Starting 30 Day Shred Tomorrow April 4..Who's In?



  • monicanicoletta
    monicanicoletta Posts: 176 Member
    I'm in!!! I started on Sunday so I am on day 2 today :) I did kickboxing this morning now tonight level 1 day 2 :) ill post measurements later .

    good luck y'all! lets keep this group active & going
  • Neize
    Neize Posts: 301 Member
    I got Day1 in and it was great!!!
  • bmhatcher
    bmhatcher Posts: 105
    Just completed JM No More Trouble Zones!! WOW!!!! What an amazing workout that was!!! i burned 442 calories in less than an hour!! A lot of the moves were really kicking my butt, by I stuck with it!!! THis woman is awesome!!
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Day 1 is now complete!!!!!!

    Measurements done and ready to shred it down. Burned 242 calories in 27 mins and feel awesome! Forgot how much I love and missed working out.

    I REALLY hate push ups though. Made it pretty much through 98% of the video too. So happy!!

    WTG everyone on day 1 only 29 to go!!
  • pepper396
    pepper396 Posts: 33
    I am on my 2nd day for the first time using this....I also started a 3 mile a day walk challenge. I need supporters and advice....anyone in Northern, NJ area or just want to friend request me please feel free to. Let the 30 day begin! 20 lbs. to lose until Memorial Day weekend!
  • iamthepreston
    iamthepreston Posts: 195 Member
    Day 1 is now complete!!!!!!

    Measurements done and ready to shred it down. Burned 242 calories in 27 mins and feel awesome! Forgot how much I love and missed working out.

    I REALLY hate push ups though. Made it pretty much through 98% of the video too. So happy!!

    WTG everyone on day 1 only 29 to go!!

    Good job I would say I got 80% percent through
  • Gonzalezkrystle
    I'm in!!! Is anyone doing rest days ? If so, how ?
  • manicinertia
    I'm in! Just got my dvd today and tried it out. I'll on level one for a while... :o) But I think this might be what I need to break my plateau.
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    I am not taking rest days
  • a_fit_me
    a_fit_me Posts: 103
    I'm in!!! Is anyone doing rest days ? If so, how ?

    I don't want to take any, but we will see..;)
  • peariel
    peariel Posts: 91 Member
    Hi everyone! I hope I'm not too late to join... I actually started the Shred on the 1st, but I'd love to keep on with you all, too! :)

    I've heard that switching up the levels every day works well, so that's what I've been trying so far, just alternating between 1 & 2. We'll see how it works out.

    Good luck everyone! :smile:
  • jennasan
    jennasan Posts: 44
    Hi all,
    Wow, that was NOT as bad as I was expecting. I am so happy that I was able to finish. Did modified pushups and almost gave up during the last set of abs, but JM was encouraging at just the right moments. I was so thrilled that I walked 3 miles on my treadmill after. I must say i am very impressed with my self considering that I had a twelve hour day at work. Hopefully I won't be to sore in the morning. :smile:
  • arabideau
    Hi there!

    I started the Shred last summer and ended up stopping it when we moved. I really want to start up again, but have not had the motivation. (bad, I

    I know I am a day late, but I would love to join in! :)
  • craftylatvian
    craftylatvian Posts: 599 Member
    Day 1, Level 1 done! Now to start Day 2 in a few minutes.
    Yesterday I was feeling great all day after working out, and it has been years since I worked out. I walked better, felt energized and exhausted at the same time. Today I am SORE but still motivated to do Day 2!!!!
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    Djeez I just can't wait to get my dvd and get started myself.

    Told the husband last night that I'd ordered it and he said he'll join me!
    He's very slim and very fit (physical job) so he doesn't really need it, but he likes to tone up. I've never ever done a workout with him, so it'll be weird, but so nice!
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Day 2 complete!!

    Burned 245 calories which is 3 more than yesterday and my hrm stopped a couple times. I am also using 5lb weights. What are you using?

    Have a great workout!!

    Only 28 to go!
  • StaceyZombie
    StaceyZombie Posts: 69 Member
    Just found this!! I started yesterday also!!

    I took before measurements/pix as well.

    Waiting for my HRM in the mail so I had to log under "circuit training, general" for feels like I burned so much more than that but I'd rather underestimate the cals :-)
  • hellsbells1
    hellsbells1 Posts: 62 Member
    I have ordered the DVD as soon as it comes i'm in. :)

    Good luck everyone!:wink:

    Started Day 1 L1 today! Hard work but will be worth it. Good luck everyone. :bigsmile:
  • craftylatvian
    craftylatvian Posts: 599 Member
    I am finding the cardio harder than the strength parts. Anyone else feeling like the cardio is going to kill them?
    BTW, I do smoke so that could be the reason.
  • Maisiegirl
    Can I join in please?

    Just done day 5 level 1 shred. My upper body strength is pathetic I can't do any press ups even the modified ones and struggle with the lateral raises.

    At least i can just about keep up with the jumping jacks now, something must be working.
