INSANITY - Updates & Progress- New Group



  • biged335
    biged335 Posts: 734
    I started Insanity Monday 03/28/11 and it's totally INSANE!!! I'm hoping to finish to whole 8wks.

    You will.... Don't let yourself think otherwise and you'll fight your way through it...
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Got in the 5am Pure Cardio! I am really starting to hate this one! Who in their right mind can jump up - jump down - jump back - do 8,439 pushups and jump back again! Those things are killer -- and I hear that month two has more of these LEVEL drills -- I hope that DVD comes with an oxygen tank!!!
  • biged335
    biged335 Posts: 734
    I've been running for 1&1/2 months before I started Insanity yesterday, so I didn't think my leggs would be this tight after doing this morning's workout.... The longer I'm at work the stiffer I'm getting... I guess I'm a sick individual, but I'm actually liking this feeling... It's been so long since I've felt it....
  • ryansmom33
    ryansmom33 Posts: 21 Member
    Do y'all know what your average calories burned are? Mine range from 288-350ish, I would think it would be more. Well maybe that's wishful thinking on my part.

    I seem to have hit a plateau (sp) with my weight. I'm stuck around 132. Insanity 6 days a week and I run 4 days a week. You'd think it would be easier to lose weight. I keep my calories under the 1833.

  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Do y'all know what your average calories burned are? Mine range from 288-350ish, I would think it would be more. Well maybe that's wishful thinking on my part.

    I seem to have hit a plateau (sp) with my weight. I'm stuck around 132. Insanity 6 days a week and I run 4 days a week. You'd think it would be easier to lose weight. I keep my calories under the 1833.


    That seems to be an ongoing theme with us INSANITY peeps. I've actually went up 3lbs since starting it. But everyone I talk to on here and others have done it say that they don't seem much of a weight change scale wise. That you have to look to your measurements and before/afters to really appreciate the difference. Frustrating...I TOTALLY get it!!! My calories right now are set at 1360 but I eat all my exercise calories back and have15lbs left to lose. My avg burn is about 300 from looking at my exercise log the past 2 weeks, including Cardio Recovery which bums me out with such a low burn!! Well...there's the burning in my thighs!
  • dugzxf
    dugzxf Posts: 3
    Hey Guys,
    Great Insanity thread. I just started my second round of insanity on 4/3. I also did a round last spring. Those of you fretting about the scale try to ignore it. I was frustrated last time after the first month when the scale wouldn't move. I didn't follow the meal plan to well in the first month the last time but followed it closely the second month and that along with the tougher workouts it gave me great results. In the end from day 1 to day 63 I only lost 2.5 lbs but if you look at my pics in my profile you can see the results. The first full body pic is day 1 and the second full body pic is day 63.
    Now after working out but not watching my diet to closely the last few months I've started to develope a little spare tire again so I am turning back to Insanity to burn it off just in time for summer.

    Dig Deeper guys :).
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Got in the 5am Pure Cardio! I am really starting to hate this one! Who in their right mind can jump up - jump down - jump back - do 8,439 pushups and jump back again! Those things are killer -- and I hear that month two has more of these LEVEL drills -- I hope that DVD comes with an oxygen tank!!!

    Yeah!! Someone else hates those drills too!! I hear "you've got to be kidding me?" in my head a lot during those.

    My knee hurts. When you guys get to this full recovery week, please figure out what is making my rib bones hurt in my back. I wasn't aware I was working those out too. That's a new ache. Can't wait to see what I can hurt a week from now!! :smokin:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Hey Guys,
    Great Insanity thread. I just started my second round of insanity on 4/3. I also did a round last spring. Those of you fretting about the scale try to ignore it. I was frustrated last time after the first month when the scale wouldn't move. I didn't follow the meal plan to well in the first month the last time but followed it closely the second month and that along with the tougher workouts it gave me great results. In the end from day 1 to day 63 I only lost 2.5 lbs but if you look at my pics in my profile you can see the results. The first full body pic is day 1 and the second full body pic is day 63.
    Now after working out but not watching my diet to closely the last few months I've started to develope a little spare tire again so I am turning back to Insanity to burn it off just in time for summer.

    Dig Deeper guys :).

    Awesome!! Thanks for sharing your results! It's great to hear from those that have finished a round!!
  • vallejos6
    vallejos6 Posts: 146 Member
    Shakemybooty- the ribs in your back? hmm... my shoulders feel like @$# today and for a workout to "let my muscles recover" my quads are sore as hell now too! The recovery workout isn't very hard, but very muscle intensive (or at least when the incredible Staypuff marshmallow woman a.k.a. me does it).

    That's pretty funny you tell yourself "you've got to be kidding me".... in our house, someone pretty much says that about every exercise... and I have to be honest and say I have stopped reprimanding my 16 year old for cussing at Shawn T. Figured it was pretty hypocritical to yell at him for it and then let an F bomb fly 5 seconds later.

    Our second night of the recovery week tonight.. have a great workout ya'll!

  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member
    After coming from work, I procrastinated some time. It started with ET and then watched Biggest loser. By then I got tired and was hungry. I didnt workout my week 2-Day 2 of Insanity. But I promise to do day 2 tomorrow morning and day 3 in the evening.

    Keep up the good work guys!!
  • biged335
    biged335 Posts: 734
    Burned 639 calories with Cardio Power and Resistance this morning... I like this one, eventhough I felt like I was going to "Cat Back" towards the end... As I finished one of the sets, looking down into a puddle of my own sweat, a thought made me laugh. How crazy am I to be up at 5am, on my day off, putting myself through this? I couldn't think of an answer, so I just laughed and did the next set...

    Now that my workouts done, time to have some fun... First, a little rest. Then, I got some work to do on my motorcycle, after that, I'm going to ride most of the day...

    Good Luck to everybody, and keep pushing!!!!
  • ryansmom33
    ryansmom33 Posts: 21 Member
    Recovery day for me today. I really don't like this workout, it burns less than 200 calories for me, though I guess it's a good day to do it, I have a 5 mile speedwork run to do to. Wednesday just sucks all around for exercise.
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    That's pretty funny you tell yourself "you've got to be kidding me".... in our house, someone pretty much says that about every exercise... and I have to be honest and say I have stopped reprimanding my 16 year old for cussing at Shawn T. Figured it was pretty hypocritical to yell at him for it and then let an F bomb fly 5 seconds later.

    That is so funny!!

    I've decided that Jimmy is my favorite in the recovery week video. He looks how I feel. The faces he makes crack me up. It looks like he's a beaver trying to chew through a tree and we're "ONLY" doing arm exercises.

    The knee brace helped. No Jack for me today. I paid attention to it and tried not to hurt myself more right up until the last stupid hip flexor. I was prepared for the jumping crap to hurt. I was not prepared for Shawn T's beloved hip flexor to hurt it.

    Mr. Evil-why oh why are you so in love with the hip flexor stretch? You actually seem excited to do it. You wish you could put your hip all the way into the floor? WHY? For what purpose?
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    After coming from work, I procrastinated some time. It started with ET and then watched Biggest loser. By then I got tired and was hungry. I didnt workout my week 2-Day 2 of Insanity. But I promise to do day 2 tomorrow morning and day 3 in the evening.

    Keep up the good work guys!!

    You'll be back at it in no time!! Push through, one day is only ONE day in the scheme of things! Get back to it and you'll be loving the end results!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I love checking in because I get such a good giggle in the morning!! Thanks for that everyone!!

    Today is my rest day. I had a long talk with DH (gotta love him for dealing with my constant 'no loss' discussions) about the fact that not only has the scale not moved but my measurements (aside from my ever diminishing bust) haven't changed either. I'm over complaining about it. The fact is I'm pushing through Insanity all the way regardless of whether some scale or tape says I'm losing. It's a great program and I have such great support on this forum that I know it'll be worth it in the end. To anyone who has been frustrated as well, stick with it - I am positive we will be grateful that we did!

    With that said, I am grateful for a rest day. My calves have been killing me the past 2 days so they could use the break. Just going to focus on staying within my calorie limit since I won't have that burn to get me my extra (well deserved!!) snack. Water, oh will be my friend today!!
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member

    Today is my rest day. I had a long talk with DH (gotta love him for dealing with my constant 'no loss' discussions) about the fact that not only has the scale not moved but my measurements (aside from my ever diminishing bust) haven't changed either. I'm over complaining about it. The fact is I'm pushing through Insanity all the way regardless of whether some scale or tape says I'm losing. It's a great program and I have such great support on this forum that I know it'll be worth it in the end. To anyone who has been frustrated as well, stick with it - I am positive we will be grateful that we did!

    Heck with the scale and everything else....don't you FEEL better after one of these workouts? The world is obsessed with looks but I don't have to look at me all the time...I'm going for the great FEELING I get. :tongue:
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Veronica, that is so funny!! I gave up cursing for Lent, and let me tell you, it has been pure TORTURE to not let any cusses fly! I've said fudge, and sugar, honey, ice tea, and mother-father more times than I care to admit! :laugh:

    dhathri, don't fret over missing a workout. It's not good to push when you're tired anyhow because you increase your chance of injuring yourself. Just make sure you get up today! :smile:

    Booty, I love hip flexors! Whenever he says he wishes he could push it into the floor, I always purr I knowwwwww. :laugh: I'm glad the brace helped. :smile:

    Reese, I love your attitude. We have to realize that sometimes our bodies are the boss and we have to listen to it. Don't fret. I'm sure things will start moving in your way in no time.

    Today was Plyometric Cardio Circuit. Always a big burner. I don't know how in the world I'm going to do Level 3 drills when I can barely get through Level 1. I usually only get in 2 (half) pushups before I'm doing the run. On the Level 2 drills, I might get out 4 before I'm running. My upper body strength sucks so bad. :laugh:
  • kcmomof2
    kcmomof2 Posts: 457 Member
    Good morning All!

    MamaReese - Enjoy your rest day. Don't let that scale get to you. I like how you are staying positive and sticking with it. I do think you will be happy with the results.

    Ms.Booty - Jimmy cracks me up too. Shaun T. picks on him in one of the Max workouts too. :) I ALWAYS feel better after doing these workouts. I feel very accomplished like I can conquer the world. LOL!

    Today was Max Cardio Conditioning and Cardio Abs. I like Max Cardio Conditioning because it is a similar setup to Pure Cardio where no move is repeated. It's always pure hell, but worth it. :smile:

    Everyone have a good day.
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    I seem to have a trick knee now. I was just walking and it gave out on me again. I was feeling fine until then. What the heck! How am I going to go into the second month with a trick knee?
  • ajsimyan
    ajsimyan Posts: 177 Member
    I started phase 2 on April 3rd and let me tell you I am still very sore from the new exercises he introduced to us.. in my first phase I lost 7.5 inches and 6 pounds, I hope to lose at least 5 more pounds at the end of this month. I am 159.2 now and would love to be free and clear from 160. not sure how to post pictures on here but I will once I figure it out.. doing my Max Conditioning Interval today and my shoulders and abs are killing me.
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