10 Week's To June



  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Nice going!

    10:42 and it's been 24 hours since my last meal... going to bed soon and dreaming of eggs.

    Steve you would have loved the French Toast i made today... aside from the carbs in the bread!!!! ;-) It was the bomb!!!
  • SamiSamiBoBlammy
    SamiSamiBoBlammy Posts: 868 Member
    Man am I glad the weekend is over!! Did I really just say that??

    The weekend I didn't log any foods and didn't go near a scale. I don't think I went too far over on calories, I just didn't eat great - and didn't bother to log.

    Saturday - took hubs grocery shopping with me... BIG MISTAKE!! $265.14 :noway: mostly junk. that's why he usually isn't invited.

    Sunday - watched rented movies all day, ate a lot of popcorn.

    I did do my p90x workouts though, so that's something to smile about. Also when I weighed this morning I found out I'm down .6 from Friday, so my weekend couldn't have been terribly bad.
  • autumn13
    autumn13 Posts: 295
    Good Morning!!!!down to 9 weeks today!!!!Yay:)

    Today I also started a ladies challenge of 10lbs till April...Not sure if I can keep the numbers coming but I think this mini challenge will keep me straight and help the flow till 10 weeks!Added shred and six weeks six pack together...added 5 minutes to my warm up.Logged food and today will be a fishy fish kinda day lol...Hope everyone is eating clean and working towards there goals...Have a great week!
  • Didn't do too bad this weekend...

    Saturday I went for a walk, we had 70 degree weather! :) I took a walk out to our mall and did some window shopping. I wore my fitness watch and when I got back home it said I had burned 800 some odd calories in 73 minutes. I was in shock! Very surprised at the amount. I checked my heartrate a few times while out walking and it was staying in the 120's most of the time. It was a little windy tho, that might have made a difference...lol! Didn't do bad on Saturday with my eating but Sunday didn't do as well, plus I didn't get any exercising in on Sunday. Shame on me! But I'm back at Chalean Extreme today, gonna do it tonite along with some walking at lunch time. Last week I lost 2 lbs and I'm hoping to continue losing about 2-3 lbs a week.

    I do have problems staying motivated on the weekends...How do all of you stay motivated on the weekends to eat right and exercise??? Like I said I didn't do bad this weekend but it could have been better...I had a few sweets on Sunday, which I shouldn't have....lol! :( I really want to improve and do better on the weekends!
  • NykkieC
    NykkieC Posts: 622 Member

    I would not recommend doing P90X on a 1200 calorie a day diet. The lowest the diet guide recommends is 1800! You are setting yourself up for failure, not to be a downer. P90X and TurboFire are great programs. But if you aren't feeding youre body what it needs you may not get the results you are looking for.


    Hey Jay,
    I know it sounds crazy low, and I thought it sounded crazy when my doctor told me. I have PCOS, which is a metabolic disorder, so my metabolism is all kinds of screwed up. Women with this condition need a lot less calories than women that don't have it, unfortunately.
    I had been struggling to get even 5 pounds down for just under a year (I had tried 1500, 1400, 1300 calories, not wanting to go down to 1200 because I too believed that it was way too low with the exercise I had been doing), so when my doctor said to go down to 1200 I thought hey, what the hell I will try it for a couple of weeks, and if I feel awful I will stop.

    I have never felt better, actually! I am full of energy and I have lost 7 pounds in the last month and a half.

    Hope everyone is having a great Monday! I am re-starting P90X today so I am ready to do this!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Bikinihereicome: Motivation on the weekends isn't a challenge for me, because I'm out of the house working all the time. My motivation struggles come on Monday and Tuesday - which is typically off for me. I come close to eating out of boredom - and have to stay very conscious of my decisions. Exercise isn't a problem because I have a set plan in line to do. Today's Monday - so I know I'm going to lift Chest/Shoulders/Back and do Abs. There's no thinking about it, no decisions, just that's what I'm going to do. Getting a really set plan and logging every single day no matter what is my key. The easy days that you're on track, logging doesn't help that much - it helps the days that you're off track.

    Gina - You are the exercise monster! Love it! I think you're on the right track just tweaking what you're doing. I was telling Autumn last night, for people who are near their goal - huge overall plans don't work as well. We have to stay extremely extremely consistent, every day for a week (some people say 2 weeks) and watch trends. After 14 days of 150g carbs, see if that's your sweet spot. If it's not, then slide it and stay very consistent for another 7-14 days. It's a lifetime of tweaking.

    When I was losing a lot of weight still, the huge over-haul plans worked perfectly. Kind of like catch-alls. Honestly, they all work. But for that final step - you gotta find what works for your genes and your body (and most importantly for your motivation.) That's the final step!

    K1Teacher - I had Olive Garden not too long after Christmas with my band. A client took us out. If there's something you really want there - for like a cheat meal or something - go for it, but if you want to eat really healthy there - remember, you don't have to order off the menu. I just had plain grilled salmon (with lemon wedges on the side and salt/pepper seasoning) and broccoli. I don't even think it's a menu item, but they made it and it was delicious.

    NykkyZ - I sort of agree with Jay about only 1200 calories while doing P90X. I think it's generally low and will lead to smaller results in the long run. However, you know your body and if that's working, then try it - but be aware that you very likely will have to slide it up in the future.

    0flynnstone0 - I'm headed out for an underdressed run in just a little bit :P It should kick my *kitten* down the trail even faster.

    Autumn - you and I talk all the time, you know how difficult 10 more pounds will be at your current weight. I'm not saying you can't do it - but it'll be a tough ride :)
  • Thanks Steve! I'm gonna give that a try, make a plan out especially for Saturday and Sunday! M-F I have no problem sticking with my calories and doing my workout, but when it comes to Saturday and Sunday I tend to eat from boredom and just don't feel like exercising. This weekend I'm gonna give it a shot and really try hard to stick to my calories and get a workout in each day no matter what! I'm gonna make it like an appointment for myself and get it done! I feel so much better when I get my workout done for the day! :) Thanks for the advice! :happy:
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Well. I'm in a pre sickness stage haha.. Doesn't change anything I do, but it sucks!
    I'm wondering about my water... It's literally all I drink for fluids (I drink protein shakes, but that's more like a meal, I don't use it for hydration) and I drink a whole lot. I just buy a case of water and re use the bottles for like a month, and each one is 3c, and I drink a good 6-10/day. I'm wondering if it's ok. I get thirsty a lot, and I know if you're thirsty, you're 2c behind in hydration.. but anyways. I don't want to drink myself to oblivion hah.
    Also, I am going to try something new with my food I like on bodyrock.tv... Multiple mini meals, all having a lean protein (i'm vegetarian), a veggie or two, and then an optional fruit. So not every meal will have a fruit, and black/kidney beans and yogurt are lean proteins. I'm not sure where pb or nuts fit in, I'm going to reread the article, but I'll have to include them because I won't get fat from meat or anything like that. Dairy is sat fat so I keep that to 0%. She talks about earning carbs, which via my trainer wouldn't be an option (i kind of understand why), but I'm going to try to keep excess refined grains, like cream of wheat, or english muffins to a minimum. I'm kind of excited, because it's a new challenge for me :-p I've asked my mom if she would try it with me.. I have a long history of family and food that's not good, and I'm pretty sure she won't stick with it.. but I thought it might be cool to have someone doing it with me. heh. If anyone here wants to, I'd love the company :D

    Today i'm working the weight floor alone for the first time.. I usually go with friends. It's upper body, and I'm pretty confident I can do it. Still intimidating though :)

    Steve-Kudos on the fast haha. We know you love em'!

    Autumn- Jealous that you get to do the competition! I see all these and I want to too! Routing for you! Just know, you look fabulous already girlie :)

    Have a blessed day my 10 week buddies!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    I wrote this on a question thread and just thought maybe it applies here since we've been discussing it.

    This good carb/bad carb thing is often misunderstood. The reality is all carbohydrates (simple or complex) are broken down to sugar. Your body uses this for energy, but when there is a surplus, it is stored in cells as fat. In this way, it doesn't matter if it's bread, plain white sugar, whole wheat pasta or watermelon.

    When you think good carbs - you think stuff that has additional good properties along with the insulin raising sugar that it is broken down to. Fructose is not a great thing for us - but because fruit has so many vitamins and minerals, we deem fruit as good. White bread has very few redeeming qualities, so while that also is broken down to sugar, we call it bad.

    I've read South Beach, Atkins, Anabolic Diet, CKD by McDonald, BodyOpus, Good Calorie, Bad Calorie, the Zone, the China Study and more to compare them and so I can have a solid grasp on what my personal training clients are trying. Fat has been so villainized in this culture that I see people only eating 10-15g of fat a day - which is terrible on any plan. Saturated fat is the devil right? Not quite. All the old study's showing fat is so terrible for you have been slowly shown to be inaccurate. (When I say all - I'm referring to the only 2 studies proving low fat is the way to go - which showed contrary outcomes when Key's performed them.... not a big sample group)

    Good Carbs vs. Bad Carbs.... eh - I don't know. I would suggest to anyone, try to get as many vitamins and nutrients and minerals as possible from food with as few fluff carbs and calories as possible, then concentrate on adding protein and fat to your diet.
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Jen - I was thinking about the bodyrock nutrition thing too - eating minimeals is awesome - I do it and have for years. Great move.

    When Zuzuna's talking earn your carbs - she's only talking about earning your bread/pasta/rice/corn (grains) and fruits not veggies. For some reason - she always talks about them in different categories. (I actually kind of see that reasoning) I think you're onto something there with the mini-meals. Don't stress about the water thing - the 8 cups of water a day is so generic and old, it's based on nothing but what this old doctor from 1795 said. Which is based on - brace yourself here - him observing some old dude, and how much water he drank. The end. The old wives tale has stood up, even being sited on a 1945 government recommendation - which we know how much science they knew back then right?

    Drink when you want and remember that we get some of our daily water intake from FOOD - not just drinking water! You'll be fine :)
  • sdirbder
    sdirbder Posts: 159 Member
    I am a little behind but for the next 9 weeks. I will try to increase my walking at work by at least 2,000 steps. I am not sure what I am doing now so I will have to work on it. I will log my food every day and stay away from simple sugars other than fruits and veggies. I also will walk/jog 2 miles 6 days a week.
  • ski3r4life
    ski3r4life Posts: 206
    I got a tape measurer! Except it's in centimeters hahaha... does anyone know any good articles on learning to make accurate measurements?
  • NykkieC
    NykkieC Posts: 622 Member
    Jen - hope you feel better!

    Steve - yes, I will most certainly up my calories if I ever start to feel like 1200 is not enough. I kind of hope that I DO have to up them, staying within this little of calories is a beast haha. Congrats on your fast, by the way!

    aepounders - you can do it! Sounds like you have a great, solid plan :)
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    I got a tape measurer! Except it's in centimeters hahaha... does anyone know any good articles on learning to make accurate measurements?

    Measure the biggest part in general - I always take pictures of where I'm measuring with my cell, then I can compare to make sure it's the same.
  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    Nykkie, Well good luck with that. I hope it works for you.

    I DId a kettlebell workout and my food has been awesome for 3 days in a row now. Only 3 more kettlebell workouts left and Kettlebell Burn is in the books. Still waiting for my Kettlebell Muscle book and new 35# kbell.

    As far as staying motivated on the weekends. It is tough, its usually when I cheat. My kids like pizza and so do I. When I go on a trip my food is pretty much set in stone. I am pretty stubborn so I dont bring alot of cash therefore I dont cheat as much on the road. But I usually do workouts most days Im home. I cant bring the kettlebells on the plane with me so I have to do them at home. Also I help host a group workout every Sunday, so I need to be there for those. You just do your best is all you can do and know we aren't perfect. But striving to be is what it's all about. If you are on this site logging in food etc. you are way more committed than most people out there. Just look around believe me, it's a pretty sad state of affairs health-wise in the good ole USA.
  • gailosborne
    gailosborne Posts: 435

    I DId a kettlebell workout and my food has been awesome for 3 days in a row now. Only 3 more kettlebell workouts left and Kettlebell Burn is in the books. Still waiting for my Kettlebell Muscle book and new 35# kbell.

    Lol Kettleball King!!!

    I had a good day, food plan going well - exercise ok today! Big work out tomorrow!! Keep up the work everyone!!!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Agreed Jay - it's amazing when you go to Wal-Mart or anywhere... there are incredibly overweight, unhealthy people everywhere you look. Just taking a look at yourself and drawing a line in the sand is more than the huge majority of people do.

    I finished my Chest/Back/Shoulders + Abs routine today - it took me a really long time, I think I was going in slow motion. This phase is 2 minutes between sets, which is forever compared to what I'm used to. It's about max effort for 8-12 reps, then a long rest to do another set. I might super-set the next phase, just so I can only wait 30 sec between moves instead of 2 minutes. That starts Monday.

    For abs - I returned to what I did Wednesday night, but knocked out more reps and more weights. I'm just not feeling ARX right now, because I can do more than the 25 reps before burn out. I want to go to failure on abs like I do on upper body.

    Weighted Cable Leg Pulls 20x50lbs (per leg)
    Weighted Cable Rope Crunches 20x50lbs
    Ab Wheel Roll-Outs 20
    Military March with Dumbbell 20x15lbs (per leg)
    Stability Ball Leg Lifts 23

    Then just added some wrist/forearm moves since my wrist has been really bothering me recently.

    A really solid day, totally clean again, going to add some wings tonight I think. (grilled, plain hot sauce)
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Don't stress about the water thing - the 8 cups of water a day is so generic and old, it's based on nothing but what this old doctor from 1795 said. Which is based on - brace yourself here - him observing some old dude, and how much water he drank. The end. The old wives tale has stood up, even being sited on a 1945 government recommendation - which we know how much science they knew back then right?

    Drink when you want and remember that we get some of our daily water intake from FOOD - not just drinking water! You'll be fine :)

    The 8 cups of water thing may not be right but you do need to drink plenty of water through out the day.... we lose water all day long especially when training hard!!! And unless you eat completely clean (meaning getting enough fruit and vegs in your diet) then you really should be drinking more water!!! Most everyone eats either some kind of processed food or gets too much sodium in their diet and to off set that you have to take in more water!!! Just saying those things should be taken in to consideration also!!! Your body is made up of mostly water so its a good idea (no matter what science may or may not say) to drink plenty of water. Even Zuzana just posted something about making sure you get enough water! Someone is always trying to prove someone else wrong when it comes to drinking water, eating carbs, eating fats..... there is so much conflicting info about it all.... but one thing i know for sure is i feel 100% better when i drink plenty of water (that for me being 8-10glasses a day) then when i take in less than 6!!!! Just saying everyone has to figure out how much they need on their own, maybe you need only 5 or maybe you need 12 but everyone needs a little extra water other than what you get in food!!!! ;-)
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Don't stress about the water thing - the 8 cups of water a day is so generic and old, it's based on nothing but what this old doctor from 1795 said. Which is based on - brace yourself here - him observing some old dude, and how much water he drank. The end. The old wives tale has stood up, even being sited on a 1945 government recommendation - which we know how much science they knew back then right?

    Drink when you want and remember that we get some of our daily water intake from FOOD - not just drinking water! You'll be fine :)

    The 8 cups of water thing may not be right but you do need to drink plenty of water through out the day.... we lose water all day long especially when training hard!!! And unless you eat completely clean (meaning getting enough fruit and vegs in your diet) then you really should be drinking more water!!! Most everyone eats either some kind of processed food or gets too much sodium in their diet and to off set that you have to take in more water!!! Just saying those things should be taken in to consideration also!!! Your body is made up of mostly water so its a good idea (no matter what science may or may not say) to drink plenty of water. Even Zuzana just posted something about making sure you get enough water! Someone is always trying to prove someone else wrong when it comes to drinking water, eating carbs, eating fats..... there is so much conflicting info about it all.... but one thing i know for sure is i feel 100% better when i drink plenty of water (that for me being 8-10glasses a day) then when i take in less than 6!!!! Just saying everyone has to figure out how much they need on their own, maybe you need only 5 or maybe you need 12 but everyone needs a little extra water other than what you get in food!!!! ;-)

    That's what he was responding to. I take it you didn't read my post, lol, I was saying I drink tons and wasn't sure if there was a cut off.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Weighted Cable Leg Pulls 20x50lbs (per leg)
    Weighted Cable Rope Crunches 20x50lbs
    Ab Wheel Roll-Outs 20
    Military March with Dumbbell 20x15lbs (per leg)
    Stability Ball Leg Lifts 23

    Then just added some wrist/forearm moves since my wrist has been really bothering me recently.

    A really solid day, totally clean again, going to add some wings tonight I think. (grilled, plain hot sauce)

    What's a military march with dumbbells?