Hundred Push Ups October



  • laurabelle25
    Morning everyone!

    Congrats to everyone on here, you all are doing fabulous, and are a real inspiration!!!!

    I just finished Week 2, Level 1. And aauuggghhh. The last set of 8 was extremely difficult. I was kinda dissappointed b/c i've been sorta breezing thru everything up until now. i mean it's been really hard, but i've made it w/o extreme pain. but last night, wow, i don't know if it was b/c i just got back from a long run and my body was tired, or what, but i thought i was going to just drop dead. BUT I MADE IT.
    it may have not been the prettiest push-ups, but i got them done. I've got my test next, to move on to Week 3, so wish me luck, i think i have to do 16 push ups in a row to do Level 1. Geez that sounds like a lot! BUT I CAN DO IT!!!!

    Any-who. Keep up all the great work. We're all going to have ripped arms in no time!!!!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I'm still trucking along...did about 10 girly ones last night (you are right...that does sound dirty LOL). I'm hoping by Sunday I'll feel ready to start the program. Just giving myself some warm up time, I guess. My dh, however, has been complaining that his chest hurts from doing his initial test on Sunday. He's cracking me up. He's also telling everyone he works with about the challenge & is recruiting people to do it with him! LOL He's not competative at all is he? *eye roll*

    You girls are really inspiring! Keep up the excellent work!

  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    GREAT job, ladies! There are some tough spots in the program, Laura - I know I repeated week 2 at least once before being able to move on. If you need to repeat - that's okay! Good luck on your test. :flowerforyou: Sara, that's funny about your hubby. I told a guy at work about the challenge and now he's always telling me about his progress, and recruited a bunch of other guys to do it too. :laugh:

    So.... I tried to move on to level 2 (the middle column) of week 6 today. :noway: I'm afraid I didn't quite make it. MM - I am so impressed with you. That level is HARD! Now I am wondering - should I keep trying to repeat day 1 on level 2, or should I just move on to day 2 on level 2, or drop back to level 1 for the rest of the week? I know my form was pretty lousy today because I was struggling. I also rested for about 2 minutes between most of the sets.
    1: 40
    2: 39 (should have been 50 :grumble: )
    3: 25
    4: 25
    5: 50 (minimum 50)

    I'll admit, I paused and stuck my butt up in the air to rest for a few seconds on that last set. Hey, if it's good enough for the army PT test, it's good enough for me! :tongue:

    Keep it up, everyone!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Hey everyone! I am so proud of all of you! :bigsmile: :smooched:
    CP, about your test when you had a couple days off and only managed to do 51 (which is totally awesome by the way!), that happened to me. I took a couple of days off and when I tested again I didn't do so well. I was disappointed too but I bounced back the next week. Soon you'll be able to do 60! Then 70! etc. Oh and that second set of 50 is super hard! I wonder why they made the second set the hardest. I guess the first set is the warm up and the 3rd etc sets are to prepare for the last one.
    My back is better today, though still tight. It didn't hurt when doing push ups though. Day 2 level 2:
    3&4: 23
    9: 56 (min 53)
    I took 45 second breaks between the first sets and about 65 seconds before the last one. I can tell I am getting stronger and it's AWESOME! I do wish my arms looked a little more toned. I didn't realize that the biceps aren't that involved.
    I really enjoy reading how you all are doing! You all inspire me to keep going! My competitive side has kicked in!:laugh:
  • gmukris
    gmukris Posts: 539
    I just saw this challenge and checked out the webpage and I'm going to try it! We'll see how it goes.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Welcome GM! There's a lot of great ladies on this thread to cheer you on so make sure you post and let us know how you are doing! :happy:
  • gmpearse
    gmpearse Posts: 136
    I forgot to check in yesterday. I was on week 1, day 3 level 2. I was so excited to do 10 push ups in a row and not die. It was incredible to do a total of 42 push ups and today I don't hurt. It is getting better.

    Welcome gmukris!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Here's a video of my son doing push ups. Let me know if it doesn't work!

    GMP, way to go on 42 push ups! You're doing great!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Options saw me...I guess I can't back out now. :laugh: Thanks for the pep talk...and I will TRY not to fall asleep on the floor. But, I make no guarantees. :bigsmile:

    I tried that and MOM would have none of it! I am up to 47!!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    *snoring* What?! Who's there? all are doing pushups...Huh... *wipes drool off exercise mat* I'm working up to it, I swear!

    AWTY - WTG on 47! I think I have months before I see that!

  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    MM - I just watched your video. OMG, he is too precious...and he has better pushup form than I do. :bigsmile:
  • laurabelle25
    hey y'all!

    So I did my test last night, for the end of Week 2, and sadly i was only able to get up to 10 pushups....but hey, that is a huge improvement from the 4 that i could do at the begining. But for some reason, these last two times i've done push ups it's been really hard. once i started, though, the rest of the push ups went smoother, kinda :blushing:

    so i'm starting Week 2 over, and did those last night too:


    so hopefully after this week I'll be ready to move on the Week 3!
    Good luck and Welcome to all new joiners!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,108 Member
    So I'm a late starter. But I'm in. I just did the test and day one week one. (On knees, though, level 1)

  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    So, last night I did them during commercials while watching tivo'ed Oprah (with the BL contestants) I think this is week one, day three, column three. I'm just going to move forward by days, even though I'm aiming for two sessions a week. So, it's a wacky schedule, with hopefully the same results.

    set 1 11 (I read my notes wrong and actually did 15)
    set 2 15
    set 3 9
    set 4 9
    set 5 max (at least 13) I actually did 15

    Welcome, Cheryl!:flowerforyou:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Welcome, cmriverside! Great job, everybody. I managed week 6, day 2 on level 2 last night. That was tough - 215 in all!!!!

    1&2: 20
    3&4: 23
    5&6: 20
    7&8: 18
    9: 53 (min 53)

    Cute video, MM! :laugh:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Thank CP! Good job on level 2!
    Welcome Cheryl! We're glad to have you here!
    Hey V, you are doing great! Just do them when you can!
    I did level 2 day 3 today. I barely made it through. I am feeling sore today from my work out on Wednesday! But I did get in all 254.
    I am going to try to test this weekend. As long as I get more than 60 I'm going to go to level 3 on Monday. Honestly I never thought for sure that I would make it to level 3! It's taken my twice as long as the program said but that's okay. I'm getting there.
    My goal for my test this weekend? 100 consecutive push ups. That's the goal. If I don't get there then that's okay. I just don't want to sell myself short and say my goal is 70. I may quit too early. So the goal is 100.
    Remember new post tomorrow! If I don't start it, then someone please feel free to start it: Hundred Push Ups November! :happy:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I am uber sore from weds so I am going to wait until tomorrow. Got a compliment from my hairdresser today on my arms! Yup!:smokin:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,108 Member
    Oh, did someone start a hundred pushups November?:embarassed: I'll go look. .......I'm so new.
  • simlane
    simlane Posts: 31 Member
    sorry guys, i had the week off for half term, too much to do!!!
    welcome to you newbies..good luck!!!
    so i did week 3 day 1 about 2 weeks ago so i gonna have to try the push up test for the end of week 2 and see where i should start at.... ooops!!

    (for you newbies... im still doing it on my knees, no way i can do a full one, body collapses!!!)

    promise to stay on track, cant believe how much i missed just having the time off!! x
  • tiff1632
    tiff1632 Posts: 52 Member
    Okay Okay!! I am in... I did the first "test" got 16!! Normal style tooooo!! OMG!! buuuuut I have been working out normally, my arms still hurt soooo much though!!!!!!!!!! :laugh: yah!!!!!!!!