New Round of P90X starts Feb 28th! Join me! Cont'd....



  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Evening everyone! Here's my other check in! Just finished Legs & Back & ARX! I think my calves and hammies are going to be feeling it tomorrow!!!! Can't believe week 2 is already going to be in the books! Woo hoo!

    linbaby: Welcome!!! Glad to see another X'er! The workouts are extreme but just do what you can do and don't feel like you have to keep up with everyone; you'll get stronger! You've got a great goal to work towards! A good pair of shoes is key! Keep it up girl and keep up the good work; we're here to help you through it!

    becca: Welcome! So, you could always add in Cardio X for a little extra. At the beginning of Cardio X is some yoga moves from yoga X.

    Well, I am logging off for the night. I've got a hot shower, a recovery drink and some food calling my name! Make it a great evening everyone and see you tomorrow! I've got Kenpo on tap!

  • annyshay
    annyshay Posts: 42
    Took yesterday off because it was Match Day (the day I found out where my job for the next 4 years is). I'm proud that I did plyo x tonight despite lack of sleep and just general exhaustion. I still brought it, and I feel much better now... like I knew I would. Tomorrow is my last 12+ hour shift. Woo hoo! I plan to get the strength training done by shifting them all back one (tomorrow is CST, Mon is B+B, Wed is L+B). Hopefully this way I can stay on track and keep up the good work. Keep pushing everyone! You're doing great!!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    But in crappy news, I'm in soooo much pain from Legs & Back yesterday, seriously like I am walking like a toy. But I really worked hard and know it will feel better in another day or two and then i'll be stronger then ever next time I do that video.

    I would recommend that everyone try out the Stretch X DVD on rest day. It's going to really help your leg muscles stretch out and recovery faster.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    But in crappy news, I'm in soooo much pain from Legs & Back yesterday, seriously like I am walking like a toy. But I really worked hard and know it will feel better in another day or two and then i'll be stronger then ever next time I do that video.

    I would recommend that everyone try out the Stretch X DVD on rest day. It's going to really help your leg muscles stretch out and recovery faster.

    I agree with edorice. The X-Stretch really prepares you for the new week of hard work outs. I did X-Stretch for the first three weeks on rest days and took it off on the recovery week since you get it in the middle of the week. As Tony Horton says, "it's all a puzzle...all of the pieces fit."
  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    Still going strong, swapped rest day for Kenpo X - Fridays always seem to be my busy day - so Kenpo today - which would be week 2, day 14 - Feeling good!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Greetings from Phoenix. Still bringing it while on vacation. Doubled up on Cardio-X to burn off some extra calories gained while traveling (airport food sucks for those watching what they put in their bodies).

    Just found out that I will be traveling for the next 3-4 months for my job and will be doing Monday-Friday workouts from the hotel room. I will need to invest in a door frame pull up bar for Legs and Back. Can anyone suggest a good one? I may be using the band cheat method as I am still working up the stamina for normal pull ups and chin ups (I don't trust the chair assist method) but I need something sturdy to loop the band around...I assume that the door frame pull up brace can satisfy that function?

    Although I won't be flying, I am dreading lugging my weights every week in my car. I tried doing some of the band moves while traveling a week or so ago and I just didn't like it. I could never get the tension right and it was never balanced for each arm. Definitely a feeling out kind of thing and I don't want to lose momentum in my workouts while I figure out effective band movements. I am a simple guy when it comes to exercise and I just prefer picking up weights.

    I guess I will get the additional workout garnered from lugging weights from the house to the car to the hotel to back to the car to back to the house...UGH...

    I will not stop though...have come too far to do that.

    Take care all...86 expected in Phoenix today for my spring training baseball game...can't wait!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I skipped Legs and Back last night (again ... 2nd week in a row) in favor of a 6.2 mile run.
    I PR'd my distance and I felt amazing... bu tmy legs were too shot to do the video.
    I think I am a bit afraid because Legs and Back falls on Friday for me, and my long run is on Sunday ... (and now we are getting into 10 mile territory with the race coming up soon) and I know the first time I did it, it pretty much ruined my run on Sunday because I was sooo sore.

    Does anyone have any idea how I could modify the program to avoid this happening?
    I run on Tues, Thurs, Friday, and Sunday....
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    Morning everyone! Subbed Kenpo for Yoga yesterday, and actually subbed Tae Bo for Kenpo. Didn't burn as much as I thought I would. Might go back to Kenpo next week instead. Although, the specific tape I did (Advanced #3) has a KILLER booty section that hurts so much I love doing it. Pretty easy to mimic on my own though. If anyone is interested I can try to explain it.
    Today is Legs and Back plus some cardio if I have time. Tomorrow I WILL stretch and try yoga after light cardio. My back is looking forward to a recovery week.
  • naturalbeauty47
    Hey guys!! Started week 2 today and did the Core Synergistics. Let's just say me and the Dreya Roll does NOT get along! LOL
  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    Greetings from Phoenix. Still bringing it while on vacation. Doubled up on Cardio-X to burn off some extra calories gained while traveling (airport food sucks for those watching what they put in their bodies).

    Just found out that I will be traveling for the next 3-4 months for my job and will be doing Monday-Friday workouts from the hotel room. I will need to invest in a door frame pull up bar for Legs and Back. Can anyone suggest a good one? I may be using the band cheat method as I am still working up the stamina for normal pull ups and chin ups (I don't trust the chair assist method) but I need something sturdy to loop the band around...I assume that the door frame pull up brace can satisfy that function?

    Although I won't be flying, I am dreading lugging my weights every week in my car. I tried doing some of the band moves while traveling a week or so ago and I just didn't like it. I could never get the tension right and it was never balanced for each arm. Definitely a feeling out kind of thing and I don't want to lose momentum in my workouts while I figure out effective band movements. I am a simple guy when it comes to exercise and I just prefer picking up weights.

    I guess I will get the additional workout garnered from lugging weights from the house to the car to the hotel to back to the car to back to the house...UGH...

    I will not stop though...have come too far to do that.

    Take care all...86 expected in Phoenix today for my spring training baseball game...can't wait!

    The bands I use, have a ball attached to them - you stick it on the opposite side of the door, close the door and the ball prevents the bands from coming out of the door frame - if that makes sense - I just wish I was strong enough to do real pull-ups - but for now, I use the bands!
  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    Finished Day 14 - I swapped Day 13 Kenpo for Day 14 rest - and I found that it was pretty easy - I had taken martial arts in the past, so the moves were easy - it was a nice switch to be able to keep up with Tony and his crew - first time that has happened!
  • jataijah
    jataijah Posts: 192 Member
    Tomorrow is my rest day. I think I will do Stretch X to get my body ready for Phase 2 which starts Monday!! I really looking forward to phase 2
  • becca0211
    becca0211 Posts: 250 Member
    I am 6 weeks into seriously working out again and in P90X phase 1 recovery week. Had doctors appointment yesterday, since January I am down11 pounds and able to get off one of my blood pressure meds! The plan is to get off the other one in 3 months when I go back for a follow up :-)
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone! Sorry didn't post yesterday but had a great Kenpo workout! Today is my rest day and I'm starting it off right with a chocolate, raspberry cheesecake Shakeology!!!! OMG! To die for!!!! It's actually going to be sunny here in Seattle today so we're going to take a walk around the lake and then come home and do X Stretch, should feel great!

    becca: So happy to hear your doctor's appt. went well! Good for you! I had high cholesterol, like through the roof and because of exercising and eating right, I too no longer have to be on meds! Nice job!

    jata: Woo hoo! Phase II already! So, are you increasing your calories at all or just the carb portions?

    erniemj: Great job on keeping up! Way to go!

    naturalbeauty: Good job on Core Syn but I agree, I've never been a big fan of the dreya rolls! Keep up the good work!

    Bob: Hope you're enjoying sunny Phoenix! And good job on sticking to the program! I know it's tough when you're out of town and not on your normal routine!

    Hello to eveyrone else! Hope you all enjoy your day today and make it healthy! Let's bring on next week!!!

  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    Day 15 done! And what a reality check - I am still having lots of trouble with the core synergistics (not like yesterday's kenpo X) oh well - I think I am going to do Phase 1 twice before moving on to Phase 2 - any thoughts on this?
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Day 15 done! And what a reality check - I am still having lots of trouble with the core synergistics (not like yesterday's kenpo X) oh well - I think I am going to do Phase 1 twice before moving on to Phase 2 - any thoughts on this?

    erniemj, first thanks for the tip with the bands. Unfortunately, mine do not have that ball that you refer to. I think I will get the door frame brace and use that.

    As for starting Phase 1 over, I would encourage you to go to Phase 2. It's all about muscle confusion. Unless you missed a lot of days due to life getting in the way, move on to the next phase. My two cents...
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    I spent my rest day flying home from home early enough to take my 30 day pics and take my measurements. I will weigh in tomorrow. I compared the pics from Before and 30 and I definitely see improvement, especially in the midsection. I hate to say this, but I think my wife sucks at measuring. My measurements are all over the board (gained in some areas, lost in others, gained again, lost again...I measure every Sunday). I do not see a discernable pattern, but the eyeball test is telling me that P90X is working and I feel great.

    Home for two days to start Phase II and then I hit the road. Will be working on the road M-F for the next 2-3 months...Ugh.

    Did the X-Pose in front of the Grand Canyon on Friday (it's my profile pic)...can't wait to go back, this time with the kids...

  • jataijah
    jataijah Posts: 192 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone! Sorry didn't post yesterday but had a great Kenpo workout! Today is my rest day and I'm starting it off right with a chocolate, raspberry cheesecake Shakeology!!!! OMG! To die for!!!! It's actually going to be sunny here in Seattle today so we're going to take a walk around the lake and then come home and do X Stretch, should feel great!

    becca: So happy to hear your doctor's appt. went well! Good for you! I had high cholesterol, like through the roof and because of exercising and eating right, I too no longer have to be on meds! Nice job!

    jata: Woo hoo! Phase II already! So, are you increasing your calories at all or just the carb portions?

    erniemj: Great job on keeping up! Way to go!

    naturalbeauty: Good job on Core Syn but I agree, I've never been a big fan of the dreya rolls! Keep up the good work!

    Bob: Hope you're enjoying sunny Phoenix! And good job on sticking to the program! I know it's tough when you're out of town and not on your normal routine!

    Hello to eveyrone else! Hope you all enjoy your day today and make it healthy! Let's bring on next week!!!


    Im really trying to cut down on the carbs. I went to grocery store this weekend and stocked up on eggs, fruits and veggies. I eat alot of chicken breast and already
  • lindajay3
    lindajay3 Posts: 144 Member
    Hey guys!! I'm new here and just finished my 1st week of P90X Lean. Tomorrow is my rest/stretch day. I did Kenpo X today and I LOVED IT!! I think it's the punching and kicking lol.

    That's my favorite workout, too. I could do that one a couple of times a week. Today was my rest day but I ended up trying a kickboxing dvd - it had a leg workout at the end that was killer. Tomorrow I start week 6 - halfway through the 90 days. Since I switched over to the classic program I really look forward to the plyo day although I sort of miss core synergistics.
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    Did legs and back today. I find it really hard to do abx afterward, but i am getting there. Looking forward to kenpo tomorrow.