10 Week's To June



  • gailosborne
    gailosborne Posts: 435

    its 7.30 pm here! It has been a great day! Did my longish endurance run and am very pleased to say it felt comfortable - did about 10k which is as far as I want to go at the moment! Weight training tomorrow!

    I'm not going to record my weight. Hope you guys don't mind!! I'm in maintenance (100lb loss - been maintaining about 15 months now) and am going to go on my 'before' tummy photo and lower tummy measurements. Since I've been doing heavy weights, I've gained weight but gone down a dress size so weight isn't the best thing to guide me!

    Really keen to read through your posts and catch up with your successes!!

    Gail x
  • Macacadopai
    Macacadopai Posts: 183 Member
    Ok so first day:
    -Ran 45min uphill interval (over 6k, can't remember the exact number, will write it up tomorrow though!)
    -Weights; legs.
    -Elliptical 40min interval, L7
    All in all: 2h, burned 1227 kcal

    Ate my 1200 kcal, fresh vegs etc, so I'm right on target.

    Ps. Tried on a pair of jeans that wouldn't zip up last week, today they fit! So even though the scale didn't budge I lost some inches, awesome :) Keep it up ya'll!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member

    its 7.30 pm here! It has been a great day! Did my longish endurance run and am very pleased to say it felt comfortable - did about 10k which is as far as I want to go at the moment! Weight training tomorrow!

    I'm not going to record my weight. Hope you guys don't mind!! I'm in maintenance (100lb loss - been maintaining about 15 months now) and am going to go on my 'before' tummy photo and lower tummy measurements. Since I've been doing heavy weights, I've gained weight but gone down a dress size so weight isn't the best thing to guide me!

    Really keen to read through your posts and catch up with your successes!!

    Gail x

    Yeah Gail- everyone has their own goals! I don't care about weight either, just trying to cut fat! Do your thing!
  • mwhartley
    mwhartley Posts: 35
    Awesome! I am in. I don't have a plan, but my plan is to read through this entire post to get motivated!
  • SamiSamiBoBlammy
    SamiSamiBoBlammy Posts: 868 Member
    -- log in everyday and log everything I eat... I'm bad about not logging that last snack in the evening, usually I just know that I have enough calories to have it and don't log in

    --Steadily work on the p90x routines

    --My eating is horrible, well better than it was 6 months ago since I cut out almost all fast food and soda, but I would like to clean the menu up a lot. That'll be a slow process with the hubs and kids though since I don't want to prepare separate meals

    Decided I also wanted to add
    -- go to bed by 11:00pm EVERYDAY, lately I've gotten in the habit if staying up until 12pm-1am every night
  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    ok, Autumn13 i'm in! are we starting these goals today? ugh, june is almost here already! hello bathing suits & goodbye sweats!

    i'll start by introducing myself since it looks like i'll be getting to know you all pretty well in the next 10 weeks. :o) my name is Jennifer, i'm 24 (turning 25 in 20 days!), am a type 1 diabetic, & i just completed nursing school. i have been using MFP since mid-december & it's been a journey. i've never been a large girl, but i have a small bone structure, so venturing toward the heavier end of the 'healthy' BMI range, i was getting pretty big. i'm 5'3 & currently in the lower 120's & have been stuck here about a month now. ideally i'd like to maintain around 110 lbs & be toned. i'm having a tough time with this next birthday & want to be in the best shape of my life this year. i love all the support & information i've been obtaining on MFP & am looking forward to being held accountable & kicking my own butt (along with anyone on here who may need a swift one) during the next 10 weeks!

    - log everything, everyday
    - workout at least 4x a week (i'd like to increase as i meet this goal & lately have been doing more than one workout in a day)
    - drink a minimum 8 cups of water daily
    - eat a minimum 20g of fiber & 50g of protein daily
    - have 1 day of 'rest' a week, where i am less conscious of my intake & workouts for a social night (but still logging everything)

    suggestion? maybe we can update our goals weekly or bi-weekly because i know myself at least & as i improve, i like to challenge myself more.

    x.o Jennifer
  • SamiSamiBoBlammy
    SamiSamiBoBlammy Posts: 868 Member
    my name is Jennifer, i'm 24 (turning 25 in 20 days!),

    25 was a really hard birthday for me too! There's just something about hitting that 'quarter of a century mark'.
  • Ooh I'm in on this...it's a great idea! Ok so my goals for the next 10 weeks are as follows;

    - lose 20lbs.
    - stick to 1500 calories a day. Low carb and no carbs after 3pm.
    - a minimum of 30 mins cardio a day.
    - I want to be able to workout for 2 hours with ease by the end of the ten weeks. I can currently do an hour.

    I also love the idea that other aspects of life could be different in ten weeks. So working on that (and this may seem a bit of an odd goal to some) I want to attend at least 5 social occasions in the next ten weeks.
  • mwhartley
    mwhartley Posts: 35
    I have my goals,

    1) Add everything I eat to MFP

    - low fats, watch carbs, and good protien

    2) Fitness Assessment.

    -A Exercise Specialist will help determine my current fitness level through a series of comprehensive physical assessments. This 90 minute appointment includes body composition, cardiovascular and strength testing using the SmartKey, posture and squat analysis with goal setting and program design.

    3) Continue my running routine slowly moving towards a 5K run.
  • gailosborne
    gailosborne Posts: 435
    Wow everyone these are great!!!:bigsmile:
  • I can't believe it's so soon. I might as well join and have someone to be accountable to. :)

    - Track EVERY food that I eat. I tend to "forget" about some of the more high calorie snacks.
    - No more than 1250 calories and I want to hit my protien and fiber. Smaller dinner.
    - Drink all 8 cups of water a day. Big issue of mine.
    - Daily push-ups, sit-ups, and stretching. Gym whenever I can.
    - Stairs in the dorms and class buildings. Anti-elevator movement.

    I'm not looking for a specific number to burn off. More like incresed confidence come June. And if my old work clothes for my summer job were big on me again, that would be amazing.
  • Begood03
    Begood03 Posts: 1,259 Member
    Count me in.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    So today went pretty well. Got the exercise in, logged everything (oops, just realized I didn't log the water :grumble: , but that's not something I normally have a problem meeting), stayed on plan and w/in calories.

    Wasn't sure I was going to make it on the cals today!
  • autumn13
    autumn13 Posts: 295
    Decided I also wanted to add
    -- go to bed by 11:00pm EVERYDAY, lately I've gotten in the habit if staying up until 12pm-1am every night

    And I want to start taking a 20 minute nap.....I did today and what a difference!
  • K1Teacher
    K1Teacher Posts: 324 Member
    I would love to join, too!

    My 10 weeks goals:
    Exercise - complete my C25K program (beginning week 3 tomorrow), complete 30 Day Shred on March 31 (YAY), begin Turbo Fire April 1.

    Nutrition - 1 week New Beverly Hills Diet (balanced weekly diet instead of daily), 2 weeks MFP & keep rotating throughout the 10 weeks

    I'm looking to lose at LEAST 20 lbs, but I am not limiting myself to that number. The sky's the limit!

    Today's accomplishments: All grapes today, baby! Also, 80 oz water.
    C25K, week 2 day 3 & 30 Day Shred L3

    *start weight: 235
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    okay I have to think about my plan but I'm in!

    Same here. I think I have it in order, but fixing supper right now and will have to fine tune it and weigh and messure myself again.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Just finishing today! Thinking about not tracking my strength training, just cardio. We'll see.
    I pre plan all my days, and I always stay in what I plan.. So Woot.

    Glad everyone's joining and We're going to KILL it :D
  • SamiSamiBoBlammy
    SamiSamiBoBlammy Posts: 868 Member
    Checking in... finished day 2 of p90x lean cardio x.
    Feeling pretty good about it.

    Off to the shower now
  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    Hey everyone great to see the group growing.

    I did a kettlebell routine today and got my wellness exam. Clean bill of health! Food was good a tad high on carbs and protein but just under my 2000 calories.

  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Hey guys, just checking in for the day. I still don't have my plan formulated. I tried upping my fats the last few days, and I am not noticing any difference in my satiety level. In fact my hunger was really bad again today.

    My macros were as follows:

    protein: 135g
    fats: 48g
    carbs: 148g
    fiber: 33g
    cals were 1598 eaten of 1599 available.

    This included eating back all my exercise cals. I'm not sure where to go from here, as I just am not getting FULL and am starving an hour after I eat a large meal. Drinking plenty of water. Have tried front loading my days with calories (did that today) but then I have nothing left at the end of the day and will go to bed hungry. Today, I had 600 cals eaten by 10 am and was still starving before it was even lunch time. If anybody has any thoughts I'd love to hear them.

    Workout was JM Shred level 3. Had to keep it short since it was DD's b-day and I had a ton to do with baking, cooking, wrapping, and cake decorating. It should have been a rest day. I keep planning to take one but then get too hungry and can't or I'll starve! It's been 14 days though, so it's probably a little overdue. Had a nice clean day (NO CAKE!!) though I did accidentally eat 4 of my daughter's goldfish crackers before I caught myself and realized what I was doing.
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