Anyone else going through divorce or been through one?



  • mandapanda001
    mandapanda001 Posts: 370 Member
    Looks my divorce will be final on April 7th so not too long from now. I am actually pretty ok with that at least I think so, lol!
  • fotofreak01
    fotofreak01 Posts: 397 Member
    I went through one on 2005 and it was the best day of my life!!! :drinker: :happy: :smile: :wink:
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    Been there... done that.

    13 years ago, I left my ex for the protection of my daughter.

    Death and divorce are the two most stress things a person should go thru. When children are involved, I am sure Divorce is number one.

    My ex fought me for custody to point of my almost having to declare bankruptcy. She then walked away for almost 10 years without so much as a phone call. She left me 15,000 in debt and has never paid me a nickle in child support. Deadbeats come in all shapes, sexes and sizes.

    The key is to have an outlet for the stress and also to remember there are always better days ahead!

    You'll get thru it!
  • outersoul
    outersoul Posts: 711
    It's been a while but I was in the same boat. I put on more weight during that time and kept it on. You can get through it. You can do it.
  • mandapanda001
    mandapanda001 Posts: 370 Member
    Thanks again everyone, it feels great to meet so many people who have been through the same situation and are so supportive and don't judge!! Good luck to everyone :-)
  • mandapanda001
    mandapanda001 Posts: 370 Member
    Thought I was doing pretty good today but had some family asked what was going on with me and my soon to be ex-husband and I lost it, it is harder to say it in person to someone. Yuck...
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    Thought I was doing pretty good today but had some family asked what was going on with me and my soon to be ex-husband and I lost it, it is harder to say it in person to someone. Yuck...

    Time heals all wounds, but sometimes the scars run deep. Tomorrow is another day!

    Wish I could send you a hug and make you feel better. It will get better ! :smile:
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    I went through a divorce back in '97 - not nearly as bad as what many have gone through, but tough enough considering I have a daughter that went to live with her mother, and I missed seeing her every day. In the long run, things have worked out ok though. We get along well, and there are no lingering issues. It is really great for my daughter.

    Sounds like you have the right attitude, mandapanda! Just move on to a new chapter, feel good about yourself, and see what is just over the horizon.
  • mandapanda001
    mandapanda001 Posts: 370 Member
    Thought I was doing pretty good today but had some family asked what was going on with me and my soon to be ex-husband and I lost it, it is harder to say it in person to someone. Yuck...

    Time heals all wounds, but sometimes the scars run deep. Tomorrow is another day!

    Wish I could send you a hug and make you feel better. It will get better ! :smile:

    Awww thanks Jeff that means a lot! I know eventually it will, things just catch me off guard and it gets hard.
  • MsMe79
    MsMe79 Posts: 54
    Yes, I've been divorced for a while, but I gained ALL my weight when I was married to my ex-husband, he took away my self esteem and respect for myself.

    I woke up and realised that I was over that side of my life, I'm now married to the man of my dreams and the only thing that reminds me of my old life is my weight and I need to lose it all and get rid of that "baggage" once and for all!
  • wwagw72
    wwagw72 Posts: 45
    That's sad, keep your head up. We aren't all like that. :)
  • newman50
    newman50 Posts: 16
    Got divorced 9 yrs ago. Gained 15 kg from fat food and alcohol

    We got back together 3 years ago and are very very happy. I have dropped most of the 15 kg and on the way to my goal weight

    Divorce is tough, very tough but it can make you very strong and determined

    There are better times post divorce. Stay strong
  • wwagw72
    wwagw72 Posts: 45
    Going through the same thing. Tough for sure. Being inLimbo is the worse thing ever, It just needs to be over. I gained weight over the past few years because nothing was ever good enough for him so... I just ate. Good Luck. So far I am really loving this site and all the support. Everyone on here is so positive. You will love it.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    My ex is getting remarried. He didn't tell me of course, I found out through mutual friends, many of whom have now met his new fiancée and tell me she's lovely. It really shouldn't bug me, but I wish people wouldn't keep asking me how I feel about it - I was fine until you asked, now I'm having nightmares about it!
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    As of last Saturday my ex is my neighbor, he is living 2 houses away from me. Talk about stress!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Got divorced 9 yrs ago. Gained 15 kg from fat food and alcohol

    We got back together 3 years ago and are very very happy. I have dropped most of the 15 kg and on the way to my goal weight

    Divorce is tough, very tough but it can make you very strong and determined

    There are better times post divorce. Stay strong
    Same here. We divorced in 2008 and got back together a year later. :laugh: But for about a year and a half leading up to the divorce, things were AWFUL. It took me almost a year to heal and realize my worth again. Trust me, I was in the dumps - breaking into his voice mail, credit card accounts, etc. - basically just prolonging the pain. I grew as a person 100-fold and am now actually a completely different person (as he is). It took us to be apart in order to grow, I suppose. We go to therapy and everything now to make sure we don't ever return to where we were.

    I feel your pain. Good luck on the 7th. My divorce was actually uncontested so the process only took about 6 months from the date I filed to the date the judge granted the divorce. It was finalized 3 months after the hearing date. Here's hoping you can find the strength to heal. *hugs*
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    As of last Saturday my ex is my neighbor, he is living 2 houses away from me. Talk about stress!

    Ouch... talk about licking salt in the wound.
  • k8bugz
    k8bugz Posts: 64 Member
    I got divorced 3 years ago. It got really ugly; I had to change my phone number and cutoff contact due to harassment. I've dated a little but nothing serious, and I'm not really ready to put myself completely out there yet. It was a horrible process, but the best thing I ever did for myself, and one of my proudest achievements.

    I gained about 80 pounds over the course of our relationship. I really can't wait to lose that baggage.
  • Almost 3 years ago I got divorced. Very stressful and frustrating to me, so thats when i started to run. I would run 4-6 times a week, 3-5 miles each run. Then about a year later i stopped all exercise and got into heavy drinking and fell into a deep depression where i attempted suicide and was admitted for 6 days till my family could pick me up and take me home with them where i got treatment and 2 months later i decided to move back home and go back to work. I had a hard time going back to the gym or doing any type of exercise. i would do a day or two then stop for months. I am now attempting exercise again at least 3 times a week. i keep digging for that will power that i used to have when I was running. Still need to remind myself that everything that was said and done to me during the divorce was about me.
  • i keep hearing from people that thier ex spouses took everything. Am I the only dumb one to leave it all behind?
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