Starting 30 Day Shred Tomorrow April 4..Who's In?



  • jennasan
    jennasan Posts: 44
    Question for those of you who are counting the calories you burned while doing the DVD. How are you calculting this?
  • bmhatcher
    bmhatcher Posts: 105
    This is to answer several questions out there.
    For any of you watching your calorie burn, please please please invest in a HR Monitor with a chest strap. THere are several wrist ones that do not read accurately. SPORTLINE has one called DUO that runs for about $70. at your local sports stores. Do not do a generic calroie counter from a website. Everyone is different and if you input the average you could be way off!
    Also, please take rest days! Even Jillian says you have to rest 2 days a week!! When you lift weights, you are "tearing" the muscles. The muscles need 24 hours to rebuild (this is where you get stronger). I am doing this workout every other day to let my muscles repair. I do cardio on the days I am not lifting.
    When doing the moves, don't waorry if you cannot keep up with Jillian, remember this is her job and she has been doing it for 16 years or so. Concentrate on doing the moves correctly and doing the amount of reps that youcan correctly. Keep track of this!!!!!!!!! So in 2 weeks, when you look at your workout log, you will see the numbers improving! This is one of the key points in P90X. When I started, I could only do 5 pushups on my knees! By the end of the program, I was doing 30 regular pushups. While I struggled every week (it's tough), i was always pushing myself to do one more than the last time!!!!
    And last thing.... Eat your exercise calories!! If you are like me, you burn about 1700 calories sitting at a desk all day. I plan to eat 1300 calories today (before exercise), giving me a 400 calroie deficit. So every calorie I burn exercising I will eat back. Why? So my body does not think it is being starved and start storing fat. If you have too high of a calorie deficit, you are counterproductive. You need the energy!!

    Ok, I am coming off my soapbox....I just want EVERYONE to do well, and sometimes these are the important things that no one mentions!!!!!
    Today is a run day for me! 3 miles......
  • a_fit_me
    a_fit_me Posts: 103
    Day 2 Completed.

    I am using 5lb weights.
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    a day late, but I want to join! I love 30DS and need to start something back up for night time :)
  • beccafertig
    beccafertig Posts: 61 Member
    Day 2...OWNED! The muscle aches are pretty intense today, but I'm dead set on the end results! Keep it up all!!!
  • nkfowler74
    nkfowler74 Posts: 127 Member
    I just started today, so I'm a day behind you all.
  • peariel
    peariel Posts: 91 Member
    Day two done! Feeling a little strain in my chest muscles... think maybe I shouldn't have used the 5 lbs on the chest flys yesterday. Stuck to 2 lbs today. :)
  • Neize
    Neize Posts: 301 Member
    Day 2 done!!! I was ready to give up during the warm up! LOL :tongue: . I complete all exercises without complaining though! :smile:
  • monicanicoletta
    monicanicoletta Posts: 176 Member
    ready to go do day 3 level 1 tonight with 4lb weights!! feeling great!!

    i dont have an hrm nor do i want to buy one right now so I just log it as circuit training!
  • angp7711
    angp7711 Posts: 324 Member
    Day 2 Level one complete
    I am feeling it for sure. I didn't get as great of a burn today because I had to pause the DVD when babygirl woke up and get her situated before I could continue so my heart rate dropped and I had to pick up again. It wasn't a huge difference (30cals) but at first I couldn't figure out why because I really pushed myself harder this time. I did realize that I kind of held myself back a little bit on the first workout because I wanted to make sure I could finish the whole thing. This time because I knew what was ahead I felt a little better putting it all out there. My hamstrings are killing me. Those two variations of good morning lifts are going to be the death of me. Otherwise I am feeling good. Adding this to my regular cardio is really going to make a difference for me I think.

    I track my calorie burn with the bodybug :o)
    Use 3 and 5lb weights
    I am going to do one rest day a week (walk only on my off day)

    I think those were all of the questions that were asked

    Keep up the great work ladies
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    wow - everyone is doing SO GREAT! high fives all around!!!

    i am still pulling my self out of the mud, so to speak, and haven't started yet. i believe i can tomorrow, just gotta wrap my head around it. it is so nice to see how great everyone is doing.

    i know i am going to be SORE!!! my arm is sore from carrying my friends 9mo around for an hour yesterday - LOL!

    i have done the shred before along with a few other of JM's DVD's. i alternated 3 and 5 lb weights, depending on the moves. i did both level's 1 and 2 but never made it to 3. i mixed it up so i wouldn't get bored (actually mixed up all the DVD's for that reason). i also did the elliptical almost every night as well.

    i logged under 'circuit training - general' until i got my HRM.

    good luck everyone!
  • MurilloMama
    Just started today so I'm a bit behind you people but good job everyone and keep up the good work!
  • abcvfamily
    abcvfamily Posts: 2 Member
    I did one day of 30ds last Thursday and was SO sore I could not possibly have done it again on Friday. I did start back Monday, did it again Tuesday and plan to continue. I will jump in with this group if that's okay as I basically started the same day. I love it so far. It is very intense to me!! I am going to measure myself tomorrow to see the difference.
  • 1crazymom
    1crazymom Posts: 434 Member
    3 down 27 to go!!;)
    3 lb weights here that's what I have.
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    it's a miracle!! i woke up and couldn't fall back to sleep so i got up and did the shred! 313 calories later, i am ready to start the day :drinker:
  • jennasan
    jennasan Posts: 44
    I did not get to check in yesterday but completed day 2 and it was a bit harder than day 1, must be the sore muscles. I am alternating between 3 and 5 lb weights also becasue some of the moves are just to straining with the 5's alone. I am going to look into that HR monitor. Thanks for the info
  • angp7711
    angp7711 Posts: 324 Member
    L1 D3 complete. Felt better today overall. I am not as sore today as just feeling muscle fatigue already this morning. Meeting with my PT and Chiropractor today to check-in to make sure I am doing all good with my workout.Won't matter how many workouts I do if I re-injure my back in one week. Feel wise I think I am good so I am excited.

  • lauren0985
    lauren0985 Posts: 48 Member
    Add me too ! I started on the 4th with my far so good =)
  • peariel
    peariel Posts: 91 Member
    @heather0mc I'm impressed! I can never work out first thing in the morning. Good work!

    I'm feeling so sleepy today! I did my usual cardio at lunch and I'm supposed to go to a pilates class after work... I think the shred might be too much today. Trying not to chicken out though! We'll see how I feel after my pilates instructor puts us through our paces. :)
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Day 3 complete!

    Is it me or did some of the cardio seem harder on day 3? lol Well another one bites the dust and 243 calories gone!

    Hope every has or will have an awesome workout!

    27 days left!