New Round of P90X starts Feb 28th! Join me! Cont'd....



  • lindajay3
    lindajay3 Posts: 144 Member
    Reepobob - great job on the weight loss! I don't think there's a problem with switching up the days you do the different dvds as long as you're getting all of them in during the week. I couldn't get to legs and back on Friday when I should have done it so did it today even though I should be on a rest day.

    Can't believe I'm finishing up week #6 of p90x - I can remember ordering it and wondering if I'd even be able to get through half the workouts and now I can feel how much stronger I am doing the ARX reps and the wall squats in legs & back!

    I experimented with not logging the calories burned during the weight workouts last week and found out two things: 1) I haven't lost any weight this week, and 2) I was feeling cold a lot of the time - when I researched the cold thing I found out it means my metabolism is too slow - so I'm adding those calories back in starting today and making sure to eat those calories to get my metabolism burning again. Hopefully next week I'll be back to losing some weight.

    Still not feeling the yoga x so I've been doing a cardio dvd on those days. I feel guilty not doing the yoga but the extra cardio is helping with my endurance - today I was able to run for 25 minutes on the treadmill. Before p90x I could do about a minute and then felt like I had to quit. Yay for seeing progress!!

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    My first Recovery week starts today! Sweet! Anyone have any suggestions for good eating this week? Thanks! Also - is there a whey protein that does not have artificial sweeteners or other added "muscle fuel" stuff? Thanks - I just want to add protein, not bulk up, and continue to lose weight! thanks!

    I have Aria protein powder for women. I guess I don't know the specifics - it was on sale so I just bought it - but since it's tailored to women I would think it's not for bulking up. One serving is 80 calories, unless you add it to milk instead of water. Not too bad. And each serving has 14g of protein.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone! Today is my rest day! Aaaahhh…..then, starting tomorrow is my recovery week and as much as I really do want to stick to the program to a “T” I think I’m still going to add in some cardio. Thoughts?

    I hope you’re all enjoying your weekend! I am going to watch my friend today, she’s been involved in a fitness modeling competition and today is her practice run. In the past 2 months, she’s lost 12lbs and brought her body fat down to 14%! She’s hoping to get to 12% by the end of April, that’s when the competition is. She looks fantastic!!! I would love to do that one day, that’s one of my goals. Her diet is really strict though and I don’t think I could get used to eating fish and green beans for breakfast! Yuck!!! Anyway, I’m excited to go watch, I’m also excited because it’ll be full of inspiration for me!

    Sarahc: Welcome! I too am doing an 1800 calorie diet and it seems to be working, I haven’t lost any weight……..yet, but I know it will come off. Keep at it and trust in it, Tony knows his stuff!

    Lindaj: I’m with ya on the recovery week! Like I said above, I think I’m going to add in some cardio. Love to hear that you’re seeing and feeling results! I can see some good definition in my back as well and that was one of my goals this round! Woo hoo! I can’t believe you’re on week 7 either! Have you thought about what you’re going to do next?

    Annyshay: Glad to see ya still pushing girl! I don’t get high burns either during my resistence days but just know that you’re still burning long after those workouts! Nice job!

    Bob: Nice job on the weight loss my friend!!! Woo hoo!!! See, patience and persistence; it sure pays off! Nice job! I don’t think it’s a big deal if you swap Kenpo for L&B since they’re between non-resistence days; go for it, if it works better for your schedule. You are doing a rockin job, really! Keep up the good work! I can’t wait until you hit the 90 day mark!

    Emmaleigh: Congrats girl! I’m proud of you! I know it’s been a struggle here and there but you are one determined, motivated mama! I hope you had a good run today and rest up! Keep up the good work girl!

    Hello to Liz and anyone else out there! Keep pushing that play button guys! I love to see how everyone is just bringing it on a weekly basis! You guys are inspiring in so many ways! Have a wonderful Sunday and let’s go into next week bringing it!

  • BrittanyShelton20
    I'm just curious how people adjust their calorie intake on rest days. Do you maintain the same calorie intake as other days or do you reduce it because you are not having a large burn from working out?

    Thanks for any suggestions you can give me.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hi guys! Ok, I just got back from my friend's practice for her fitness competition and it makes me wanna go downstairs and workout!!!! OMG! The cool thing is, these girls are not all professionals, in fact, there are a few grandmother's in the group! They look absolutely fantastic!!!! There's another competition coming up in November and my friend wants me to do it with her! I'm definately thinking abou it! I want to do it more than anything, to conquer that fear, the fear of just doing it, it's like my goal of running a half marathon, I want to say I did it! And if I can look half as good as those women I saw today then that's just a bonus!

    Brittany: I keep my calorie intake the same on rest days

    I hope you're all having a great day!

  • annyshay
    annyshay Posts: 42
    Yoga X felt SOOOOOOOO good tonight. Have a great week, all! Let's keep doing our best. :0)
  • michelegrayson
    Im here! Just started week 3 of P90 Lean....I'm traveling today and was able to get a ride in but not my Px. I brought it with me though and will be doing it at all hours in my hotel!
  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    Did my best to get through Yoga X last night - but gave up after all of the moving moves (does that make sense) - I just never seem to be in the right frame of mind for Yoga - so instead I did Just Dance for the Wii for about 45 minutes after that - I am sure no where near a P90x burn - but I had a lot more fun doing that than the Yoga - today is day 23 for me, supposed to go to Zumba - but with sick kids, I will be doing Core Synergistics instead - you know, sticking to the program and all!
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    Do any of you see an issue with swapping Kenpo-X and Legs and Back + ARX days? Considering that they are sandwiched between a Yoga-X day and a Rest/X-Stretch day, I don't see it being a problem but wanted to get some opinions from the fine folks on this thread. My travel schedule on Fridays is making it very tough to do Legs and Back because I tend to pause each routine and do them at my own pace so I don't get screwed up on the rep counts and it normally takes at least 90 minutes to get through the workout. I will either have to do the routine between 3-3:30am or do it when I get home in the evening on Friday. Kenpo-X is much more conducive to an early morning workout.

    Thoughts, fellow P90Xers?

    I feel the same way. I think doing it that way would be fine. I don't have the desire to wake up and extra half hour early for Yoga, so I swapped Yoga and Kenpo (putting yoga on Sat, and Kenpo on Thurs), that also keeps me alternating cardio and weight routines. If Legs/Back takes extra long for you, and it should be fine to swap the way you said, as long you don't end up with weights/ARX 2 days in a row.

    Congrats on the loss!
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    Start of recovery week for me. Yoga this morning... I did the first 55 min. I woke up a little late, and husband/babies messed with my chi. I'm looking forward to trying Core Synergistics tomorrow for the first time. This week, I'm really going to focus on my eating as well. I know I've been slacking, and I'm sure that's part of the reason for the scale not moving.
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    Getting very frustrated with my wrist. Was doing better by Sat and then I had to work the weekend and lift heavy things. Now it's painful again. It's spring break and I'm the only one at work this week, so... not looking good. Supposed to start Phase 2 today, but I think I might just do a hybrid week with plyo, run/abs, kenpo, elliptical/abs, legs, bike/abs, rest and see how the week goes. I was really looking forward to trying out the new chest, shoulders, triceps day. Is it wrist intensive with a lot of pushups? Oh well. These setbacks happen. I will still take measurements tomorrow for Day 30 though. Give me motivation for the week! Keep it up everyone!
  • lindajay3
    lindajay3 Posts: 144 Member
    Liz - yes, chest, shoulders, & tris has a LOT of pushups - I aactually put in that dvd this morning and realizing what I was up for just switched it out for core synergistics. I hadn't done that one in a couple of weeks and enjoyed doing it again.

    Didn't lose any weight this week which is a bummer, but did measurements and have lost 1/2" on waist and hips so that's something to keep me going. I still haven't quite figured out the calorie thing yet and might have just eaten too many last week. Hopefully this week will see me back to losing again.

    Any suggestions for what to follow p90x with? I still have half the program to finish but am already worried about not have a routine to follow everyday - maybe another go at this since I'm still only hitting about 50-60% of the ab reps. . .

    Keep pushing play everyone and have a great week!
  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    Day 23 Done! Core Synergistics - I definitely worked harder, did more reps, added some weight and it felt good! still have issues with banana rolls and dreya rolls - but hopefully that will come with time!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Having a rough time bringing it...
    Im sore all over from my 10 miler yesterday plus my knee is sore from my fall during the run (yep klutzy here fell on ice at mile 1).
    Plus I am on vacation from work ... so I have been sitting in a chair doing homework all day.
    Trying to decide if I should push through... or take a rest day and double up tomorrow?
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    Having a rough time bringing it...
    Im sore all over from my 10 miler yesterday plus my knee is sore from my fall during the run (yep klutzy here fell on ice at mile 1).
    Plus I am on vacation from work ... so I have been sitting in a chair doing homework all day.
    Trying to decide if I should push through... or take a rest day and double up tomorrow?

    You've been working your butt off emmaleigh. I think you could have a rest day if you wanted. But, if you get up the motivation to bring it, by all means, do it! Doubling up tomorrow might be tougher than pushing through today. Again though, you have been working super hard, so a rest day might be good for you :)
  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    Having a rough time bringing it...
    Im sore all over from my 10 miler yesterday plus my knee is sore from my fall during the run (yep klutzy here fell on ice at mile 1).
    Plus I am on vacation from work ... so I have been sitting in a chair doing homework all day.
    Trying to decide if I should push through... or take a rest day and double up tomorrow?

    Push Through! Do something that you can do with a bum knee - maybe shoulders and back? Or Ab Ripper? Do something you will feel much better and feel like you can do more homework when you are done!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Ok well had a little (ok big) fight with hubbie and instead of stuffing my face I felt the need to bring it. I couldnt run because of my knee... so I did Shoulders and Arms ... it was awesome!
    I upped my weight or reps on almost every single exercise!! :)
  • becca0211
    becca0211 Posts: 250 Member
    Did Chest, Shoulder and Triceps for the first time tonight, followed up Ab Ripper X.... I am not sure I'll be able to lift my arms tomorrow. I hated push ups before tonight and I REALLY hate them now, lol. But as they say no pain, no gain. I'm going to Bring It again tomorrow! :smile:
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Trials and tribulations of the troubled traveler with P90X...

    My hotel room sucks for any good workouts...with the exception of prison cell pushups (did Core Syn tonight). Bonked my head on a dresser trying to do Dreya Rolls and could barely roll around on superman-banana. I am always looking for a bright side and the bright side is I have a jacuzzi tub room. I will be soaking in that puppy tonight.

    The late evening workouts are screwing up my eating schedule and I am not bringing it nearly as hard as I would like.

    On a positive note, spent some quality time in chatarunga run (first time ever) and upped my reps in all pushup routines (thanks Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps), my boat in bow to boat was perfect form with zero wavering (thanks Ab Ripper X) and for the first time since I don't know when, I saw a little bit of ab muscle peeking out while putting on the HRM chest strap.

    Traveling sucks, but you CAN stay on schedule!

    I want to take a moment to say that all of you are doing AWESOME and those of you that are in recovery week...enjoy the break! For those nursing nagging injuries, I feel for you (knocking on, my head). Get better soon! And those that are experiencing new personal achievements (weight, inches, better reps, better form, higher weigts, etc. etc.), KEEP IT UP! and keep BRINGING IT!

    Mini break tomorrow with Cardio-X...

    Good night, all!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Night everyone! Today's schedule was a bit off, but I got in a good workout, I needed a good burn and sweat so I popped in some Insanity Plyo Cardio Circuits!!! Wow! Tomorrow is our fit club, no idea what we're doing but it's cardio, I know that. Tomorrow is Cardio X and I haven't done that for a long time, looking forward to it.

    Bob: You, my friend are a P90X machine! I love your motivation, enthusiasm and energy! You're totally showing that no matter what, no excuses, you can get your workouts in, wherever you're at! So proud of you! Keep bringing the energy and support to this thread, we all love it!

    becca: Nice job! I can't wait for that workout! I know how you feel about your arms, love that feeling!!! Keep it up!

    emma: Way to go girl!!!! That's the way to do it, don't you feel so much better now that it's done?!!! Good job!

    I just want to say that you all are motivating to me! I feel like we've lost a few peeps though. :sad: I hope they're out there, pushing play! Keep up all the great work!
