Lose 5 Pounds a Month March 2011 Challenge



  • Skoshi
    Skoshi Posts: 6

    March 1 - 149
    March 7 - 147
    March14 - 146
    March 21 - 146
    March 28
    March 31

    i've had an injury that is keeping me out of the gym but I am getting as much cardio as I can without it. Nothing lost this week (so far). I am hoping for 2 more lbs lost by March 31st. I hope I can get back to the gym this week!

    I have been at 144-143 for 3 days!!! I did it! I wonder how the month will wrap up? This challenge really helped me focus despite my injury. Thanks!

    Keep at it :) So many are doing so well!
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Thanks for the support, Kelly!

    Phyljen-- Do you like swimming for exercise? We have an olympic-sized pool at the rec center at school, and I have been thinking about doing that a couple times a week. I think it would feel great on my bones and joints compared to running.

    Yes I do like swimming and it is the best exercise for my knees. I also like to jog but that is the worst thing I can do right now. DANG! Once I get jogging I can just jog and jog but not now! Also if used to be safe to be out jogging but now I am kind of afraid anyway to even walk alone on the street in these days of not much police presence on the street. Maybe when the government gets more settled down we will have more security.
    We do also have a nice pool at the school where I work so I go swimming there every other day or so. It feels so good when I am in the water and especially when I am out and finished with the work out.
    Do you work at a school or are you taking classes? I teach 3rd grade at the international school here in Egypt. Phyljen
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    Thanks for the support, Kelly!

    Phyljen-- Do you like swimming for exercise? We have an olympic-sized pool at the rec center at school, and I have been thinking about doing that a couple times a week. I think it would feel great on my bones and joints compared to running.

    Yes I do like swimming and it is the best exercise for my knees. I also like to jog but that is the worst thing I can do right now. DANG! Once I get jogging I can just jog and jog but not now! Also if used to be safe to be out jogging but now I am kind of afraid anyway to even walk alone on the street in these days of not much police presence on the street. Maybe when the government gets more settled down we will have more security.
    We do also have a nice pool at the school where I work so I go swimming there every other day or so. It feels so good when I am in the water and especially when I am out and finished with the work out.
    Do you work at a school or are you taking classes? I teach 3rd grade at the international school here in Egypt. Phyljen

    I am an accounting student at the University of Houston. I am actually on campus now and will be hitting the pool once I make a dent in an essay I am working on. I can't wait!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    dmgaloha......you are welcome back anytime, not need to have the tail between your legs....we all have our moments

    Amanda and Kelly, don't know how you girls are surviving not looking at the scale (I admit I look atleast every other day if not daily....keeps me in line sort of)

    Phyljen----how are your legs doing?

    Hope all is well with the rest of you guys, hope you are out enjoying the weekend, chow!!:flowerforyou
  • lisafrancis629

    I found something great to keep me motivated with exercising. I got the idea from somebody on MFP. I found a website that lets you customize a calendar and type whatever you want into the days--- I am using it to schedule my workouts. It is neat because I can see where I will be by the end of April if I stick with it, and it also motivates me because I am Type A.... and we Type A's love a good checklist (Can I get a HECK YEAH from the other Type A's out there?) Anyways, I figured I would share the idea because I love it so much and am so excited to check off my workout for tomorrow!

    HECK YEAH !! :drinker: :drinker: Definite Type A here. :blushing:
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    Thanks for the idea of swimming, Phyljen. I really liked it! Every swimsuit I have is meant for beach laying, so I had some issues with the girls and had to backstroke the whole time. It was so relaxing, and I am buying myself a new swimsuit so I can make the pool a regular thing.

    I feel great without the scale, Tina! I don't know how Kelly is doing but for me, it is a big relief. Now I can keep doing what I am doing without having the drawbacks from a bad weigh in. Of course, this means going without the big boost from a good weigh in!

    I will be weighing in soon--- on April 1st. I have decided to have a crazy April where I am going to see what all I can accomplish in one month. I made an exercise schedule that is overkill. I will be lifting 3x a week, doing c25k, playing racquetball 3x a week, and swimming 2x a week. My diet will be purely non-processed foods and LOTS of protein. I will weigh, measure, and take pics before and after to see what good April does, and the scale will be put away for the entire month. I am looking forward to it.
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Timbotina Thanks for asking about the legs. It is actually the KNEES and my left knee is still giving me some pain so I try to stay off stairs as much as possible. That's hard since I live on the 4th floor and we don't have a lift. also I work on the 2nd floor but we do have the lift but usually I need to escort the kids and they are not allowed to take the lift. I have some gel that I rub on the knee and it helps it kind of freezes the pain. no chemicals.

    Amanda, You April plan sounds like over kill for sure and I know you will see results if you stick to that routine. Can't wait to see before and after pics.
    I just got out of the pool and swam for 45 minutes. It felt good as usual. But I had to really talk myself into going back to school after I got home and ate dinner. Pj's and the couch sounded much more inviting but I made the big splash and now I am proud of myself.
    A couple friend and I decided to do a 5 point a week plan so we can kind of motivate each other. We get points for things like drinking 8 cups of water, sleeping 7 hours a night. eating healthy, doing at least 30 minutes exercise a day and making a keeping a personal goal. We will be checking in each Friday to see who has the most points. We'll up the exercise as time goes on.
    anyway better get to bed so I can get the 7 hours in. I wake up so darn early and start my day in the dark. Usully about 5;00 or sooner I am up and at it. Phyljen
  • blackbyrd61
    blackbyrd61 Posts: 34 Member
    Happy Monday!
    As the month comes to a close, I'm happy to report an 8.6 lb loss this month! Yipee!!!! It's been such a long time since I've had a loss of anywhere close to 5 lbs let alone 8! So of course I'm beside myself with joy! I'm almost back to `onderland! Hoping a loss for everyone else as well or at least a NSV. I will weigh in again on the 31st since that is officially the end of march, but Mondays are my weigh in days.
    Have a great week all! ~ lisa

    1 Mar ~ 208.6
    6 Mar ~ 205
    14 Mar ~ 203.9
    21 Mar ~ 202
    28 Mar ~ 200

    SW: 218 (12/2010)
    GW: 160 (12/2011)
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    BMK Time!! This week is thanks to Kelly :)

    **100 push ups for the week.
    **Do 20min YOGA at least once this week.
    **Food Challenge: Lets keep on with the fruits & veggies....have at least 2 days this week with either a fruit or veggie at EACH meal! Shouldn't be too hard....

    Let's do it!
  • ifychudy
    ifychudy Posts: 210 Member
    I gained 1 pound this week.TOM showed!!

    March 1 196
    March 7 198
    March14 195
    March 21 192
    March 28 193
    March 31
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    Blackbyrd--- 8.6 lbs? :noway: WHOA! What a loss! Great job, and keep up the good work!

    Bru--- Thanks for the challenge! I have never done yoga but have always wanted to. I am excited to check it out.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    March 1~ 163.8
    March 7th ~ 162
    March 14th ~ 160.8
    March 21~ 160.2
    March 28th~ 159.2

    I had hit 157 on Friday but I think the lack of water consumption over the weekend through me for a loop because I was only a slight bit over on calories and did work out both days. Hopefully I'll see it go back down soon.
  • lisafrancis629
    March 1 - 181.6
    March 7 - 177.2
    March 14 - 175.8
    March 21 - 175.6
    March 28 - 175.0

    Good grief! My weight has been like the March weather - "Roared in like a lion and goes out like a lamb". :noway: I'm glad I had a great first 2 weeks because after that, it has been a dribble. Shouldn't really complain though because I've lost 6.6 lbs so far this month. Hopefully lose a little more by Thursday and end the month with a 7 lb loss.

    Hope everyone has a great week. :wink:
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    I'm still scale less :sad: However I'm not worried about it! I think I've totally got my groove back. Saturday morning I was at the gym at 7:15am, had spin class for an hour, then I worked out on the elliptical. I was headed out of the locker room to leave when my Zumba instructor caught me. She was subbing Zumba on Sat & said she would like a friendly face in there...so back to the locker room I went & then did Zumba for another hour! I didn't leave the gym till 10:45 am! I had one heck of a calorie burn! Once I got home I made myself a yummy omelet, took a shower, then a much needed nap! :yawn:

    I'm sitting here on my stability ball here in my office. It is working out pretty well. I just hope it takes some more inches off my waist! :bigsmile:

    Have a great week everyone! I'm looking forward to BMK this week. It is a challenge for me because I've never done Yoga before. My niece suggested it to me over the weekend, so I was like...sure why not put it in BMK! :bigsmile:
  • ellensheldon
    i am in! friend me too:)
  • 143sunflower
    Very very good!!!!! keep it up....if you can do it...I certainly can...:wink: :
  • blackbyrd61
    blackbyrd61 Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks AmandaB!!

    Good job Lisafrancis! keep up the good work!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Afternoon all...burned over 1200 cal at the YMCA today, needed to because I am headed to The Melting Pot for dinner (as a treat for my mom) and it'll probably take all those cal plus more, anyway, it'll be a great time with an awesome lady.

    Now, about the challange.....I HATE PUSH UPS.....:sad: but I wil do them, (and grumble the whole time, HA!!!) Just kidding, really love the challanges.....look forward to doing the Yoga again too, my back has been bothering me a little and I think that'll be just the stretch I need. And I love me some fruit and veggies, hoping for 7 days of it!!

    Have a great Monday all, talk to you tomorrow!!
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    I really pushed it the past 2 weeks but the scale doesnt want to budge hmmm

    Mar 1: 178
    Mar 7: 180
    Mar 14: 178.5
    Mar 21: 179
    Mar 28: 179:huh:
    Mar 31: [Goal: 173 lbs]
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    This month has been interesting for me. I started out strong then work got stressful and I sort of lost my focus. I have stopped the pity party and god back to exercise yesterday. I decided that at nap time I would do an exercise video. That way if the kids start waking up I can stop it and come back to it after work. (Its better than sitting on the couch waiting for them to wake-up) I started with the Biggest Loser Power Sculpt. Not sure what I will do today but I need to stay focused.

    Now onto the

    weight loss or lack of it.

    March 1 starting weight 179.
    March 8 weight 177.5 keep going.
    March 15 weight 177.4 down a .1 not great but its going the right way
    March 22 weight 178.4
    March 29 179

    My weight has been all over this month. I was down to 176 at one point and Saturday morning I was up to 182. I need to keep the focus on both eating healthy and exercising.

    My goal tonight is to run a few miles on the treadmill while watching BIggest Loser and to do a workout video during the daycare kids naptime.

    Baseball opens on Friday. Can't wait I love baseball.

    Kids are on spring break so not sure how much I will get to use the computer so I will post the April challenge right now and then come back here and post the link.

    Have a great day!
