INSANITY - Updates & Progress- New Group



  • ajsimyan
    ajsimyan Posts: 177 Member
    I halfway finished day 4 of week 5, barely, infact I had to stop it and just shut it off and cry because my back and shoulders are killing me. Today was supposed to be Max recovery I could only do 40 minutes of it because he had us doing 20,000 pushups and thats the only part of my body that is really hurting..Not sore in a good way either. You know what a deep cut or even a scratch feels like? That is what it feels like in my muscles. :cry: I got so angry with the workout today that i shut it off an felt like giving up, i feel like I am getting weaker each time I do the push ups. And the different types of push ups kill me even more.

    So I think I am going to start month 1 all over again until I lose more weight and get stronger. I will just work on perfecting month one. Being 160 pounds at 5'5'' is too heavy to be doing the push ups as fast as they do it. I:sad: Should I take the rest of the week and into the weekend off to allow my muscles to heal or just push through until my rest day on Sunday??????

    I wouldn't restart. I'd stick with it and do as many push ups as I could physically do. I thought I would die the first week of month 1. After that first week, the soreness went away. I KNOW I will die the first week of month 2 but I'm hoping I will resurrect again a week into it. Hang in there! You can do it!

    I just feel like dying and crying the whole time I do it... tomorrow is Max Interval Circuit, and I am going to die somemore.. Like my shoulders are killing me..
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Maybe you need a good soak in tub and some advil/motrin. You're making me super excited for Monday. I'll have someone start my bath water before I finish the workout. :wink:
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    I halfway finished day 4 of week 5, barely, infact I had to stop it and just shut it off and cry because my back and shoulders are killing me. Today was supposed to be Max recovery I could only do 40 minutes of it because he had us doing 20,000 pushups and thats the only part of my body that is really hurting..Not sore in a good way either. You know what a deep cut or even a scratch feels like? That is what it feels like in my muscles. :cry: I got so angry with the workout today that i shut it off an felt like giving up, i feel like I am getting weaker each time I do the push ups. And the different types of push ups kill me even more.

    So I think I am going to start month 1 all over again until I lose more weight and get stronger. I will just work on perfecting month one. Being 160 pounds at 5'5'' is too heavy to be doing the push ups as fast as they do it. I:sad: Should I take the rest of the week and into the weekend off to allow my muscles to heal or just push through until my rest day on Sunday??????
    Aww! Hang in there! You've come so far so I wouldn't suggest you start over in Month 1. Maybe take the rest of the week off and restart Week 5 on Monday? I will say one thing: I'm 5'3", 164 pounds and there is no way that I keep up with those machines on the video. It's not physically possible right now. Maybe when I do my second or third round of the workout, but not right now. Shaun always emphasizes to work at your own pace. He'd rather you have better form than speed. You've come this far - don't talk yourself out of it! :smile:
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Maybe you need a good soak in tub and some advil/motrin. You're making me super excited for Monday. I'll have someone start my bath water before I finish the workout. :wink:
    :laugh: You, my friend, are what I like to define as a hot mess (it's a loving term - promise!!) :laugh:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    I halfway finished day 4 of week 5, barely, infact I had to stop it and just shut it off and cry because my back and shoulders are killing me. Today was supposed to be Max recovery I could only do 40 minutes of it because he had us doing 20,000 pushups and thats the only part of my body that is really hurting..Not sore in a good way either. You know what a deep cut or even a scratch feels like? That is what it feels like in my muscles. :cry: I got so angry with the workout today that i shut it off an felt like giving up, i feel like I am getting weaker each time I do the push ups. And the different types of push ups kill me even more.

    So I think I am going to start month 1 all over again until I lose more weight and get stronger. I will just work on perfecting month one. Being 160 pounds at 5'5'' is too heavy to be doing the push ups as fast as they do it. I:sad: Should I take the rest of the week and into the weekend off to allow my muscles to heal or just push through until my rest day on Sunday??????

    I am only on Month 1 but I don't go NEARLY as fast as they do it. When I do the Level 1 drills, I just do the same number of push ups that they do(4) but I do them at my own pace so I don't have nearly as many sets. When I do Level 2 drills I just do as many of the walking pushup as I can in the amount of time given and move on when they do. It seems that I get a few more every time (most days:laugh: ) but who knows how I will be in Month 2.
  • ajsimyan
    ajsimyan Posts: 177 Member
    I halfway finished day 4 of week 5, barely, infact I had to stop it and just shut it off and cry because my back and shoulders are killing me. Today was supposed to be Max recovery I could only do 40 minutes of it because he had us doing 20,000 pushups and thats the only part of my body that is really hurting..Not sore in a good way either. You know what a deep cut or even a scratch feels like? That is what it feels like in my muscles. :cry: I got so angry with the workout today that i shut it off an felt like giving up, i feel like I am getting weaker each time I do the push ups. And the different types of push ups kill me even more.

    So I think I am going to start month 1 all over again until I lose more weight and get stronger. I will just work on perfecting month one. Being 160 pounds at 5'5'' is too heavy to be doing the push ups as fast as they do it. I:sad: Should I take the rest of the week and into the weekend off to allow my muscles to heal or just push through until my rest day on Sunday??????
    Aww! Hang in there! You've come so far so I wouldn't suggest you start over in Month 1. Maybe take the rest of the week off and restart Week 5 on Monday? I will say one thing: I'm 5'3", 164 pounds and there is no way that I keep up with those machines on the video. It's not physically possible right now. Maybe when I do my second or third round of the workout, but not right now. Shaun always emphasizes to work at your own pace. He'd rather you have better form than speed. You've come this far - don't talk yourself out of it! :smile:

    Aww, Thank you. I want to push myself, maybe tomorrow, instead of trying to keep up with them..I will go at my own pace and better my form.
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Ok I know I am special but I just wanted to show off my awesome new Insanity ticker in my signature. That is me doing my power jacks :laugh:
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Cee-I have selective reading...all I saw was that you think I'm hot. LOL I learned that from my husband.

    Jennie-Love that!
  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member

    Dahtri-I was bouncing around between 145 and 149 when I started. Now I bounce around between 143 and 145. I haven't lost much weight but I can SEE and FEEL a difference. This is going to sound funny but I look at my abs in the mirror every morning before my workout and it's the change I see happening that makes me drag my groggy butt down the steps to push play again. If I could control my food choices better I'd probably never leave the mirror. :laugh:

    Two days of recovery week left to go! I would be proud to say I finished ALL the LEVEL 1 drills except my chicken wing arms collapsed with one left to go. Curse you chicken wing arms!! Tomorrow I will get there!

    Dhathri - my weight also went up. I feel like I am getting more muscle but I have not seen a change in measurements yet. I feel so much stronger but it is very disheartening to see the weight go up. I have been pretty good about my diet and I also walk for just under an hour on the weekdays as well so I started eating more calories this week to see if that would help. Weigh day tomorrow so we shall see.

    Thank you for your encouraging words mama, jennie and cee. Today I finished 11/63. Those V-pushups are absolute killers. I didnt had much power to go. I took a lot of breaks in the second half of the program. May be one day, I will succeed.
  • missbrandyp
    missbrandyp Posts: 34 Member
    I just started Insanity on Tuesday but sadly think I have to put it off for another week or so. I had a tendon injury about a month ago and doing insanity yesterday it swelled up pretty bad again and it's just not worth the risk.
  • vallejos6
    vallejos6 Posts: 146 Member
    Yeah Missbrandy, sounds like a good idea. Insanity is great for bringing up all sorts of injuries/nagging issues... I myself had to start using an inhaler after the second week. What used to be a tiny case of exercise induced asthma turned into a "wheezing/coughing/sounding like an 80 year old chain smoker". So rest it up, and make sure it's healed before you hurt yourself!

    Day 4 of the recovery week tonight. I hate the "burner" parts, but I have to admit, the soreness is so much better than the first night we did these things, think I'll be ready for month 2 next week!

    Put me down as one of the "working it at my own pace crew". I do what I can, as fast as I can, as long as I can and don't sweat it if I have to go slower and/or take a break. A lot of us are really close in weight range.. I'm a 5'6" sitting at 160 too! Although, compared with where I started my weight loss/healthy living journey in July 2009, I'm doing pretty good (I was 216 at my heaviest!). Am I the only one who can only do a few "real" push-ups and then downgrades to "girlie" pushups on my knees to finish off my sets? Hubby and son laugh at the daughter and I as we are doing the "wimpy" version, but we both have pathetic upper body strength!

  • lnfowler887
    lnfowler887 Posts: 18 Member
    Just finished day 11. I can't believe I've made it this far with Insanity. I attempted to do it a few months ago and quit after day 2. I found many reasons (or excuses) not to do it.. so I'm very proud of myself...

    Now if only I could magically wish away this belly fat I'd be extremely happy!! :laugh:
  • biged335
    biged335 Posts: 734
    Just finished day 11. I can't believe I've made it this far with Insanity. I attempted to do it a few months ago and quit after day 2. I found many reasons (or excuses) not to do it.. so I'm very proud of myself...

    Now if only I could magically wish away this belly fat I'd be extremely happy!! :laugh:

    Outstanding!!! Way to push yourself... Keep it going!!!
  • biged335
    biged335 Posts: 734
    Day 5, Pure Cardio... My least favorite so far... I was surprised that I only burned 466 Calories, I thought for sure it would've been higher... The one thing about this video that did make me feel better about myself, Is all those inshape people working with Sean T falling out durning the exerices... They're in whole lot better shape than me, so when they have to break, it doesn't make me look so bad when I have to. That's wrong for me to say...

    On a more positive note, I can already see a difference in my heart rate... My recovery is a lot quicker... I checked my heart rate as soon as we finished and it was at 91%. Then about 3 minutes later it was already down to 65%. To me that seems like a quick recovery.

    Enjoy the burn and Keep Pushing!!!!
  • Lisiebird
    Lisiebird Posts: 45
    How are you all logging your Insanity workouts? I'm putting mine in as vigorous calisthenics. I did Pure Cardio today and logging it in as that it says I burned only 280 calories! I put a lot into that workout this morning so I think it has to be more than that, but because of that and PC being the only workout I'm doing today, it says I'm about 100 calories over my caloric goal after I added in my eating plan for the day (following the TurboFire eating plan).
  • missbrandyp
    missbrandyp Posts: 34 Member
    I say it's worth investing in a heart rate monitor or body bug to track your calories burned. I've had a body bug for over a year now and live by it when tracking workouts.

    I don't use the lists that MFP has in their database. I just create my own each time with the Workout plan and day (IE: Insanity Day 2) and the time and calories my monitor says I burned.
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Dolly-I use my HRM too.

    Infowler-Way to go! Keep it up!

    Ed-We've all made those same comments about being happy when the "experts" are dropping like flies too.

    I forget who said they are stopping because they are wounded. Me too. I'm taking a break until Monday because of my knee. I think I ticked it off. I was going to workout again this morning but three hops into the mummy kick thing without the arms, I could already feel it so I stopped. I HATE stopping. HATE HATE HATE it.

    If it's not better by Monday, I'm going to cry. :sad:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Just finished day 11. I can't believe I've made it this far with Insanity. I attempted to do it a few months ago and quit after day 2. I found many reasons (or excuses) not to do it.. so I'm very proud of myself...

    Now if only I could magically wish away this belly fat I'd be extremely happy!! :laugh:

    Great job!! Way to go!! Glad you got back at it!! Awesome.

    If you find that wishing helps...let me know!! I have a lot of saved up wishes!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Day 5, Pure Cardio... My least favorite so far... I was surprised that I only burned 466 Calories, I thought for sure it would've been higher... The one thing about this video that did make me feel better about myself, Is all those inshape people working with Sean T falling out durning the exerices... They're in whole lot better shape than me, so when they have to break, it doesn't make me look so bad when I have to. That's wrong for me to say...

    On a more positive note, I can already see a difference in my heart rate... My recovery is a lot quicker... I checked my heart rate as soon as we finished and it was at 91%. Then about 3 minutes later it was already down to 65%. To me that seems like a quick recovery.

    Enjoy the burn and Keep Pushing!!!!

    Great job!! Shaun T always emphasizes the importance of recovery so a quick one means you can get back at it faster!! That doesn't necessarily 'sound' great, but it really is!!! :laugh:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Dolly-I use my HRM too.

    Infowler-Way to go! Keep it up!

    Ed-We've all made those same comments about being happy when the "experts" are dropping like flies too.

    I forget who said they are stopping because they are wounded. Me too. I'm taking a break until Monday because of my knee. I think I ticked it off. I was going to workout again this morning but three hops into the mummy kick thing without the arms, I could already feel it so I stopped. I HATE stopping. HATE HATE HATE it.

    If it's not better by Monday, I'm going to cry. :sad:

    Feel better. Better to rest a couple days and get back at it strong, then injure it longer term. It feels cruddy to have to take a break, but you're body is trying to tell you something so great job listening to it!
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