Easter Challenge



  • aablacknell
    aablacknell Posts: 856 Member
    17th: 172.0 (Start weight)
    24th: 168.5 (-3.0)
    31st: 166.0 (-2.5)
    7th: 163.5 (-2.5)
    14th: 161.0 (-2.5)
    21st: 160.0 (-1.0)
    28th: SKIP
    7th: 155.5 (-4.5)
    14th: 155.5 (0.0)
    21st: 152.0 (-3.5)
    28th: 148.5 (-3.5)
    4th: 148.5 (0.0)

    No loss but no gain. I am actually happy about this because I did not eat so well this week but got in lots of exercise. Better luck next week :happy:!!
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Jan 3rd: 159lb
    10th: 158lb
    17th: 157lb
    24th: 156lb
    31st: 156lb
    Feb 7th: 156lb
    14th: 155lb
    28th: 154lb
    Mar 7th: 153lb
    14th: 154lb
    21st: 151lb
    28th: 149lb
    Apr 4th: 150lb :(
    25th: final goal weight 135lb
  • skinnydreams
    skinnydreams Posts: 1,178 Member
    Jan 3rd: 262 lbs
    10th: 251 lbs (-11!!!)
    17th: 251 lbs (no change)
    24th: 246 lbs (-5!!!)
    31st: 244 lbs (-2)
    Feb 7th: 242.5 lbs (-1.5)
    Feb 14th: 240 lbs (-2.5!!!)
    Feb 21st: 238 lbs (-2)
    Feb 28th: 234 lbs (-4!!!)
    Mar 7th: 231.5 lbs (-2.5!!!)
    Mar 14th: 230 lbs (-1.5)
    Mar 21st: 228 lbs (-2!)
    Mar 28th: 224 lbs (-4!!!)
    April 4th: 223.8 lbs (-0.2)

    Finally starting to feel better, now to get back to exercising and eating well so that I can start losing my regular 2lbs/week!!! Hope everyone has a great week, keep on moving!!!
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Jan 3rd: 165 lbs
    10th: 165 lbs
    17th: 163 lbs
    24th: 163 lbs
    31st: 164 lbs
    Feb 7th: 163 lbs
    14th: 162 lbs
    21st: 162 lbs
    28th: 162 lbs
    Mar 7th:
    14th: 161 lbs
    21st: 163 lbs
    28th: 162 lbs
    Apr 4th: 163 lbs
    25th: <<<goal 160 lbs>>>

    *Sigh* Last week was a VERY stressful week with two music festivals within 4 days. I made it through it, FAIRLY unscathed.
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 712 Member
    Jan 3rd: 128 lbs
    10th: 128
    17th: 126.5
    24th: 128
    31st: skip
    Feb 7th:128
    14th: 127.5
    21st: skip
    28th: 129
    Mar 7th: 128
    14th: 128
    21st: skip
    28th: 128
    Apr 4th: skip
    25th: 123

    I have been weighing in on Wednesday's (easier for me) but this week instead of working out and weighing at the gym I had to see to doctor for annual and I HATE doctor's scales so I am protesting their horrible scale and weighing next week:laugh:
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    I haven't weighed in this week yet. But I need a little vent. I thought LAST week was the week from Hades. Once again, I was proven wrong. I did not have any festivals this week, so THAT was better. Unfortunately something MUCH worse happened. ***WARNING: EMOTIONAL RELEASE FOLLOWING, MAY BE TOUGH TO TAKE FOR THOSE WITH ANY FEELINGS AT ALL!!***

    On Thursday, I went about my day as usual: work, home, dinner, Bible study. I threw in a 1/2 mile walk to the high school to watch some of the track meet there (and cheer on my students). After dinner, as we were unwinding, the house phone rang. The only people who call the house phone are telemarketers and strangers. After glancing at caller ID, I saw it was my school, so I answered. It was one of my co-workers calling to tell me that 2 of our students (brothers, 1 whom I had last year, and the other I had in band and choir this year) had been in a car accident and had been killed. In shock, I didn't catch onto the part where she mentioned that the wreck happened on their way to school that morning. They were not found for 11 hours after they had left home that morning. The older brother was a junior and was supposed to meet his mom after school to pick up his tux for prom this weekend. When he didn't show up, that's when the phone calls started, and then the search. Their dad found the car upside down in a creek not very far from their home.

    The school is catching flack from people because the office, apparently, did not call and let the parents know the boys weren't at school. They were absent the day before due to illness. I do not know if the school attempted to call, and got no answer, or if they didn't call at all. All too often when I attempt to contact a parent at the number listed on the enrollment forms, there is no answer, or the number is no longer a working number. I'm not saying that's what happened here, but it is all too possible.

    Friday was a VERY difficult day for us. My school district has a total of just under 300 students. That includes pre-k thru 12th grades. To lose 1 student would be a large tragedy for us. To lose 2 brothers, is unimaginable. All day long there were 6 extra counselors at the school to help students and teachers. Kids were in and out of class all day, going to the counselors, etc. Some were not really friends with the boys, but for a 5th, 6th or 7th grader having someone close to your age (he was a 7th grader) die is something very difficult to deal with. Especially for the families who've just had their grandmother pass away.

    Last night was Prom. The students each carried in a red carnation to lay at the memorial they put together for him. They also gave him the Prom Prince crown, announced his name during the Promenade, and had a moment of silence. Then they proceeded to have a great time. I think it was a release that a lot of them needed.

    My mind keeps circling back to those 11 hours between the accident and the discovery. That's the part I'm struggling the most with. Did they die instantly? Were they knocked unconscious and then drawn because they landed in the creek? Did they have injuries that might have been treatable if they had been discovered sooner? If they didn't die instantly, were they aware of what was happening? . . . . You can see the road my mind has been traveling. I want the answers, but only if the answer is that they died instantly or were unconscious from the time of the wreck until the time of death. I'm having some real issues with this, so I can only imagine how their parents are feeling.

    Their service is Tuesday afternoon in a town about an hour from our school. School is canceled for the whole day, and the school is sending a bus to take any student and teachers that want to go. Because I will NOT be taking my 3 and 6 year olds to the funeral, but will need to drop them off at my Dad's house which is near the funeral home, I am driving up with a friend who taught in our district last year.

    I feel like I've lived two lifetimes in the last few days. Doing anything has felt like a supreme undertaking. And to top it off, I've been SO hungry! Doesn't help that I chaperoned and served at Prom last night. Mashed potatoes (REAL!!), cream gravy, pan fried chicken, corn and homemade bread. . . YUM! Gotta love those comfort foods. It was a long night on my feet, and I have the blisters to prove it. But I'm pretty sure it wasn't enough to offset the calories contained in the meal. Oh well. That's not the end of the world. I'll survive THAT.

    Well, thank you for suffering through this extremely long post. I appreciate you giving me a place to vent.
  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    1/3/11 = 142
    1/10/11 = 140
    1/17/11 = 139
    1/24/11 = 137
    1/31/11 = 137
    2/7/11 = 136
    2/14/11 = 133
    2/21/11 = 132
    2/28/11 = 130.5
    3/7/11 = 129
    3/14/11 = 129
    3/21/11 = 128
    3/28/11 = 130
    4/4/11 = 130
    4/11/11 = 132

    Bummer! I'm up 2 pounds from last week. Combination of baby and candy at my Mom's all weekend. :sad:
    I WILL do better this week! I WILL!!
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    Jan 3rd: 157.6
    10th: 155.4
    17th: 154.2
    24th: 154.0
    31st: 152.0
    Feb 7th: 150.4 <<<mini goal of 150>>> woo hoo!
    14th: 149.2
    21st: 148.2
    28th: 147.6
    Mar 7th: 145.6 <<<mini goal of 145>>> yeah!
    14th: 144.6
    21st: 142.6
    28th: 144.6 :sad:
    Apr 4th: 144.6 <<<mini goal of 140>>>
    11th: 141.2
    25th: <<<challenge goal of 137>>>
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    I'm finally moving after a long plateau ....hope April is a good month for me

    Jan 1st: 181
    3rd: 180
    10th: 178
    17th: 178++
    24th: 177 (old scale) 180 (new scale)
    31st: 178
    Feb 7th:180
    14th: 183
    21st: 178
    28th: 178
    Mar 7th: 180
    14th: 178.5
    21st: 179
    28th: 179
    Apr 4th: 178
    11th: 176.5
    25th: [Goal 160 lbs]
  • t1981
    t1981 Posts: 54 Member
    Jan 3rd: 172
    10th: 171
    17th: 169
    24th: 165
    31st: 163
    Feb 7th: 162
    14th: 161
    21st: 160
    28th: 157!!!
    Mar 7th: 155
    14th: 153
    21st: 152
    28th: 151
    Apr 4th: SKIPPED
    11th: 153
    25th:GOAL 149 (I'd love to see the '140's' again!)

    UGH!! I was having a bad week last week... feeling deprived and sorry for myself, and as a result I gained 2 pounds :( But I'm back and hoping next week will be better!

    Lisawest, what a tragic accident!! my prayers will be with you and the family of the two brothers!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Oh Lisa...such sad news. I hope the family can find some peace. Sending many prayers your way. :cry:
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Jan 3rd: 81kg (178.6lbs)
    10th: 80 (176.4)
    17th: 78.8 (173.7)
    24th: 78.6 (173.3)
    31st: 78.8 (173.7)
    Feb 7th: 78.8 (173.7)
    14th: 79.0 (174.2)
    21st: 78.8 (173.7)
    Mar 7th: 79.4 (175.0)
    14th: 78.7 (173.5)
    28th: 78.8 (173.7)
    Apr 4th: 77.8 (171.5)
    11th: 77.0 (169.8)
    25th: Goal 75kg (165 lbs)
  • skinnydreams
    skinnydreams Posts: 1,178 Member
    As for me, my family have been suffering from terrible colds and flus for almost 3 weeks now. Yuck, I am tired of all the cleaning!!! Luckily, I was able to get back on track and lose 3.5 lbs this week!!! Makes up for last weeks 0.5 loss!!! I do like my consistent 2/week! Keep up the great work everyone!

    Jan 3rd: 262 lbs
    10th: 251 lbs (-11!!!)
    17th: 251 lbs (no change)
    24th: 246 lbs (-5!!!)
    31st: 244 lbs (-2)
    Feb 7th: 242.5 lbs (-1.5)
    Feb 14th: 240 lbs (-2.5!!!)
    Feb 21st: 238 lbs (-2)
    Feb 28th: 234 lbs (-4!!!)
    Mar 7th: 231.5 lbs (-2.5!!!)
    Mar 14th: 230 lbs (-1.5)
    Mar 21st: 228 lbs (-2!)
    Mar 28th: 224 lbs (-4!!!)
    April 4th: 223.8 lbs (-0.2)
    April 11th: 220.3 lbs (-3.5!!!)
  • skinnydreams
    skinnydreams Posts: 1,178 Member
    Oh my goodness Lisa, what an emotional tragic week for you and your community....such a loss to lose children, our thoughts and prayers are with you. Stay strong!
  • aablacknell
    aablacknell Posts: 856 Member
    17th: 172.0 (Start weight)
    24th: 168.5 (-3.0)
    31st: 166.0 (-2.5)
    7th: 163.5 (-2.5)
    14th: 161.0 (-2.5)
    21st: 160.0 (-1.0)
    28th: SKIP
    7th: 155.5 (-4.5)
    14th: 155.5 (0.0)
    21st: 152.0 (-3.5)
    28th: 148.5 (-3.5)
    4th: 148.5 (0.0)
    11th: 147.5 (-1.0)
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    Jan 3: 155.8
    Jan 10: 154.8
    Jan 17: 155.8
    Jan 24: 155.6
    Jan 31: 157.6

    Feb 7: 155.6
    Feb14: 153.6
    Feb 21: 151.8
    Feb 28: 150!!

    Mar 7: 150
    Mar 14: 149
    Mar 21: 147.5
    Mar 28: 148

    Apr 4: 147.5
    Apr 11: 146
    Apr 25: 145 (goal)

    Truth be told I was at my goal of 145 this morning, but I was also at 148 yesterday due to a bad weekend, so I'm being realistic. I just started Phase 2 of P90X yesterday and then I slipped and completely tweaked my ACL knee this morning. I have my fingers crossed that the new ACL is still there and I just overstretched the ligament. I can't don't think I can go through another knee surgery after just 5 months. Regardless, I think I'm am still on track for my goal and might even be able to surpass it!!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I didn't get a chance to post last week but here's my updated stats..

    Jan 3rd: 202.6
    10th: 199.4
    17th: 198.4
    24th: 197.4
    31st: 200.2
    Feb 7th: 199.8
    14th: 196.6
    21st: 195.6
    28th: 194.4
    Mar 7th: 193.2
    14th: 197.4
    21st: 195.8
    28th: 197.8
    Apr 4th: 197.8
    11th: 196.6
    25th: goal--> I'll take whatever I can get! LOL..
    XoxoxoX Bru
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Gained again, spurred me on to count in points of a lb though.

    Jan 3rd: 159lb
    10th: 158lb
    17th: 157lb
    24th: 156lb
    31st: 156lb
    Feb 7th: 156lb
    14th: 155lb
    28th: 154lb
    Mar 7th: 153lb
    14th: 154lb
    21st: 151lb
    28th: 149lb
    Apr 4th: 150lb :(
    11th: 151.2
    25th: final goal weight 135lb
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 712 Member
    Lisa: That is horribly sad and tragic. I can't imagine the pain the family must be experiencing.
  • sphinctress
    sphinctress Posts: 202 Member
    Hi All,
    Lisa, I'm so sorry to hear about the 2 boys...

    Feb. 28th: 162.8
    Mar 7th: 161.8
    14th: 162.2
    21st: 162.2
    28th: 162.2
    Apr 4th: 166
    11th: 163.4 ~ Sorry it's late, I weighed, but didn't log in... C25K week 2! Loving it even though I fell running on the trail today. :blushing: