeps to tell me I'm not the only one!! ;) I'm starting to feel a little silly for not weighing...

    Lets see ... Im still on
    Emily Sebastian
    MegJO ...

    Anyone else still abstaining out there?
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    I'm still going! I need some other peeps to tell me I'm not the only one!! ;) I'm starting to feel a little silly for not weighing...

    Lets see ... Im still on
    Emily Sebastian
    MegJO ...

    Anyone else still abstaining out there?

    Yep I'm still here!!! I've been having trouble the last couple of days... I'm REALLY wanting that satisfaction of seeing a lower number. What's odd about this is I'm PMSing.... it might be a little dramatic but I'm starting to wonder if my urge to weigh myself when I KNOW my weight will be high is a way to tell myself that I'm failing. Weird. In any event I have no plans to step foot on that scale until Easter. It's just not going to happen.

    As some of you know I'm going through a health bump in the road that is going to prevent me from exercising for a while. So, I'm really focusing on accurately logging my food and making good choices. I've never lost weight without exercising before but there is no better time then now. This is going to be a challenge, but we all know losing weight is not easy.