INSANITY - Updates & Progress- New Group



  • tpiper55
    tpiper55 Posts: 27 Member
    ChaLEAN Extreme is more weight training and my avatar photo was from doing ChaLEAN Extreme. The transformation in that photo is from a four month period where I did the chalean extreme program as designed, then did the 4 week Lean For Life program at the end. I also like her TurboFire program because it's cardio based - it gives me the kickboxing that I love from TurboJam, but there are also HIIT workouts in the program (for those of us that love INSANITY:love: ). Let me know if you have any specific questions about her programs...I'm familiar with them all.
    First off, welcome!! Like Ms. Booty, I've been going back and forth between CLX and TF. But after reading your post and looking at your photo, I'm DEFINITELY going with CLX!!! Wow, your transformation is AMAZING. So inspirational! I'm still going to do TF but not until after CLX. Looks like I'll be doing BB workouts for the rest of this year!!

    THANK YOU Ceelovejay!!! You will NOT be disappointed with CLX. Do you already have the program or do you still need to order it? Have you listened to the Motivational CD that comes with it? I absolutely LOVE Chalene Johnson and her ability to motivate and inspire. If you haven't listened to that CD, make sure you's a GEM.

    You know, I like pure cardio too, for the same reason. The thing that stands out most to me in CPR is that tricep work. I walk around feeling like I'm so strong when I lift with the CLX program, then start doing bodyweight moves in INSANITY and it just BREAKS.ME.DOWN.:sad: :embarassed: , It's humbling, I tell ya...but I :heart: it
  • tpiper55
    tpiper55 Posts: 27 Member

    We can suffer/look hot together! Woo hoo!

    Ms. Booty, I WELCOME the company:wink:. The suffering will be all worth it when we reach those goals:bigsmile:

    Dawnemjh, I hope that knee feels better. :cry:

    Toni - who is off to log my foods for the day. I'll be back at lunchtime :)
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Day 25-LAST Cardio Recory!! I'm concerned I'm going to have alzheimers some day because I really can't remember these videos at all and some days I forget what's coming next in the circuit even though I've already done it 2x!! It's possible I'm not getting enough oxygen to my brain cells or my brain is just in denial and refuses to think ahead. All logical possibilites. :laugh:

    Tomorrow is my last Pure Cardio!! Woo hoo!!

    Dawn-I hope your knee feels better!!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Dawn, I think resting the knee sounds like the best plan. You don't want to injure yourself for sure. I know I've felt tweaks here and there but nothing that makes me worry. And there's no soreness at all so I know that I'm okay. But seriously, rest it, do some running and enjoy your time away (if it's for leisure). :smile:

    Toni, I don't have it yet. I plan on ordering it probably next week. Send me your link and I'll be more than happy to order it through you. :happy: I keep hearing that Chalean is very motivational. I love it! I'm a fan of hers (and TF and CLX and Insanity :laugh:) on FB so I see her posts daily. And I agree, I do not like the tricep dips!! But I want pretty arms so I suffer through it. LOL I'm going to send you a friend request on FB - my initials are CMJ so you know it's me.

    And, by the way, I love that you call shakemybooty Ms. Booty. :laugh: I started calling her that back during our EA Sports Active 2 days. She really cracked me up there and still does here!!

    I've heard about Asylum but have yet to see an advertisement for it. How tough does it look?

    Bootylicious (yet another nickname I've created for her :laugh:), how bittersweet that you're doing all your final Month 1 workouts! It'll be nice to say sayonara, but then you have to say hello to Month 2. I'll be waiting for your updates with bated breath while I'm in recovery week. :happy: I also sometimes have an issue remembering what exercise is next in a circuit. It isn't just you!!
  • biged335
    biged335 Posts: 734
    Received Insanity in mail yesterday... Starting on Monday the 4. Read over a little bit last night and I have a couple of questions. What time of day do you do the workouts? I want to do it first thing in the morning, but it says you need to eat something an hour before the workout so you can make it through. What are yall thoughts and experiences on that? Any input would be much appericated.

  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Day 12/63. Today was my first day of Cardio Abs. After doing Pure Cardio I was ready to get my heart rate down and do some ab work. Ha! Think again. When they went right into the kness and jumps I was like oh crap!! Thankfully that didn't last too long. :laugh:

    I felt the C-sit work in my lower back more than my abs so I may need to work on my form (or maybe my lower back needs the work). All the high low planks with the hip tuck action was kicking my hiney!! Would not have thought that would have worked my stomach so hard. Can't want to see if it sore tomorrow. hehe :bigsmile:

    So glad tomorrow is rest day then Fit Test #2! Can't wait to see what I have accomplished. Happy Thursday!
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    biged -- I do the workout first thing in the morning. It is definitely hard -- but I prefer to workout on an empty stomach. Give it a go and see how you feel.
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Received Insanity in mail yesterday... Starting on Monday the 4. Read over a little bit last night and I have a couple of questions. What time of day do you do the workouts? I want to do it first thing in the morning, but it says you need to eat something an hour before the workout so you can make it through. What are yall thoughts and experiences on that? Any input would be much appericated.


    I do it first thing in the morning and I don't eat before I do Insanity or I will feel like I have to vomit the whole time. Thats just me though.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Received Insanity in mail yesterday... Starting on Monday the 4. Read over a little bit last night and I have a couple of questions. What time of day do you do the workouts? I want to do it first thing in the morning, but it says you need to eat something an hour before the workout so you can make it through. What are yall thoughts and experiences on that? Any input would be much appericated.


    I grab a Fiber One 90 calorie bar, the peanut butter flavor. It isn't my favorite go to breakfast but for a prework out it's light enough to not make me feel uber sick while doing Insanity. But enough to give me a little boost to get going. And I workout at 515am. :-) It's def. not an 'hour before' but by the time I get to the gym and get through setting up-it's settled in my tummy! Hope that helps.
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Received Insanity in mail yesterday... Starting on Monday the 4. Read over a little bit last night and I have a couple of questions. What time of day do you do the workouts? I want to do it first thing in the morning, but it says you need to eat something an hour before the workout so you can make it through. What are yall thoughts and experiences on that? Any input would be much appericated.


    I don't eat before. I roll out of bed and down the stairs to do my workout. Then I drag myself back up the stairs and have a banana before I shower. After my legs stop quivering, my breathing goes back to normal, and I stop feeling like I'm going to pass out I usually have two eggs. It's important not to start the eggs before the passing out part ends. Try to remember that. I think I would be sick to my stomach if I ate before. Plus I'm not supposed to eat for a half hour after I take my thyroid meds. Since I started working out in the morning, it's the only time I've made it a half hour without eating! LOL
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Bootylicious (yet another nickname I've created for her :laugh:), how bittersweet that you're doing all your final Month 1 workouts! It'll be nice to say sayonara, but then you have to say hello to Month 2. I'll be waiting for your updates with bated breath while I'm in recovery week. :happy: I also sometimes have an issue remembering what exercise is next in a circuit. It isn't just you!!

    My xh always called me BBB for Big Blue Butt because I always had jeans on. Thank goodness JLO made big booties a good thing.

    I'm SURE Max Recovery is a piece of cake. I think I saw a clip of it on utube where he actually presses a burning hot poker iron directly onto your skin to make sure you're feeling the burn.:tongue:
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Ed, I'm another first-thing-in-the-morning person. I don't eat anything prior to working out. I do the chocolate milk/protein powder thing no more than 10-15 minutes after I'm done as well. I don't eat breakfast until I get to work, usually about 4 hours after I've finished my workout (which now that I've written that down sounds bad). Hmm...maybe I should try to eat on the bus ride in to work. Gotta think about that.

    LOL @ BBB. I won't use that nickname though since it was given by your ex. And you are too much!! He's going to brand us, huh? I know today my poor legs were burning so hard I was forcefully pushing out air hoping that would help. It didn't!!
  • biged335
    biged335 Posts: 734
    Thanks everybody... I'll do it first thing in the morning... I'll post my fit test results first thing monday morning...
  • kcmomof2
    kcmomof2 Posts: 457 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Today was Max Recovery for me. I love to hate from 18:00 minutes down to 8:00 minutes in this one. I know I have on more than one occasion told (well yelled at) Shaun T. to bite me when he says to "hold it, hold it". My legs are still on fire! LOL! I'm not sure where the word recovery comes from because I still sweat in this one! :) I decided to throw in Cardio Abs too as I wanted to get a whole hour of workout time in today.

    Toni - I have heard about Asylum. My neighbor already has it pre-ordered (so he says). His wife is the one that got me into Insanity to begin with. I am looking forward to seeing it. I don't think I am ready for it yet. Also - I have P90X and have been thinking about moving on to doing that when I get tired of Insanity (still haven't after 5 months though). Moreso I think when I am closer to my weightloss goal and want to do more strength training. I am just worried I will get bored with it since Insanity is so go! go! go! and intense. I guess what I am really asking is what is your opinion on P90X? I see you raving about Chalean Extreme. Wonder if maybe I should try that instead.

    Ms. Booty - Good job on almost completing month 1. I look forward to you joining me and seeing you do month 2 :) Bwahahahahaha at this quote from you "I'm SURE Max Recovery is a piece of cake"!

    Dawn - I hope you get your knee issue straightened out.

    Jabdye - Glad to hear you made it through and completed Pure Cardio. :) Such a feeling of accomplishment :)

    Mamareese - Hope you get to feeling better.

    BigEd - I work out first thing in the morning at 5:00am. I do not eat before or it would be coming back up. I eat immediately afterwards (a fried egg and no fat cheese sandwich) while I am still trying to cool down and quit sweating so I can take a shower and get ready for work.

    Woot! It's Opening Day today :)
  • vallejos6
    vallejos6 Posts: 146 Member
    Wow, all you first thing in the morning people are completely insane! On Saturday, we usually do our workout earlier than usual (about 10am compared to 5:30pm usual time) and it is SO much harder. I drag through the warm up and usually don't feel like my usual self until half way through that first set. But, if my whole family wasn't doing it together it would be a real drain on family time to lose that hour right before dinner, so I know why ya'll choose to do it then.

    Cardio recovery today... ugh.. I hate "recovering", LOL. Daughter was MUCH better last night and did the whole workout. I crossed a new milestone last night.. I did the whole warm up without a break at all and only took one tiny break during the first set... and then ski abs hit. Does anyone else hate those as much as we all do? I'm lucky to get in half the time on those and spend the rest of the time in child's pose trying not to cry like a baby! Anyways, still need to pack my lunch for today so I'd better get off here.

  • kcmomof2
    kcmomof2 Posts: 457 Member
    Wow, all you first thing in the morning people are completely insane! On Saturday, we usually do our workout earlier than usual (about 10am compared to 5:30pm usual time) and it is SO much harder.

    On Saturday I sleep in until at least 7:00-7:30 when one of my two wakes me up! :) We make it a family affair on Saturday mornings. They "try" to workout with me. It is quite a site to see my 4 yr. old daughter and my 2 1/2 yr. old son try to do a lunge or hip flexor stretches (is that what they are called?). Quite cute if you ask me. :)
  • tpiper55
    tpiper55 Posts: 27 Member
    Toni, I don't have it yet. I plan on ordering it probably next week. Send me your link and I'll be more than happy to order it through you. :happy: I keep hearing that Chalean is very motivational. I love it! I'm a fan of hers (and TF and CLX and Insanity :laugh:) on FB so I see her posts daily. And I agree, I do not like the tricep dips!! But I want pretty arms so I suffer through it. LOL I'm going to send you a friend request on FB - my initials are CMJ so you know it's me.

    And, by the way, I love that you call shakemybooty Ms. Booty. :laugh: I started calling her that back during our EA Sports Active 2 days. She really cracked me up there and still does here!!

    I've heard about Asylum but have yet to see an advertisement for it. How tough does it look?

    Bootylicious (yet another nickname I've created for her :laugh:), how bittersweet that you're doing all your final Month 1 workouts! It'll be nice to say sayonara, but then you have to say hello to Month 2. I'll be waiting for your updates with bated breath while I'm in recovery week. :happy: I also sometimes have an issue remembering what exercise is next in a circuit. It isn't just you!!

    ceelovejay I'll admit I called shakemybooty Ms. Booty because I was too lazy to backpage to get her REAL screenname and I remembered seeing your post with Ms. Booty, lol. YIKES, I probably should have asked about that first. You are hearing right about Chalene...I just can't say enough good about her.

    I'd love to give you the link to my beachbody webpage (I also share my LONG fitness journey there as well...back surgeries, hysterectomy, and all). I've checked this site front and back to make sure that there are no Terms of Service that preclude giving a website, but I haven't found any...I just don't want to violate any rules. Can I give you my page address here? In the meantime, I'll wait for your friend request on FB. Oh, and Asylum looks CRAZY tough. Once we're friends on FB, I'll send you a short video clip of it...CRAZY I tell ya

    I'm generally a first thing in the morning exerciser too...ESPECIALLY when it comes to INSANITY. I can't stand food sloshing around when I'm working out. Often I have to teach a class in the afternoon, so if I don't do it in the morning, it won't get done.:indifferent: :ohwell:

    kcmom that sounds so cute that your babies try to do the stretches with you:bigsmile: . My son is 23, I really miss that age. My honest opinion is if it's a tossup between CLX and P90X and especially if you are still trying to shed bodyfat, I would go with CLX. P90X wasn't really developed as a 'weight loss' program (although MANY people have had weightloss success with it) was designed as a program to get you in FANTASTIC shape....increased strength and cardio output. CLX, on the otherhand, was designed with weightloss in mind.

    Veronica, CONGRATS:wink: on that milestone.

  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Toni, I'm glad you posted because I most definitely forgot to go to Facebook and friend you. I'm doing it right now!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Quick Q to my fellow Insanity peeps: How did you determine where to set your calorie goal at? I've gone back and forth between setting it at 1 or 1.5 lbs. It doesn't seem like a big difference but I've been questioning it all day. I have about 13lbs left to lose to get down to a healthier BMI. And I'm not sure if 1200 for the 1.5lb loss is too little or the 1360 for 1lb is too high? I've read through all the posts on the site but wanted to ask some people that I've been chatting with regularly their thoughts ( I hope you don't mind!) There are a handful of days, like today (which is why I'm thinking about it) that I feel a little 'sick to my stomach' early in the day so I end up grabbing a extra snack (almonds, cheese stick, etc.) and feel better. But then it throws my calories off for the rest of the day so that my dinner calories are so little that getting in a good say chicken breast and some veggies would put me over my calorie goal at its current set rate of 1200. Now I do eat back exercise calories...absolutely. I wouldn't make it through Insanity without them!! Just wondering if anyone has any thoughts or can tell me what led them to their decision. Thanks all!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Done! :smile:

    Veronica, I'm glad your daughter is doing much better. I am a full-out morning person. If it doesn't get done before about 2 p.m., then it won't get done. My poor body really dies on me from that point on.

    kcmom - yelling at Shaun T - THAT IS MY SPECIALTY! I'm so happy I'm getting in great practice for when Month 2 rolls around. :laugh: Yeah, for Opening Day! My team is the Mets. They're a pretty tough team to support I must say. There are still so many things wrong with them. But we'll see what the season brings!