Over 150 lbs to lose....



  • daniran
    daniran Posts: 233 Member
    Hi, I don't have 100lbs to lose, but miserable in my skin the way I am. I believe I've got a good network of friends, very encouraging - not judgemental. Love to have you as a friend.
  • malias
    malias Posts: 82
    Wow! Lots to catch up on today! Hello to all our new friends who posted. Welcome and best wishes to you all!
    Yesterday, I started an eating plan to help combat cellular inflammation. Last year I went for my physical and the lab tests came back with high inflammation levels. I have had numerous other tests to find out why, to no avail. All I know is I have arthritis in ALL my joints, (my knees and hips are the worst) and I have to do something!
    The plan is called the Inflammation Free Diet and it says results should be evident in as little as 2 weeks. Lets see how it goes.
    I also started taking some supplements. Something I've never been a big proponent of. Calcium/Magnesium, Gingko Biloba and Omega 3's. Again, we'll see how it goes. Does anyone else take any supplements? Do they help? Have a great evening everyone. Tomorrow is weigh in day for me...fingers crossed.
  • luvcookie
    luvcookie Posts: 97
    Hi , I love your post...I need to lose about 100lbs or so...I been up and down since January ,just having so many bad weeks...I need to really have someone who can help me ....then I know i can do better....This week I know i have done so bad with my eating and i feel so guilty since i been doing such great workouts...please help,we can do this together
  • malias
    malias Posts: 82
    Good Monday Morning everyone! Down 4.2 lbs this week! Would love to do this every week, but I know that weightloss slows down after the first few weeks....oh well. I'm happy with this. How is everyone else doing?
  • omgiacobbi
    omgiacobbi Posts: 88 Member
    Adding you. I have 150lbs to lose to get to 150 pounds. Blah.
    Good luck!
  • keljo05
    keljo05 Posts: 173
    I'm doing good today. Had way too much to eat last night of my pot roast... but at least it was protein, lol. Woke up at 3am though looking for water. The gravy was delicious but way too much salt in it. Today I'm drinking lots of water to flush the retained water out of my system.

    I was afraid that m indulgence last night would set me off on the wrong direction, but I'm fine today with my snacks and little things to keep me going. Lunch may be an issue as I ordered a lean looking soup and a plain turkey wrap that I'll put horseradish sauce on. I may only have half of each and I think that will help me.

    I'm at work early today and leaving at 5 (instead of 7) to go workout... go to a new members class at the gym... and then will go home and I think DH is making a pasta dish... have to ask him to see how many calories. I'd like to leave room for my peanut butter banana smoothy since I've not made it in a couple of days.

    welcome to our new ladies :)
  • malias
    malias Posts: 82
    I'm doing good today. Had way too much to eat last night of my pot roast... but at least it was protein, lol. Woke up at 3am though looking for water. The gravy was delicious but way too much salt in it. Today I'm drinking lots of water to flush the retained water out of my system.

    I was afraid that m indulgence last night would set me off on the wrong direction, but I'm fine today with my snacks and little things to keep me going. Lunch may be an issue as I ordered a lean looking soup and a plain turkey wrap that I'll put horseradish sauce on. I may only have half of each and I think that will help me.

    I'm at work early today and leaving at 5 (instead of 7) to go workout... go to a new members class at the gym... and then will go home and I think DH is making a pasta dish... have to ask him to see how many calories. I'd like to leave room for my peanut butter banana smoothy since I've not made it in a couple of days.

    welcome to our new ladies :)

    Way to get back on track keljo. (not that you really even fell off!) We are all only human right? How do you make your pb/banana smoothie? Sounds yum! (or..."noms" as we say in my house!)
  • keljo05
    keljo05 Posts: 173
    its sooooo easy. I love the ones that my gym makes.. but I estimate them at 350-400 calories each.

    3/4 cup almond milk
    1 medium banana
    1Tbsp nut butter ( I use either peanut butter or almond butter)
    couple of ice cubes

    blend blend blend - and its about 250 calories

    another easy and good one is:

    almond milk
    cocoa powder
    semi frozen banana (peel, break into quarters, freeze.. then let defrost for 15 min)

    blend till smooth

    I'm on a big nut butter craving kick though recently so the pb one is my usual.

    Now I have to tell you my lunchtime discovery that has me laughing so hard at myself. I've been logging my foods but not until lunch time today did I print it and carefully look at it. OMG!!!!! my sodium is either just a little over ( 100-200mg...) or one day was OVER 5000!!!!! Looking quickly I see its most likely the pickles which is killing me. I'm using them to fill me up.... and now have to really limit the little devils. waahhhhhhhhh.

    I'm going to work on really controlling it this week to see how much it helps me.
  • malias
    malias Posts: 82
    its sooooo easy. I love the ones that my gym makes.. but I estimate them at 350-400 calories each.

    3/4 cup almond milk
    1 medium banana
    1Tbsp nut butter ( I use either peanut butter or almond butter)
    couple of ice cubes

    blend blend blend - and its about 250 calories

    another easy and good one is:

    almond milk
    cocoa powder
    semi frozen banana (peel, break into quarters, freeze.. then let defrost for 15 min)

    blend till smooth

    I'm on a big nut butter craving kick though recently so the pb one is my usual.

    Now I have to tell you my lunchtime discovery that has me laughing so hard at myself. I've been logging my foods but not until lunch time today did I print it and carefully look at it. OMG!!!!! my sodium is either just a little over ( 100-200mg...) or one day was OVER 5000!!!!! Looking quickly I see its most likely the pickles which is killing me. I'm using them to fill me up.... and now have to really limit the little devils. waahhhhhhhhh.

    I'm going to work on really controlling it this week to see how much it helps me.

    Good for you. I love salt and I'm not supposed to have it (high B.P.) If it's not one thing, it's another eh? Fat, sugar, salt, carbs, cholesterol....geez! Oh well, way to stay on top of things! BTW, thanks for the recipes!
  • keljo05
    keljo05 Posts: 173
    we have to cut down on sodium as is in our house due to hubby. His bp was very low following the heart attck.. but recently has been going high. He ended up in the ER/admitted last week for problems that resulted in too much salt.

    I'm happy to say that the tons of water I drank yesterday ( as well as staying in target calorie wise) have worked well. Took off about 2lbs in water retention, lol.... now to get back to losing nicely, lol

    I'm off to go to a cardiologist appt with hubby... then the gym for 1.5-2 hours of fun (no really...i love going, lol) and then to work .. i'll touch base when I can, lol.
  • malias
    malias Posts: 82
    Good morning folks! Where is everyone these days? Not many posts on this thread. How is everyone doing?
  • keljo05
    keljo05 Posts: 173
    hey! I just remembered that I was forgetting this group.... and I see we've been quiet for a week!

    what's everyone up to? whats been good this week?

    I had a frustrating week last week with sodium and water retention. I was also not eating back enough of my net calories and having a mental war with the thought of eating enough when I worked out hard. I strained my hip doing yoga monday morning and haven't done a strenuous workout since then ( 2 light workouts though).. and have kept my net calories at 1200. I'm happy to say the rest of my water weight plus 2lbs have come off so far.

    I'm off for the next 4 days on a mini vacation so I'll have to be careful... i plan to have MFP nearby for the next few days to keep me on track, lol.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    good Morning Everyone,
    look like this group has been quiet. I hope everyone is busy exercising and enjoying the nice weather. LOL.
    Keljo enjoy your mini vacation. It can be challenging to find fun things to do that arent centered around food. Why is it that all the social get togethers are centered around food. We just need to learn to make good choices. I usually bring some type of fresh fruit, fruit salad or veggie tray when asked to bring something. that way I know there is something I can eat quite a bit of without it hurting my calorie count.

    If your dog is fat you are not getting enough exercise. LOL

    A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step.....Lao Tzu

    Sweat is the cologne of accomplishment.......heywood Hale Brown

    You go girls, we can do this. If you need a little push or more encouragement, we are here for you. It is a hard journey, but a journey worth traveling.....

    Have a good day everyone, get plenty of water, exercise and not plenty of food. heehee. Let us know how you are doing.
  • malias
    malias Posts: 82
    Hi everyone...glad to see you posting here! I have been really sick :sick: the past few days so I havent even been on the computer. Feeling well enough today to log on and make an entry.
    Keljo have a fabulous mini vacay!
    Mommie, I love your quotes! Thank God I dont have a dog! The poor thing would be huge. :bigsmile:

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • mamma3monkeys
    this looks like a great group :)

    I have heard of that meal plan that you follow to relieve inflammation (my brother in law thinks it'd be a good one for me because I had to have my gallbladder removed almost 7 years ago). But I'm doing a different plan that I really like.

    I was diagnosed as hypothyroid 2 long years after the birth of my first born and weight became a serious issue battle for me. After getting medicated and losing some without an effort, I follow the plan that I am on now but i realized how distorted my views of eating healthy were. So I've learned a LOT since then but still have a lot to learn.

    I did lose 120 lbs 4 years ago but went off for a few months screw my head on straight (never a good idea, lol!) but found out I was pregnant before I could go back on. So I waited and ate to support a twin pregnancy and nursing both my girls. At first I kept up my health and was able to maintain 80 of the 120 I had lost but eventually I was so exhausted. To make things worse, I began to notice that I frequently forgot to take my thyroid medication for almost whole months at a time (doesn't help! duh!) and when I was unable to nurse both babies anymore, and they were 2, I decided it was time to focus on my health and wean them.

    Since that past year I lost 60lbs and regained all but 12.... Now that the girls are 3 and more capable of doing things themselves I am more motivated and determined then ever to get back to where I was and continue my journey. I have a small family I cherish and I want to teach them everything I didn't know. My oldest got e.coli OH157: h7 and HUS so I'm always worried about her kidneys and her long-term health. My DH has high blood pressure (and recently panic attacks and a bad reaction to blood pressure medication) and was surprised recently to find out he was now overweight as well.

    I have almost all morbidly obese relatives with high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, etc. I may not be able to encourage them to make changes (they were a major let down in the past when I was losing all that weight alone and without anyone's support besides my husband), but at least I can be a corner stone for my little family.
  • mamma3monkeys
    oh for those who are working on their sodium intake, may I suggest this little website: lowsodiumcooking.com. it doesn't have a TON of stuff but I find it useful anyways. :)
  • keljo05
    keljo05 Posts: 173
    morning ladies.. welcome mamma3monkey... you sound like you are well on your way to a better lifestyle. I know that I'm having a positive influence on my mom and my husband with them just seeing what I'm doing. My husband is even being more aware of his sodium intake now that i track my food.

    Last night was our monthly get together with my best friend, her sister and dh and all the kids (6kids, 5 adults - we're outnumbered, lol) at our house. We rotate the home on a monthly basis. I decided to do a taco night... and then went to the gym to make sure I had a lot of calories to use up, lol.

    I still ended up 18 calories over with a few overestimates I'm sure... but my sodium was over 4000, lol...today is a water day ..big time, lol
  • Christie422
    Christie422 Posts: 120 Member
    I have over 100 lbs to lose too...lost 50 over a decade ago and kept it off for a while but another baby and a very stressful life later...gained 70 lbs back. I've been up and down and have 35 lbs to lose to get back down to where I was before I started putting it back on. Just started back AGAIN and am very determined to get it all off and keep it off this time! Feel free to add me...I need LOTS of support to keep me on track!
  • vpreece64
    I have lost and gained 50 pounds so many times - it's unbelievable. I'm really trying to change my way of eating now. I know what you can and cannot eat to be healthy, but it is so very hard. This time feels different for me. In the past, when I would cheat, I would blow it for the whole day sometimes 2 or 3 days in a row. Now, I'll have a bagel or half a donut but get right back on my food plan. Two years ago I lost 65 pounds and kept 44 of it off. Since January, I've lost an additional 41 pounds. I know I should feel very proud of 85 pounds, but all I can think about is the next 123 pounds I need to lose.

    I do feel better and notice I can do more and more each day without losing my breath. I try to park as far away from the stores so I have to walk more, I try to take the stairs instead of elevators, and I swim laps and walk in the pool. All I can do it just keep trying.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • malias
    malias Posts: 82
    Hello Everyone! I have been off sick for awhile but am slowly getting back to normal. The one benefit of being sick is the weightloss! I hope I can keep it off now and keep moving forward. Welcome to the newcomers! Feel free to post or message if you need some encouragement! Hope everyone is well...stay positive!