New Round of P90X starts Feb 28th! Join me! Cont'd....



  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Hitting the road guys! My car will be loaded with luggage, food, protein supplements, weights/bands, food scale, etc. etc...and of, course P90X DVDs, book, and nutrition plan. I may need to trade out my Saturn for a Winnebego...LOL. Luckily, I am not flying but lugging the weights REALLY SUCKS...Almost forgot, plunked down $40 bucks on a door frame pull up contraption...hopefully, I don't rip out the door frames at the hotel when I do Shoulders, Chest, and Triceps on Wednesday. Will be the first time doing that workout since I am doing Lean. I think I will preview the DVD tonight to see what I am getting into...looks like an old school pull up/ push up routine.

    Take care and keep BRINGING IT!
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    Phase 1, Week 3, Day 2 - Plyo! I think this is my favorite video so far. It really seems to pump me up for the day.

    @repobob: Good luck on the road. I travel once or twice a year for work, and just can't seem to get any kind of consistent workout done. Keep us posted on how it goes.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    The Mother!!!!!!! Whew! Dripping in plyo sweat! Sorry but it's true! lol Now, sipping on my yummy recovery drink!!! How is everyone's day going so far? Pushing that play button?

    jljohnson: Bring it today! Remember, tip of the day, think like a cat!

    Bob: Safe travels and way to go on keeping up with your schedule! You rock!

    Brandi: I can't believe you're half way through phase II already! Crazy! I am not looking forward to those chattarunga runs! Grrrrr! Keep bringing it girl!

    Hello to all the other peeps! Shout out to ya! Make today a good one all!

  • Kelnurse
    Kelnurse Posts: 145
    Hello Everybody! So happy to see all the support here! I realized I made a mistake in my post yesterday, I said I did shoulders and BACK when its shoulders and ARMS but I think u all knew which one I meant :blushing: Thanks to all of u for allowing me to join in the fun! Getting ready to do the 90 min yoga dvd (ugh). Hubby is NOT a fan and cant do half the moves but he is a great sport about it! Have to say when I catch a glimpse of him trying to do some of the moves I chuckle about it (meanwhile fall out of pose :happy: ) Have a great night everyone!!
  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    shoulders and arms and ab ripper today - added heavier weights - felt good - cannot do all of ab ripper - some of the exercises really hurt my lower back - so I modify - otherwise - a success!
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    Question. Do you guys do stretchX or just take a rest day?
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Hello Everybody! So happy to see all the support here! I realized I made a mistake in my post yesterday, I said I did shoulders and BACK when its shoulders and ARMS but I think u all knew which one I meant :blushing: Thanks to all of u for allowing me to join in the fun! Getting ready to do the 90 min yoga dvd (ugh). Hubby is NOT a fan and cant do half the moves but he is a great sport about it! Have to say when I catch a glimpse of him trying to do some of the moves I chuckle about it (meanwhile fall out of pose :happy: ) Have a great night everyone!!

    A lot of people forego Yoga-X for a different P90X workout or different routine altogether, but I stick with it for two reasons:

    1. I get better every time I do it...I get stronger, achieve better balance, and get a little more flexible. I don't like to stop something because I suck at it (unless it is golf). I actually held Crane for about 15 seconds last time I did Yoga-X (world record for me).
    2. I really feel it is an integral part of P90X. "In Tony I Trust!". I think I recover better from previous workouts (cardio or resistance) and better prepare for the next day's workout when I do Yoga-X.

    On a side note, I rarely make "decrees" with my wife, but I have strictly forbade her from witnessing me doing Yoga-X, unless she cares to grab a mat and join in the fun!
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    Did Plyo today and officially completed day 30! Yay me! :laugh: Wow is that a killer workout! I was literally dripping sweat all over the floor!

    I measured today and I managed to lose 1" off my abdomen and 2" off my hips! Overall I lost just over 6" total. Not the ginormous numbers I've seen others post but it's a lot more than I'd have lost sitting on my butt! And I'm on my way and ready to tackle this next phase. I knew when I started I would do at least three rounds of this so I'm in it for the long haul. I just found out my sister bought Insanity but feels it's too hard for her so I might be able to buy it off her or at least borrow it so I'm already thinking beyond my current set. I don't want to do all this hard work and then let it fade away!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Question. Do you guys do stretchX or just take a rest day?

    What I have done so far is I have done X-Stretch after the first and second week of Phase 1 and knowing I am going into the recovery week, take the rest day at the end of the third week knowing I have two Yoga-X sessions and at least one X-Stretch session during recovery. At the end of the recovery week, I took a rest day only because I flew from Phoenix, AZ to Ohio that day and the long flight and loss of three hours made it tough. If I had the day to do it, I probably would have done it.

    I think the rule of thumb (personally...IMO) is to do X-Stretch when you have general workout soreness to help prepare for the new week but if you tweaked something (nothing serious, but a little more than general soreness) it may be better to just rest to allow the body to further heal, especially if the tweaked area may get further tweaked by stretching that particular area.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Did Plyo today and officially completed day 30! Yay me! :laugh: Wow is that a killer workout! I was literally dripping sweat all over the floor!

    I measured today and I managed to lose 1" off my abdomen and 2" off my hips! Overall I lost just over 6" total. Not the ginormous numbers I've seen others post but it's a lot more than I'd have lost sitting on my butt! And I'm on my way and ready to tackle this next phase. I knew when I started I would do at least three rounds of this so I'm in it for the long haul. I just found out my sister bought Insanity but feels it's too hard for her so I might be able to buy it off her or at least borrow it so I'm already thinking beyond my current set. I don't want to do all this hard work and then let it fade away!

    Great progress! I am planning on multiple rounds as well and the "long haul" mentality helps get the mind right when the progresses aren't nearly as dramatic as we hope...the results will come...I am trying to enjoy the mini successes along the way while keeping my mind on the ultimate goal. As my signature says, "The journey is the reward."

    Keep BRINGING IT! :bigsmile:
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    I feel like I am hogging the thread tonight, but I had to post this...I just settled in my hotel room and tried out the door frame pull up bar and I was frustrated to see that the damn door frame was too wide for the pull up brace! After scratching my head a bit, I saw that I could replicate the pull up move by looping the green resistance band over the door inside near the hinge and closing the door. With about 8 inches of the green band hanging outside the closed door, I had enough tension to replicate the pull up moves pretty well and the bands stayed put! I call that "ingenuity by necessity". For those on the thread that are on my friends list, I aplogize for the redundancy, but I thought it was worthwhile for the group if they travel.

    Note to self: Order the extension bar for the pull up brace STAT.

    Good night, all!
  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    My last post was from my phone, so it was a bit curt - sorry about that, I am not a good texting, in fact I don't care much for technology in general - another reason I like Tony Horton's videos - basic, but highly effective!

    Knittnponder - excellent - 6" is great in 30 days! - I never got around to taking before measurements (did photos though) - so I will take measurements at day 30 - Oh - and I knit also!! I just knitted a bunch of little mini aliens for my son's birthday party goodie bags - like, really, what 8 year old boy would not want a tiny knitted alien (well, I hopefully scored some cool mom points with the other moms)!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Hi all (again)! I ran across this article while perusing some BeachBody e-Newsletters that were cluttering my inbox. It is an alternate P90X schedule for those that are balancing P90X and running. Link is below.

    Hope it is helpful...

    'Night all...
  • cnance
    cnance Posts: 92 Member
    Checking in for the first time in a while... I'm battling a nasty sinus infection, I'm still only one day behind schedule. I'm finally giving in and going to the Dr. today though, so I may have to shut it down for a day or two. Hate this stuff. Seriously considering getting allergy shots, I deal with this stuff all the time and I take a lot of allergy meds already.
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    Did Plyo today and officially completed day 30! Yay me! :laugh: Wow is that a killer workout! I was literally dripping sweat all over the floor!

    I measured today and I managed to lose 1" off my abdomen and 2" off my hips! Overall I lost just over 6" total. Not the ginormous numbers I've seen others post but it's a lot more than I'd have lost sitting on my butt! And I'm on my way and ready to tackle this next phase. I knew when I started I would do at least three rounds of this so I'm in it for the long haul. I just found out my sister bought Insanity but feels it's too hard for her so I might be able to buy it off her or at least borrow it so I'm already thinking beyond my current set. I don't want to do all this hard work and then let it fade away!

    Nice! I'm anxious to see what kind of results I have after my 30 days. If it's like yours, I'll be thrilled! I'd love to continue and do more rounds too. I'm reserving making that decision until I've at least tried all the workouts, and see what kind of results I get.
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    Arms/Back/ARX is done for the day!

    Today is an all-day potluck at work. I know my eating won't be terrific today. I'm going to treat myself a little, but try not to go overboard. Wish me luck!
  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    Got my *kitten* kicked by CoreX last night and had to skip the bonus round. I thought I was getting better at everything until last night, made me feel like a newb again. I need some more work on my core I guess.
  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    Getting ready to head out for Zumba and abs (subbed for Yoga X) - which is Day 18 for me (week 3, phase 1) P90x Lean - looking for a great calorie burn! I get to do Yoga X on Sunday for Week 4 - I know how important it is to overall success!
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    Into Phase 3!

    I had to split up Chest, Back & ARX on Tuesday. Pulled a Jillian halfway through my morning workout and decided to call it quits till the afternoon. Picked it up after dinner, and finished it out. Pullups are continuing to get easier, and I actually did all of the Dive Bombers. I could barely do three the first few times through. Thank you Core Synergistics!

    Had Plyo this morning and busted out 803 calories. Felt much better than yesterday. I think the three extra cups of water before bed helped.

    And I do have to say, P90X is doing my body good.

    End of Power 90 / Start of P90X:

    A week or so ago:

    Anyway, have a great day everyone. Keep hitting play!
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    Adam, that's great! I can really tell a difference. Keep it up!!

    On a side note. I don't think I fractured my wrist, but I did definitely strain some muscles. Today is better, but still wrapped and not able to sleep through the night (even took vicodin). Oh well, thank goodness for recovery week, my treadmill and bike. Today I will attempt to stretch and maybe do one handed elliptical.