10 Week's To June



  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Made it through my day.. Not what I would consider ideal, maybe even a cheat day. I like lived on protein powder or bars. I wouldn't count that as a good day, but it got me through.
    I also have a tendency to work out in an anaerobic range, which burns muscle so I'm wondering what I need to do to deal with that. I love to push hard, but there's not a benefit to two steps forward one step back.
    On a big positive, went to do training with my trainer today and we did an 50 min non stop upper body heavier weight! YAY!

    Glad you all are making it!

    I missed this earlier - I would recommend to everyone - but especially those of us who are around our goal weight - stop the steady state cardio! Only do HIIT intervals. It's shown to burn primarily fat during the afterburn as opposed to the steady state crap that burns everything.

    Step away from the elliptical.... step away from the elliptical.
  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    Rest day for me spent it with my kids. Food was pretty good today after the fish-o-polooza yesterday. Im missing fit club tomorrow to see my son's school play. Have fun Steve if you are heading there.

  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Made it through my day.. Not what I would consider ideal, maybe even a cheat day. I like lived on protein powder or bars. I wouldn't count that as a good day, but it got me through.
    I also have a tendency to work out in an anaerobic range, which burns muscle so I'm wondering what I need to do to deal with that. I love to push hard, but there's not a benefit to two steps forward one step back.
    On a big positive, went to do training with my trainer today and we did an 50 min non stop upper body heavier weight! YAY!

    Glad you all are making it!

    I missed this earlier - I would recommend to everyone - but especially those of us who are around our goal weight - stop the steady state cardio! Only do HIIT intervals. It's shown to burn primarily fat during the afterburn as opposed to the steady state crap that burns everything.

    Step away from the elliptical.... step away from the elliptical.

    I so agree!! Even those of us that are over weight a great deal can benefit from HIIT. I have been doing some sprints with my dogs in the yard just playing around with them instead of taking them on long walks or jogging and my fat loss is going faster.

    I was able to put on a denim jacket today that I haven't been able to wear in the last 2 or 3 years because the arms were so tight I was about to bust out of it. Today it is fitting very well!!! And I just tried it on, on a whim.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Made it through my day.. Not what I would consider ideal, maybe even a cheat day. I like lived on protein powder or bars. I wouldn't count that as a good day, but it got me through.
    I also have a tendency to work out in an anaerobic range, which burns muscle so I'm wondering what I need to do to deal with that. I love to push hard, but there's not a benefit to two steps forward one step back.
    On a big positive, went to do training with my trainer today and we did an 50 min non stop upper body heavier weight! YAY!

    Glad you all are making it!

    I missed this earlier - I would recommend to everyone - but especially those of us who are around our goal weight - stop the steady state cardio! Only do HIIT intervals. It's shown to burn primarily fat during the afterburn as opposed to the steady state crap that burns everything.

    Step away from the elliptical.... step away from the elliptical.

    I hear you, but I do what I find fun, which happens to be dancing ;) I find do enjoyment in HIIT. I feel terrible saying I'm not going to stop, as I value your opinion :/
    I'm about to move though and my cardio will be limited, so I have a feeling the problem will fix its self unfortunately.
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Didn't get a chance to check in yesterday. I did really well all day, and then had a break down at night. I can sit here and make excuses about stress and emotional upset all day, but the bottom line is I let it control me instead of the other way around. I did not choose progress yesterday. Ahhh I am so weak and so human. Dammit ;)

    But, back on track today. Though unfortunately I woke up that carb monster inside that just wants to shovel food into my face. Last night I took the kids on a bike ride and then we all jumped on the trampoline together until it got dark out. It was fun, but at some point I pulled a back muscle and today I am feeling it. To anybody who saw my calorie burn and commented on it, something registered twice and I deleted it, but it still showed me at 900+ calories burned on my feed, which was wrong! Though I wish it was right then I wouldn't have been over. I finished up the ugly day with two big bowls of honey nut cheerios that I didn't bother to log. Stupid stupid stupid. Not just because it was a bad day, but because of that darned carb monster. Fresh day, etc.

    I'm going to have to let my back dictate my workout later today. I am supposed to help my friend in her back yard, so that may be enough for me for the day.
  • So I pretty much messed up my whole week last night. Went downtown and drank, then got a Pickleman's sandwich at 2 when the bars closed. I logged it all this morning and ended up being over by 1365 calories yesterday. Pretty ridiculous. Today's a new day. I'll do my best.
  • autumn13
    autumn13 Posts: 295
    Happy Sunday everyone!!!Doing really great had a three pound loss this week!Up bright and early with some yoga...Workout finished and logged food...Should be a clean day!This weeks goals are to hit it hard and match my three with another three.:)No looking back! I love u guys!!!!!!
  • k8bugz
    k8bugz Posts: 64 Member
    9 more weeks til June! I've been super busy this week and haven't checked the forum since I last posted several days ago. Not sure I'll really have time to interact much, which sucks because I really would like to get to know y'all (i'm southern) better. Hopefully things will settle down a bit after next weekend.

    But just checking in to report that I mostly met my weekly goals last week! Yay. The only thing I fell short on was doing at least one yoga or core class. Yesterday I did two full-body circuits of strength training - felt so much better than the first time earlier this week! But I am sore today, mostly in my chest and shoulders. Did an ok 4-mile run this morning with some good hills, felt great to be out in the sunshine and see all the baby leaves and buds sprouting. Working on picking out two fall half-marathon races because I'm starting to miss having something to run for.

    Goals for this week:
    1. log calories every day
    2. strength train at least 2x, 3 full-body circuits
    3. 2 shorter runs, 1 longer run (or bike ride)
    4. Yoga or core class at least once this week
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone!!!Doing really great had a three pound loss this week!Up bright and early with some yoga...Workout finished and logged food...Should be a clean day!This weeks goals are to hit it hard and match my three with another three.:)No looking back! I love u guys!!!!!!

    3 Pounds in a week is SICK!!!! Way to go!! (not to mention you're freaking tiny already - so even more impressive!)

    I hear you about the carb monster (I think of it as the sugar monster - same dude though) once it gets control, it's a B*TCH to beat him back. I know exactly what you mean about the excuses. I mean it, I won't make them - that doesn't mean I won't look for reasons though!

    I'm pretty much committed to a lifetime of this CKD type lifestyle. It's been years, and still, when the sugar touches my lips, it's crazy hard to break it.

    I'm sitting here 14 hours into my fast (it'll probably be close to 36 hours, from 11pm Saturday to 9-10am Monday) and still not hungry really. I wonder if that's the hangover from my binge Friday night? Last week's fast almost destroyed me around 10 hours in. Weird.

    I'm trying to take time to blog about this whole thing and keep detailed notes about what's working and not, kind of using myself as a test dummy for future clients doing this. My weight has gone like this

    Tue: 175.2
    Wed: 174.6
    Thu: 174.6
    Fri: 174.2
    Sat: 180.6
    Sun: 178.6

    crazy right? That's what a major bender Friday night can do. Granted most of this will come off quickly, still, the bloat is not so fun right now.

    OK, back to cleaning my house. Anyone want about 40 pounds of dog hair? I should have plenty of sweeper bags full.


    Oh - right - exercise, we did Chalean Extreme Burn It Off today - nice short 26 minute workout. All cardio stuff.
  • gailosborne
    gailosborne Posts: 435
    Well done everyone!

    Ive had a great day - trying to follow 'The new rules of lifting for women' Particularly the food part! (Ive been doing weights for almost a year now in a very similar programme with a pt.) I really really recommend this book - its great!

    If anyone is interested in the food please feel free to look at my diary but I prob won't be posting the updates on it! You have to start off on maintenance cals - so thats about 1500 for days with no exercise, and about 1800 for active days! Then the exercise you do is the defecit if that makes sense, so basically I'll always look under goal on exercise days but it should balance out on the non exercise days when I'm eating at maintenace level!

    I have not felt hungry once so thats great! I have cheese back in my life and actually liked the protien shake!
    My work out was fantastic and was a great mixture of cardio intervals and weights! Doing long run tomorrow night along sea front so hoping the weather is lovely!
  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    Hey everyone great job with everything. For those beating themselves up after a cheat night or whatever. Get over it! You are human and Shi# happens. If you 3at 90% clean it probably doesnt matter what you eat the rest of the time. Just keep that stuff for every once inawhile and do great the rest of the time and it should'nt be an issue. Think of it as a way to keep your body on its toes, like Steve's fast. Only the opposite. Anyway Im gonna do antoher rest day and then hit a kettlebell blaster tomorrow!
    Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.

  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Well done everyone!

    Ive had a great day - trying to follow 'The new rules of lifting for women' Particularly the food part! (Ive been doing weights for almost a year now in a very similar programme with a pt.) I really really recommend this book - its great!

    If anyone is interested in the food please feel free to look at my diary but I prob won't be posting the updates on it! You have to start off on maintenance cals - so thats about 1500 for days with no exercise, and about 1800 for active days! Then the exercise you do is the defecit if that makes sense, so basically I'll always look under goal on exercise days but it should balance out on the non exercise days when I'm eating at maintenace level!

    I have not felt hungry once so thats great! I have cheese back in my life and actually liked the protien shake!
    My work out was fantastic and was a great mixture of cardio intervals and weights! Doing long run tomorrow night along sea front so hoping the weather is lovely!

    I have that book. I just lent it to someone who wants to build upper body. I do like it. Very simple! The eating plan isn't as great for me, as I'm a veg. Interested to hear how it goes for you!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Hey everyone great job with everything. For those beating themselves up after a cheat night or whatever. Get over it! You are human and Shi# happens. If you 3at 90% clean it probably doesnt matter what you eat the rest of the time. Just keep that stuff for every once inawhile and do great the rest of the time and it should'nt be an issue. Think of it as a way to keep your body on its toes, like Steve's fast. Only the opposite. Anyway Im gonna do antoher rest day and then hit a kettlebell blaster tomorrow!
    Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.


    Yup - totaly... that's exactly why I ended up grading myself a B for the week, even with a horrible binge for 6 hours. It was not the goal, but in the end, it's not the most unhealthy thing I've ever done.... or hell... it's not even the most unhealthy thing I did in March probably.

    The fast is going well, 5:30pm right now, gotta make it about 6 more hours then go to sleep. Tomorrow will be back to about 1700-2000 calories with 2 workouts - weights and abs. I'm really looking forward to eggs. I mean.... really.
  • NykkieC
    NykkieC Posts: 622 Member
    I'd like to join! I am going on vacation the end of June to go whitewater rafting, and I'd certainly like to be in the best shape possible by then!

    My plan:
    For exercise, P90X and probably a little TurboFire mixed in.

    I won't follow their nutrition plan but my own, focusing on keeping my 1200 calories (I know, WAY low for P90X, but I have a medical issue so my doctor advised me to go this low, even on P90X), and eating as clean as possible.

    I'm glad I found this group, it's perfect for me! I am looking forward to getting to know all of you as well.

    Happy Sunday!
  • Hey guys! Hope you all enjoyed the weekend!

    Today was way batter for me. Maybe it was the combination of my hangover and the fact that I went 1350 over calories yesterday, but I really wasn't hungry at all today. So that gave me a chance to even out some of the damage done.

    I got a great workout in tonight. I decided to jog to the rec center and then do Zumba and ZumbaTone. Should've checked the weather forecast first. I was in shorts and a tank top and the weather can change a lot in the midwest. I froze my buns off on the jog home! (but it did push me to jog faster) :P

    Wishing all of you a good week!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Nice going!

    10:42 and it's been 24 hours since my last meal... going to bed soon and dreaming of eggs.
  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317

    I would not recommend doing P90X on a 1200 calorie a day diet. The lowest the diet guide recommends is 1800! You are setting yourself up for failure, not to be a downer. P90X and TurboFire are great programs. But if you aren't feeding youre body what it needs you may not get the results you are looking for.

  • K1Teacher
    K1Teacher Posts: 324 Member
    Great week - down 3 lbs

    Nutrition: Ok day today, considering I had to go to Olive Garden for dinner. I planned what I was going to eat and made adjustments to the day before I ate a thing. I think I made it work pretty well...

    Exercise: C25K (finished up week 3) & started ChaLEAN Extreme (Fit Test & Basics)

    I want 3 more gone this week.

    Here's to a great week everyone!! :drinker:
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    It has been crazy busy this weekend and i havent had time to check in so here are days 5, 6 & 7!!!

    Day 5 (Friday)

    I burned 320 calories doing 90mins of P90X Yoga

    macros for Friday
    41%carbs (228grams)
    43%fat (107grams)
    19%protein (104grams)

    I was preparing for a 5k the next day and everything i read said i should carb up the day before a race so thats what i did!!!

    Calorie intake was 2223 of 1770 calories!!!! Over by 453 but i knew i would burn that off the next day!!!

    8 glasses of water for friday, should have gotten in more to off set all the sodium i had!!!

    Day 6 (Saturday)

    I burned 719 calories running The Rattlesnake Rodeo 5K that morning, Walking around the stadium at the Rodeo for a few hours that afternoon, and doing P90X Kenpo that night!!!

    macros for Saturday
    43%carbs (238grams)
    32%fat (78grams)
    15%protein (82 grams)

    Calorie intake was 2193 of 2169 calories!!!! Over by 24 calories but that isnt too bad for all the junk we ate that day being at the rodeo!!! Glad i didnt try the Fried Rattlesnake now or i would have been WAY over!!!

    9 glasses of water for Saturday and again too much sodium!!!

    Day 7 (Sunday)

    I burned 385 calories doing P90X Cardio and OoO FOY Yoga!!!

    macros for Sunday
    42%carbs (209 grams)
    39%fat (85 grams)
    24%protein (116 grams)

    Calorie intake was 1968 of 1835 calories!!!! Over by 133 calories!!!

    9 glasses of water for Sunday and still over on the sodium!!!

    Ok so this was my weekend.... its hard being out of town and trying to eat healthy.... i did the best i could but failed!!! Not going to beat myself up over it just going to get my head on straight this week!!!

    I have a few things i would like to work on.... 1st i want to try and get my carbs under 150grams total.... Ive seen a trend after going back 2 months and looking at my diary (i always eat about 200 or more grams of carbs) so i want to try and cut it back to 150grams and see if i start to see more of my abs.... Something is keeping them from seeing the light of day and im starting to think it has more to do with the carbs than the fat!!! So that is my 1st goal!!! Second goal this week is to get that sodium back under control.... i would like to see it at 2000 or under all week.... 3rd goal is to get in a little more protein, i think i do ok most days but i could be doing better!!! So lets see if i can meet these goals for the next 9 weeks, its going to be a challenge but i think with a little tweaking here and there "I CAN DO IT"!!!!

    Oh on a side note.... this was my 1st 5K and i did it in under 30mins.... not sure of official time yet (said they would post them in a few days) but when i went past the clock it said 29:47 (this was a personal best) and Im happy with it but i want to try for under 28mins at my next one which should be April 30th!!! See, when i hit the 1st mile marker i was running a 9min mile so if i could keep up that pace the entire time i could do it in under 28mins!!! Also looks like we are going to the Warrior Dash in TN on Sept 17th, I cant wait... looking forward to getting dirty and having fun!!!

    Hope everyone had a GREAT weekend and i will see you guys tomorrow with some better stats!!! ;-)
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Didn't get a chance to check in yesterday. I did really well all day, and then had a break down at night. I can sit here and make excuses about stress and emotional upset all day, but the bottom line is I let it control me instead of the other way around. I did not choose progress yesterday. Ahhh I am so weak and so human. Dammit ;)

    We are all human and make mistakes.... i had a bad weekend too, carbs and all.... and just like you the carb monster is trying to take over but we just have to put him back in his place!!! Im trying 150 or under on carbs this week... hope i can do it and not feel bad!!!!
    I'm going to have to let my back dictate my workout later today. I am supposed to help my friend in her back yard, so that may be enough for me for the day.

    I did the same thing to my back Tuesday lifting.... i used one of those thermacare heat wraps Wednesday and it made a big difference... that Thursday my back felt almost 100%!!! ;-)