10 Week's To June



  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    You know - I don't eat fruit on weekdays - just on my carb up. The problem with fruit is, while it's jam packed with tons of great vitamins/minerals and antioxidants, it's also jam packed with sugar! I know - the "good" sugar - but it's still sugar, which I avoid during the week.

    My goal is staying below 30g of carbs a day which keeps me in ketosis for 6 days a week, breaking it only on the carb up. Ketosis is a state of using fat for energy (via keytones - thus the name) which is slick, because it's both dietary and body fat. I've never been leaner than on this CKD (cyclical ketogenic diet). If I eat more than about 30g (net) carbs then my body will start to use the sugar that all carbs break down to as energy and I'll start storing fat in my cells again (thanks to the stupid insulin response.)

    This isn't for everyone - but it works for me and keeps my cravings non-existent. I haven't had a hard craving (except the one day I had a horrible flu) in over 100 days. I'll take that!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Finished my workout for the day - small tweak in my back, probably nothing, but I slightly lowered the remainder of my back weights. Just 21 sets today, no extra's since I did a lot of extra stuff on Monday (same routine Mon/Thu). Next Monday, I'll add back in the lighter weight round post heavy round to do as a back-off set before Phase 3 of this series.

    Almost all my weights and numbers went up, except Pull-Ups, but that was after I felt that twinge in my back, and I think I didn't want to really crank it up.

    Sadly, even after all that ab work, I didn't get the sore that I expected in my abs today - it's ok, being sore isn't always a gauge of how much you worked, but it sure feels good! Working out with a friend tomorrow for Arms/Legs and teaching my cardio class in the morning.
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Oh btw - a small note - I take progress pics every Monday - I suggest everyone do it. The scale doesn't show as much as pics do. You don't ever have to post them, but it's good to keep them for yourself. I'll put mine up Monday morning for the first week's progress.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Annnnnnnd DONE! I've been trying olive oil on my pasta-not good. I don't like the flavor of olive oil haha.. blehck!
    Total body tomorrow! My shoulders, bi-'s and tri-'s are sore. THANK GOD!
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    So I was hungry today and I ate more. Im not worried I was soaked after the iron bell swinging for 45 minutes, Im sure I earned a few extra calories.

    Steve or anyone else, have you "Skinny Birches" ? replace r with t or it will get censored I think. My wife is reading it and said it is pretty eyeopening. It may be a good read for all you birches out there! Lol.

    My ex read it - but that was before I gave a crap about stuff - she loved it and would sit there laughing as she read it all night.

    also, it completely applied to her.

    HAHA. That's probably why she's an exxxx :p
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    So yesterday I skipped p90x Shoulders and Arms and did JM30DS instead, didn't have as much time as I thought I would since my daughter needed help with a project for school. I'll jump in with Shoulders and Arms and ARX tonight instead of the Yoga though.

    Stats for Tuesday:
    Carbs 142g
    Fat 75g
    Protein 67g
    Fiber 13g
    Cals 1525 eaten out of 1634

    I struggle with the food - I'm still pretty new to counting calories and stuff, so I don't really know what I'm doing or what my totals should look like. My goal is NOT to lose weight, just to get in shape, tone, and build muscle.

    Can anyone maybe suggest a book that would help explain the nutrition aspect? Something that would explain why different things are important (carbs, fat, etc) and exactly how much you should have to achieve which goals.

    What you need for an immediate read is some Lyle McDonald. I love his thorough explanations, which are clearly science and research backed. I know he's not for everyone, some may find him too in depth and not in "easy read" terms. He has a ton of info on his website.

    First, here are two parts of his nutrition articles which explain the fundamentals, what jobs carbs/protein/fat etc perform:



    Here's the articles that deal with figuring out what your caloric intake should be, as well as what your macronutrient profile should look like.



    I hope these help you :)

    Im checking this out.... Thanks Jess!!!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    day two - i spent the day cooking and cleaning. i plan to hop on the elliptical during gray's and pump out 3 miles. no strength. not a great food day.
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    You're welcome dearies :) LOL

    Soooo today was going to be my rest day. I got through the afternoon (not without guilt mind you) because I had to go to my daughter's school to watch her perform a song onstage at an assembly. Which of course never happened because my dear daughter is a bit flighty and apparently that was never even supposed to happen. So I sat through that darned assembly for naught. Went into dinner with only 24 calories left for the day. Sitting there at 330 cals over was not sitting well with me so I did a bodyrock workout. I'm still 59 over for the day but I'm totally ok with that.

    Today's stats:

    Protein: 124g
    Fat: 70g
    Carbs: 179g
    Fiber: 33g
    Water: 14 cups
    Cals: 1820 eaten of 1761 available.

    My hunger was under control today. I'm not sure if it's the extra fat I've added in finally keeping me full, or if my metabolism slowed back down a bit without my Bodyrock, as I have been doing mostly alternate workouts/ p90x/ etc this week.

    On another note: tomorrow is my monthly weigh in. I may back out just because I find weigh ins to be demotivating. But I hate to not make sure I am on track with my program. So we'll see. April fools could be on me ;)

    One other thing, I feel bad not commenting on every one's daily posts. I do genuinely care and am interested in what everyone is saying is going on with their days, but it's hard for me to keep up with it all.
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Annnnnnnd DONE! I've been trying olive oil on my pasta-not good. I don't like the flavor of olive oil haha.. blehck!
    Total body tomorrow! My shoulders, bi-'s and tri-'s are sore. THANK GOD!

    I don't think EVOO even has a flavor. I can't taste anything when I eat it!
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Breakfast - scrambled eggs (I blend baby spinach with the eggs then dump it in a skilet)
    Snack - cheese
    Lunch - ground beef over baby spinach (in a skillet) with just griller seasoning
    Snack - protein shake with water not milk in a shaker cup at the gym
    Dinner - Chicken/Fish/Turkey over spinach in a skillet!
    Snack - cheese or a shake depending on if I need fat or protein left for the day.

    Do you not eat any fruit? That's a lot of spinach... I've never tried baby spinach - guess I'll pick some up

    Make sure you get baby spinach! It's far more tender than regular spinach, especially if you are eating it in a salad. If you're cooking it, it doesn't matter as much.
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Okay guys, I am checking in a little bit early today. So, yesterday I actually had some money to go shopping for good food! In the past, I have NEVER gotten enough protein or fiber. Since my former diet is such complete crap, I am starting with really simple goals of getting 45 grams of protein per day and 14 grams of fiber per day.

    In fact, I'm not even hitting those numbers yet. Right now, I'm just trying to incorporate more protein items into my diet on a daily basis. Eggs, cashews, and lentils at the moment! I'm getting my fiber from fruits and vegetables.

    Yesterday I ate two apples, scrambled eggs, two servings of cashews, and some museli cereal -- and all I can say is I can't remember the last time I had that much energy in one day! I felt full and satisfied. I loved the variety of my choices.

    I am also going to start shopping often, every few days at the discount store. The store that is closest and most convenient is too far away. This weekend I am going out of town. I am bringing healthy options to cook for myself and I WILL NOT be making impulse purchases.

    Everyone on here eats so well, you guys inspire me! I grew up on a really crappy diet: macaroni and cheese, pizza, ice cream. My parents were wonderful and they worked full time. I was always very active. I was a competitive swimmer and sometimes I worked out at much as 6 hours a day. Exercising is in my blood. So, I really have that going for me. Even when I binge or eat like crap, I still exercise. It calms me. It helps me feel centered.

    I look at people's diaries on here. You people cook. You consume protein shakes. You figure out how to make food taste good, get enough nutrients, and not go over on calories. I am really envious.

    I am starting from scratch. Over here in France, my students have this stereotype of how Americans eat. Like crap. Fast food everyday. Prepared foods. And well, I fit the stereotype! Or, at least... I used to.

    My parents were so amazing and loving - but we were busy 24/7. There was no time to eat healthy. We left at 5:30 AM and got home at 10PM. My parents worked their *kitten* off to give me and my brother the lives that we enjoyed -- the extracurricular sports, the special academic programs, skiing, hiking, camping. You name it, my parents made it happen.

    But we ate like crap. And now at the age of 21, I am going to change that, starting with incredibly small baby steps...

    Anyways, today is off to a really good start! I had 3 bananas for breakfast, a shopping list for the weekend, I will have scrambled eggs for lunch... and I am going to get in a killer work-out on stairs tonight :)

    You are definitely at a disadvantage, without having learned all of that growing up. But you are making a wonderful effort to get started now, and it will come to you more quickly than you think. The wonderful thing is you love to exercise! That's a powerful tool. I am proud of you for starting at 21, a time when many people think that they are invincible and use that as an excuse to be reckless :)
  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    Rest day for me today. I am gonna do a kbell workout tomorrow. Everyone seems to be doing well.

    Tatooed the extra fat should help keep you satiated hopefully. Food was fairly good today a little high for a rest day but I will make it up slinging my cannonball tomorrow.
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    yeah - about reading every post - I will read every single post - I really am completely interested in what's going on, but obviously, you can't comment on everything :) that'd be CRAZYTIME!

    Really solid nutrition today, I'm feeling great going into my carb up after my workout tomorrow.

    I'm seeing a lot of raised protein here and I like it! Keep up all the good work!
  • K1Teacher
    K1Teacher Posts: 324 Member
    Rest day for me today...great day food wise. Tomorrow's Friday...yay!! Have a good one everyone :flowerforyou:
  • Day 2:

    The brunch buffet that my aunt wanted to take me to is only open on Saturdays and Sundays! Yay Me! And Yay for IHops "fit" menu items. It only cost me 350 cals and filled me up until about 4 ish.

    I found time for 30 Day Shred between class and work, so I had some calories saved up for margarita night. I still went about 600 over from the estimates I got on the food database of what I ate, but I had a lot of fun and I'm planning on trying to run 4 or 5 miles tomorrow. Day off work on Friday! Time to exercise!

    I hope you all have a great weekend!
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    yeah - about reading every post - I will read every single post - I really am completely interested in what's going on, but obviously, you can't comment on everything :) that'd be CRAZYTIME!

    Really solid nutrition today, I'm feeling great going into my carb up after my workout tomorrow.

    I'm seeing a lot of raised protein here and I like it! Keep up all the good work!

    Im the same Steve.... i read everything but only comment here and there!!! ;-)
  • annatrev
    annatrev Posts: 1
    Too late to join?
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Day 4

    455 calories burned today

    macros for today
    37%carbs (155grams)
    37%fat (69grams)
    26%protein (112grams)

    I kicked the carbs butt today!!! ;-)

    Calorie intake for the day was 1695 of 1905 calories!!!! Today I ran a practice 5k (running a 5k Sat) and did a little bodyrock.tv!!!!

    9 glasses of water today!!!

    Good work everyone!!! ;-)
  • ski3r4life
    ski3r4life Posts: 206
    Don't feel bad at all! I ate exactly like you described until I turned 30! I never cooked anything that didn't come out of a box and into the microwave. Now - honestly, my microwave has been in the garage since I moved 2 months ago!

    There are great cooks on here - learn from them! As for me - everything I cook (I mean everything) goes in one skillet! I'm not kidding.

    Breakfast - scrambled eggs (I blend baby spinach with the eggs then dump it in a skilet)
    Snack - cheese
    Lunch - ground beef over baby spinach (in a skillet) with just griller seasoning
    Snack - protein shake with water not milk in a shaker cup at the gym
    Dinner - Chicken/Fish/Turkey over spinach in a skillet!
    Snack - cheese or a shake depending on if I need fat or protein left for the day.

    I eat almost the exact same meals every day - it might seem boring, but for me, it puts me on a schedule that is easy to keep and takes the thinking/guesswork out.

    Thanks for the meal plan ideas!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Awake and heading to Yoga class, then teach BodyBlitz cardio. Theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen gotta lift with a friend Arms/Legs. Theeeeeeeeeeeeeen gotta work my abs to absolute death. Theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen get to start my carb up.

    I'm slightly nervous about this carb up - it'll be my longest in about 10-12 weeks.

    When I started the Anabolic Diet, I tried the 2 day carb up and basically binged like a maniac for 2 days, then had real trouble stopping the flow. After reading and researching a lot (I mean.... seriously, A LOT) I learned that I wasn't alone in learning that a 2 day bender was typical of people following the AD. Since then, I switched to only a one day carb up - in fact, less. I would start my carb up following my final workout of the week and jam tons of carbs in my mouth for only that day until bed. The following morning, back to ketosis.

    This phase will be a 36 hour carb up. So here's the idea.

    Friday - in general, I'll workout in the early afternoon Friday, then carb Friday night and all day Saturday. When I wake up Sunday, I'll fast all day, to spur my re-entry to Ketosis.

    Pretty boring stuff, but kind of putting out there why I'm nervous about keeping this one clean. Going to class!
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