No reason to continue



  • kristinwalker
    kristinwalker Posts: 100 Member
    I really want to take time and thank all of the good and uplifting and encouraging responses I have received. It is nice to know that others of you have and are feeling the same way. I have a few good tid bits to try. This doesn't mean I am not still frustrated. It is hard to put in so much hard work for so long and not reap many rewards. I know now that there are a few things I lost focus of and a few I never knew to focus on.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I dont get this whole weight loss thing. You put in the work, and the results dont show. But look at your little lady have lost 14 pounds!!! That is nothing to take lightly. You earned every one of those pounds. There is something that needs tweeked. Somehow we have to find out what that is and it is going to melt away. I know its frustrating. But dont stop. Six months will go by before you know it. You can look back with regret wishing you would have kept going, or you can look at yourself and say dang, I look good!

    Come on friends, lets try and help Kristen figure this out. Lets get the lady bug home!!!!

    This is one of the sweetest things I have ever read on here.
  • angelah321
    angelah321 Posts: 3 Member
    Keep going it's so worth it
  • nab22
    nab22 Posts: 168
    You said you mix up your workouts which is good, but do you mix up your diet? I would try for one week to eat (almost) no processed foods. I know it sounds hard but if you're at the end of your rope and you're working out more than ever, I've got to say that your diet is the problem.

    For 7 days:
    - eat oatmeal for breakfast (not the prepackaged kind --> too much sugar)
    - have lots of small snacks all day like almonds, a hard boiled egg, veggies with hummus, rice cakes, etc
    - if you have to get fast food for lunch, order healthy. all of the chains have had to make serious changes to their menus and there are PLENTY of healthy options available, around 300 calories which is a good amount for lunch if you're eating lots of healthy snacks
    - cook your own dinner! then you'll know what you're putting in your body, and follow the rule where half your plate should be veggies, 1/4 starch, and 1/4 meat

    You'll probably find its cheaper to eat like this anyways (for example, 1 container of oatmeal is like $4 and gives you about 20-25 breakfast meals!) and you'll be much more full than you expected because of all the new fiber you'll be getting. Obviously this is my opinion and doesn't work for everyone. I know its tough to get started but its so worth it, don't give up!
  • nab22
    nab22 Posts: 168
    Looking back a few more days on your diary I see you do choose smart snacks and meals for the most part! I didn't look too far back so I don't know if these past couple days were just hectic and unusual for your habits but I still saw fast food on most days even if it was "just" dessert. So maybe for 7 days don't go to any fast food? I mean there's got to be some thing you're overlooking here, so might as well try to single some of them out and see if that scale drops!
  • I really feel like I have no reason to continue down the path of trying to lose weight. I am currently about 40 lbs over weight and have been on MFP for 3 months. I am seeing no results at all. I am no longer even seeing the little things to keep me going. I am working out harder than I have since college sports and I am eating the healthiest I have in my entire life but can't seem to lose anything. I am so discouraged and feel like there is no reason to continue. I give myself a free day every week, I vary my exercises, keep right around my net and under my goal 6 days a week. I work out 6-7 days a week and I have plateaued for the past 2 1/2 months. I lost weight right away but can't get past 201. This is so frustrating. I have always been able to lose weight in the past (between kids etc) but this time I can't. Not only has the scale gone up (today at 205) but my inches all over my body have gone up. It is so frustrating to do everything everyone tells me to, I work out more eat less and wayyyyy healthier and here I am still fat, no progres and frustrated. I would rather stay this weight and enjoy my fatty crappy foods again than work my butt off to stay this weight. I am really looking for a reason to not give up, because I am right there wondering why I should keep going.

    When I first started working out, and eating right I actually gained weight, and I looked bigger. I discussed this with my wife, who is a personal trainer. She explained to me that my weight gain was because I was building muscle, and I looked bigger because the new muscle is pushing the visceral fat to the surface. This trend continued for about two months before I started to notice my waste line shrinking. It is possible you could be experiencing something similar. You even build muscle up to a certain point doing nothing but cardio. Also my wife doesn't let me weight myself that often, she says it often discourages people, so instead I take a progress picture every two weeks and compare them. This progress picture method has been a big help in keeping me motivated. Don't give up, show that despair an iron fist and bull through. Good luck.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I am stronger and more fit that I have been for a long time . . I'm in my 50's. I finally got outside (first time this year . . it's been too cold) and ran 2.33 miles this morning at a 5 MPH pace and it seemed effortless. I could barely run a block this time last year and I weighed 30 lbs more than I do now.

    OK Right there you inspired me to keep running...I started a variation of couch25k in february, am only up to running about 4 minutes at a time and I run really slow...but I just keep doing it...because in my 50s, I want to be able to run a couple miles and have it seem effortless :)

    Thanks for sharing your success!
  • kristinwalker
    kristinwalker Posts: 100 Member
    Read this article and see what you think. " Understanding Weight Loss Plateaus
    Obstacles to Strength, Endurance and Weight Loss"

    Read it and this was awesome. #7 describes how I feel, so maybe I need to vary intensity and not push through days my body says not to.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Sometimes it's not the calories, but rather the kind of food you are eating. The suggestions to take food & exercise diary to nutritionist or trainer is good. Don't give up! I went from doing not much exercise and eating crappy to running 20 miles a week and eating healthily. I thought I would lose the weight right away, but it took a solid 3 months and then I started seeing some results. You really just need to keep at it.

    I agree a nutritionist can guide with a clearer understanding of what's healthy what's not and why.

    When I checked out your diary. You seemed to have an awful lot of fast food and a lot sugar. (try tracking that for a while you'll see 1) a lot of foods that you wouldn't expect have a lot of sugar 2) sugar spurs your appetite, when you cut back it also cuts back your cravings.)

    So you probably need just a little education to get on the right track.
    I'm a big believer in small changes that you can maintain over a long time.
    incorporate a few small things every couple of weeks and they become habits.
    when you completely revamp your eating habits. You'll revert to old behaviors in times of stress.
    & let's face it stress blindsides us all at times.
  • kristinwalker
    kristinwalker Posts: 100 Member
    When I first started working out, and eating right I actually gained weight, and I looked bigger. I discussed this with my wife, who is a personal trainer. She explained to me that my weight gain was because I was building muscle, and I looked bigger because the new muscle is pushing the visceral fat to the surface. This trend continued for about two months before I started to notice my waste line shrinking. It is possible you could be experiencing something similar. You even build muscle up to a certain point doing nothing but cardio. Also my wife doesn't let me weight myself that often, she says it often discourages people, so instead I take a progress picture every two weeks and compare them. This progress picture method has been a big help in keeping me motivated. Don't give up, show that despair an iron fist and bull through. Good luck.

    Wow, thanks so much for the insight! I did take a pic about a week or two ago, I should check the date and do another in a couple weeks and see if there is a difference.
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    Are you sure your HRM's are correct? If for any reason they are off then you would be eating too many calories per day. Also if I want to lose, I have to give up eating out except as a treat once a week. The sodium in restaurant food is SOOOOOOOOOO high! I would make it my mission to cook my own food so I know what is going in my body. Don't give up, there are other positives to a healthier lifestyle, number one, to be here with you family for as long as you can!!! How rewarding is that?
  • Ral263
    Ral263 Posts: 318 Member
    I looked back a few weeks in your diary, and it seems like most days you will have at LEAST one meal from a fast food restaurant (sometimes more). I'm sorry, but it's simply unrealistic to think that you will lose weight doing that, especially when a lot of your other calories are processed and nutritionally empty as well (Starbucks drinks, dressing, sugary yogurt, etc).

    You really should try to get at the very least, 2 servings of vegetables at lunch and dinner, and LEAN protein at every meal. Its not just about counting calories, it's about getting quality calories that will provide you with the proper nutrients that your body needs.

    Eat fruits, vegetables, fish, and chicken/turkey and I PROMISE you the weight loss will follow, provided you cut the junk and are exercising!
  • AussieFirebird
    AussieFirebird Posts: 76 Member
    Hi Kristin

    I understand what it is like to plateau and feel like you are getting nowhere. I'm glad you opened up your diary - I've just had a look.
    It seems to me that your daily intake is around 1400 - is that right? So in order for you to have good "calorie coverage" or distribution of energy throughout your day you should eat 5 small meals which you appear to be doing, but each of your meals should be no more than 280 calories, (1400 divided by 5 meals) unless you have exercised and then you can up it - but only a little. Otherwise your body doesnt have a chance to burn off the energy you give it before you feed it the next lot.

    The other thing I have noticed is that there seems to be a lot of processed foods in your diary. My advice would be to get rid of them - you may fall under your calories presently but these types of foods will not give you good energy and help to burn fat - they will only create fat and slow your metabolism. The foods you need to stick to are things like salad, steamed vegetables, grainy cereals, no fat yoghurts, fresh meats (no bigger than your palm or around 150 grams per day), eggs, and of course, vitamins :-) No fizzy or cordial - only water. No starbucks coffee, only coffee you make at home. No takeaway foods or any food from a takeaway store - fresh is always best. That doesnt mean you can't still go out to eat every once in a while, but personally I try to limit my temptations while losing weight. Once you reach your goal and go into maintenance, you can allow yourself a bit more, but always in moderation.

    If you are looking for more support send me a friend request :-)

    Best of luck - don't give up! That isn't an option if you want to lose weight :-)
  • Samerah12
    Samerah12 Posts: 610 Member
    Well sorry if this has been mentioned a million times already (I don't feel like reading through 6 pages to find out!) but you ought to see a doctor and explain all of that and see if your problem isn't thyroid related. A good friend had something similar going on and had placed a lot of blame on herself and got really depressed about it before she finally saw a doctor and got some meds for her thyroid condition and slimmed right down. Worth checking out!
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    I give myself a free day every week

    Do you mean free to eat whatever you want or a day free from exercise? If it is the former, that could be the problem.

    There's one thing you can tweek. Cut that out!

    And then get to a MD to see if any hormonal issues are happening (thyroid or others). Some meds side effects aren't that nice to us, either. So review it all and bring the printouts of your diary and workouts. Also I agree with some posting to eat enough, and make sure everything is accurate. Including measuring and weighing food.
  • derynb
    derynb Posts: 22 Member
    You said you mix up your workouts which is good, but do you mix up your diet? I would try for one week to eat (almost) no processed foods. I know it sounds hard but if you're at the end of your rope and you're working out more than ever, I've got to say that your diet is the problem.

    For 7 days:
    - eat oatmeal for breakfast (not the prepackaged kind --> too much sugar)
    - have lots of small snacks all day like almonds, a hard boiled egg, veggies with hummus, rice cakes, etc
    - if you have to get fast food for lunch, order healthy. all of the chains have had to make serious changes to their menus and there are PLENTY of healthy options available, around 300 calories which is a good amount for lunch if you're eating lots of healthy snacks
    - cook your own dinner! then you'll know what you're putting in your body, and follow the rule where half your plate should be veggies, 1/4 starch, and 1/4 meat

    You'll probably find its cheaper to eat like this anyways (for example, 1 container of oatmeal is like $4 and gives you about 20-25 breakfast meals!) and you'll be much more full than you expected because of all the new fiber you'll be getting. Obviously this is my opinion and doesn't work for everyone. I know its tough to get started but its so worth it, don't give up!
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    I have been down that road a few times in my life. I lost some weight and then got frustrated and gave up and I always ended up gaining the weight back plus some. What seems to be making a difference this time is that I am looking at it as a lifestyle change and a way to be healthier. I haven't weighed myself in over 2 months, but I know that I am losing weight or at least inches by the way my clothes fit. I know that I am in better shape because I can easily run 3x what I could when I started. Every time I tried to lose weight in the past I would have given up by now, but for me not worrying about numbers has given me the motivation to keep going. All of the goals I have set for myself have to do with fitness, not weight loss. I don't get frustrated when my goal is to run a mile or work out 30 minutes a day, but I do get frustrated if it is to lose a certain number of pounds and I fail.
  • derynb
    derynb Posts: 22 Member
    This post sums it up perfectly, excellent advise, small meals often is the key and stay off the processed foods as much as possible...good luck:)

    Woops, this was supposed to be part of my post above, pressed the wrong button !!
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    a cheat day once a week is way too much if you wanna lose .... i give myself a meal a month
  • 33nessy
    33nessy Posts: 104
    Hey there Kristin!
    Please dont give up! i almost did and it was people on here that kept me going and i have finally started losing again. my guess, you are building muscle and muscle takes longer to register on the scale than just fat. also are you drinking heaps cos its true that it flushes out your system....sometimes you can eat the healthiest foods and exercise hard out and still not lose till u pump up the water (which is what i have started to do and am now losing)....also vary your food and your exercise...if your calorie intake is 1500 eat 1200 one day and 1800 the extra work outs around that time of month......anyway dont give up....stay strong. ill support you.
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