Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - April Challenge!!



  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Morning folks! I'm up bright and early - even though my schedule changes once again tomorrow night and I'll be back to working nights.... Argh. Damn this screwy night job. In spite of that, I have every intention of having a super productive day!:bigsmile:

    Yogafit and some light arc training on the agenda this morning, after a good wholesome breakfast of course. Then I'll be coming home and sorting out lunch and the dog and then hitting the local café to sit around for a few hours and apply for jobs on the lappy-top. I did this yesterday afternoon and it was such a nice change to get out and stop feeling so trapped by my life. This whole situation can definitely be suffocating but I know that once the weather gets nice and I can get out more things will improve. Hitting my fave cafe to hang around definitely helps - it's nice seeing familiar faces and being out of the house for a while. Besides, this place is just about the coolest downtown hangout spot I've ever found. And I'm actually amazingly good at avoiding all their baked treats :bigsmile: Haven't even given in once!

    Anyway, just wanted to check in with y'all.

    Nancy - I feel ya on the bad day front, girl. I know how it can be. I am definitely dealing with a lot of the same feelings as you right now, I think. It's awful to feel like a failure at something you really can't avoid. And wanting to quit my job is #1 on my priority list. Just try your best to make it work in the short term. It's not forever. I know that doesn't really help (yea, it doesn't help me either) but it's the best I can do. Hang in there lady :ohwell: We'll both come out the other side stronger!

    Meag :heart:
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Good Morning!

    This mornings workout was suppose to be a killer 3.1 mile run, and I even prepped last night by making a playlist that had the right songs with the right beat at the right time to help get me through it. Well it turns out that by doing that I left my iPod plugged into the computer and totally blanked about it until I pulled into the gym parking lot. Awseome right. Needless to say without my tunes or any headphones I was stucks listening to the sounds of workout machines. It was not very motivating. So I just walked at an incline for about 20 minutes after a light jog for a few minutes to kick my heart rate up. Still got a nice burn in for a short workout, but I just wasn't feeling it this morning. Oh well! Tomorrow is another day :)

    I hope everyone has an amazing day!!
  • ngoat
    ngoat Posts: 97 Member
    Tara:: I hope your WI goes great! Your progress and determination is always an inspiration to me. Keep up the awesome work !
    Megan:: Way to get a spin class and bootcamp in yesterday. That is great that you can see a difference in your situps and pushups. Let that motivate you to keep pushing!
    Meg:: I am happy that the swim went well and you didn’t seem too stress about food yesterday or today. WAY TO GO GIRL :happy:
    Finncmh: I hope you had a great end to your lazy day yesterday. I could use on of those :smile:

    AFM: I am still feeling crapping about the job situation.. but I am going to let my boss know that I am going to be heading out the door in a few months.. I have been putting off telling him but I think I need to do this for me and my sanity… I am proud of myself for getting in a mile run last night (haven’t done that in a couple weeks) I lost my house key on the run .. so I had to go another mile around the block looking for it .. never found oh well.. I got some more exercise in :happy: I am determined to make it through the day today.. I wont get home until late tonight.. working both jobs.. I just got to keep my head up.

    I hope everyone is having a good hump day :drinker:
  • shannonaufman
    Good morning, all!

    This month has been good so far, sort of. I've been trying really, really hard to get my 12 cups of water in a day. I'm a full time PhD student, so some days I'm at home, and some days I'm in the lab on campus... when I'm on campus, I drink water like they're gonna quit making it. When I'm at home, I don't know if it's that I forget to drink it or what, but I have the hardest time drinking water when I'm at home. So, last Friday through Sunday, I didn't drink much water... top that with my 'cheat' meal Saturday night, and it was a recipe for disaster come Sunday morning's weigh in. But, I've been really, really good this week and the scale is starting to move in the right direction. I think it was just water retention after a weekend of debauchery :laugh:

    As for exercise... I was originally only doing C25K. It's the first workout plan I've ever stuck to, so I wanted to focus on that and make sure I didn't burn out. But, I found myself feeling extremely sedentary on my off days. So starting this week, I made a goal to do some light cardio on my off days (with one day of rest per week). So I went to the gym Monday for some stationary biking, and went for a 45 minute walk on the trail around campus yesterday. Today is back to C25K. We'll see how it goes!

    Megan -- I haven't left my iPod at home yet, but I've gotten to the gym or gotten ready to run, only to find out that it wasn't charged. :noway: So frustrating!
  • LoveleeB
    LoveleeB Posts: 560 Member
    I am new to this but so excited to kick *kitten*!!!!!

    smashlee1984-curb fastfood eating, complete ripped in 30 (6x/week for 4 weeks), make an effort to be thankful and happy and make healthy (fitness and lifestyle choices)
    wardiemelissa (Melissa)-continue to maintain weight between 120-125 lbs; exercise routine 5 days running, 2 days strength, 1 day rest (long run 10+miles on Sundays), continue to test out new recipes (including new fruits and veggies), and making more time for my family
    alwhisler-drink 64oz daily, lose 5 lbs, work out 3x/week, no beer.
    halina20-lose 5 lbs, finish insanity, stay away from jammy dodgers, run 30 mins straight, drink lots of water.
    kvr414-Lose 2 lbs, continue limiting fat intake to >45g/day. Increase a low carb/low GI lifestyle. stay committed to this thread!
    mkingraham (Megan)- Lose 7 lbs, strength train at least once a week (we're going to start easy), and run 3 times a week.
    springstorm: Lose 7 lbs, drink water 64 oz/day, exercise 3x/week, No binges, log everything, sacrifice soda.
    crystalfaith: workout at LEAST 4 days a week, continue progressing through the C25k challenge, drink more water!
    ngoat: (nancy) lose 3lbs, work out 3x/week and drink more water
    spellbinder25: (1)Lose 4 lbs, (2) Run 3 times/week, (3) Run 3 miles on the treadmill by the end of April, (4) Do strength training 3 times/week.
    shannonaufman: lose 6 pounds, walk 50 total miles, drink 64+ oz of water daily, continue C25K, run an entire 5K
    meagalayne- maintain between 125-128lbs; continue with YogaFit once a week; increase my H2O consumption to at least 6 cups a day; quit my job by May 1st; take time every day to feel happy and enjoy the journey!
    Rachellynch83: drink at least 64oz of water a day, keep up with c25k, finish 30 Day shred, increase outdoor family activities
    missjaygraham87 (Jay): Lose 7 lbs, do pilates 3x/week, walk the dog daily, start C25K, drink 7 glasses of water daily.
    edryer123-GW 138, and to get in a 10 minute mile by the end of the month.
    tjradd73-to lose 8lbs, drink 70ozs of water/day, 3 days/arms, 3 days/abs, >90minutes cardio/week.
    hroush-break 190, workout 3+ days a week.
    yvalcaraz-(Yolanda)-Complete 30 day shred, Run for 3 miles w/o stopping, 1000 crunches 3x week, Lose 8lbs, Weight lifting class 2x week
    silhouetted25 (Samantha) -1. Go to the gym at least 4 times a week, but would like to hit 5 times 2. Cut out most white flour products/pastas/breads & eat mainly whole wheat or gluten free 4. Eat more grains and lentils 5. Go on a hike 6. Balance work and working out effectively
    terrilien21 - Drink at least 5 glasses of water a day, get in at least 4 workouts a week, have one cheat day a week (saturday), no beer, stay positive!!
    fitmommy2012- lose 6 lbs, P90x everyday, at least 6 cups of water a day, be happy with self, stay motivated
    Sambloid - Lose 10 lbs and be able to do 50 push ups
    Meggonkgonk- To reach 137lbs, to run my 10k course at least 1x, Run my 4m run at 9:30
    Allie7383- start and stick with ChaLean Extreme, bust out of the 150's, continue to work on my running, cook more often, and stop making excuses!
    Finncmh- loss on scale, get back to lifting, run 2-3 times a week, complete 5k April 17th, walk to work at least 3 times a week, better presence on thread than March
    lizzymaez - eat healthier/watching calories, start riding 2-3 times a week, cardio/running at least 3 times a week, and yoga at least twice a week.
    jennro7781 to lose 10lbs
    lemmyhead: log everything every day, exercise 3x week (this doesn't include my walk to work every day), sign up for and start training for the 10km run that will be held on June 19th.
    WanderLaura: Lose 10 pounds; Eat meat a maximum of 1 time/ day (no pork or beef); Jog 3x/ week for a total of 24 miles/ month! :); Do strength-building exercises 2x/ week! ; Be able to do 5 push ups with no knees by May 1st . :)
    emmarie1630-lose 5 pounds, bootcamp 3-4x/week, more sleep, less stress, tons of water
    shelsab- lose 5 lbs. run 3xweek. limit my sweets.
    JessYas-100 PushUp Challenge and lunges at least 3x/week, and get down to a scale weight of 133. Also, I'm cutting out alcohol again! Yes! :)
    mikmakmom- Get into the 130s (lose 4lbs)
    rai8759: 162 lbs by 4/25, 150 min cardio per week, drink 8 cups of water a day and eat at least one fresh fruit or veggie per day
    Goffb28: Lose 5lbs & job on treadmill for 20 minutes straight.
  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    Happy Wednesday Everyone!

    So I'm sick :ohwell: As soon as I rededicate myself to personal health.... I fall ill... I the words of Alanis Morissette "Isn't it ironic?"

    Sitting on the couch, chugging water and downing vitamin C right now. Decided to watch the latest episode of Biggest Loser. I know that isn't exactly popular here on MFP, but I really really love reality TV and one to do with weight loss on top of that?!! Can't resist.

    Essentially one of the contestants has been like eating bags of chips and candy at night and ruining his weigh ins. His explanation when confronted was that he felt like he deserved it since he works out so hard.

    Then the trainer said that she's not against "treating yourself", but not in mass quantities. She said to think of the bigger picture. Instead of "deserving" huge amounts of unhealthy food, why don't you "deserve" to be healthy and fit? Why not "deserve" to live a long healthy life with the people you love?

    That had a real impact on me because I eat when I feel stressed or pressed for time. Yesterday I was running around the house trying to get ready for a web cam interview and actually stopped to make myself an egg salad sandwich... wasn't hungry.. just wanted to comfort of eating to sooth my stress. I always say "I eat for every occasion and emotion" and laugh about it, but I was pretty shocked to find myself actually stopping what I was doing to eat even when I barely had the time and wasn't even hungry...

    She also said that for this contestant food should never be associated with reward. I don't think that can be applied as a blanket statement, but for me I don't think food can ever be a reward because of how I abuse it. I need to remember that the true reward is being able to be able to wear a bathing suit this season without stressing... to be able to fit back in all my pants... and being able to be healthy and have healthy pregnancies one day. I want to deserve to be healthy and fit. Deserving texas cheese fries at chili's is like deserving cottage cheese butt!!

    Meag - I feel you on the extremism also. I looovve to totally cut something out or say I'm going to achieve this crazy *kitten* goal, and then stress and stress and burn out. But coming to mfp forced me to see that sometimes all there is to eat is potato salad and what are you going to do?!! Beat yourself up for the rest of your life? If not, they why can't I eat it every day?! That makes sense, right??

    Obviously I don't have this all figured out for myself. I think everyone has their balance to find and I think that is particularly where I'm completely lost and partially to blame for my sabbatical from mfp. At one extreme if I eat one pancake I'll eat 15. At the other extreme I become completely offended that there are even pancakes on the same planet as me!!! I have no idea how to balance that besides basically stumbling forward one day at a time, making mistakes and still choosing to do it all again the next day. Take heart that you are not alone and that I certainly won't be judging you for eating a cookie every day! lol :wink:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Meag-I hope that enjoy your day :)

    Megan-I hate when I don't have my tunes!!! I am sure that you will kill it tomorrow on the tm!

    Nancy-too bad about your key, but great job getting that run in!! I guess everything happens for a reason, and someone was telling you that they were happy you decidd to run!! LOL Hope your long day at work goes well :)

    Shannon-we all have weeks like that...glad to hear this one is going well for you! Great job on your workout! And a few helpful tips for drinking water at home...first of all-don't keep much else around to drink...this will ensure that if your are thirsty it will have to be water! 2nd of all, try keeping a water bottle or big cup right by wherever you are spending your time...that will remind you to reach over and grab it on occassion, 3rdly-try to drink a cup before during, and after each meal...this will help you knock em out :) and of course...if you want some flavor try adding crystal light...or like Cait suggested maybe a splash of juice for flavor :)

    Goffb-welcome to the group!

    Rai-I LOVE the biggest loser!!! it is a huge reminder and motivation for me to see how hard those people work, and what struggles they go through! I will be a fan until it is no more! :) LOL

    AFM-ok....I am super stoked! My weigh-in was today and I was 138.2!!! So down 2lbs from last week, and my first official WI in the 130's!!!! SO very happy with this for sure!! I got in all of my arm and ab routines for the week, and 125minutes of cardio! and all of my water :)

    My workout today will consisit of yard work (mowing, edging, and weeding my yard) and trying to get it done before it rains!!! Yes, it even rains in the desert on occassion! LOL Just happens to want to on the only day that I have to get this stuff done!
  • emmarie1630
    emmarie1630 Posts: 58 Member
    So quick question- I've been having a problem with headaches/migraines the days I go to bootcamp. And the headaches don't usually start until a few hours after. But it never fails. I've been having problems with migraines anyway- maybe once or twice a month but I got medication for it. I know this could be a number of things.. but if anyone has any insight/suggestions I'd really appreciate it! I went to bootcamp tonight so I'm anticipating a headache soon... :(
  • jennro7781
    jennro7781 Posts: 208
    I have suffered from migraines all my life and I have been on every preventative and post-migraine medication there is. I FINALLY found something that helps and I've been off all my migraine meds since! :) I take around 1200mg of FeverFew (supplement) every morning and VIOLA! headaches gone! Mind you, I have Fibromyalgia and still suffer from time to time with a headache especially if I don't drink enough water during a workout, but I went from having migraines daily and consistently to having a mild headache every once in a blue moon. I urge you to try it. It's cheap and it worked for me! Good luck!
  • Leela30
    Leela30 Posts: 177 Member
    Hey All.

    As the night is coming to an end (depending on your time zone) I hope you all had a good day, got your exercise in and/or stayed under your calories. I know for me, the hardest part is not over-eating when I get home at like 9:30 from class, but we can all stay on target for out goals! Remember to treat yourself to something nice at the end of this month for reaching your goals. We're already about a week in to April, so keep it up everyone! I hope you all have a good night and get to relax a bit before we get our much needed rest for a great day tomorrow and a great workout!
  • shannonaufman
    Emmarie-- There are lots of things that contribute to headaches for me. Low blood sugar associated with being hungry, having low blood sugar, or not having enough fuel. Are you eating enough carbs? Because on days with a heavy workout, you need to make sure to eat enough carbs. That will help regulate your blood sugar and could stave off headaches. Another possibility is that you're dehydrated. Dehydration can cause really bad headaches, too.
  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    TJ- Yard work can be such an awesome workout! plus it gets you outside in the fresh air. providing I'm feeling better soon the hub and I are planning a much needed trip to Lowe's with our tax refund to so we can start refinishing out deck and keep our yard fixed up.

    Update. Bought Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 AND a HRM online today! I've been wanting a HRM for awhile. I find I need desire laser accuracy when it comes to calorie burns and that brings me one step closer... mwahaha. Did great on my calories today. Still have a few and I'm going to get in some strawberries I just bought YUM so I've met my fresh fruit/veggie quota.

    Leela- I also echo that its good to have some kind of (non-food for me anyway) reward for your hard work. I feel like I should come up with one. I was thinking of putting money in a jar every time I get a work out in and then going shopping at the end of the month!! Does anybody have one or is trying to think one up?? I'd like to hear your ideas!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Quick post as I'm exhausted tonight and need to get to bed... I had a great day but honestly didn't eat enough. That's life. I either stress about food or under eat. Argh.

    Wanted to just quickly respond:
    Em - My bet? Dehydration. Get a solid 16 oz of water in before bootcamp and make sure that you rehydrate during the class whenever possible. Drink BEFORE you get thirsty. Seems silly but allowing your body to dehydrate and then pumping in water could be causing your headaches. I have coffee before workouts too and find that it helps, since I'm a coffee fiend, but I know it's not for everyone. Make sure you're getting a good breakfast, lots of water, and be aware of your body while you workout and afterward. Could be something else, of course, but that's my guess for now...

    Leela - What's your treat at the end of the month? Mine is quitting my job! And May 6th I'm going to take a short trip to visit my best-y in Ottawa, I think! Hopefully I can make it work financially :bigsmile: I'd love to know how you folks reward yourselves...

    Rai - Great idea with the jar! You should throw some money in every time you crave junk and resist. So for instance - if you crave ice cream (which I do, daily) and resist, toss in the equivalent $$ for 1 serving of ice cream (say, 1/8th of a carton or whatever). Makes sense to me!

    OK off to bed before I head over to the kitchen needlessly to cram food in my mouth... :blushing: Loves!
  • kayakawaii
    i'm in!! my goal is to lose 5 pounds, eat fruit EVERY DAY, and not drink AT ALL this month. i just turned 21 in march and i must say, that whole week basically shot my diet with a cannon ball >.< soo much quality beer!
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    Ohhhh I wanna join this team - you guys are great ;) I'm Jess I'm 23 - April Goals = Reach my first goal weight (3 pounds to go!)
    Strength train 3 times a week and run twice a week. Make my food everyday (no emergency takeaways!)

  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    fromaquizer and kayakawaii- Welcome! if you will find our latest goal list and just add your goals to the end of it we would love to have you join our group!!

    Meag- I hope you do get to go and visit your friend! That would be an amazing treat for you and hopefully a nice stress reliever.

    rai- after I bought my HRM I feel like my workouts are of much higher quality and that I am overall more aware of the exact choices I am making! I am sure you will love yours just as much as I love mine!

    Emmarie- I bet is water water water. Drink a lot more of it before during and after! Like Meag said, once you feel thirsty you are already dehyrated so its best to just be consistently drinking water.

    TJ- WTG!! 2 lbs is amazing!! I am also hoping for some serious yard work action this weekend. And my first run outside- fingers crossed!

    Cait- I feel like I need an update on your life! How is your running progress going? I am nervous about my first planned run outside on Sunday- I'm really hoping it goes well!

    AFM- Bootcamp this morning and it was killer as always! Shuttle runs give me the chills.. We followed it up with some ab routines- all I have to say is russian twists are not my friend but obviously my friend at the same time. Have my next weigh-in on monday and I am hoping to see the 210s. Some of my college girlfriends are coming to visit at the end of May and I would really love to be at my halfway point- which means I have about 6 weeks to lose 12 lbs, which is a consistent 2 bls a week. I think that I still have enough weight to lose that I can do this, but no matter what I will be a lot thinner then when they last saw me which is going to be a great feeling! Oh and today is 95 days in a row. Its hard to believe how much life has changed in those 95 days and I want to say thank you so much to all of you for supporting me and believing in me when I didn't have the courage to believe in myself. HUGS!!!

  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Melissa - So proud of your results and really happy to hear you loved the race so much! You are such a superstar! When's the next 1/2 planned? You should drive up for the International race in Niagara this summer - looks like a blast and would be loads of fun for the family! Just a suggestion... And who knows, maybe I'll be there! :tongue:

    Meag, I LOVED it!!! It was SO much fun and am planning my next "FOR SURE" 1/2 in October. Looking around for another sooner, though! I have another race (5k) planned for next weeknd and one on the 30th as well. I have also printed out Higdon's full training program...who knows might give it a whirl?!?!?!? :noway:

    Hoping your foot begins to give you comfort soon!!! I am NOT a swimmer either...always envied my friends who were-they had really toned legs!

    Megan, russian twists...I am intruigued!!! Great job with bootcamp!

    Rai, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my HRM!!!!

    AFM...not really a whole lot going on...still playing around with NOT logging my food and seeing if I am able to do this without counting far so good! Trying to figure out my next step with running and how I want to schedule my workouts/running...
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Ngoat- so how did it go with the boss yesterday?

    Tara- 2lbs! You are a wild woman and you were stressing about not losing enough last week! I am at a break through point also (getting out of the 190’s. I haven’t been in the 180s since I was 186 when I first met my fiancé over 5 years ago.) I AM REAADY! Congrats on breaking through that number!

    Meag- sitting in a café working on the computer (or reading) and people watching is one of my all time favorite activities! Especially when I was in college. Don’t get to do it so much anymore but when I do it definitely feels like I am breaking out of my normal routine and just experiencing a smidge more of the outside world. Love the twist you put on Rai’s idea about money in a jar. I LIKE THAT!

    Shannon- full time PhD student I give you TOTAL props. That is some crazy stuff. What are you studying? Great job sticking with the C25K it’s a great training program. I started with it and just modified as I needed to.

    Goff- welcome to the group!

    Rai- you poor thing! The same thing happened to me in October when I first joined MFP and the group. SO frustrating you will get through it. Just take care of you and then when you are feeling better you will a sweet new HRM to motivate you!

    Em- I’m with Meag. Start out looking at the water and just monitor it. It may take you a while to rehydrate so give it a few days of solid water drinking and see how you do!) Feel better.

    Leela- thanks for the positive message

    Kayakawaii & fromaquizer- welcome to the group!

    Megan- you are a machine girly! Way to go on the 95 days that is a great accomplishment. You wanted to hear about my life…. You asked for it hehe!

    AFM- so life is good just crazy. Coming in to the busy season for the shop and we have several big events coming up. The first is a big design show/fundraiser in NYC that we are doing a vignette for. The second is a big art show we are hosting in the store which will double as the stores anniversary party. Lots of planning! On top of the fact that I am in the middle of a website re-design for the store and have to monitor all of that. And of course my wedding planning- EEK just under six months.
    As for my running training- not as consistent as I probably would have liked it to be but oh well. Have my first 5k coming up in a week and a half. So that will be cool.
    Here is my check-in on the goals: Weigh-in- Sunday, Lifting- gotta get back to that still Running for the week 1/3 (day two scheduled for today) Walking to work- 2/3. Presence on thread- so far MUCH better than last month.

    Have a great Thursday everyone!

  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    OOO!!! I knew there was something else I wanted to share! J made a DELICIOUS hot cereal this morning for us using nuts instead of oats! with some fresh blueberries on top it was AMAZING

    He got the recipe from the new Primal Cookbook: Primal Blueprint- Quick and Easy Meals

    1/2 Cup almonds (whole or slivered)
    1/2 cup pecans
    1/2 banana
    1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
    1/8 teaspoon salt
    1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk
    Fresh blueberries to garnish

    Pulse ingredients in food processor or blender until desired consistency. Depending on your preference it can smooth and creamy or chunky

    Warm the cereal in the mircowave or on the stove until hot. Add fresh berries and more almond milk or coconut milk to taste!

    He cut back the amount of the two nuts in the recipe and added walnuts in as well. SOOO good! This is the fullest I have ever been from breakfast!
  • shannonaufman
    Cait -- I'm studying Environmental Water Resources Engineering. (I know, it's a mouthful). I want to be a professor, and ultimately I want to be involved in the admin side of engineering higher education (retention, recruitment, etc). It's a lot of work, but I really love it and look forward to being a 'doctor'!! Sounds like you have a TON going on in your life -- work, wedding, fitness... yikes! I got married a month ago (march 5th) and I had to wait until after that to really get into the whole diet/weight loss/fitness thing. But it sounds like you're doing really well. I look forward to seeing how your weigh-in goes!

    Megan -- mad props on Boot Camp. I really think I would throw up and then die. And congrats on 95 days! I hope I can have as much success in the next 95 days as you have in the past 95 days!! Way to go!

    AFM - the beginning of this week was rough, coming off the weekend. But I recommitted myself and made some (very) short term goals for the week to re-up my motivation and good habits. So far, so good! AND I saw some really exciting movement on the scale this morning. My official weigh in is Saturday, so I'm hoping that number will stick around! (yes, I weigh myself every day. No, I don't fret over it. I use it more as motivation! :happy: ) I finished week 4 of C25K yesterday and I feel like I've reached a real turning point. Up until this week, I kind of felt like I was barely hanging on with C25K. But I felt so good after yesterday's run that I actually had the thought "I'm going to finish this thing." I've never had that kind of confidence in my running/exercising before, and it felt GOOD. I've added light cardio on my off days from C25K this week, and I think it's helping. I was feeling super sedentary and sluggish on my off days, so adding a brisk walk around the neighborhood or some time on the stationary bike has really helped.

    I love the motivation and support I'm getting from this board. I've been in other groups/challenges that weren't so great. But I'm LOVING y'all!