INSANITY - Updates & Progress- New Group



  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I hit up Cardio Power & Resistance today. Got in a good burn so was happy about that. Still feeling that lingering effect of my body hasn't 100% adjusted to the workouts so I am dragging a little bit. I got through it and gave 100% of what I have but you know that feeling where your muscles just aren't cooperating with your brain? Yea..that's what I'm feeling. Nothing major just hard to get my legs in 100%. I'm switching the weekend workouts to evenings to see if that helps at all. Maybe after a day of fueling my body and then hitting Insanity it will help. No worries. :smile:

    I hate to jinx myself because it might change after the weekend (Lord knows I have more trouble following calorie allotments on the weekend as strictly) but I did see a little change on the scale this morning. It's not my official weigh in day so I'm not logging anything but it was enough to make me feel like paying attention to all these things might be moving me in the right direction.

    Stick with it all!! We are kicking butt!!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Veronica, I stay on my toes and just get in as many pushups as I can (which isn't many :laugh:).

    Infowler, keept at it! I think it really helps to have this group here for support and encouragement, so come back if you're feeling like giving up again! We'll root you on! :smile:

    Ed, as weird as it seems, Pure Cardio is a lower burn for me too, but it's also shorter. Great job on the workout and woohoo for improving your recovery time!!

    Dolly, I too have a HRM. I then create a workout on MFP for whatever exercise I did that day (Pure Cardio, etc.) and log the time and calories burned according to that. I think I've seen people without HRMs input it as high intensity aerobics or something similar to that.

    Booty, again :frown: I hope the rest helps and you can continue on Monday. Even if you can't, you know I'm here for you. Come on, knee, don't fail her now!!!

    Reese, great job!! I know what you mean by muscles not cooperating with the brain. It mainly happens during the warmup though. :laugh: I stepped on the scale today too, and was shocked at what I saw. I'm also trying not to jinx myself but if that number stays, or even goes down, I will be a VERY happy girl! Good job on finally seeing it move, even if it's not your weigh-in day. :happy:
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    finished day 12 - cario power and resistance this morning. Whew! I can only imagine what month 2 has in store! I can commiserate on the weight gain thing. I have been eating pretty well but not losing -- GAINING!!! :explode: Going to try to track my calories a little closer and see if I can get a handle on this!

    Congrats to all of you for digging deeper -- and get well vibes to you that are injured!:flowerforyou:

    Shaun T. is the devil:devil:
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    As for my workout today - Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs - more of the same. Still enjoyed Pure Cardio. Unfortunately, when I got to Cardio Abs and was doing the tuck jumps in the beginning, I felt a sharp pain on the outside of my right knee. It wasn't something that made me stop, but it did make me a little cautious while jumping, so I didn't do as many. Even when I was in child's pose, the little pain came back. It didn't bother me any other time so I'm hoping it's nothing.

    Have a great day, everybody! And an even better weekend!!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Shaun T. is the devil:devil:
    Albeit a very cute devil. Mmmm. :laugh:

    Great job on pushing today! Cardio Power & Resistance was the workout I liked the least.
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    As for my workout today - Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs - more of the same. Still enjoyed Pure Cardio. Unfortunately, when I got to Cardio Abs and was doing the tuck jumps in the beginning, I felt a sharp pain on the outside of my right knee. It wasn't something that made me stop, but it did make me a little cautious while jumping, so I didn't do as many. Even when I was in child's pose, the little pain came back. It didn't bother me any other time so I'm hoping it's nothing.

    Have a great day, everybody! And an even better weekend!!

    Oh no!! Stupid knees!! Mine is the right knee too but now it hurts all the way around it.
  • kcmomof2
    kcmomof2 Posts: 457 Member
    Shaun T. is the devil:devil:
    Albeit a very cute devil. Mmmm. :laugh:

    Great job on pushing today! Cardio Power & Resistance was the workout I liked the least.

    Yes, him being such nice eye candy (especially when he is sweating) makes it easy to make my 5:00am date with him every morning! :blushing:
  • kcmomof2
    kcmomof2 Posts: 457 Member
    Dolly- I don't have an HRM and track it as circuit training.

    Infowler- Good job! Keep pushing through!

    Ed - They take breaks in the 2nd month ones too. I LOVE it :)

    ShakemyBooty - That so toally sucks about your knee. I hope the few days rest will get it back to where it should be.

    Ceelovejay - Good job pushing through. :smile: I hope your knee isn't going out either. :cry:

    Jabdye - Great job getting it done! I hope you can figure out the weight issue.

    Mamareese - WOOHOO on the scale moving in the right direction. I hope it continues that trend! :smile:
  • kcmomof2
    kcmomof2 Posts: 457 Member
    Good morning Everyone!

    My wonderful loving 2.5 year old son kept me (and my husband) up half the night, and I have no idea why (he isn't sick). He better be glad he is too darned cute to stay mad at for long! Regardless, I still managed to push through Max Interval Circuit this morning. 60 minutes of pure torture today.

    On a positive note today was my weigh-in day and I had another 1.6 lb. loss this week. I haven't been this weight since the first trimester of pregnancy with my 4 yr. old daughter.

    Glad everyone is continuing to push through and dig deeper!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Veronica – I used to go the girl push ups but then it was annoying my knees so I just did as many of the full pushups as possible and rested when I couldn’t do them anymore. That really seemed to help my strength which honestly surprised me because I thought doing more of the girl push ups and not resting would be better than doing less of the full ones and having to stop. Hey live and learn.

    Infowler – great job! Isn’t it amazing to see how far you have come? I was dreading this program. Ok I was scared to death of it but I am so proud I have made it this far. I think I will be one of the criers when I take my last fitness test :sad: hehe

    Ed – Just like you and Cee, Pure Cardio is a lower burn for me too. Plyo Cardio Circuit is my highest so far. They all feel like the same amount of torture though when I am doing it.:laugh:

    MissBrandy – have you noticed with your Bodybugg that your caloric burn was higher throughout the day (or at least for a few hours after) when doing Insanity? I hear the afterburn with Insanity is awesome but I wasn’t sure how true it was.

    Booty – Thinking positive thoughts about your knee! :flowerforyou:

    Reese – I totally get what you are saying! That is why I feel like I have been dragging in some of my workouts lately. :yawn: What day are you on? Great job on the scale! Today was my weight day as well and it was good for me too.

    Cee – So from what I hear you also saw a drop in the scale numbers? Looks like all your hard work is paying off!!! Doesn’t it just make your day to know after all this you are seeing the results on the scale?:drinker:

    Julie – Ah welcome to the weight gainers club on Insanity. You are not alone but there is hope! Several of us seemed to gain or hold steady and now things are starting to move for us (see above). I personally upped my protein (thanks to Cee’s good eye) and calories and saw the scale move in the right direction (feel free to look at my diary).

    Ok so….for me day 21/63. Rest day and weigh day. Unlike last week's meltdown over my 1.4lb gain this morning was much better. I was down 2.4lbs since last week so I lost what I gained and an additional 1 pound. This week I increased my calories and protein (thanks Cee, never would have thought about more protein). The only other thing was that I did drink 2 cups of green tea yesterday (as opposed to my usual one) and felt like I was going to the bathroom alot more. Hopefully that was not just water weight from the diuretic effect of tea. Either way I am finally in the 150s again!! And I am in the BMI healthy range today (24.9) :happy: whoop!

    5k tomorrow. We shall see how that goes! Have a great weekend everyone!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Good morning Everyone!

    My wonderful loving 2.5 year old son kept me (and my husband) up half the night, and I have no idea why (he isn't sick). He better be glad he is too darned cute to stay mad at for long! Regardless, I still managed to push through Max Interval Circuit this morning. 60 minutes of pure torture today.

    On a positive note today was my weigh-in day and I had another 1.6 lb. loss this week. I haven't been this weight since the first trimester of pregnancy with my 4 yr. old daughter.

    Glad everyone is continuing to push through and dig deeper!

    Awesome job! I can only hope to get results like yours and kudos to doing the workout on half a nights sleep. So far I have been lucky and my daughter has been sleeping through the night but I dread the night when she is up or sick half the time and then my alarm goes off at 5am for Insanity. May I have your same resolve and determination:smile:
  • ajsimyan
    ajsimyan Posts: 177 Member
    Well I am debating on doing my exercise today (max interval training). I stepped on the scale and another pound weight gain.. how is this muscles arent as sore today as they were yesterday. I weigh 161.2 now and 2 weeks ago I weighed 159.2. what gives?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!

    I am really trying to stay positive but when you are gaining and inches are the same than its hard not to :sad: :sad: :sad: :grumble:
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    ajs -- I'm having the same problem. Everyone assures me that there will be a turning point. I just don't understand how I can work so hard and not see any results. Keeping pushing through -- here's hoping we both get the loss we are looking for.:drinker:
  • biged335
    biged335 Posts: 734
    Well I am debating on doing my exercise today (max interval training). I stepped on the scale and another pound weight gain.. how is this muscles arent as sore today as they were yesterday. I weigh 161.2 now and 2 weeks ago I weighed 159.2. what gives?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!

    I am really trying to stay positive but when you are gaining and inches are the same than its hard not to :sad: :sad: :sad: :grumble:

    I know you've heard this before, but are you taking measurements? You've probably gained some muscle, which will help you lose fat. I know just in the past week my muscles are getting stronger and bigger. I can see it and I can feel it. Keep pushing and you're going to reach your goal...
  • missbrandyp
    missbrandyp Posts: 34 Member
    jennieodwyer- I was only able to do my first two days before my injury flared up and I have to take a few days off again but once I do a few days 100% into it I'll get back to you and let you know!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Well I am debating on doing my exercise today (max interval training). I stepped on the scale and another pound weight gain.. how is this muscles arent as sore today as they were yesterday. I weigh 161.2 now and 2 weeks ago I weighed 159.2. what gives?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!

    I am really trying to stay positive but when you are gaining and inches are the same than its hard not to :sad: :sad: :sad: :grumble:
    ajs -- I'm having the same problem. Everyone assures me that there will be a turning point. I just don't understand how I can work so hard and not see any results. Keeping pushing through -- here's hoping we both get the loss we are looking for.

    I know! I don't understand how it works but my only suggestion would be to increase your calories for a week and see what happens. I had to force myself to do it but it really seemed to help this week for me.
  • ajsimyan
    ajsimyan Posts: 177 Member
    I did it!! I pushed through the workout and went at my own pace, I didnt do traveling pushup and did regular ones in place of them... Ohh and the side suicide drills...only could do about 5-6 at a single time, those are really hard. I am really hoping to kick these couple pounds in the *kitten* and then some.. Keep your heads up people, I know I will surely try to do the same.
  • edburg
    edburg Posts: 22
    I've been using "General Circuit Trainigng from the menu and putting in how many minutes I've done but I see everyone uses a HRM. I got one and I hate it:explode: Which one are y'all using?
  • ajsimyan
    ajsimyan Posts: 177 Member
    I've been using "General Circuit Trainigng from the menu and putting in how many minutes I've done but I see everyone uses a HRM. I got one and I hate it:explode: Which one are y'all using?
    I use a Polar Ft7 and I love it.
  • kcmomof2
    kcmomof2 Posts: 457 Member
    Good morning Everyone!

    My wonderful loving 2.5 year old son kept me (and my husband) up half the night, and I have no idea why (he isn't sick). He better be glad he is too darned cute to stay mad at for long! Regardless, I still managed to push through Max Interval Circuit this morning. 60 minutes of pure torture today.

    On a positive note today was my weigh-in day and I had another 1.6 lb. loss this week. I haven't been this weight since the first trimester of pregnancy with my 4 yr. old daughter.

    Glad everyone is continuing to push through and dig deeper!

    Awesome job! I can only hope to get results like yours and kudos to doing the workout on half a nights sleep. So far I have been lucky and my daughter has been sleeping through the night but I dread the night when she is up or sick half the time and then my alarm goes off at 5am for Insanity. May I have your same resolve and determination:smile:

    Thanks, Jennie. I am sure I didn't do my best workout this morning, but did the best I could. :smile:

    Good luck tomorrow. I am sure you will do great! :happy: