Type II Diabetics - Let's Support Each Other



  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    Hi everyone...been a while since i was in this forum (keep having to refind it...lol).. I was wondering how often you all check your blood glucose...i was diagnosed 22 feb 2011 with a fasting blood glucose of 126 and my a1c was 5.7-ish...can't remember the exact # but i know it was under 6. Anyhow...the PA i saw wants me to only check my blood after i wake in the morning. To me that doesn't seem like enough since i'm needing to learn what it is that i can and cannot eat and the impact of things i eat on my blood glucose levels. So i've been checking first thing when i wake...just before a meal...and 2 hrs after a meal. That ran me into trouble as when i called in to have my scrip of test strips refilled they told me i had to wait 'til may 'cause they gave me 100 strips for 100 days. Anyhow, i have since called and talked to someone at the clinic and they said they'd see about getting a new scrip put in for me. Am i just being silly checking that often? i think my highest test was @ 189...and i have lows of the 60s when i don't have a snack or get busy (not very often for either of those extremes..but trying to cut that out all together) so i know i still have a lot to learn.

    I went through the same thing (testing frequently) when I was first diagnosed. I've also been through the bit with the insurance co. as well. You'll get the hang of it as you go. I'm convinced that diabetes management is much more of an art than a science!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,338 Member
    When I was first diagnosed I tested my glucose 3 times per day (before breakfast, before dinner, and 2-3 hours after eating dinner. Now I test only before breakfast (and not always daily, I'm not consistent but working on it), and when I feel like I need to check in with myself. My A1c is going down so I feel good about that! Tomorrow I have an appt. with my doctor to check in and see how I'm doing. Hopefully the Dr. scale reflects my weightloss and that I'm on the right track. Some day I hope I can manage this through diet and exercise. I'm really tired of getting prescriptions filled for blood pressure med and Metformin.

    I agree it's an art and not a science and we all differ in how we deal with it and how it affects our body. I don't always do a good job balancing my carb intake throughout my day either but I'm working on that too.
  • chroi23
    chroi23 Posts: 27
    Thank you ladies...it's nice to hear how others deal with this yucky disease.
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    Thank you ladies...it's nice to hear how others deal with this yucky disease.

    I just have to tell you that the puppy in your profile picture is adorable~!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,338 Member
    My dr. appt. went very well. My doctor was impressed with my weight loss and exercise and was very interested in MFP and the type of workouts I'm doing. She said I'm her best diabetic patient due to the changes I'm making for my health and doesn't see a need to see me again for six months. I got my pneumonia vaccine and some lab work done. I'll know my HDL good cholesterol in the next week. I'm curious to see if it went up...hopefully because it was below normal range.

    I hope everyone had a great day. Waiting for warm weather and the snow to melt completely. I want to bike and walk outside without grit and puddles.

  • chroi23
    chroi23 Posts: 27
    Hehe thanks...that's Lexi...my new english bulldog puppy...she was 8 wks in that pic (the day we picked her up) and 12 weeks now...she keeps me on my toes.
  • chroi23
    chroi23 Posts: 27
    That's fabulous news Jenny. All that hard work is paying off...Yippeee! I'd imagine that yes your HDL has gone up since everything else has made positive changes. I'm having to work on my HDL as well...and also cannot wait 'til it's not muddy and grungy from the not so melted snow.
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    My husband just got diagnosed...commented so I have this in my topics so I can show him...thank you for starting thins group!
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    My husband just got diagnosed...commented so I have this in my topics so I can show him...thank you for starting thins group!

    I'm glad you found us!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,338 Member
    chroi23-I thought that was a stuffed bulldog! What an adorable puppy! What's her/his name?
  • elaine8255
    elaine8255 Posts: 36 Member
    Hiya =)
    I'm also type II diabetic, diagnosed at 23 (i'm 34 now). I have a terrible family history with both parents diabetic, both grandmothers diabetic...etc. I thought i could keep it at bay with diet and exercise until i got pregnant but it found me. Now at 34, i've got PCOS, haven't seen a period in forever and am having trouble baking buns in my oven.

    Several years ago, i was very bad with my medication & diet but working out intensely. I lost inches, but not really much weight. This time i'm really trying to sync all things that may impact my success: diet, exercise, glucose levels.

    I used to be under control but since i got back from vacation my levels are kind of crazy. I'm plotting all my food/carb intake and my insulin...hopefully this will help me keep everything in control and working like a well oiled diabetic machine. =D

    This is a great thread for support.
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    Hiya =)
    I'm also type II diabetic, diagnosed at 23 (i'm 34 now). I have a terrible family history with both parents diabetic, both grandmothers diabetic...etc. I thought i could keep it at bay with diet and exercise until i got pregnant but it found me. Now at 34, i've got PCOS, haven't seen a period in forever and am having trouble baking buns in my oven.

    Several years ago, i was very bad with my medication & diet but working out intensely. I lost inches, but not really much weight. This time i'm really trying to sync all things that may impact my success: diet, exercise, glucose levels.

    I used to be under control but since i got back from vacation my levels are kind of crazy. I'm plotting all my food/carb intake and my insulin...hopefully this will help me keep everything in control and working like a well oiled diabetic machine. =D

    This is a great thread for support.

    Glad you found us. I was 33 when I was diagnosed (poor diet, lack of exercise and a really stressful job) brought it out.
    I've had peaks and valleys when it comes to managing it, although I seem to have gotten it through my thick skull how meds, diet and exercise have to work together to be in control.

    Send me a friend request if you like so we can cheer each other on!!

  • cathyv0409
    cathyv0409 Posts: 230 Member
    Way to go Jenny and Poleboy on your amazing results at the dr!!! As for endocrinologists not having bedside manner, I kicked one out of my husband's hospital room when he had his heart attack and told the cardiologist if that was the only endo the hospital had on staff....NO THANKS!! He treated Bob like he was a senile old man because he didn't remember that he'd had a laser surgery on his retina. Ohhhhh, I was so mad - and maybe just a tad cranky since I had been staying at the hospital with him :wink:

    Katz, I know your appointment next week will be great too! I can't wait to hear your results!!!

  • cathyv0409
    cathyv0409 Posts: 230 Member
    Hiya =)
    I'm also type II diabetic, diagnosed at 23 (i'm 34 now). I have a terrible family history with both parents diabetic, both grandmothers diabetic...etc. I thought i could keep it at bay with diet and exercise until i got pregnant but it found me. Now at 34, i've got PCOS, haven't seen a period in forever and am having trouble baking buns in my oven.

    Several years ago, i was very bad with my medication & diet but working out intensely. I lost inches, but not really much weight. This time i'm really trying to sync all things that may impact my success: diet, exercise, glucose levels.

    I used to be under control but since i got back from vacation my levels are kind of crazy. I'm plotting all my food/carb intake and my insulin...hopefully this will help me keep everything in control and working like a well oiled diabetic machine. =D

    This is a great thread for support.

    Welcome Elaine! I'm glad you found us!!
  • elaine8255
    elaine8255 Posts: 36 Member
    Being diabetic doesn't necessarily scare me...it's the complications from diabetes that worry me. I guess watching my mom and grandmother are enough to show me what i want and don't want out of my quality of life when i'm their age.

    The only time i hate being diabetic is when i'm vacationing in las vegas. I miss girlie drinks loaded with brightly colored juices married with potent liquor. =T i abstain from all alcohol now. It sucks being the only sober one. LOL.

    I haven't been to the endo in a year. I've booked an appointment and the next available date is June. I'm hoping to go in there smaller, with my blood results in perfect order.

    Right now my issue is balancing my insulin. I'm not on a sliding scale (sliding scale doesn't work for me). So with all of the exercise i'm trying to find a way to balance it all out without having daily hypos. I think i've had one almost every day for the last few days.
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    @ Elaine: I hear ya about the complications from diabetes. A few years ago, my opthamologist noticed the very beginnings of diabetic retinopathy. I had a laser procedure to treat it and everything is fine now. I do however have a tiny spot in my field of vision from the scar tissue on the retina. That was enough for me to get my act together.

    Not long after I had the retina issue, my partner took a job in the UK. So we very hurriedly moved from Atlanta to London. Needless to say that for the period of transition, I didn't do a very good job taking care of my diabetes. A year and a half later, I've just about gotten control of those things I can control. I'm trying to let go of those things I can't control, but that is a bit harder!

    Keep at it, and I'm sure you're endo app't will be good. Keep your eyes on the goal!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,338 Member
    Hi Elaine, Welcome to this thread. We all share our stories and support one another with our diabetes issues. My doctor started warning me at 40 that I needed to lose the weight and that I was prediabetic. I lost and then gained many times and never got my act together to keep the weight off and make exercise a part of my life consistently. So hear I am at 50 (diagnosed 1 1/2 years ago and trying to gain control of my eating and making exercise a lifestyle. Just had a wonderful dr. appt. and I know that MFP and the people on here who are taking this journey with me are part of that success.

    So onward...glad you're here.
  • chroi23
    chroi23 Posts: 27
    chroi23-I thought that was a stuffed bulldog! What an adorable puppy! What's her/his name?

    Her name is Lexi...although right now i think i'll just call her mud...she's in the proverbial dog house atm...she's been having waaay too many potty accidents : (
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,338 Member
    Lexi looks so huggable!
  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
    Cathy your looking great!!

    How is everyone else doing?
    Anything new, How are your numbers? Any New foods your trying out?

    Welcome lukimakamai elaine8255

    Nothing new on this front things are good.
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