Lets start a group for Mom's needing to lose 50+ pounds!!!!



  • Autumn1206
    Autumn1206 Posts: 126
    Just finished putting in my calories and exercise for the day and Man Alive I was a bad girl today. I only ate half of my dinner...ok it was an avacado burger (on wheat, no dressing!)...but I needed to add bacon too and even though I only ate half, it was still pretty "expensive" on the calorie side. Well, it was one bad day. I just wonder - I came in under all week, and a little over today by about 250 calories, but the calorie counter only judges my estimated weight loss track by what I did today. kinda makes me feel like one bad day spoils the whole bunch, BUT, I am not discouraged, I am back on track tomorrow including working out and some cleaning which also burns calories :)
  • nitequeen427
    Im in!!! I started with a 60 lb goal which seems so huge for me but after thats met i wanna go for another 30. Working single mom that stays on the go so this has been hard finding good foods on the run.
  • nitequeen427
    I have one cheat meal a week. Its like a reward after my weigh in at the doctors . I may go eat mexican or my friend sometime cooks a good homeade meal. I never get down on myself even though that day i went 400 cals over. It makes it easier when u still can have that taste ever now and then. Its not a diet, its a lifestyle change:smile:
  • ktc33
    ktc33 Posts: 249 Member
    Well so far this week I have exercised everyday and been under my calorie goal everyday. I'm gonna weigh in on Monday and see my progress. I really need to work on drinking more water. Hopefully everyone else is progressing! I'm hoping to lose at least thirty pounds by July 11th!
  • crythreetears
    crythreetears Posts: 42 Member
    Hey everyone! My name is Melissa i'm 25 years old I just had my first son in December. I would love to be apart of this group! The motivation is really helpful.

    I just started on Wednesday, and everyday I have at least worked out between 35-45 minutes and I have been under my daily calorie intake!
  • AJs_mom
    AJs_mom Posts: 64 Member
    I'm in!

    My name is Jenn. Wife to Neil (8yrs in June). We have to VERY active boys - Aaron will be 7 in Sept and Jake will be 3 in Sept. I work full time, and little to no time for myself. I started here in Jan 2011 @ 195. I lost 8lbs within the first month, and eventually gained it all back. My family's schedule is crazy in the winter, so I'm hoping things are going to start to get back to "normal" now. I'm 5'2" and my goal weight is 135. I had wanted to reach that by my birthday, which is Sept as well (wanted to keep things simple for my hubby - can't forget 3 bdays in one month :P). I feel like, by slacking off this winter, I've thrown away my chance at reaching that goal. I'm trying to re-focus and do the best I can. I want to be able to enjoy summer this year and not hide behind my clothes. I also want to have a family picture taken. I've wanted to for a few years, but didn't want a picture of me so big. Hopefully, we can finally get a photo taken this fall :)

    Looking forward to the support!
  • albanydia
    albanydia Posts: 18 Member
    @Autumn don't be discouraged 200cals it's nothing! I learned recelnty from a fitnesspal that you'd still be in deficit. keep working out and enjoy your new lifestyle! welcome aboard.

    Have an active day!
  • robynham84
    robynham84 Posts: 77 Member
    Hello Everyone!!!!

    And Hello to all of the new Mommies that are hoining our group!!!!! I love all of the support that is being given!!!! It is motivating to me and Im sure everyone else who reads these posts!!!!!!!
    Im hopeing tomorrow when I weight in I have lost something! I feel that Ive done really well this week but I did have a couple days I went over on my calorie intake but I have been excercising more so I am hoping I will still lose!!!!

    I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • gwynh
    gwynh Posts: 160
    I would love to join.

    I am 43 years old. I have carried this stubborn 50 pounds around with me for the past 15 or more years. My body likes it. I don't!!:explode:

    I am very active. I take Taekwondo 3 times a week. I am a black belt. I ride my bicycle every day for about 15 to 25 miles a day. I eat the recommended exercise calories from exercising. But no matter what I do, the weight remains. Very frustrated. I have lost only 4 pounds since January. I have hit and got stuck on this weight loss plateau for some time now. I don't want to give up.

    I have 3 kids (13, 10, 9). I can do more push ups and other exercises than my kids who are also in Taekwondo.

    I don't want to remain this size anymore.

    Truely frustrated :grumble: , but not giving in. :noway:
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I also would love to be a part of this group! I have 2 girls 5 and 4 months and was doing awesome ....last year. I had tried to get pregnant starting 2009 and was having issues with my hormones and basically was told they were not sure what was causing this and I would have a VERY hard time losing weight and getting pregnant....sooooo I took matters into my own hands and went to the Natural Foods store and got some pills to naturally lower my cortisol levels and started exercising on our treadmill like a crazy women! I went from 240ish to 223 in a short time then....I got pregnant. Yeah!.... but darn it! I gained......the last time I weighed myself pregnant at about 36 weeks I was 265 then had my baby at 38weeks so who knows what I got to!! So here I go again! I am a stay at home mom and my hubby is also on the road all week long...so alone time for me is after kids r in bed ( my baby is a catnapper! so little is done while older daughter is in school) I try to workout 3x per week at 9pm which sucks beacause by then I am tired! My diet is okay although I allow myself one cheat day usually on saturday when hubby is home...we sometimes go out for dinner. I want to be under 200 by end of summer....I am at 244 right now...and the weightloss is slow for me. The Natural Food store has ordered more pills for me because they had none in stock when I went to get some! Must work for others too! Glad to be a part of this group!!:tongue:
  • Autumn1206
    Autumn1206 Posts: 126
    OMG anyone know how much wrangling a climber baby that doesn't want to stay in the grocery cart seat and doesn't actually want to be held and is about the squirmiest child I have ever known, thank goodness she's mine...anyone know how much calories that burns? It has to be worth something lol!
  • mayamojo
    mayamojo Posts: 6
    Heck Yeah I'm in! Lets do this
  • brndygrl98
    brndygrl98 Posts: 196 Member
    @Autumn: I have a squirmy girl as well! Mix that with her super-active brother and you'd think I'd be thinner without the diet and workout! :)
  • cucoyannie
    count me in!
  • asmith0301
    asmith0301 Posts: 25 Member
    I am so in! I am a single mother of a VERY busy 2 year old and 55 pounds to lose until I am safely in the ONEderland.:happy:
  • Autumn1206
    Autumn1206 Posts: 126
    Hey lots of us are weighing in tomorrow. I wont' be able to update mine until I get home from work. Good Luck every body!
  • AJs_mom
    AJs_mom Posts: 64 Member
    Enjoyed the warm weather this weekend (even enjoyed the rain washing away the snow:P).

    Was able to get in a workout everyday. Bike ride Saturday and the treadmill Sunday. Tonight I have volleyball, and am hoping to get a walk in on my lunch break today (if it doesn't rain). Just realized that this will be 4 days in a row (5, if you include Thursday night swimming lessons with my 2 yr old). WOW!

    Scale isn't moving, as TOM is here. BUT! It's NOT moving!!!! This is good. I feel great. I see good things when TOM is gone :)
  • ngr1973
    ngr1973 Posts: 334
    I also would love to be a part of this group! I have 2 girls 5 and 4 months and was doing awesome ....last year. I had tried to get pregnant starting 2009 and was having issues with my hormones and basically was told they were not sure what was causing this and I would have a VERY hard time losing weight and getting pregnant....sooooo I took matters into my own hands and went to the Natural Foods store and got some pills to naturally lower my cortisol levels and started exercising on our treadmill like a crazy women! I went from 240ish to 223 in a short time then....I got pregnant. Yeah!.... but darn it! I gained......the last time I weighed myself pregnant at about 36 weeks I was 265 then had my baby at 38weeks so who knows what I got to!! So here I go again! I am a stay at home mom and my hubby is also on the road all week long...so alone time for me is after kids r in bed ( my baby is a catnapper! so little is done while older daughter is in school) I try to workout 3x per week at 9pm which sucks beacause by then I am tired! My diet is okay although I allow myself one cheat day usually on saturday when hubby is home...we sometimes go out for dinner. I want to be under 200 by end of summer....I am at 244 right now...and the weightloss is slow for me. The Natural Food store has ordered more pills for me because they had none in stock when I went to get some! Must work for others too! Glad to be a part of this group!!:tongue:

    Hi there poesch77

    I recently had my cortisol levels checked (its a saliva test) you do 3 times in one day and then send it... I just wanted to caution you because this is something I learned - it is feasible to bring your cortisol levels down and very important to do so and have normal levels because it impacts your immune system, etc. BUT if you are dropping your cortisol levels too low (which you won't know unless you test) - it is very difficult to get them back to normal.

    Hormones (including cortisol) are very sensitive (I have been undergoing BHRT since August and it has taken forever to find the right balance).

    Just had to tell you :) - if you have a compounding pharmacy near you - they should be able to work with your doctor on providing an actual cortisol test for you.
  • Autumn1206
    Autumn1206 Posts: 126
    Just had to sneak on while at work and share the good news! Lost 2.8 lbs using Myfitnesspal this week!
  • AJs_mom
    AJs_mom Posts: 64 Member
    Enjoyed the warm weather this weekend (even enjoyed the rain washing away the snow:P).

    Was able to get in a workout everyday. Bike ride Saturday and the treadmill Sunday. Tonight I have volleyball, and am hoping to get a walk in on my lunch break today (if it doesn't rain). Just realized that this will be 4 days in a row (5, if you include Thursday night swimming lessons with my 2 yr old). WOW!

    Scale isn't moving, as TOM is here. BUT! It's NOT moving!!!! This is good. I feel great. I see good things when TOM is gone :)

    Well it's not raining, but decided to pass on the walk today. Weather is weird. Apparently there were tornado warning last night too. I'll get a good work-out tonight at volleyball anyway!