PLEASE educate yourselves!



  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    People that live in glass houses probably shouldn't throw stones!

    Pot meet Kettle. You have no right to call others dumb especially when you are basing your opinion on their intelligence on a few posts they made. how do you know they didn't pick up the phone and call their doctor right after they posted their question here? Or maybe they've already been to their doctor and haven't been able to get answers to their problems so they figured posting it here would give them alot of different opinions.

    I am sure alot of people who have never been overweight might insult someone's intelligence for allowing themselves to get overweight to begin with.

    I read you had a busy life, but so did alot of other nurses while going to school and maybe they didn't gain weight so what it boils down to are a bunch of excuses. Allowing yourself to become overweight is probably just as unhealthy as ignoring your doctors orders....does that make you dumb too?

    Take your own advice.....People that live in glass houses probably shouldn't throw stones!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    hate it when nurses and doctors are over weight....not a good example!......
    u.s doctors are the worse....they like to pump $$ out of sick people doing stupid test that never lead to anything...
    especially teaching hospitals, this happen to my mom she had to go to her country el salvador to find out she had kidney problem get cured twice cuz u.s docs are...mmm stupid??....she would have died here.... maybe mcds is handing out degrees! ..and it cost way less than here, along the way my dad lost our house because of medical bills that lead to NOTHING!!!!!! rant done!!....

    I quoted this as an example, though there are similar posts in this thread. Way too many people in the general public like to throw all doctors into one and make crazy assumptions, and this is part of what the OP was complaining about. It's no different than categorizing all teachers, overweight people, or black or Latin Americans as the same. People are NOT the same, and doctors and nurses are people too. Doctors do NOT make money doing tests, especially not in teaching hospitals. We don't make money from prescriptions either. There are all kinds of crazy rumors being spread about doctors that are not true. It's ignorant to go running around repeating something when you clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

    It pisses me off cause I worked hard in medical school, and I work hard long hours trying to keep my patients safe and figure out what's wrong with them. I work at a county hospital where most have no insurance so every test or medication I order is coming out of my taxes, not the patient's pocketbook. I spend my precious time explaining to a patient what's wrong with them and give them a treatment only to be ignored and have them come back sicker because of it. There is also the constant threat of lawsuits unlike in any other country.

    And by the way, I see a lot of sick people who didn't have a diagnosis despite going to several doctors but I diagnosed them. Was it because their doctor was a money-grubbing idiot with a degree from mcDs? No! Mistakes happen, but most of the time it is because as the body evolves into the disease state the diagnosis becomes more obvious and the diagnostic tests start to come back positive.

    I will never generalize like so many are happy to do, but I will say that the vast majority of doctors and nurses are well-educated and doing what we're doing out of passion and concern for their patients
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    I've seen a lot of terrible nutritional advice given on here from doctors, honestly. I'll listen to any doctor when it comes to diagnosing issues and prescribing medication, but outside of that I have a tough time taking doctors on face value on something they haven't directly studied in detail.

    Fair enough. MDs are not RDs. A doctor can tell you that you need to lose weight, what to eat for diabetes and kidney disease, and diagnose a few nutritional deficiencies, but they are not formally in trained in nutrition. A doctor posting on the Internet should be treated like a regular person with an opinion cause for all you know they're not really a doctor :tongue: However, if YOUR doctor tells you to be a specific diet they are likely not talking out of their a**, so you should ask questions and follow the advice or get a second opinion from another DOCTOR. I don't think the OP was ever saying that RNs and MDs on the Internet should be the final word on nutrition
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    No offense to the few of you that have had bad experiences with doctors, BUT I must say, from my experience with those types of situations, it usually always boils down to a patient simply not understand why a doc did what he or she did, or the patient simply not saying what needs to be said... no matter how brilliant a doc is, no matter where he or she went to school, they can NOT, I repeat, can NOT read minds. If you don't open your mouth and say the right things, they can't do anything about it.

    As far as a med change, there could be 5 million reasons he changed your meds... was your blood work matching up with the way you felt? If not, then the med wasn't working. Was your thyroid flipping out and over dumping TSH and that caused the weight loss/energy boost? If so, the med wasn't working right. there could be 5 million reasons why that med was changed, sometimes the things that we as patients see and hear are not what the doctos is actually saying, but people tend to only see and hear what they want...

    before everyone goes off about what terrible doctors they are, they also need to be sure they are being 100% honest with themselves and their doctors!

    I'm not saying medical mistakes don't happen, because they do, but as it's been said, doctors ARE human. And I'm sure all of you are just as perfect as you expect them to be... right?!

    This :love:
  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 823 Member
    Just a reminder folks - let's keep the discussion civil and respectful. Attacking or insulting other users is not allowed on the forums at any time, under any circumstance.

    It's absolutely fine to debate a message, but you cannot attack the messenger.
  • autumn13
    autumn13 Posts: 295
    Yay!! I see a lot of this.

    I also see people exercising themselves into the ground while eating almost nothing. Then they wonder why they get exhausted, depressed and they ache and hurt and don't feel right.

    Your body lets you know when something is going on. You just have to listen to it.

    I think you should respond to them. Maybe if they see a nurse giving them advice they will take it.

    Amen sister!
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    While I am not a doctor in real life, I often play one in the bedroom, and I support this message.

    Seriously, I work at one of the largest DOD Medical facilities in the US, and I hear it over and over again about the virtues of listening to your doctor and seeking expert advice.

    LMAO!!! If I ever run for... well for ANYTHING, wanna be my campaign manager?!

    Absolutely.. we will start with a grass roots campaign then move to a viral media onslaught utilizing memes and mass media outlets like Chive. We will also need to get you a lap giraffe. That will ensure epic win!

    Holy falling out of my chair laughing, Batman! I have ALWAYS said I NEEEEEEED a lap giraffe! Now I know WHY!

    Now I just need to pick a public office to run for. But I have standards... I need to be certain I'm going to be offending people every time I make a public appearance, because if not, what's the point?! Secondly, there has to be good coffee and people with a great sense of humor to fetch it for me (yes, I said fetch!). Finally... I can NOT ever be asked to be at work before 9am.

    I see the beginning of something beautiful!

    Hmmm.. I took all your demands into consideration and think we have some real viable options for you.

    Option 1. I think we should be looking at Mayor of San Francisco. You certainly couldn’t offend anyone there, they all must have a great since of humor living in that city and there are tons of guys would love to play fetch for a strong woman in power. Hell, for that matter, I will fetch your coffee, SF has great coffee.

    I have taken the liberty of putting your campaign on the waiting list for a lap giraffe.

    I think it’s all coming together nicely.

    Other options available upon request, but I really think this is our best bet.

    Viva la lap Giraffe... our official campain slogan.
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    People that live in glass houses probably shouldn't throw stones!

    Pot meet Kettle. You have no right to call others dumb especially when you are basing your opinion on their intelligence on a few posts they made. how do you know they didn't pick up the phone and call their doctor right after they posted their question here? Or maybe they've already been to their doctor and haven't been able to get answers to their problems so they figured posting it here would give them alot of different opinions.

    I am sure alot of people who have never been overweight might insult someone's intelligence for allowing themselves to get overweight to begin with.

    I read you had a busy life, but so did alot of other nurses while going to school and maybe they didn't gain weight so what it boils down to are a bunch of excuses. Allowing yourself to become overweight is probably just as unhealthy as ignoring your doctors orders....does that make you dumb too?

    Take your own advice.....People that live in glass houses probably shouldn't throw stones!

    Did you read my original post... actually READ it? the beauty of the 1st amendment, is that I REALLY can say how I feel and what I think. I even warned you in the beginning that it might be offensive, don't act shocked that it was...

    And I'm also going to go out on a limb here and assume you didn't study nursing? or have never talked to someone until you were completely blue in the face just to have them turn around and do the exact opposite of what you just told them? if you did, was it not the most frustrating thing ever? well, in our world (the medical profession) that happens EVERY SINGLE DAY.

    You might want to consider wearing some safety gear... I see your glass shattering ALL over the place there, kettle!
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    No offense to the few of you that have had bad experiences with doctors, BUT I must say, from my experience with those types of situations, it usually always boils down to a patient simply not understand why a doc did what he or she did, or the patient simply not saying what needs to be said... no matter how brilliant a doc is, no matter where he or she went to school, they can NOT, I repeat, can NOT read minds. If you don't open your mouth and say the right things, they can't do anything about it.

    As far as a med change, there could be 5 million reasons he changed your meds... was your blood work matching up with the way you felt? If not, then the med wasn't working. Was your thyroid flipping out and over dumping TSH and that caused the weight loss/energy boost? If so, the med wasn't working right. there could be 5 million reasons why that med was changed, sometimes the things that we as patients see and hear are not what the doctos is actually saying, but people tend to only see and hear what they want...

    before everyone goes off about what terrible doctors they are, they also need to be sure they are being 100% honest with themselves and their doctors!

    I'm not saying medical mistakes don't happen, because they do, but as it's been said, doctors ARE human. And I'm sure all of you are just as perfect as you expect them to be... right?!

    This :love:

    Can I just say... I love you! LOL

    I would quote all your replies and cheer you on, but I think just professing my sincere appreciation will suffice for now.
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    While I am not a doctor in real life, I often play one in the bedroom, and I support this message.

    Seriously, I work at one of the largest DOD Medical facilities in the US, and I hear it over and over again about the virtues of listening to your doctor and seeking expert advice.

    LMAO!!! If I ever run for... well for ANYTHING, wanna be my campaign manager?!

    Absolutely.. we will start with a grass roots campaign then move to a viral media onslaught utilizing memes and mass media outlets like Chive. We will also need to get you a lap giraffe. That will ensure epic win!

    Holy falling out of my chair laughing, Batman! I have ALWAYS said I NEEEEEEED a lap giraffe! Now I know WHY!

    Now I just need to pick a public office to run for. But I have standards... I need to be certain I'm going to be offending people every time I make a public appearance, because if not, what's the point?! Secondly, there has to be good coffee and people with a great sense of humor to fetch it for me (yes, I said fetch!). Finally... I can NOT ever be asked to be at work before 9am.

    I see the beginning of something beautiful!

    Hmmm.. I took all your demands into consideration and think we have some real viable options for you.

    Option 1. I think we should be looking at Mayor of San Francisco. You certainly couldn’t offend anyone there, they all must have a great since of humor living in that city and there are tons of guys would love to play fetch for a strong woman in power. Hell, for that matter, I will fetch your coffee, SF has great coffee.

    I have taken the liberty of putting your campaign on the waiting list for a lap giraffe.

    I think it’s all coming together nicely.

    Other options available upon request, but I really think this is our best bet.

    Viva la lap Giraffe... our official campain slogan.

    You have just made my list of top 10 favorite people EVER.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    People that live in glass houses probably shouldn't throw stones!

    Pot meet Kettle. You have no right to call others dumb especially when you are basing your opinion on their intelligence on a few posts they made. how do you know they didn't pick up the phone and call their doctor right after they posted their question here? Or maybe they've already been to their doctor and haven't been able to get answers to their problems so they figured posting it here would give them alot of different opinions.

    I am sure alot of people who have never been overweight might insult someone's intelligence for allowing themselves to get overweight to begin with.

    I read you had a busy life, but so did alot of other nurses while going to school and maybe they didn't gain weight so what it boils down to are a bunch of excuses. Allowing yourself to become overweight is probably just as unhealthy as ignoring your doctors orders....does that make you dumb too?

    Take your own advice.....People that live in glass houses probably shouldn't throw stones!

    Did you read my original post... actually READ it? the beauty of the 1st amendment, is that I REALLY can say how I feel and what I think. I even warned you in the beginning that it might be offensive, don't act shocked that it was...

    And I'm also going to go out on a limb here and assume you didn't study nursing? or have never talked to someone until you were completely blue in the face just to have them turn around and do the exact opposite of what you just told them? if you did, was it not the most frustrating thing ever? well, in our world (the medical profession) that happens EVERY SINGLE DAY.

    You might want to consider wearing some safety gear... I see your glass shattering ALL over the place there, kettle!

    Yeah its called parenting. I wouldn't say any where in my post I appeared to be "shocked" the rudeness of some never shocks me any more.....The point of my post was that you were calling people dumb for something they may not understand. I didn't agree with it, and therefore posted my opinion (the 1st amendment works for me too)
  • humblemonkey
    humblemonkey Posts: 576 Member
    i wish more poeple would take this advice! too many people in the hospital i have to deal with because they decided to NOT LISTEN. grr... i.e.- a pt who wouldnt take their lasix because "its just water weight" and if she has SOB she can "always come to the hospital to get fixed." there is a serious lack of brain cells out there.!!!!!!!

    im giving this post 5 stars and then some!!
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    i had a bad experience with a dr once...i had an abscess on my lip *nasty i know* i knew exactly what it was because that wasnt my first one i had gotten. i went to the dr to go have it lanced...the dr who saw me said it wasnt an abscess = / i asked for a second opinion right away but no other drs were available i was i walked my pissed self down to the er and had one of their drs look at it...he knew what it was right away, and put me on some pain killers through IV and cut it open and drained it for me. atleast i got it tooken care of though, took 4 hours to be seen, but hey.
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    People that live in glass houses probably shouldn't throw stones!

    Pot meet Kettle. You have no right to call others dumb especially when you are basing your opinion on their intelligence on a few posts they made. how do you know they didn't pick up the phone and call their doctor right after they posted their question here? Or maybe they've already been to their doctor and haven't been able to get answers to their problems so they figured posting it here would give them alot of different opinions.

    I am sure alot of people who have never been overweight might insult someone's intelligence for allowing themselves to get overweight to begin with.

    I read you had a busy life, but so did alot of other nurses while going to school and maybe they didn't gain weight so what it boils down to are a bunch of excuses. Allowing yourself to become overweight is probably just as unhealthy as ignoring your doctors orders....does that make you dumb too?

    Take your own advice.....People that live in glass houses probably shouldn't throw stones!

    Did you read my original post... actually READ it? the beauty of the 1st amendment, is that I REALLY can say how I feel and what I think. I even warned you in the beginning that it might be offensive, don't act shocked that it was...

    And I'm also going to go out on a limb here and assume you didn't study nursing? or have never talked to someone until you were completely blue in the face just to have them turn around and do the exact opposite of what you just told them? if you did, was it not the most frustrating thing ever? well, in our world (the medical profession) that happens EVERY SINGLE DAY.

    You might want to consider wearing some safety gear... I see your glass shattering ALL over the place there, kettle!

    Yeah its called parenting. I wouldn't say any where in my post I appeared to be "shocked" the rudeness of some never shocks me any more.....The point of my post was that you were calling people dumb for something they may not understand. I didn't agree with it, and therefore posted my opinion (the 1st amendment works for me too)

    oh! Good thing I never asked you to agree with me, cuz then... sheesh... you might get all up in arms and call me rude! whew! glad THATS not a problem!

    btw, HUGE difference between being rude, and telling the truth. I tell the truth, and as I stated earlier, if the truth hurts... change it!
  • humblemonkey
    humblemonkey Posts: 576 Member
    People that live in glass houses probably shouldn't throw stones!

    Pot meet Kettle. You have no right to call others dumb especially when you are basing your opinion on their intelligence on a few posts they made. how do you know they didn't pick up the phone and call their doctor right after they posted their question here? Or maybe they've already been to their doctor and haven't been able to get answers to their problems so they figured posting it here would give them alot of different opinions.

    I am sure alot of people who have never been overweight might insult someone's intelligence for allowing themselves to get overweight to begin with.

    I read you had a busy life, but so did alot of other nurses while going to school and maybe they didn't gain weight so what it boils down to are a bunch of excuses. Allowing yourself to become overweight is probably just as unhealthy as ignoring your doctors orders....does that make you dumb too?

    Take your own advice.....People that live in glass houses probably shouldn't throw stones!

    Did you read my original post... actually READ it? the beauty of the 1st amendment, is that I REALLY can say how I feel and what I think. I even warned you in the beginning that it might be offensive, don't act shocked that it was...

    And I'm also going to go out on a limb here and assume you didn't study nursing? or have never talked to someone until you were completely blue in the face just to have them turn around and do the exact opposite of what you just told them? if you did, was it not the most frustrating thing ever? well, in our world (the medical profession) that happens EVERY SINGLE DAY.

    You might want to consider wearing some safety gear... I see your glass shattering ALL over the place there, kettle!

    Yeah its called parenting. I wouldn't say any where in my post I appeared to be "shocked" the rudeness of some never shocks me any more.....The point of my post was that you were calling people dumb for something they may not understand. I didn't agree with it, and therefore posted my opinion (the 1st amendment works for me too)

    actually, she wasnt calling people dumb for not understanding. she was calling people dumb for not taking sound medical advice and then complaining when they arent magically better after not doing anything to fix the problem. If you dont agree with your doctor, see a different one. getting medical advice on here isnt going to heal you.

    and not taking a HTN med because you dont like how it feels is definitely not the same as gaining weight because you had no time to work out. So long as you didnt get to the point of health problems or obesity! DUH--- everyone put on a couple pounds here or there when things get hectic, school gets tough, family is demanding, you are stressed... not everyone has a stroke because they didnt take there BP med and their BP shot up. Nice try, though.
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    yeah nurse over here too and i agree for the most part
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    i wish more poeple would take this advice! too many people in the hospital i have to deal with because they decided to NOT LISTEN. grr... i.e.- a pt who wouldnt take their lasix because "its just water weight" and if she has SOB she can "always come to the hospital to get fixed." there is a serious lack of brain cells out there.!!!!!!!

    im giving this post 5 stars and then some!!

    oh I would just swear I've taken care of that patient before!

    Or the guy who had a BP of 204/132 who didn't take his atenolol because he didn't like the way it made him feel... because his body was in total shock to have a BP of 140/90... you don't like the way that makes you feel? Will you enjoy dropping dead of a stroke?! JUST SAYIN IS ALL!!!!! ahhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    btw, it is ALWAYS acceptable to step into the back stairs and stomp your feet and yell like a wild woman to drop the frustration, HOWEVER, do not punch the wall... patients WILL ask what happened to your knuckles =/
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    People that live in glass houses probably shouldn't throw stones!

    Pot meet Kettle. You have no right to call others dumb especially when you are basing your opinion on their intelligence on a few posts they made. how do you know they didn't pick up the phone and call their doctor right after they posted their question here? Or maybe they've already been to their doctor and haven't been able to get answers to their problems so they figured posting it here would give them alot of different opinions.

    I am sure alot of people who have never been overweight might insult someone's intelligence for allowing themselves to get overweight to begin with.

    I read you had a busy life, but so did alot of other nurses while going to school and maybe they didn't gain weight so what it boils down to are a bunch of excuses. Allowing yourself to become overweight is probably just as unhealthy as ignoring your doctors orders....does that make you dumb too?

    Take your own advice.....People that live in glass houses probably shouldn't throw stones!

    Did you read my original post... actually READ it? the beauty of the 1st amendment, is that I REALLY can say how I feel and what I think. I even warned you in the beginning that it might be offensive, don't act shocked that it was...

    And I'm also going to go out on a limb here and assume you didn't study nursing? or have never talked to someone until you were completely blue in the face just to have them turn around and do the exact opposite of what you just told them? if you did, was it not the most frustrating thing ever? well, in our world (the medical profession) that happens EVERY SINGLE DAY.

    You might want to consider wearing some safety gear... I see your glass shattering ALL over the place there, kettle!

    Yeah its called parenting. I wouldn't say any where in my post I appeared to be "shocked" the rudeness of some never shocks me any more.....The point of my post was that you were calling people dumb for something they may not understand. I didn't agree with it, and therefore posted my opinion (the 1st amendment works for me too)

    actually, she wasnt calling people dumb for not understanding. she was calling people dumb for not taking sound medical advice and then complaining when they arent magically better after not doing anything to fix the problem. If you dont agree with your doctor, see a different one. getting medical advice on here isnt going to heal you.

    and not taking a HTN med because you dont like how it feels is definitely not the same as gaining weight because you had no time to work out. So long as you didnt get to the point of health problems or obesity! DUH--- everyone put on a couple pounds here or there when things get hectic, school gets tough, family is demanding, you are stressed... not everyone has a stroke because they didnt take there BP med and their BP shot up. Nice try, though.

    Amen sister, AMEN! Couldn't have said it better myself!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Got to say I absolutely agree with the original post. You even gave a warning that it might offend some. I love when people don't beat around the bush - and you definitely did not. I wouldn't mind having you for my nurse at all! I'd rather hear the truth straightaway. :happy:
  • humblemonkey
    humblemonkey Posts: 576 Member
    in response to shreddingit:

    because being a doctor or nurse automatically makes them immune to the same things that happen to "regular" people?

    Because I'm a nurse I somehow magically should have never gained the weight I did? Really?! Does what your saying even make a damn bit of sense... think about that for a minute. You gained weight for whatever reasons, thats why you're here, right? I'm sure you didn't want to be over weight, I'm sure you never pictured that for your life, but it happened right?

    Same here... I'm a nurse, and I am definitely over weight! Know when I gained most of my weight? Nursing school! Know why? Because I sat in a class room with my nose in a book for 8 hours a day. Then I went home and studied for 4 or more hours a night... I graduated at the top of my class, I excelled in school... But I gained ALOT of weight because I was sitting and studying, I ate at my desk, I ate late at night when I was cramming for exams, and I really neglected my body because I was REALLY focused on school... so if you ask me, that makes me a DAMN GOOD NURSE. I LEARNED and kicked my own *kitten* in school to be sure that I KNEW what I was doing before I ever got my hands on a patient!

    Not to mention I've had 2 kids, cancer, and (like thousands of other NORMAL people) I eat when I'm stressed... my husband is active duty Army, you think I ever get stressed out and reach for a cookie? You bet your *kitten* I do!

    People that live in glass houses probably shouldn't throw stones!

    LOVE<3 I gained 15 pounds in nursing school...but ya know what? We ARE healthcare professionals and we KNOW how to fix the problem and we are WORKING TOWARDS fixing it...unlike the people who ARE ill and NOT WORKING towards getting better. TA-DA!
This discussion has been closed.