New Round of P90X starts Feb 28th! Join me! Cont'd....



  • onawhymm
    onawhymm Posts: 469 Member
    Hey - Just finished up Day 5 of week one - legs and back and Ab-Ripper. Went well! Didn't quite follow the worksheet I downloaded. What's up with that? Cheers everyone!
  • cnance
    cnance Posts: 92 Member
    Hey - Just finished up Day 5 of week one - legs and back and Ab-Ripper. Went well! Didn't quite follow the worksheet I downloaded. What's up with that? Cheers everyone!
    It follows, but the pull-ups are two sets and the legs are one set. So you have to loop back around to the 4 pull up exercises. Several of the lifting exercises are like that. There's some kinda method to Tony's madness!
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    Question for the it normal to see accelerated fat loss during recovery week due to the increased cardio? My weight has been zig-zagging the last few weeks (assume it is from muscle gain) and it would be nice to see the scale dip a little bit this Sunday prior to 30 day measurements and pictures.
    I don't know that weight loss was accelerated during recovery week, but it seemed to me that I didn't start really losing lbs until near the 30 day mark. Then it went off fast through the last 60 days. I don't think the delay in loss is from gain as much as from sore muscles retaining water to repair. I lost 23lbs doing Lean and most of that was the last 60 days. I do remember being worried the first few weeks, hope this helps.

    I was told the same thing about muscles retaining water until they repair. While I've slowly lost the past month, I'm hoping to see a faster weight shed these next couple phases. If I can lose close to 20 these next weeks, I'd be ecstatic. Or would that be X-tatic?
  • CurriedGrasshopper
    CurriedGrasshopper Posts: 86 Member
    *raises hand* I'm here too!

    So last night me and my fiance had date night and went to our itty bitty theatre and watched Harry Potter - it was a blast and I ate way too much buttered popcorn and couldn't find the energy to work out at 11:45pm. But not big deal, you gotta have a date night now and then right!?

    So Kenpo tonight, it's all good.
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member

    Question for the it normal to see accelerated fat loss during recovery week due to the increased cardio? My weight has been zig-zagging the last few weeks (assume it is from muscle gain) and it would be nice to see the scale dip a little bit this Sunday prior to 30 day measurements and pictures.

    Just curious...


    During my first round I lost steady weight, I have experienced weight loss during rocovery weeks too because of less weight lifting. It's really a crazy thing though. It's hard to pinpoint a solid pattern.

    I'm on my 3rd week and havent lost a pound. Probably from muscle gain.

    I haven't lost much either (about 1 lb), but I'm also within 10 lbs of my goal weight so it will take longer. I am curious to see what happens during recovery next week though!
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    I found it! Thanks to lizard9800 for noting on the auto-continued thread that there was a new one. Otherwise, I probably would have gone there.

    Arms/Shoulders/ARX today rocked. I actually made it through the bonus round for the first time (ran out of time last week), so I heard the "Wow upside down is Mom" thing - love Tony's sense of humor :laugh:

    For those talking weight loss, I haven't seen any yet. I'm really hoping it will pick up by phase 2, so I don't get discouraged. I had previously done Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred, didn't lose a pound, but was impressed with the inches I lost. If that's the case here too, I'll be ok, but really would like to drop 10-15lbs... I guess we'll see :ohwell:
  • annyshay
    annyshay Posts: 42
    Hey crew. Rest day for me today! I could use it too, since it's been hard keeping up with all the hours I'm working and actually pressing play. Hard, but not impossible! It's been great to have all of you for motivation. Keep it up!!!
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    Ah, rest days. Oh how I love thee!

    I did Chest and Tri today. I did what I could, but when it comes to the fly push-ups, finding I'm having a hard time doing that because it's straining the very lowest ab muscle on my right side and the feeling makes me not want to push it. I really don't want an injured ab muscle.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Hey all! Thank you very much for the reply to my question. It sounds like P90X is "like a bawx of chawklates...ya never know what yur gonna git!" As said earlier, if I weigh in this Sunday and lose a few pounds, I will be ecstatic, X-Static, or maybe "sta-BLAT-ic".

    Did Kenpo-X as my third day of recovery week phase 1 VERY early this morning and got the best sweat and burn ever on that workout...I need to set that alarm to go off sooner more often. Today was a travel day and I wanted to knock it out.

    On vacation tomorrow...heading to Phoenix for some spring training baseball (Go Reds!!)...bringing the P90X gear.

    Take care, all. I will be scarce the next four days.
  • onawhymm
    onawhymm Posts: 469 Member
    Hey - Just finished up Day 5 of week one - legs and back and Ab-Ripper. Went well! Didn't quite follow the worksheet I downloaded. What's up with that? Cheers everyone!
    It follows, but the pull-ups are two sets and the legs are one set. So you have to loop back around to the 4 pull up exercises. Several of the lifting exercises are like that. There's some kinda method to Tony's madness!

    Maybe I downloaded something different as there are two lines on each of the pull-up entries but then they are all listed twice (so I didn't have to loop back around) except the last set of Switch grip pull-ups which was only listed once. Anyway - I logged it, it just didn't make sense like the arms and shoulders worksheet did.
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    Did Plyo today. Good burn, but some of the bending down squats hurt my back (already tweaked). So even though my plans tonight were cancelled due to heavy snow, I don't think I will push for more cardio. Oh well. Always tomorrow. Although riding my recumbent bike sounds tempting... gotta go!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hey all! Glad we're all together again! So, did I miss something? I didn't see an auto continued thread, if I did, I wouldn't have started a new one for everyone to search for, sorry.

    Quick check in. Today was killer! This morning I did Turbo Fire 60 and tonight, I just got done with S&A & ARX and my arms are like jello, it's hard to type! lol

    As far as the weight loss goes, I too have about the last 10-15lbs to lose so I know it's going to be hard with all the muscle I'm gaining, trying not to let that get to me. I really want to get dunked and find out exactly what my body fat is, I think it would help me focus not so much on the number on the scale, ya know?

    Keep up the good work everyone! If there's still peeps on the continued thread that I couldn't find, get em' on over here! Keep bringing it!

  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Evening all... nothing for me today ... I put Arms and Shoulders off until tomorrow.
    I really brought it on Chest and Back on Monday -- and I am not kidding I can hardly raise my arms today. Hoping some of the soreness gets better by tomorrow. Pylo is still a struggle for me, mostly because I always do it after a 4-5 mile run. I cannot figure out how to get Plyo on a non run day.

    Does anyone have any ideas?
    I do my long run on Sunday ... so Plyo would be out on that day. I run on Tues and Thursday as well.

    Next week is recovery week ... I have yet to try Ab Ripper so I am planning that ... I was also kinda planning to try to get it all the way through Plyo during recovery week? Any ideas?

    I will be repeating Phase 1 again... I feel that I have brought it ... but not dont the whole videos so I am going to focus on that for the next round.

    Oh and I gave up the scale for Lent... so Im not sure.. but I sure notice my bisceps more while I am wearing my Body Media so maybe there is success? Oh and my last run on Tuesday I literally toook 15 sec/mile off my time. :)
  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    I am on Phase 1, week 2 of P90x Lean - I am subsituting cardio X and Yoga X with my 2 Zumba classes per week - hopefully that is okay - I am trying to do some of the Yoga before Zumba - it actually helps increase my stamina in Zumba because I am all limbered up - tomorrow is legs and back!
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I'm in recovery week, phase 1 and today was KenpoX, plus I did Taekwondo tonight. Lots of kicking today!

    On the weight loss, I just finally lost two pounds this week and it's week four. I did buy myself a heart rate monitor about two weeks ago and log the calories from that instead of eating according to the P90X plan. It told me to eat over 3,000 calories and I know that won't get my scale moving downward! Although my scale wasn't moving I've dropped a whole pants size in the month that I've been doing this! I don't expect huge differences on the 30 day mark but I am sure looking forward to the 90 day! And round two ought to really net me some results!

    The biggest bonus for me so far is that I am getting stronger and I can feel it! Tonight at TKD we were kept moving for quite awhile bouncing on our toes and doing all kinds of kicks. I was actually one of the few who were able to do the exercise all the way through to the end without running out of gas! Not bad for the overweight old lady in the class! :laugh: I am enjoying every new muscle that I find!

    Bringing it is hard but so worth it!
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    I have not lost any weight yet and no inches either but it has only been a week. However, i think i am starting to see more ab definition.
  • Hannahrenee86
    I am week 3 day 3 . I did the Shoulders and Arms/Ab Ripper X along with a four mile walk! I can definitely feel the difference. I am using bigger weights! wohoo!!
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    So...bad news guys...I've been keeping up with my P90X really well....but not so much with my homework schedule. Therefore, I need to put a hold on my P90X workouts until I get caught up on my homework....ugh. I hate compromises....
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    So...bad news guys...I've been keeping up with my P90X really well....but not so much with my homework schedule. Therefore, I need to put a hold on my P90X workouts until I get caught up on my homework....ugh. I hate compromises....

    Oh geez I understand that well. This weekend I will be buckling down and getting a bunch of stuff done since the semester is almost over.... but dont you think you can find 30-45 minutes to bring it?:)
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    Couldn't force myself to get up to do Yoga this morning. I think I'll just skip it this week and take the extra rest day, and continue with Legs tomorrow. I think next week I'll swap Kenpo and Yoga. That way I can do the long Yoga workout on Saturday, when I actually have time. And I can keep my morning schedule steady through the week. I'm a little disappointed with myself for missing, but know at least I'm not giving up.