Starting 30 Day Shred Tomorrow April 4..Who's In?



  • Neize
    Neize Posts: 301 Member
    Day 5 done!!! Also I ran 1.5 miles and walked for over 2 hours. No way I can eat all those calories I earned from working out!
  • kimberg75
    kimberg75 Posts: 412 Member
    I have read that level one burns 246 calories, level 2: 304 and level 3 can burn 245....hoping this isn't keeping up w/ the super fast girl...
  • kimberg75
    kimberg75 Posts: 412 Member
    I did level one for 9 days in a row...then on day 10 my left knee was hurting so I waited a day then completed day 10 yesterday. Well today I woke up to a sore knee I skipped it today b/c there was no way I was starting level 2 until my knee feels better. It's starting to feel better...not sure what this is about, I've never had any knee problems before. Anyone else find the 30 day shred to be hard on the knees?
    I think I will give my knees a rest again tomorrow and maybe just do weight lifting. Going to start on level 2 on Monday though...hopefully!! Hoping level 2 isn't TOO hard...kinda nervous about it but really wanted to complete this and do all 3 levels!!
  • kimberg75
    kimberg75 Posts: 412 Member
    I have no more trouble zones too but I haven't started that one yet. I just completed 10 days of the Shred...level one.
    I like how many calories you said no more trouble zones burns...that rocks!! I will have to try doing that one next week too!!
  • jennasan
    jennasan Posts: 44
    Hi guys! I am new so please forgive my ignorance! What is a shred?

    It is a DVD workout by Jillian Michaels. She is one of the trainers from The Biggest Loser show It is a 20 minute work out that has 3 levels. 10 days then move up to the next level and you can lose up to 20 lbs in 30 days. Keeps the heart rate up for 3 minutes then 2 minutes the one minute Strength - Carido and Abs. I bought mine at Walmart for about 10 bucks. Google it. Looks easy but quite the work out in that time.
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    Hey, I'm on day 2… am I too late…?? Could sure do with the support!!

    of course not! i did day 3 today - hop aboard!
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    I have no more trouble zones too but I haven't started that one yet. I just completed 10 days of the Shred...level one.
    I like how many calories you said no more trouble zones burns...that rocks!! I will have to try doing that one next week too!!

    hey kberg...

    this is what i am working on:
    there is a PDF you can click on that shows the daily plan in more detail. jenn - the awesome chica who started this shred challenge - also started a challenge for this program last year, but i had some personal junk that took over and i never finished it.
    the reason for doing this instead of JUST the shred is that i have already done 30 days of the shred and wanted more variety. i think it is totally worth doing though, i am just tagging along on this thread to keep me accountable :bigsmile:
  • 1hotmama2b
    1hotmama2b Posts: 24 Member
    Can I join in??? I actually just finished day 7..... but can always use group motivation, don't want to let anyone down.....
  • 1crazymom
    1crazymom Posts: 434 Member
    Day 6 is behind me!
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    day 4 donezo!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Shredders
    Happy Saturday!! Day 6 done and per my polar hrm I burned 200 calories - all due respect to MFP - my calorie burn is lower that what they suggest when I compare to my hrm. Sometimes higher but overall lower by as much as 70 to 100 calories. I love that I can track where my heart rate is during my work outs. If any one is on the fence about this I highly recommend getting a hrm

    My two cents

    Have an outstanding weekend and enjoy your friends and family
  • jennasan
    jennasan Posts: 44
    Day 6--DONE,:flowerforyou: and a 4 mile walk, Bring on Spring!!!
  • a_fit_me
    a_fit_me Posts: 96 Member
    Day 6 Completed. :smile:
  • Day 9. :smokin:
  • 1crazymom
    1crazymom Posts: 434 Member
    Day 7 done!
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Day 6 complete!

    Yesterday was a busy day so now shred but did clean the house for 2 hours. Today was the most calories burned so far on level 1 with 261.

    Is anyone else starting to see results besides me?

    Have a great day!
  • jennasan
    jennasan Posts: 44
    Day 7 done!! and I got my wish for spring. Well it actualluy felt more like summer, 78 degrees for the high today !! Enjoyed walking outside in th fresh air, but short lived because the winds are howling and the storm front is moving in. Back to the 40's tonight. Ugh!
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    day 5....*runs and hides*

    well, i am ok with the fact i didn't do day 5 today. i can tell when my body is exhausted. when i woke up this morning to do day 5 i was dragging. i had volunteered friday pm, all day saturday and had to do it again today - my body/mind just couldn't make day 5 happen. of course i tried to tell myself i would do it when i got home today but knew that wasn't happening. but logging about 19 hours on my feet for 3 days tells me it is OK!!! and my feet feel the same!

    tomorrow will be day 5 for sure, with maybe a little elliptical thrown in there for good measure :bigsmile:
  • crashta
    crashta Posts: 72
    Happy to have found a group that started JM 30 DS last week! I started on Wed April 6th and did 4 days at Level 1.

    Today I switched it up a bit and tried the 'Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism' - wholly smokes, hardest video I've done so far! A month ago I started doing her 'Frontside + Backside" videos 4 times a week but found them too slow.

    I am liking the 30 DS so far but can't do a few of the sets with my weights. What ever the lateral raises w/ a squat and the squat + shoulder press. I only have 5 lb weights so I just use remote controls (in my hands) instead for those moves :] I should really take a few soup cans downstairs and use those instead!
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    I'm about to start the shred myself (once that bloomin dvd arrives!), but what I was wondering, does it not get a bit boring, doing the same routine 10 days in a row? Do you not get sick of the sound of her, by day 6?
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