Lose 5 Pounds A Month April 2011 Challenge



  • sliceofsarah
    sliceofsarah Posts: 141 Member
    Start weight is 165.8. I would LOVE to see the 150s by the end of the month!

    My game plan is to continue the 30 Day Shred (Day 14 today) and once that is finished, work on Ripped in 30. I also just started on C25K so that will be the other dimension of my exercise plan. And I will be trying my hardest to stay under my net of 1200 each day!
  • kellycasey5
    kellycasey5 Posts: 486 Member
    Starting weight is 136.3 lbs. My goals for the week are adding 2 strength training sessions and to drink my 8 glasses of water a day. Happy April everybody!
  • CurlyVonda
    CurlyVonda Posts: 59 Member
    Count me in! My starting weight for the challenge is 197.6. My goals for the week are to add at least 5 days of cardio exercise and cut down on sodium.
  • sek92
    sek92 Posts: 43 Member
    hi starting weight 157, hope to get to 152 by may 1 thanks
  • My starting weight is 131.9 lbs.

    -- Juliet
  • AJsMOM83
    AJsMOM83 Posts: 6
    I'm in!! :)

    Just weighed myself right now.


    188lbs, I'm coming for ya!!!
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    Since I plan to stick to a crazy diet and exercise schedule this month, I am going to try to post frequently about what I did. I know I can count on you guys to keep me on track. Thanks for that!

    Today, life threw a wrench in my plans. I drove out to Sears to buy glasses before lunch (my first real pair!) and wasn't planning to be long. Well, I was there until 5PM because my car wouldn't start! Thankfully there was a Subway in the mall. That is NOT part of my diet but it was better than starving.

    Because I didn't leave the mall until 5PM and had to tinker with my car for a bit after that, I wasn't able to make it to my school's gym (which closes at 8 on Friday nights.) I have a membership at a gym closer to my house that I went to instead. I got in my weight lifting workout but really wanted to play racquetball. :sad: Ah well, I will make up for it tomorrow.

    Some good news---- I burned 240 calories in the weight lifting workout I did today as opposed to the 400+ I burned doing the exact same one last year. That doesn't sound like a good thing but it is. Some of you may remember that I had an issue with my HR being way too fast (which in turn made me burn calories like crazy.) Well, it seems that my heart has gotten much healthier since then! I am very happy about that.
  • JeanHaynes
    JeanHaynes Posts: 55 Member
    I am in again this month. My starting weight for April is 182. So, my goal weight for the month will be 177 (or less :D).
  • ptillison
    ptillison Posts: 15 Member
    I am new so I have not lost any weight yet. Starting weight 198
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    I'm in! I need to do SOMETHING!!! I've been terrible the last 2 months and have gained!

    Today I was 173.5
  • jacquerd
    jacquerd Posts: 121 Member
    I'm in, but feel like I will NEVER be able to find this post again. Suggestions for that?
  • erin_89
    erin_89 Posts: 45
    I'm in I don't have a scale now so I can't do a weekly weigh in but at the end of april I will write back with my loss. Good luck everyone

    CW 377.7
    Goal 372
  • yahoo19
    yahoo19 Posts: 16
    I'm down 2 pounds this week!!!!
  • I'm in SW 178.2
  • kiisha_11
    kiisha_11 Posts: 55
    I'm up for a challenge -- Starting weight 235lbs
  • Juno99
    Juno99 Posts: 32 Member
    I accept your challenge. I am doing 30 day shed for this month anyways... starting weight as of 4/1 is 142 lbs.
  • sliceofsarah
    sliceofsarah Posts: 141 Member
    I'm in, but feel like I will NEVER be able to find this post again. Suggestions for that?

    It will appear under the "My Topics" link toward the top of the page. All topics you have posted on show up there.
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Ok I wasn't going to join because although I was finally successful last month I have readjusted my calories to lose .5lbs a week. Since 5lbs isn't really my target I like this group and still want to join. I like the weekly weigh ins and people to share my journey with. PLUS I weighed in today and I am at the lowest I have been in 3 years! I am now at the same weight I was the first time I calorie counted and lost 30lbs before my second child. Being pregnant puts a lot of weight on me all over!

    So here I am April 2nd @ 138lbs!
    I hope to drop the last 8...well whenver..I am happy here now but would like to tone and get to 130lbs if I can.
    My goal is just to log in weekly and continue on my healthy path to the new me :flowerforyou:
  • sunburstmo
    sunburstmo Posts: 14 Member
    4/1 181
  • Im TOTALLY in!
    My weigh in normally on tuesday but sometimes wednesday.

    April Starting: 230


    Goal for April is 225 but really wanna be at 220!
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