Lose 10 pounds in April Challange who's in???



  • im in! =]
  • AngelLittle
    AngelLittle Posts: 25 Member
    Alright I'm ready - - - starting point 206. having the hardest time getting under 200. get close and bounce back up! I'm determind to make it happen in my birthday month!!! Still a long way to go after that but that is my DOOMSDAY mark!
  • TennisLoveGirl
    TennisLoveGirl Posts: 30 Member
    I'm in, too!! Weigh in today is 153 lbs. Would even be happy with 145 by end of April but I'm up for the challenge!! :)
  • I'm in in in! :D

  • skeele
    skeele Posts: 72
    Sounds like a plan! Would love to get below 240.
  • I am in.....it will be my perfect birthday present!!
  • I just joined today...count me in!!

    CW: 211
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    April 1, 2011
    269.0 pounds
  • blazrchicdd
    blazrchicdd Posts: 19 Member
    Ok - here's the skinny - or will be April 30th.

    Current Weight: 149.8

    *Its been a long time since I saw a "3" on the scale - can't wait*
  • Nettie512
    Nettie512 Posts: 11 Member
    I am back to post my current weight!!

    Start Weight on 4/1/11 is: 190 lbs.
  • I am 182.5 lbs as of 1 minute ago!! Come on April, be good to Mama! lol We can do this everyone :smile:
  • Carm52
    Carm52 Posts: 32 Member
    Ok- 198.2 as of 4/1! Let's lose these 10lbs!! :o)
  • 234 AS OF TODAY yeahhhhh
  • Sent you mine through a message this morning...
  • I want in too :wink:

    CW 189lbs
  • lbetancourt
    lbetancourt Posts: 522 Member
    CW: 137
  • spikess
    spikess Posts: 113 Member
    hey my CW is 144
  • swansj15
    swansj15 Posts: 11
    Count me in!! I would love to be down 10lbs by next month!! This will be quite the challenge for me since, I am going to be really busy finishing up school, nursing clinicals! BUT IF I WANT THIS I CAN DO IT!!!


    Current weight: 228lbs
  • cfcakes
    cfcakes Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in! April 1st weight: 133.5lbs
  • Arielnesika
    Arielnesika Posts: 87 Member
    265 today!
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