Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 4



  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    My goals are to stay under my calories every day including at my birthday party, stick to my workout plan, drink no soda, and drink plenty of water.
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    Up 3 pounds this week, thanks to TOM and out of control munchies. Grrr.

    Oh well, not alot I can do to change it now. There's always next week! Congrats to all you pin ups, Great work!!!
  • I still can't see the chart, but by reading everyone's comments I can see we lost a total of 73 pounds..that is great!!!! Keep up the good work ladies. I'm very nervous about weigh in the next 2 Mondays...I will be babysitting for a 17 year old with CP after work till 10 PM for the next 2 weeks after my real job, which means the only cardio I am really going to get is in the morning when I do my zumba and my eating has been hopefully next week will be a loss or stay the same...I am not really looking forward to weigh in..just having a blah month I guess. Hopefully I can get back on track as soon.

    Hope everyone has a great week!! :-)

    Are you using Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox? That might be the difference on why you can't see the chart? I use IE, and I don't have any problem seeing the chart. Might also be a block if you're looking at work? do you see the banner ads that run on MFP?
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    Dang...I need to pick it up!
  • cenafan
    cenafan Posts: 398 Member
    went for a 9km walk and a 1km jog. I am sooooo tired. the last 2km was SOOOO hard.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Great job ladies!

    What do you think to trying something new this week? How about each of us has a go at a new type of exercise to mix things up whether it's trying to jog a little if you normally walk, or trying out a new class or DVD? Maybe also trying out a new food that you've never had before? A different type of veggie or fish?

    I'm going to have a go at a different class tonight called Tri and plan to raid the supermarket for a new vegetable to try cooking! Will report back and let you know how it goes!

    Have a great week!

    Great idea Nam - my new thing for the week will be to add some strength training into my routine - usually I walk or run or cycle but I want to mix it up a bit, so, this weeks goal: 4x strength training plus my regular cardio.
  • WriteNovels
    WriteNovels Posts: 56 Member
    I need to stop complaining about things that happen in my life and take it out in the gym.

    Stop spending so much money on food.
  • TanyaLee122175
    TanyaLee122175 Posts: 67 Member
    Awesome job ladies...

    Goals for the week are to ease back into the gym. I have only been walking. Finally got clearance but still have to take it easy with my knee.
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    How is everyone this morning? Any NSVs for hump day?

    Yesterday was rough for me. My kids had their well checkups at the dr, and he wanted to test them for anemia since they're bad eaters. So we were stuck at the lab and the kids were just NOT behaving. I was so stressed. I caved and got a 3 Musketeers bar. Then by the time we were done, it was almost the kids' bedtime so we grabbed something quick. I got a salad, but still. I still stayed within my calories though for the day, so that's a semi-NSV.

    My other NSV is that I bought a dress online a few months ago, and when I tried it on I thought I looked gross. We have a wake to go to tonight, so I took out the dress and tried it on again. I actually love how I look in it now, even though I've only lost a few lbs. Yay! Probably will have dinner out again tonight, though since we will be done late.
  • greatescape
    greatescape Posts: 54 Member
    Hi ladies! Great week so far! Proud of all of you! I even showed my friend this site and she was inspired by all of y'all. She is currently doing something similar on Self, but I'm trying to convince her to come over to this site since all of y'all are like the best support ever.

    WEIGH IN DAY: 172.5 lb.

    I rocked that ish! Last Wed must have just been really off b/c I don't think I really lost 3 lb in one week, I think I must have been bloated. Nevertheless... I feel great! I don't think I would have buckled down as hard if I didn't have this thread nagging at me in the back of my mind :-)

    -Continue with C25K
    -Keep up with diet and try not to cheat so much!
    -Keep the partying to a minimum
    -Long term: I want, no NEED, to surpass this weight. This is the lowest average weight I have EVER been in my adult life, and I'd like to see what I look and feel like at a weight and size that is healthy.

  • Way to go ladies!! Here is to another amazing week~
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I have a few errands to run after work, but then *fingers crossed* no one will be using the treadmill, so I can jump on it for 45min or so.
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Ruby and Sheila glad you're having a go at trying something new!

    I went to Tri class last night which was ridiculous! The only way I can explain it! 60 mins of HIIT alternating between 1 min strength and 1 min cardio. After 60 mins I was knackered but loved it (restrospectively)!

    Still working on a different food for the week! Will have to stop by the shops tomorrow.

    Rach how was the huge produce store? Did you get anything good?
  • MaryAnne1
    MaryAnne1 Posts: 183 Member
    Nam - I'm loving the idea of trying something new for this week! Have already done food shopping so I suppose I need to think about something different to do exercise wise. Maybe I will try a longer run than I normally do, and try and push myself harder - am noticing that my calories burned is going down a lot now I'm getting fitter and losing weight!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Rach how was the huge produce store? Did you get anything good?

    We didn't make it there last night, but should tonight. I'm hoping to try some of their weird fruits!!
  • elf618
    elf618 Posts: 317 Member
    trying some shirataki noodles right now for the first time. Just made them up with spaghetti sauce, grilled veges and some parmesan. Anyone have any great recipe suggestions? I tried Sh'Bam at the gym too...a new dance fitness class that included doing the "FAME" run, run, leap, shasays even....old school. It was fun and I sweat but I still went to bodypump afterwards :)
  • beeruin
    beeruin Posts: 157 Member
    Great idea to try something new!!

    I went on the hunt for some new recipes. I spent some time browsing the recipe message board. I saw something that involved making a peanut sauce for chicken

    I was too hungry to wait to make the entire recipe, but I did use it for inspiration. I steamed some broccoli/cauliflower and made the peanut sauce from the recipe, just to jazz it up a bit. It was delicious and very satisfying.
  • Serenitytoo
    Serenitytoo Posts: 449 Member
    Hi ladies,

    Sorry I missed the weigh in on monday, I had a week vacation and was not near a scale and going near one is a scary thought LOL.

    My goals this week is to get back into the workout routine I had started before I left. We shall see how that goes with the cold I have brewing though. Good luck all!
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    Morning Pin-ups!

    I have class tonight and I'm sooo not looking forward to going. Books are so stinking expensive and you can never get back what you paid for them.

    Last nigh I did a 20 min run with a 5 min warm up, and 5 min cool down. I had about a 12 min mile which I was proud of for just starting off. My legs are so tired this morning though. I just want to curl up into a ball and sleep. Do you think anyone at work would notice? LOL

    Goal for today: Today is a rest day for me because of class being so late tonight. Water water water, I feel bloated lately and I know it's because I'm noting hydrating myself enough.

    Here's to a great Thursday Pin-ups!
  • loverstreet
    loverstreet Posts: 227 Member
    I have changed my breakfast and snacks this week. So far it's working. The scale has been kind to me since Monday's weigh in. Unfortunately everything usually falls apart on the weekends and I tend to never have good Monday weigh ins. We'll see what happens this week.
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