April Day by Day Challenge-OPEN GROUP-Part 8 Look inside, It



  • goals for 4/8:
    1. saturday at work....I'm a hairstylist.....DON'T ORDER OUT!----:) it was tempting, but I didn't
    2. exercise even though I won't want to
    push mowed and raked the yard :)
    3. enjoy a quiet evening with my husband and 2 of 3 kids ----cleaned house so, kind of

    tomorrows goals:
    1. finish cleaning the house
    2. use the wii to get my exercise in
    3. relax with the family in my clean house
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355

    Saturdays Goals:
    1. Finish under my calorie goal - Least said about this one the better
    2. Laundry - Yup
    3. Water, lots and lots of water.- Yes

    Morning All,

    Feeling much better today the sunshine is doing wonders. I'm off for walk to a pub for lunch today. Little worried about my chest but I'm sure as long as I take it easy it'll be fine, besides its such a lovely day how can i resist. Also if today goes well then I *really* want to get back to running tomorrow. Any way enough chat its too lovely too site at a computer today. I'm in England,after all we don't get many days like this.

    Goals for today:
    1. Healthy choices at the pub.
    2. Don't over do it on the walk
    3. Enjoy today as much as possible.

    Have a lovely day everyone.
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Good morning everyone! I'm baaacccckkkk (hopefully it will last this time).

    I have a couple weeks of a moderate work load before finals (may go MIA again there) so I should be around. I was super happy to step on the scale today and notice that I haven't gained any weight! But haven't lost any either. This weekend was Relay for Life so today my whole body hurts since I was a Captain of the event and had to be there all weekend to make sure everything ran smoothly. So I'll be taking it easy today. Goals are:

    1. Water (at least 6 cups). Still need to work my way back up.
    2. Catch up in my novel reading for class.
    3. Clean my room and do laundry. (All my clothes are caked in mud from the weekend. It rained all day Friday. You should have seen all the cars getting stuck when they tried to park. Oy. What a mess it was).
    4. Lots of vitamin C and rest so I don't get sick from being in the rain and cold all weekend.

    I plan on getting to the gym tomorrow if my body feels a little better! Have a good day everyone! I've missed you all!

  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Hey Nicole, wb! good to see you.

    I haven't posted goals all weekend, but I still tried to stay mindful of everything that I ate and get in a few good workouts.

    Sunday's goals:
    1. Go for a walk in the morning.
    2. Have a great breakfast with my family.
    3. Go to the gym for 45 minutes.
    4. Go to the hardware store.
    5. strength training in the afternoon.
    6. abs in the evening.
    7. water all day.
    8 log all food. Write it on paper and log it on mfp tonight.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for April 9:
    1. Water.--:smile:
    2. Stay on my eating plan!!!--:grumble:
    3. Work in the yard.--:smile::smile:
    4. Watch the snacks!--:grumble:

    Not good on the food front yet again! Grocery shopping is done now, though, so I have plenty of healthy alternatives in the house! I did get LOTS done in both the front and side yards so I am happy about that.

    Goals for April 10:
    1 Water.
    3. Clean the kitchen INCLUDING the stove and oven!
    4. Get to bed by 9:30.

    coffey7799--LOL! Trouble is--the one soft drink I absolutely do NOT like is Dr. Pepper!
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    Sorry I've been MIA recently. It's been a weird couple of days..... Logging has gone by the wayside due to 1) not having a whole lot of time to be on MFP 2) eating a bunch of stuff for which I didn't have a clue of brands/nutritional info. That said, I think it's seriously time to get back on the wagon here! (When I weighed in yesterday, I'd gained about 2 pounds. :ohwell: )

    4-10-2011 fitness goals
    1. At least 6 cups of water
    2. Under on calories, carbs and fats
    3. Get to the gym
    4. Bed by 10:30, sleep by 11

    4-10-2011 non-fitness goals
    1. Put away laundry
    2. Handwash dishes
    3. Catch-up on finances, AGAIN
    4. Cut coupons
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Hey Nicole, wb! good to see you.

    I haven't posted goals all weekend, but I still tried to stay mindful of everything that I ate and get in a few good workouts.

    Sunday's goals:
    1. Go for a walk in the morning.
    2. Have a great breakfast with my family.
    3. Go to the gym for 45 minutes.
    4. Go to the hardware store.
    5. strength training in the afternoon.
    6. abs in the evening.
    7. water all day.
    8 log all food. Write it on paper and log it on mfp tonight.

    I'm already done with 1-4 and 7! I'm on my way for a successful day. I don't care what I eat, I will log it all!
  • 36jessica
    36jessica Posts: 319 Member
    A Day by Day Challenge is exactly what I need! My name is Jessica. I'm a mother of three (18,16 and 5) and I live in Southern Italy. The thing I HATE most is sweating, so I guess that's the first thing I've gotta get done, I've gotta sweat!

    My goals for tomorrow: 1. Complete Zumba's Cardio Party
    2. Drink at least 2 liters of water
    3. Come back and post my results, my positive results 'cuz failure is NOT an option:wink:
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    Goals for today
    1. Laundry and it has to get done today no matter what. Hubby is almost out of socks! hehe--well as it usually is its still a work in progress. But its getting there:)
    2. Yardwork-I'd list it all but there is so much that is going to happen this weekend--got all we wanted to get done this weekend.
    3. log everything- yep:) YAY!!
    4. water--YAY!!!

    Weekend has been pretty good. Had a birthday party to go to today and I had a piece of cake and some ice cream. I don't feel guilty even:) Cause I spent an hour and a half in the yard cleaning out weeds. I love gardening!!!

    Tomorrow I star back in on a Shred. I'm hoping that I can build myself up to the full set. I'll probably only get thru about 5 mins of it but I'm ok with that.

    So goals for monday
    1. water
    2. shred
    3. make calls i need to make
    4. laundry
    5. clean living room

    Have a good evening everyone and a good day tomorrow:)
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Hey Nicole, wb! good to see you.

    I haven't posted goals all weekend, but I still tried to stay mindful of everything that I ate and get in a few good workouts.

    Sunday's goals:
    1. Go for a walk in the morning. YES
    2. Have a great breakfast with my family. YES
    3. Go to the gym for 45 minutes. YES
    4. Go to the hardware store. YES
    5. strength training in the afternoon. YES
    6. abs in the evening. NOT YET
    7. water all day. YES, ONLY ONE DIET SODA
    8 log all food. Write it on paper and log it on mfp tonight. YES

    So I feel good about what I accomplished today. I hope to have a great week next week too.

    I'll set up Monday's goals:
    4/11 goals:
    1. walk right after I take my daughter to the bus.
    2. eat healthy and log everything.
    3. drink water and tea.
    4. finish reading my book.
    5.abs and strength training in the evening.
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355

    Goals for today:
    1. Healthy choices at the pub - Reasonably, not the salad but pretty good
    2. Don't over do it on the walk- Yup
    3. Enjoy today as much as possible. – Definite yes

    Yesterday was fantastic and getting out tin sunshine did wonders. Sadly though I got on the scales for the first time in a while and I had gained weight, it’s not a surprise, I’ve been eating really badly for the past half week. Now its time to get back on with it.

    1. Under on calories, no excuses.- I must be under everyday this week.
    2. Walk at lunch and run after work
    3. Water
    4. Stop being distracted by thoughts of exotic places and get on with some work!

    Have a great day!
    See you later
  • cbteco
    cbteco Posts: 10 Member
    Today's goals:
    1. green tea plus day -- loads of green tea to boost weight loss today!
    2. walk the dogs - at least 20 minutes
    3. stick with the protein.
  • cbteco
    cbteco Posts: 10 Member
    Today's goals:
    1. green tea plus day -- loads of green tea to boost weight loss today!
    2. walk the dogs - at least 20 minutes
    3. stick with the protein.

  • 4/10 goals:
    1. finish cleaning the house- done!
    2. use the wii to get my exercise in- done!
    3. relax with the family in my clean house-done!

    since I spent my day relaxing with family, I forgot to post my goals! So my goals for today are:

    1. keep house clean
    2. burn off some calories
    3. not obsess over the scale, I think I might even hide it
    4. sign up for the Superman Run (4 mile run in Metropolis, Illinois during the Superman Celebration Week) so I have no excuses to not train for it.

    cbteco, does the green tea really work? I love green tea so if it will give me a boost I'd sure enjoy that side effect :)
  • Not the weekend I'd have wanted but not horrible either.

    Anyway, back at it, no point in dwelling.

    Goals for 4/11
    1. Record everything
    2. Get to the gym
    3. Stay on track with the calories
    4. Get the laundry done to the extent that laundry can be considered "done."

    See y'all later.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for April 10:
    1 Water.--Not good.
    2. STAY ON MY EATING PLAN!!!--Yes.
    3. Clean the kitchen INCLUDING the stove and oven!--Not the oven.
    4. Get to bed by 9:30.--Yes.

    Well, not too bad of a day--except for not drinking enough water. I STILL need to work on that! I did a bit more in the side yard, too.

    Welcome, Jessica--and any other newbies I may have missed!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Goals for April 11--
    1. WATER!!!!
    2. Call and cancel magazine subscriptions so I don't have to pay for new ones.
    3. Stay on my eating plan.
    4. 10 Minute Carb Burner.
    5. Bed by 9:30.
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    4-10-2011 fitness goals
    1. At least 6 cups of water - I THINK I just made it.
    2. Under on calories, carbs and fats - Only under on cals
    3. Get to the gym - No, but did get a nice little walk in so I was able to exercise AND enjoy the BEAUTIFUL weather!
    4. Bed by 10:30, sleep by 11 - Yep..... Given how I felt this morning, I apparently should have tried to make it an even earlier night, but oh well....

    4-10-2011 non-fitness goals
    1. Put away laundry - No
    2. Handwash dishes - No
    3. Catch-up on finances, AGAIN - Somewhat. Didn't finish, but at least I paid a bill that I really needed to.
    4. Cut coupons - Started, didn't finish
    I woke up this morning feeling REALLY crumby, so I'm gonna take it easy today.... Right now, my biggest goal is to NOT have to ask if I can leave early and only sub a half day. :frown:

    1. At least 6 cups of water
    2. Under on calories, carbs and fats
    3. Bed by 10, sleep by 10:30
    4. Make it through the day without having to ask to leave early!
  • 36jessica
    36jessica Posts: 319 Member
    A Day by Day Challenge is exactly what I need! My name is Jessica. I'm a mother of three (18,16 and 5) and I live in Southern Italy. The thing I HATE most is sweating, so I guess that's the first thing I've gotta get done, I've gotta sweat!

    My goals for tomorrow: 1. Complete Zumba's Cardio Party
    2. Drink at least 2 liters of water
    3. Come back and post my results, my positive results 'cuz failure is NOT an option:wink:

    Done! And it feels great.
    I'm setting the same goals for tomorrow!
  • doriday
    doriday Posts: 111 Member
    I love fresh starts and new beginnings!
    It is a new week!! The last week was full of circumstances and stress that led to less than healthy responses. Today is the day to get back some of the goals I am losing ground on...

    1. Drink my 8 glasses of water

    2. 30 minutes of exercise

    3. Get to bed by 10:30 PM

    4. Have a healthy dinner.
  • doriday
    doriday Posts: 111 Member
    I love fresh starts and new beginnings!
    It is a new week!! The last week was full of circumstances and stress that led to less than healthy responses. Today is the day to get back some of the goals I am losing ground on...

    1. Drink my 8 glasses of water :bigsmile:

    2. 30 minutes of exercise :bigsmile:

    3. Get to bed by 10:30 PM :yawn: On my way!

    4. Have a healthy dinner. :ohwell:
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