Anyone else going through divorce or been through one?



  • shallo
    shallo Posts: 353 Member
    I got divorced a few years ago, like 3 or 4, I don't remember exactly. My ex used to tell me all the time how fat and unattractive I was, and how I couldn't leave because no one would ever want to be with me.
    I love that his new wife is bigger than I ever was when we were married and I look better than I did when we got married!
  • shallo
    shallo Posts: 353 Member
    i keep hearing from people that thier ex spouses took everything. Am I the only dumb one to leave it all behind?
    Nope, I did too. I left with most of my clothes, a box of books, and my sewing machine.
  • jimmyd343
    jimmyd343 Posts: 14 Member
    I think there are many people in the same place including myself. I got divored last year after 13 years of being married. The only good thing that I must say is I lost weight during the process. I was too stressed out to worry about eating. I gained the weight back (15 lbs or so) and I saw a difference. The good news can lose the weight just as fast.
  • mandapanda001
    mandapanda001 Posts: 370 Member
    Just wanted to share this nice quote with everyone :-)

    "Friendships multiply joys and divide griefs."
  • ghorton47
    ghorton47 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been through a divorce but life doesn't end there. After my divorce I started loving me and having fun. Relationships are a teaching tool. After the divorce and getting to know who I am. And having a spiritual relationship with God it help me to relate better to my husband of 5 years. Remember if you don't love your self how can anyone love you. " Love, Live and have fun doing it."
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    My divorce finalised over two years ago. Now in a short space of time I find through a mutual friend my ex is getting married and discover my boyfriend of two years is cheating on me. I'm not as recovered as I thought.
  • Girl1Beagle4
    Girl1Beagle4 Posts: 78 Member
    Married and divorced twice. :laugh: I been there!!!! Have not met anyone worth while since the second divorce. I will friend you and we can support each other and the MFP community!!! :flowerforyou:
  • mandapanda001
    mandapanda001 Posts: 370 Member
    So its been more of a bad day today than good. When I have so much stress and so many things on my mind is when I wish I had someone special to share it with and its hard to realize that is not the case. I am so glad I have all you though because I was not motivated to do any exercise tonight until I read everyone else's posts and then I was like get your butt up and exercise, lol!
  • marie111
    marie111 Posts: 91 Member
  • jsteras
    jsteras Posts: 344 Member
    I caught my husband cheating on February 15th. He moved out the following Saturday. I joined MFP on March 22nd. I am 41 years old and now live alone. I decided I can either drink myself silly or become healthy and concentrate on me. I chose the getting healthy. I have gained 60 pounds in the last three years, I am determined to get those off and 50 more! Good luck to you and I will be here with you in the journey to well being.
  • wingchunrick
    wingchunrick Posts: 267 Member
    Divorced since Sept 2009. I did it all myself for the sum of £340. Best money I ever spent......
  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    Ive also been through a divorce and did it myself without a lawyer. Saved a ton of money. I, however, lost 35 pound from the stress of everything, but regained it just as fast as I lost it. It will be ok, you will pull through it!

    vrpadilla0315- You arent the only one, I left EVERYTHING behind. I had to start out from scratch, but it was worth it to me, because when your done, your DONE. It was all materials that could be replaced.... I didnt have money and everythign came from a thrift shop, but finally I was done with my ex, and its all I wanted at that time.....
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Hugs to all going through this awful time.

    I divorced after 13 years of marriage over 10 years ago, It is an awful thing to go through but, as many of these posts state, it can all be for the better once the initial trauma is over.
  • mandapanda001
    mandapanda001 Posts: 370 Member
    I am definitely lucky and blessed to have found MFP and all my wonderful friends on here! They definitely help me through when I am having a bad day and I look forward to meeting many more new friends who I can help support. I am glad I made the choice to get healthy and focus on myself. I am sure next Thursday will be hard because it is when everything becomes final but it will also be a sense of closure. Good luck to everyone!!
  • bear93
    bear93 Posts: 1
    Been there not fun at all, but it gets better
  • copperdave
    copperdave Posts: 146
    Yep...been through it too. Stress affects all of us in different ways. Once I really got away from the situation I was in, I was amazed to see how quickly I lost weight. Remember that attitude is everything. You have a decision to make every day when you wake up: either lay there curled up and feel sorry for yourself, or DECIDE that it's going to be a good day with a NEW start! I chose to see my new situation as an adventure...worked for me! Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • craftylatvian
    craftylatvian Posts: 599 Member
    Divorced for 6 years now. Ex just said he did not want to be married anymore. We did not have any fights, we got along, so it was a huge surprise to me. Hugs to you because it is a hard thing to go through.
    I lost a lot of weight when I was going through the divorce, plus stress from going to college as an adult caused weight loss. I gained most of my wieth back (about 20 lbs.) when it was all over and I met someone new.
    Don't stress, it is bad for you mentally and physically. Be strong for youself and those you love.
  • mandapanda001
    mandapanda001 Posts: 370 Member
    Little road bump today, got a text from my soon to be ex and he said the court date for the divorce has been moved up to Monday instead of Thursday. Just kind of hit me the wrong way and of course I was emotional on the way back from work (traveling today). I am fine now and I know after it is done then I know I will have closure and can truly move on.
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    I'm going through mine now she moved to TX with the kids and I must say I'm having the time of my life ;-)
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Today I split up with my boyfriend of two years, my first relationship since my divorce. It's hit me like a sledgehammer.
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