New Round of P90X starts Feb 28th! Join me! Cont'd....



  • poolcue
    poolcue Posts: 35
    Just Join, first time post. Got the DVD in last week and watched a few of them will be starting next week when I am done being sick. Just a little more about myself, I am tyring to get in better shape so I can play with my kids, also I am quiting smoking at the same time. Wish me luck.

  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    So...bad news guys...I've been keeping up with my P90X really well....but not so much with my homework schedule. Therefore, I need to put a hold on my P90X workouts until I get caught up on my homework....ugh. I hate compromises....

    Oh geez I understand that well. This weekend I will be buckling down and getting a bunch of stuff done since the semester is almost over.... but dont you think you can find 30-45 minutes to bring it?:)

    Well, I'd have to convince my fiance that it would be a good idea...
  • onawhymm
    onawhymm Posts: 469 Member
    Just finished my first week ( kenpo x today which was quite fun) and I gotta say - I love these workouts!!! They are time consuming but fortunately I can make the time right now - must be hard for folks who work 9-5 or are in school. So I have all the more respect for you!
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    Just Join, first time post. Got the DVD in last week and watched a few of them will be starting next week when I am done being sick. Just a little more about myself, I am tyring to get in better shape so I can play with my kids, also I am quiting smoking at the same time. Wish me luck.


    Welcome! And congrats on the no smoking thing. All the exercise will help you feel better.
  • lindajay3
    lindajay3 Posts: 144 Member
    Haven't posted in a while and couldn't find you guys at first! Sounds like everyone is really keeping up with the program!

    I'm into Week 5/Day 4 - should have done yoga x but threw in step dvd instead. Keep hearing that the yoga really shows how much your strength increases so I'll really have to try that one again soon. During my recovery week I tried plyo and found out it's a lot of fun so I swtiched over to the classic program from lean for my next two monthes. Also loving shoulders, arms & triceps and back and biceps. I was surprised to see I burned over 300 calories during the back and biceps work out yesterday.

    It so great to read how everyone is seeing improvement as they keep pushing play - even if it's only a little from week to week it just motivates you to keep working harder.

    Keep up the great work everyone!
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    Today was plyo for me. I burned over 600 cal in this workout. first time it happens to me. i had to to pause a few time because my heart rate was too high. i had a bad episode of heart rate spiking to 212 a few weeks ago so i am being cautious.
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    Chest & Back plus ARX done for the day. I have been focusing in increasing my number of reg pushups before hitting the knee, but they aren't deep. So I think next Phase I'm going to try to do as many deep as possible instead. My diamond pushups are only like halfway down - man those are hard!
  • Hannahrenee86
    I did Yoga today along with a 5 mile walk.. I am definitely getting better at Yoga.
  • michelegrayson
    I completed week 1 of P90X and I'm still on board! The first day I started I was afraid that this was too much for me but I made a commitment I would make it thru the first month and if I still couldn't keep up, I would reevaluate.

    Well, I did CoreSyn again today starting the 2nd week and I was amazed at how much I improved. I have been disappointed in the fact that I'm not buring alot of caloriesint he workout compared to my biking/running but I know it is because I can't go as fast as Tony and his team. Well today I got cardio and actually burned 325 calories so I was pretty pleased. I found that it helped that I worked out closer to my early morning run as it was easier to stay in my "zone".

    Looking forward to week two and will continue to plug along!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Michele: Great job! Yes its a committment and a time crunch.. but its sooo worth it I think!

    Today was Arms and Shoulders ... I came home and did that after going to the gym and doing a speedwork on the treadmill. This working out for almost 2 hours a night is a killer sometimes... but I can see the progress even if its little by little.

    Today I felt strong enough on the second set to ditch my little bands and try hand weights which definately made things harder but I pushed through ..

    And when I flex my arm... I feel a small biscep muscle that Im pretty sure wasnt there before :)
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Michele: Great job! Yes its a committment and a time crunch.. but its sooo worth it I think!

    Today was Arms and Shoulders ... I came home and did that after going to the gym and doing a speedwork on the treadmill. This working out for almost 2 hours a night is a killer sometimes... but I can see the progress even if its little by little.

    Today I felt strong enough on the second set to ditch my little bands and try hand weights which definately made things harder but I pushed through ..

    And when I flex my arm... I feel a small biscep muscle that Im pretty sure wasnt there before :)
  • naturalbeauty47
    Hey guys!! I'm new here and just finished my 1st week of P90X Lean. Tomorrow is my rest/stretch day. I did Kenpo X today and I LOVED IT!! I think it's the punching and kicking lol.
  • CurriedGrasshopper
    CurriedGrasshopper Posts: 86 Member
    Tomorrow is my rest day and then I'm finished week 2!

    Which is exciting - I'm noticing strength improvement, which is motivating.

    But in crappy news, I'm in soooo much pain from Legs & Back yesterday, seriously like I am walking like a toy. But I really worked hard and know it will feel better in another day or two and then i'll be stronger then ever next time I do that video.
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    And when I flex my arm... I feel a small biscep muscle that Im pretty sure wasnt there before :)

    I love that feeling! I'm starting to feel my triceps a little... I'm sure people wonder what I'm doing if they walk past my desk and see me flexing and feeling my arms :noway: It really motivates me to see even a little progress. I bought a pair of pants last week that were just a little tight in the waist. Today I slipped them on with no trouble.

    Legs/Back/ARX done for the day. I really hope my HRM is accurate... said 580 calories burned this morning. Awesome way to start the day!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Hello all!
    Yesterday was day 4 of my recovery week, stretch day. Today is Core Synergistics.

    Question for any veteran P90X'ers. Well 2 questions really...
    First, the way my schedule currently is laid out, I start a new week on Monday. Which means on Tuesday I have Plyo, but I am in a bowling league on Tuesday's, and Plyo is sucking all my energy so I have none for bowling, and my average has been dropping :mad:
    How can I re-arrange my schedule the best way so I can do a rest day on Tuesday instead of Sunday? Can it really be as easy as moving Monday's workout to Sunday, Tuesday's workout to Monday, taking Tuesday off, and then picking back up on Wednesday with Day 3? Any thoughts or suggestions?

    Second, how is the lean program? I'm a month away from completing round 1, and looking forward to getting round 2 under way. I'm thinking of doing the lean program, did the classic program for round 1. Thoughts?

    Thanks very much!
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    Emma- nice job on the progress!
    Grasshopper - my booty was so sore after the last Legs workout. It's a great feeling when I think about my jeans fitting again!
    johnson - i LOVE triceps. I look at mine in the mirror at home (well, what little of them there are) Gotta love the glamour muscles!
    MAK - I'm not a veteran, but I am switching up my schedule when needed. As long as I get all 6 workouts/week and alternate them strength/cardio I think its fine.

    Speaking of switching. Today should be Yoga, but I've given up on that except for recovery week. So I am going to do Kenpo/TaeBo instead. My hubby has been gone all week and I know he's going to want to hang out with some beverages later. Gotta burn burn burn! Have a great weekend everyone!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Morning!!!! Happy Friday everyone! Sorry for the late post but I had yoga yesterday and it felt fantastic!!!! I actually enjoyed it thouroughly! And I know my body needed it! Today is legs & back & arx and I gotta say, considering how incredibly sore I was last week because of it, not looking forward to it but let’s hope I won’t be as sore this week!

    Poolcue: Welcome aboard! Sorry to hear you’re sick, it’s been going around. Hope you get better in time to start next week! And a big congrats at quitting smoking!!! Good for you! I look forward to reading your posts!

    Onawhymm: Woo hoo!!!! One week down, good job girl! They are time consuming but soooo worth it! Everyone should make time for themselves and an hour a day is not a lot to ask! Keep up the good work!

    Lindajay: Wow! Week 5! So, are you seeing results?! Keep up the great work!

    Soccermum: Nice burn yesterday with plyo!!!! And good job on reading your HRM, that’s sooo important! I too had a high spike a few times when I did Insanity.

    Lizard: Good job on the push ups, whether or not they’re deep or not, you’re still working the muscles. And I agree with diamond push ups, they are hard! Keep it up!

    Hannah: wow, yoga and a 5 mile walk! Woo hoo!

    Michele: Glad to hear you’re still on board with us! Don’t give up! Don’t get too discouraged on the calorie burn, just do your best! Keep pushing play!

    Emma: You are rockin’ it! Whether you think so or not, you are inspiring me! :bigsmile: Stick with it and the results will just keep coming! And…..hello biceps!!!! Woo hoo!

    Naturalbeauty: Welcome! Congrats on finishing week 1! I love kenpo too, one of my favs! You should try it with weighted gloves for a little extra burn! So fun! I look forward to hearing about your progress!

    Curried: Enjoy your rest day today, sounds like you need it after legs & back! I hear ya!!! That one is killer!

    Jljohnson: lol….I flex in the mirror; it’s just something you’ll find yourself doing more often now! Go for it! Congrats on slipping on the pants! Woo hoo!!!! Keep it up! :drinker:

    Mak: for your schedule, I would probably do it just like you said. I mean you could do Monday’s reg workout, Tue rest and pick up with Wed reg workout, you’d just have plyo on Sun then. But, you might have to see how you feel on Wed, if you’re too sore, then I wouldn’t push it.

    I’ll be back after my workout to say hello and let you know how my jello legs feel! Lol Thos dang sneaky lunges!!!!
  • becca0211
    becca0211 Posts: 250 Member
    Hi, I just found this today and wanted to get some advice from all the P90X people out there. I am finishing up week 3, recovery weeks starts tomorrow. However, I am missing the Yogo dvd. I have been subsituting a pilates workout I have on my yoga days so far but really would like to push a little more on those days. Any suggestions? Thank you!
  • linbaby4
    linbaby4 Posts: 96 Member
    First time p90x user after seeing my dads results!
    I'm on day 4 week 1 yoga time!! so farrr the woorkouts are a little X treme and tiring but I try not to hit the pause button knowing I wont get back up lol
    ummmm hopefullly this is the one thing i stick tooo!
    if i complete month 1 my boyfriend promised me GOOD running shoes (unlike my 20$ payless ones lol)!!
    i'm a person who needs tons of motivation soo i really like this board so far :)

    GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE! And remember just keep hitting PLAY :D
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    Today was shoulders and Abx. got a great workout, i burned over 500 cals. much more than my first week. I am glad tomorrow is yoga. i need and easy workout, I am burned out.