Skinny ppl at the gym



  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Not at all!!!! Isn't that the look we're all aiming for anyways?

    Like this a lot! Don't you want to be able to flaunt all the work you did when you get there?
  • NYCDutchess
    NYCDutchess Posts: 622 Member
    I hope you don't mind if I present a little different side to this....:flowerforyou:

    At my tiny, small town YMCA, I AM the skinny girl. At the time of day I go in, there just aren't any other ladies my age that train to the extent that I do. It makes me stand out. And being a somewhat shy person, I don't like standing out.

    It is really hurtful when I see the disgusted looks that get thrown my way. The feelings the OP shared....let me say that those feelings are NOT hidden, and we "skinny girls" notice and feel them. And it is hurtful. Because we have sweated blood to get what we have, and most of us would be more than happy to encourage and share information....if you would give us a chance. But most of the time, my smiles don't even get returned.

    I don't say this to sound defensive at all, but rather to say that for me, personally, I go to the gym to work on MY body. When I see less fit individuals in there, I am silently CHEERING for them, because I think ANYONE who gets out of bed and makes an effort to better themselves deserves a round of applause. That's just my two cents worth. :smile:

    Allie BRAVO!!!

    I for one am motivated by the "skinny, fit chicks" I watch them to see what they do. I wish it were easier to approach people and get tips but I don't find that it is so I'm like the crazy stalker staring at the fit girl taking notes. :)

    Bigger ladies, don't compare yourself to those women. It could be nature, it could be that they work really hard like one of my bff's she lost like 80 lbs!! and she is totally hot!!! But she HAS to work it out to maintain it!!!
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    agreed :( It's discouraging. I always feel like people see me working out and judge me for being big, when in reality I am the one that needs the gym. She needs a burger ;) haha
    Everyone needs the gym regardless of size. It's funny how ppl who don't want to be judge on their appearances always judge others on theirs. When I was smaller, I actually had someone "jokingly" said that to me @ Ballys and now I am here. Just because you reach your goal weight does not mean you stop working out or watching your calories.

    How would you feel if someone said that to you? I don't understand why ppl worry so much about what others are thinking. Go to the gym, Workout and Go home. Who cares about what others are doing!

    I can't count the amount of people that told me to eat a burger. A. It's veggie burger thanks! And B. You make me feel terrible about the hard work I've put in to get this way.

    Don't tell someone to eat a burger-joking or not.. It really doesn't feel great.
  • NYCDutchess
    NYCDutchess Posts: 622 Member
    It's total taboo at my gym to not be covered like a nun. I wore a sports bra for halloween and got too many evil stares. But I kind of wish that more people did.
    Then again.. is being drooled over like a piece of meat really that flattering???

    Now, I can't wear just a sports bra right now...well I guess I could but seriously THAT is motivation in itself. Even in my shirt I look at what I look like and push myself harder!!
  • FitPhysique
    FitPhysique Posts: 284 Member
    I hope you don't mind if I present a little different side to this....:flowerforyou:

    At my tiny, small town YMCA, I AM the skinny girl. At the time of day I go in, there just aren't any other ladies my age that train to the extent that I do. It makes me stand out. And being a somewhat shy person, I don't like standing out.

    It is really hurtful when I see the disgusted looks that get thrown my way. The feelings the OP shared....let me say that those feelings are NOT hidden, and we "skinny girls" notice and feel them. And it is hurtful. Because we have sweated blood to get what we have, and most of us would be more than happy to encourage and share information....if you would give us a chance. But most of the time, my smiles don't even get returned.

    I don't say this to sound defensive at all, but rather to say that for me, personally, I go to the gym to work on MY body. When I see less fit individuals in there, I am silently CHEERING for them, because I think ANYONE who gets out of bed and makes an effort to better themselves deserves a round of applause. That's just my two cents worth. :smile:
    HOOORAY!Standing Ovation for you:drinker: I could not have said it better.
  • EbonyGemstoneHealth
    EbonyGemstoneHealth Posts: 249 Member
    They're living active healthy lifestyles and isn't that the future you.
    Instead of discouragement, you should feel motivated to change yourself around and become skinny.
    Isn't that what we're here for anyway?
    Agreed,one of my dreams is to go to an aerobics class sporting a sporty crop top showing off some hard worked abs! xD
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    I hope you don't mind if I present a little different side to this....:flowerforyou:

    At my tiny, small town YMCA, I AM the skinny girl. At the time of day I go in, there just aren't any other ladies my age that train to the extent that I do. It makes me stand out. And being a somewhat shy person, I don't like standing out.

    It is really hurtful when I see the disgusted looks that get thrown my way. The feelings the OP shared....let me say that those feelings are NOT hidden, and we "skinny girls" notice and feel them. And it is hurtful. Because we have sweated blood to get what we have, and most of us would be more than happy to encourage and share information....if you would give us a chance. But most of the time, my smiles don't even get returned.

    I don't say this to sound defensive at all, but rather to say that for me, personally, I go to the gym to work on MY body. When I see less fit individuals in there, I am silently CHEERING for them, because I think ANYONE who gets out of bed and makes an effort to better themselves deserves a round of applause. That's just my two cents worth. :smile:

    Agreed. I totally have gotten a passion for this kind of stuff, and I LOVE sharing with people ways they can get to their goal so they can feel confident! I love seeing the less fit walking on their treadmill, or in the back dancing. (rather they were in the front, so I could smile with them... but hey haha.) It's so encouraging that they got up this morning and pushed hard to go to the gym and want to be one of the skinny girls!
    You know what though.. even if the smile isn't returned... it goes a long way-So I just keeeeeeep smiling! :D
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    It's total taboo at my gym to not be covered like a nun. I wore a sports bra for halloween and got too many evil stares. But I kind of wish that more people did.
    Then again.. is being drooled over like a piece of meat really that flattering???

    Now, I can't wear just a sports bra right now...well I guess I could but seriously THAT is motivation in itself. Even in my shirt I look at what I look like and push myself harder!!

    You will be able to!
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    In all fairness...some gyms are more flashy than others. I belonged to one in which everyone drove yellow sports car...LOL...nowI belong to one in which it is mostly minivns in the parking lot. If the gym you are going to is discouraging to you for whatever reason....then explore the option of finding a better fit. That is a much better option than thinking that skinny people are the problem.
  • HDurow1018
    HDurow1018 Posts: 37 Member
    I really do not appreciate how women get insecure and tear each other apart. I have honestly lost 'friends' over my weightloss, and it's sincerely upsetting! Finally, after years of being fat and depressed, I actually look hot! I'm ROCKING that shiz. I shouldn't have to feel ashamed or guilty. Just keep going to the gym, and someday after months or years of grueling effort, you too will realize how passive aggressive the world is towards fit-looking people.

    I know how you feel about losing "friends" over weight loss. I have a friend, supposedly one of my best friends, that doesn't want to hear about how I am trying to get healthy. She is jealous because I will be "skinny" and she won't. Instead of being proud of me or even joining me, she just doesn't want me to talk about it in front of her or to her. It's really sad because I thought she was someone I could tell anything too and she has always been so supportive of other things I have done in my life. It really brought me down at first but I just have to realize that it is her problem not mine and I have other real friends that are there for me that I can talk to...and MFP ;)
  • I hope you don't mind if I present a little different side to this....:flowerforyou:

    At my tiny, small town YMCA, I AM the skinny girl. At the time of day I go in, there just aren't any other ladies my age that train to the extent that I do. It makes me stand out. And being a somewhat shy person, I don't like standing out.

    It is really hurtful when I see the disgusted looks that get thrown my way. The feelings the OP shared....let me say that those feelings are NOT hidden, and we "skinny girls" notice and feel them. And it is hurtful. Because we have sweated blood to get what we have, and most of us would be more than happy to encourage and share information....if you would give us a chance. But most of the time, my smiles don't even get returned.

    I don't say this to sound defensive at all, but rather to say that for me, personally, I go to the gym to work on MY body. When I see less fit individuals in there, I am silently CHEERING for them, because I think ANYONE who gets out of bed and makes an effort to better themselves deserves a round of applause. That's just my two cents worth. :smile:

    THANK YOU! I do not go to the gym in just a sports bra but you can bet your *kitten* that when my body is toned I sure will. The only reason I don't do it now is b/c all they jigglyness would be embarrassing, but lord do i get hot with that extra layer on.

    Plus, 'skinny' people deserve the gym just as much as anyone else. Perhaps that is how they got the way they are now.

    And "she needs a burger"?--- come on now. it's unfair to discount others peoples bodys and their health and fitness just b/c you still need to work some more on your self esteem.
  • anyone ever feel discouraged by the hot, skinny people at the gym. At my gym girls wear sport bras and spandex to workout. Im like really?!? I hate feeling like that when im supposed to feel motivated :(

    What discourages me, with the tiny ones who wear next to nothing is not what they are wearing or their size. If they are in there busting hump just like me, I look at them and say that's where I want to be. It's the ones who walk in, hair perfect make up done... sit on the bike for 5 min socialize for another 30 and then leave. They are not working on fitness, they are there to flirt, talk and take up space. But the truth is, I get discouraged because they are small and don't have to try. They are naturally thin people and I will never be that.

    yeah. the ones that don't seem to be putting any effort in are a little frustrating. But in the long run if you are putting in the time and effort you'll be healthier.
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    It's easy to say, "don't worry about anyone else, worry about yourself" because it isn't that easy to do when you walk in there feeling insecure about your body in the first place. I'm not where I want to be at yet, but there are ladies at the gym much bigger than me and whenever I catch anyone looking at me, I try to offer a warm smile and I'll even say hello if they're close enough. I believe that the more acquaintances I can make at the gym, the better, because it broadens my support system (and theirs).

    Also, most days I am wearing make-up at the gym, but that's only because I come straight from work and don't remove my make-up first. It doesn't run or smear so I don't bother. The less work I have to do while preparing for my workout after work, the better!
  • msmillie
    msmillie Posts: 1
    I understand being annoyed with people that come into the gym and do nothing but take up space and machines talking, flirting, using their cell phones and not working out...but it is not fair to judge skinny people who wear more form fitting clothes to workout. You don't know their situation.

    I am one of the fit girls at the gym that wears Under Armour form fitting work out clothes (best sports bras EVER). While I don't wear booty shorts or sports bras without a tank top over it, I don't wear these outfits to show off. I wear them becuase I am a weight lifter and I like seeing my muscles flex and work when I'm lifting. It helps me concentrate on my breathing and counting, and it motivates me when week after week, I can see the changes that I am working so hard for. Why shouldn't I invest in some quality workout clothes that look nice?

    I don't like getting dirty looks from other woman at the gym either. It's not my fault that they are walking 2 steps a minute on the stair climber while I'm running intervals sprints until I feel like puking with sweat dripping down my face. I'm there to work my own butt off and whether I'm there at 4:30 AM looking like a HAM (Hot @$$ Mess) or after work with my hair and makeup already done, I'm not there trying to rub it in your face that I'm in shape, and still getting stronger.

    Don't tell skinny girls they need to eat something either. I struggled with anorexia, bulemia, all throught high school and college and my weight went up and down all the time. It wasn't until I was put in inpatient treatment and a few years of making the decision to take care of myself mentally, emotionally, and physically that I am able to eat properly, and look at myself in the mirror without letting my body dismorphic disorder bring me down.

    My BDD and some of those emotional issues will never go away for me but I celebrate every day when I can get through it making good choices for myself. So, next time you look at a "skinny" girl at the gym, before you judge her, maybe you should encourage her first. She may have over come a life threatening disease to get where she is today...
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I'll be the first to admit the gym is excellent for people watching....after my work out is done as I'm walking to the locker room.

    The gym is one place where I worry about getting my own work done for my own reasons. I'm not going to change the reasons for anyone else being there so I don't worry about them.
  • carcar03
    carcar03 Posts: 23 Member
    A “skinny” person leading a healthy lifestyle discourages you from being healthy yourself?

    My advice to you would be to go to the gym and focus on you and you alone. Listen to music, read a book, go with a friend, do whatever it takes to not be distracted by those around you. Just as you don’t want to be judged by people at the gym, neither does anyone else. As far as I know, there is no size/age/weight requirement to be a gym member. Everyone is there for their own reasons and should not be judged for them. I once belonged to a gym where a lot of the members were a bit older and more mature. Someone told me jokingly that I was too young and skinny to be exercising, and her nickname for me was “skinny”. Eventually it became uncomfortable for me and I decided to join a different gym.

    Unfortunately, body size/image is a main cause of insecurity for people. It’s on you to manage that, not anyone else. One of the best fitness instructors at my gym told me that a member complained about her teaching her classes in a sports bra because it made her feel uncomfortable and has since stopped coming to her classes. That’s just crazy to me, considering that this instructor has had to overcome major body issues herself to get to where she’s at today...

    Maybe find a time to go to the gym when there are less people around to distract you. For me, working out in the morning or at night, I get less distracted because there are fewer people around. I usually avoid rush hour – anywhere between 4pm-7pm when most people tend to work out after they’re finished work. If this is really a serious problem for you, consider working out at different location or at home.
  • swilloughby1
    swilloughby1 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm with you. As much as I enjoy my workouts, I still get that pang of jelousy and discouragement when I see the cellulite free bleach blondes with perfect everything at the gym! However, I know that I still look better than some of the other people at the gym and smile to myself. :)
  • Elle408
    Elle408 Posts: 500 Member
    I'm with you. As much as I enjoy my workouts, I still get that pang of jelousy and discouragement when I see the cellulite free bleach blondes with perfect everything at the gym! However, I know that I still look better than some of the other people at the gym and smile to myself. :)

    But you shouldn't be judging anyone! It really shouldn't be about scales or who looks hotter than who... I just find that ridiculous! I know I don't go to the gym to see who's skinnier and who isn't than me... I go because I want to tone my body and feel better about myself, but I do that by working my socks (and *kitten*) off, not by validating my own insecurities by projecting them on to someone else.
  • i get mad about those skinny girls too...then i think "okay, focus...i'm gonna look better than them" and all is good :) keep up your hard work! you're doing great :)
  • anyone ever feel discouraged by the hot, skinny people at the gym. At my gym girls wear sport bras and spandex to workout. Im like really?!? I hate feeling like that when im supposed to feel motivated :(
    i think that's hot but in all seriousness, i asked a friend about this who works out like crazy and he told me him and his friends don't even look at other people and don't really care. i would assume that's the same for others if you're feeling discouraged. most people just get in their own mindset and do their own thing.
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