Team UK & Ireland - April 2011



  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Lesley, what lovely news!! :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • elfward
    elfward Posts: 52 Member
    Great news Lesley! Although be warned - I put on a stone when I moved in with boyfriend 3 years ago, which is what I'm trying to shift now... :grumble:

    backinthenines - it's great to see you're being so positive about everything. And yay to getting a dog!

    I've decided that as long as I do some kind of exercise every day, I shouldn't beat myself up about overeating/drinking at the weekend. And if the weather carries on like this, it'll be much easier to exercise outside!
  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm having some issues at the moment in that I'm (relatively) good during the week, but completely let the side down come Friday night! My weekends have been a bit of a splurge recently - had some delicious pork belly on Sunday, but could feel my arteries clogging as I ate it...

    Does anyone have any ideas for keeping up motivation / not letting myself succumb to everything that's bad for me at the weekends. I know that a little bit of what you like won't hurt you, but a little often turns into a lot...

    I have exactly the same issue - really good in the week, take my fruit and seeds into work as snacks, drink lots of water. Come weekends I eat more (bread especially) don't have as much fruit and drink alcohol. Like you I seem to lack the ability to do things in moderation....I think that's my last bad habit I need to break - the weekend splurges. Don't know how though!
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm having some issues at the moment in that I'm (relatively) good during the week, but completely let the side down come Friday night! My weekends have been a bit of a splurge recently - had some delicious pork belly on Sunday, but could feel my arteries clogging as I ate it...

    Does anyone have any ideas for keeping up motivation / not letting myself succumb to everything that's bad for me at the weekends. I know that a little bit of what you like won't hurt you, but a little often turns into a lot...

    I'm so lucky that my wife is also dieting - make it easy to keep each other motivated - and try to avoid the paces where we would over-eat normally . We do eat more at the weekend but we try and balance it with exercise - this time of year gardening is an easy win.

    One tip from the old weight-watchers days - its OK to save some calories for the weekend - I think it was about 10% per day we were able to carry over? It was a long time ago - someone here can probably say - anyway, that would give you another five or six hundred calories to 'spend' at the weekend.

    Personally I find that if I give myself a little more leeway its easier to stick to it than if I stay too rigid and then if I go over thinking 'stuff it' and going mad... Here is something to consider - what is you maintenance calories - if you stick within that for the weekend its like it never happened - you should gain and shouldn't loose weight. OK, it will take longer to loose but you will be OK.
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    And Lesley - congratulations :)
  • Hello from the East Midlands!
    I'm new to mfp too. I've mostly been using the app but would like to join in with the forums here too for extra motivation.
    I had my first weigh in today, which was good. Just need to keep it up now!! 
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Hi Morag, welcome and well done on your weight loss so far :happy:
  • Thank you :-)
    My biggest weakness is getting exercise in. I bought a zumba game for our Wii, so looking forward to that coming next week. I used to love salsa dancing but not been back since I had the kids.. :-/
  • RGPargy
    RGPargy Posts: 285 Member
    Friday nights and all day Saturday are my weakness too. Tonight i've had a chicken kebab, which isn't bad in itself, but it was accompanied by a few chips and two very large glasses of red wine!!

    Tomorrow i'll be going to the gym in the morning but then will be going straight to McDonalds with my friend afterwards as that's what we nornally do on a saturday with the kids. Man, i need a life!! :laugh:
  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    Morning all,

    I've been a bit AWOL as have been away with work - and working 15 - 18 hours a day is not the time to be hot on the calories! But I'm back now.......

    First challenge - not sitting in a beer garden all weekend with cider in my hand! Think I'm going to alternate alcohol and water, that might help a bit! Going to the gym this morning and then cycling to the pub so getting a bit of cardio in first!

    I'm going to do this eat natural "diet" - it isn't a diet really, it's a detox/new lifestyle thing. Going to have a read up of it now and will blogpost about it when I've got my head around it! Seems very logical though! I delayed it until after going away with work, but have busy weekends coming up - figured sticking to it 5 days is better than no days at all!!

    Hope you're all doing well and enjoying the weather :)

  • oldtyke
    oldtyke Posts: 149 Member
    Hi from E Yorkshire. I've been on here a few weeks. I've been going to Slimming World, but struggling so I decided that this week I'd track calories on here and see what happens.

    Morag you will LOVE the Zumba on Wii! Mine came on wednesday and I started the 20 mins beginner "Party". OMG! It took me an hour to stop sweating! But it's such fun! And I can really feel my lower abs. I'm doing it every day.
  • fimm
    fimm Posts: 191 Member
    Just back from a long weekend away with my boyfriend and his family - lots of nice food and now I weigh 1kg more than I did the last time I weighed myself! Oh well. Should be able to track and eat sensibly for a while now.
  • sundream
    sundream Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all
    i found this app about a year ago, but as usual fell off the wagon, trying to be more focussed and I thought that a group might help this time. Can anyone tell me how the whole group thing works, i like the sound of the UK and Ireland one as I in Northern Ireland.

    Also I have too much time on my hands at the moment as I've broken my wrist meaning I can't get out on my bike, etc. to offset my eating.

    I'm currently 111kgs but looking to get below 100, this time last year I peaked at 122, spuring me into action, but after loosing 17 kgs I have since crept back up to 111, I'm weak, but I'm going to try to stick to the food diary thing.
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    Hi all,

    Weekend has been hard on me, as usual, but back on track again today, also as usual :laugh:
    Weather's just been gorgeous this weekend hey, we spent ages in the park, my girls on their bikes and me trying to keep up with them, so I did get some exercise in at least.
    I also received my "30 day shred" dvd in the post today, so will be starting that tonight, yikes! Anyone else here done/doing it?

    Hi Sundream, welcome! I'm in Ireland too, but ROI (Dublin). I guess there's no real purpose of this thread, bar chatting and trying to keep each other morivated. I understand there is a sub-thread however with weight loss challenges (southern softies v northern numpties I think it's called).
    Best of luck with your weight loss anyway, we're here to kick your *kitten* if needed! :happy:
  • sundream
    sundream Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks Mairgheal, boy do I need my *kitten* kicked,

    The weak weekend thing seems common, I had a terrible lunch on Friday (home 2am Sat slightly under the weather) and a similar experience with friends on Saturday night. I was brutally honest on the food app and discovered I can do a weeks calorie intake in 2 days, not good, i didn't realise guinness had so many calories.

    Back on the treadmill today though.
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member

    Not sure how much chance I stand of logging in on line - or of finding the foods I eat in MFP off-line mode. Or knowing what it was I ate to look it up. I guess I'll just try and eat health food in healthy amounts and cross my fingers.

    I WILL keep exercising though.

    Wish me luck
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    Wow Mikey, China! Work or pleasure?
    I wouldn't worry too much about logging, I find that near-impossible when I'm away. Like you say, try to make healthy choices and you probably walk more than usual as well, you'll be fine. I'm sure Chinese food in China is completely different than the greasy rubbish they serve here as well!
    Have a lovely time anyway!

    Shocking sometimes isn't it Sundream, when you find out the calories of certain foods. I was in M&S recently and got a cinnamon swirl, one of those swirly puff pastry things. 370 cals! Insane, for something you've finished in 3 bites. I won't be buying that again...

    I started the "30 day shred" last night (with the husband) and we both really enjoyed it! I'm not too sore just yet, but judging by the comments on other threads, that's still to come.... :laugh:
  • markomark
    markomark Posts: 22
    Hi all

    Someone mentioned this thread to me a couple of weeks but I couldn't find last month's!

    Anyway, glad I came across this one!

    If anyone wants to add me then feel free, I am in the Midlands near Leicester.

    Good luck to all!
  • troysmum
    troysmum Posts: 6 Member
    Just found this thread, wonderful :)
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Hello to all the new faces!! :flowerforyou:

    I'm off to Lanzarote in just over a week. Will see if I can can log from the phone or find a cyber cafe for an hour a night or so to keep on track. LOL
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