New Round of P90X starts Feb 28th! Join me! Cont'd....



  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Greetings from the road, gang! I was off the message board yesterday as I left my laptop at work on purpose (got my workout in early in the morning and I worked 12 hours). I kept up with MFP on the iPhone, but the app doesn't have ability to add or peruse the message boards.

    I am glad that everyone is doing so well and I am also glad to see some new blood! I love new perspective on P90X! Welcome, those that are new to the group. For those that are new to the thread, I am the crazy guy who lugs all of his P90X gear, food, and scale with him as he works diligently from the road. P90X from a hotel has advantages and disadvantages. Either way, I still PUSH PLAY!

    Did Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps tonight (plus the obligatory Ab-Ripper X). C,S, and T is by far my weakest and least favorite workout. I get a decent burn, but I suck at a lot of the exercises and I spend way to much time rewinding to check for form. It takes me forever to get through it. I am getting good work in, I would just rather be doing something else. Ab Ripper-X, however, is a different story. You guys can scoff, but ARX is rapidly becoming the workout I most look forward to. I am to the point where I am doing EVERYTHING full reps at the hardest level in terms of form. I got through all 40 mason twists tonight, but hit the deck on the bonus 10. I think it is a mental block kind of thing.

    Three more days until recovery week and day 60 pics...I am a little scared to take my measurements. I don't feel like I have moved the rock too much on the tape measure stuff. We shall see...

    Great job, all! Keep BRINGING IT!!!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Hey guys -- help me pick my workout tomorrow. I have a 6 mile run on Friday and an 11mile run on Sunday. Planning on doing Arms and Shoulders on Saturday ... I missed Legs and Back today due to a school related emergency...

    Sooo should I do ....

    1. 1/2 legs and back (last time I did it my legs were soo sore)
    2. 1/2 Plyo
    3. Kenpo
    4. Yoga ( have never tried it yet)

    Most votes wins :)
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    Hey guys -- help me pick my workout tomorrow. I have a 6 mile run on Friday and an 11mile run on Sunday. Planning on doing Arms and Shoulders on Saturday ... I missed Legs and Back today due to a school related emergency...

    Sooo should I do ....

    1. 1/2 legs and back (last time I did it my legs were soo sore)
    2. 1/2 Plyo
    3. Kenpo
    4. Yoga ( have never tried it yet)

    Most votes wins :)

    I vote Yoga... Legs/Back and Plyo are definitely out because they focus so much on your legs, and you don't want them worn out before running so much. Since you've never tried Yoga, I think it's time to give it a go.
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    YOGA today. Woot Woot! Never thought I'd look forward to yoga, but here I am looking forward to 4:30 (and not just because it means work is over)
    My husband will be out tonight, so right after work I'm heading home and to push play... no dilly dallying around. I might even work out on the "big" TV. See Tony in high def glory. That'll be a trip. LOL!!

    Hope everyone is doing well and Bringin' it!
  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    Today is Legs and Back + ARX for me today - I may have to swap for my rest day today as today is quickly becoming super super busy - lots of running around/errands! But I am going to try and fit it in - I will be like Bob and do it no matter how many obstacles are in the way!
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    Since I missed Plyo on Tuesday, I subbed it in for Yoga today. I guess that's all I know for now. Keep rocking, everyone!
  • annyshay
    annyshay Posts: 42
    I also vote for yoga. It's good to know that the first 50 minutes are the hardest part with lots of lunges and planks, but afterwards it moves more into balance postures and ab work. Take breaks, do your best, and have fun!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hey guys!!! Still here and bringing it! We had a blast at our fit club on Tue night! Learning the dances was fun and a great workout! Yesterday was a doubles day and boy did I bring it! It started with Turbo Fire 60, burned 555 calories and then last night I did Back & Biceps and abs!!!! “Oh mommy!” As Tony would say! I upped my weights on a few moves and my biceps were on fire!!! Love it!!!! Haven’t looked at that calorie burn yet as I had to go help a friend figure out a hybrid schedule for her routine, busy, busy! Love this Beachbody stuff! Today is yoga on schedule and I am definitely looking forward to it! I think I may do it tonight right before bed so I can use it as my natural sleeping pill! Lol You guys are all doing great!

    Heabear: How was your yoga yesterday? What are your thoughts? Hope you’re enjoying the program!

    Becca: Nice job on the workouts girl! So, you gonna give plyo a run?! You can do it, it’s intense but modify where you need to.

    OLP: Nice transformation girl! Wow!!! You have done an incredible job, you should be so proud of yourself!

    Anny: I love to hear about your progress! Great job on upping your reps! You are absolutely right! If you just show up and push play, the results will follow and by 90 days, you’re a completely different person! Keep up the good work girl!

    Hannah: Hello! Looks like we’re on the same schedule! I too love back & biceps! Glamour muscles!!!! I think you’re gonna need a big easter basket, either that or the easter bunny will have to be doing P90X too! Lol

    Kel: Woo hoo!!! Can’t believe you’re already going to be on week 6! Time does fly when you’re getting fit! How is your hubby liking the program?

    Bob: I have to agree with you, as much as I love my resistence days and working my muscles, I don’t get a great burn with CST either because I too find myself trying to get my form right but I do feel it, so that’s a good thing. Kudos to you for getting through ARX!!!! Isn’t that the best feeling?! Way to go! You strike me as a multiple round kind of guy, what’s your plan?!

    Emma: sorry I missed out on the vote, but what did you decide? My vote was going to be yoga though. And I just want to say to everyone that this girl inspires me! Girl, you continually push yourself to do your best and keep moving forward and I love ya for that! That’s what this is all about! Even if you miss a day or worried about the “schedule” don’t be, just keep moving and that’s exactly what you do! I am by no means a runner and you are bringing it girl! I am so proud of you!

    Jenna: How was plyo today? Did you “land softly?” lol Keep up the good work!

    Mak: I have yoga today too and also looking forward to it! Let’s get our zen ready! And by the way, Tony on a big screen is great! Lol My workout TV is a 65” with surround sound! It’s even more rocking when I do my Turbo Fire! Waking up the neighbors! Lol Have a great workout!

    Michelle: That’s what I like to hear! No matter what, well, almost no matter what, make time for you! You’re worth it!

    I hope you all have a fabulous day and I hope you’re all getting much more sunshine than we are here in Seattle! I’m beginning to question why I moved back! Grrrrrr!!!! Soooo done with the rain! It’s supposed to be spring! I work hard for these arms and I’d like to show them off! Lol

    Make it a great day everyone!

  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Alright guys, posted my 30 day pics on my profile. I'm happy, lost a total of 5.5 inches and can see a difference in my waist and my back is coming along nicely! Woo hoo! Also posted my version of what a ring girl should be holding up! :bigsmile:

  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    Alright guys, posted my 30 day pics on my profile. I'm happy, lost a total of 5.5 inches and can see a difference in my waist and my back is coming along nicely! Woo hoo! Also posted my version of what a ring girl should be holding up! :bigsmile:


    You're doing awesome Deb!!! Really great. You've got more muscles than I do now. :tongue:

    Also, my lovely wife has said that as soon as work settles down for her, she'd like to drag me to those Tuesday sweat fests. :happy: You've converted another!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Adam, thank you! I don't know, you've got some pretty big guns yourself! lol I'd love to have your wife join the Beachbody fam! The more, the marrier! Are you able to make it Saturday?
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    Alright guys, posted my 30 day pics on my profile. I'm happy, lost a total of 5.5 inches and can see a difference in my waist and my back is coming along nicely! Woo hoo! Also posted my version of what a ring girl should be holding up! :bigsmile:


    So awesome! You have the bikini body I'm striving for. I don't know if mine will ever come - after 2 c-sections, and stretch marks like crazy... oh well, you never know if you don't try.
  • BrittanyShelton20
    Hi everybody,

    I'm looking for some advice. While doing some of the moves in plyo and legs n back, I don't feel the burn in my upper legs and butt. Specifically, during squats and lunges I feel the burn from my knees down. I try to keep my head and chest up and stay low, but I just can't seem to get the right form. Does anyone have any suggestions?

  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    Hi everybody,

    I'm looking for some advice. While doing some of the moves in plyo and legs n back, I don't feel the burn in my upper legs and butt. Specifically, during squats and lunges I feel the burn from my knees down. I try to keep my head and chest up and stay low, but I just can't seem to get the right form. Does anyone have any suggestions?


    Kind of hard without physically seeing you squat, but be sure to get your rear, rearword. Make sure your knees are not forward of your toes.

    As for lunges, get your bent leg as far forward as you can, same with straightening your other leg...send it back. When you do this, you should definitely feel it in your glutes. If you aren't, you're not getting deep enough into it.
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Alright guys, posted my 30 day pics on my profile. I'm happy, lost a total of 5.5 inches and can see a difference in my waist and my back is coming along nicely! Woo hoo! Also posted my version of what a ring girl should be holding up! :bigsmile:


    Awesome pic! U look fablous.
  • heabear
    heabear Posts: 23 Member
    Hey guys!!! Still here and bringing it! We had a blast at our fit club on Tue night! Learning the dances was fun and a great workout! Yesterday was a doubles day and boy did I bring it! It started with Turbo Fire 60, burned 555 calories and then last night I did Back & Biceps and abs!!!! “Oh mommy!” As Tony would say! I upped my weights on a few moves and my biceps were on fire!!! Love it!!!! Haven’t looked at that calorie burn yet as I had to go help a friend figure out a hybrid schedule for her routine, busy, busy! Love this Beachbody stuff! Today is yoga on schedule and I am definitely looking forward to it! I think I may do it tonight right before bed so I can use it as my natural sleeping pill! Lol You guys are all doing great!

    Heabear: How was your yoga yesterday? What are your thoughts? Hope you’re enjoying the program!


    It was good and tough and my hips are tight so I feel it today but I love that yoga makes me feel so serene!! Its a workout and meditation in one! Wow your amazing doing turbofire and P90X but this is my first workout in a long time and hoping to get where you are in the future! Bring it! Heather
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    Today was my first day of coreX. What a workout!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Today is Legs and Back + ARX for me today - I may have to swap for my rest day today as today is quickly becoming super super busy - lots of running around/errands! But I am going to try and fit it in - I will be like Bob and do it no matter how many obstacles are in the way!

    You GO!!! Great attitude!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Bob: I have to agree with you, as much as I love my resistence days and working my muscles, I don’t get a great burn with CST either because I too find myself trying to get my form right but I do feel it, so that’s a good thing. Kudos to you for getting through ARX!!!! Isn’t that the best feeling?! Way to go! You strike me as a multiple round kind of guy, what’s your plan?!

    Yeah, I definitely feel the workout when I do CST, but there is a very "clunky" rhythem to the workout that just doesn't exist with the others. As for multiple rounds, I am doing a Classic round in early June after finishing Lean and then I am noodling over doing Insanity in September. After that, who knows? You pegged me!!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Greetings and salutations to all of my P90X compadres!

    Yoga-X tonight...I have learned two things tonight...I am getting better at most things in Yoga-X, notably balance postures and I actually held twisting half moon pose on both sides for at least 20 seconds...a personal record for my unbalanced carcass. The other thing I learned is that "Crane" is "Yoga-speak" for a 60 second break. I try it, smash my face into a pillow. Try it, smash my face again, and then get up towel off, take a drink of water and wait for the next thing. I guess if there is one thing I am not too worried about mastering, it is the Crane pose...LOL.

    Yoga belly 7 is more intense, in my opinion, than most of the Ab-Ripper exercises simply because you have to hold the moves in an abdominal exercise pose. Those exercises are so much easier when you are moving.

    Doing Kenpo-X early tomorrow morning and then I will be heading home after about 5 hours in my plant. Legs, Back and ARX on Saturday and then, "Hello, Recovery Week!!!"

    Keep BRINGING IT!, all!!