I knew I had to lose weight when....................



  • LauraRhodes0902
    LauraRhodes0902 Posts: 70 Member
    I knew I had to lose weight when I wasn't comfortable in my own skin anymore. I was absolutely disgusted with myself.
  • numnumnums
    numnumnums Posts: 45 Member
    My fat pants became tight, bought new fat pants - and they became tight.
    When I clasped my hands behind my back and felt a stretch in my arms, from my hands having to sit on top of all that extra butt.
  • amber_hanners
    amber_hanners Posts: 388 Member
    i knew i needed to lose weight when i realized i weighed more then my husband that was the biggest one anyways
  • iamhealingmyself
    iamhealingmyself Posts: 579 Member
    1990's: ...when a pair of snap-on suspenders i was wearing (in the early 90's) snapped off the back of my pants and popped me in the back of my head, knocking me to the floor. I thought I had been shot

    I'm sorry but this is a funny image! :laugh: thanks for sharing
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    .....when some friends and I were looking at pics from high school and my friend's wife (who hadn't attended high school with us) said "Who's that?" while pointing to a picture of me. Apparently I've gained so much weight she didn't recognize me :(
  • kettlewitch
    kettlewitch Posts: 277 Member
    1990's: ...when a pair of snap-on suspenders i was wearing (in the early 90's) snapped off the back of my pants and popped me in the back of my head, knocking me to the floor. I thought I had been shot

    I'm sorry but this is a funny image! :laugh: thanks for sharing

    Ha ha this does bring up all sorts of images! Especially when in the UK, suspenders hold stockings up! I am hoping suspenders are what we Brits call braces which hold up trousers? Lol.
  • skinnyhopes
    skinnyhopes Posts: 402 Member
    when i was fatter then all of my friends
  • treadingpurple
    I knew I had to lose weight when I hurt my lower back this last Tuesday and caused it to go into full-fledged severe spasms. After screaming for over 45 minutes and having to go to the ER, due to how severe the pain was, I knew right then and there that I had to lose weight. My weight was affecting my health too much.
    I also knew I had to lose weight when I went into for a pre-pregnancy consultation and the OB/GYN I saw told me that I had to lose weight in order to have a safe pregnancy.
  • Ruby53
    Ruby53 Posts: 61 Member
    I love those body puff things too, so I had better check next time I have a bath........ I have laughed out loud and you have made my day, thankyou!!
  • cherrieruns
    cherrieruns Posts: 342 Member
    I knew I had to lose weight when i tried to click a seatbelt in a go-cart and it would not fit. The kid working there said "that's ok" - I was mortified.
  • chnkydnknmomma
    I bath every night rather than shower and I love those puff things that are made out of a sort of netting to get a good lather going on. I came home from work one evening and got ready for my bath and found a body puff tucked under my stomach. It had been there since the night before.

    I had a very similar experience, and without going into detail (but I'm sure all you girls can figure it out) I got into the shower one morning, washed my hair, conditioned it and proceeded to soap up the body when I found something under my roll that was left there from the night before! The object is relatively small, but I didn't have any idea it was there! I honestly almost fell in the shower from laughing so hard, but realized this was a HUGE problem.

    What really motivated me this time, as I've been here so many times before, was when I started not wanting to go out with my friends because I was so uncomfortable and so embarassed of how I look.
  • purplehaze12
    When I was wearing my button up shirts (that were still somewhat relatively new) and realized that when I sat you could see my godawful pale skin through the gaps between the buttons lol. Also, I probably need some new clothes, but I refuse (and can't afford it) and will fit into my usual wardrobe!!
  • gog427
    gog427 Posts: 82
    Mine, was when my tally wacker started getting shorter! Jk JK Jk but seriously!
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    I knew I had to lose weight when my doctor wanted to put me on cholesterol medication and told me if I didn't lose some weight and decrease my cholesterol he'd have to put me on cholesterol lowering medication in 6 months. I told him I could do it and he said ok. I want to prove to him I can do it.

    2. I love to sew and have a hard time taking the pattern piece and making it fit around all my curves. I can't wait to be able to cut out the pattern pieces and not have to change the size of the pattern piece at each curve.

    3. It is very itchy under the fold of skin under my stomach and want to get rid of this fold and thus the itchiness.

    4. I started to have intermittent burning pain in my right heigh at night when I sleep and when I looked that up in the medical dictionary on line it said that it can be due to poor perfusion due to increase in weight. It suggested to lose weight. This has decreased since i lost 11.8 pounds but every once in awhile I'm still getting this searing pain.

    5. My knees hurt every time I tried to walk up or down the steps. I only lost a little over 11 pounds and no longer have the pain in the knees.

    6. I want to be able to be honest on my drivers license, not afraid to put a picture of me up on the internet and for my husband and son to be proud of how I look.
  • JellyPrz619
    JellyPrz619 Posts: 172
    I knew I had to lose weight when i realized how much MORE i weighed than hubby, when i realized i dont even have ONE full body picture, when i found out i have high triglycerides...
  • Jujubie
    Jujubie Posts: 130 Member
    When my brother died suddenly of a heart attack at 52. I decided to put chance on my side by exercising to help compensate for the genetics that are loaded against me.
  • iamgonnagetthere
    my clothes from last year weren't that loose anymore. OOPS