SHORTY'S 12 Week Challenge! (Read more!)



  • TacoGibbons
    TacoGibbons Posts: 136 Member
    LOVE LOVE LOVE the chart! I'm so stoked to start this out ;)

    I was thinking.. another thing that might be cool is for everybody to update their profile pic every week wearing the same outfit (the days when they are turning in weigh-ins for the week) and then we would all be able to see the start-to-finish transitions! It would be a visual way to see just how much progress we've made, along with seeing our numbers ;)

    I'll be posting my new image tonight!

    I like this too! I will try and post tonight, but I am on vacation so it might not get up there until next week. Cool idea!
  • oliveoil87
    oliveoil87 Posts: 141 Member
    I can't wait until next Thursday! So far things are going great!!!
  • KristinAshli
    LOVE the picture idea! I'm doing P90X so they want you to take a picture every 30 days, but I'll take one every two weeks for the pictures! Awesome, so excited everyone....I busted my butt today in workout...burned over 700 cals! It burrrrrned, and im sore now, but I know I will be loving the results next weigh-in! I know i said i wanted to lose 1.5 pounds per week, but this first week...I'm gonna aim for 2 pounds! SO pumped....way to go team! hehe :)
  • oliveoil87
    oliveoil87 Posts: 141 Member
    I had a slight binge last night! But funny thing is it was 6 small cookies, yogurt and milk. Definitely better than previous binges! I will do some extra exercise and maybe leave my calories 150 short to make up for last night!
  • WishComeTru
    WishComeTru Posts: 88 Member
    I had a slight binge last night! But funny thing is it was 6 small cookies, yogurt and milk. Definitely better than previous binges! I will do some extra exercise and maybe leave my calories 150 short to make up for last night!

    Don't feel bad! A friend of ours bought me a half gallon of this delicious homemade ice cream from their local dairy farm. I haven't had it in years, and now I can't stop thinking about it in the freezer. :grumble: I've been cutting back calories on my other meals/snacks or working out extra to be able to have my 1/2 cup serving at night.
  • supersarah14
    Hey shorty's!!!! I hope everyone had a great weekend!!! :flowerforyou:

    I managed to burn 2000 cals this weekend from running a 5k and hiking. My legs still feel like jelly today. Haha!!! I'm hoping that it shows on the scale come Thursday! I'm really working my butt off this week. I'll be super disappointed if I don't lose. :sad:

    I know weekends can be tough for practically everyone. How did all my fabulous shorty's do? :smile:
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I finally tracked down my missing boyfriend... haha. Which involved a tasty dinner (we split an entree and a half size portion so it was way less food than if we got our own) and then we had brunch yesterday... so needless to say I've got 2+ lbs of water weight this morning. But I managed to RUN the entire 5K distance on Saturday morning on the treadmill. I was going pretty slowly at a 13:26 minutes/mile pace on average, but I finished it! Instead of stopping to walk when I was getting tired around 20 minutes, I slowed my jog to 4.3 mph and pushed through it to recover. Whoot!
  • healthyme2be
    I finally tracked down my missing boyfriend... haha. Which involved a tasty dinner (we split an entree and a half size portion so it was way less food than if we got our own) and then we had brunch yesterday... so needless to say I've got 2+ lbs of water weight this morning. But I managed to RUN the entire 5K distance on Saturday morning on the treadmill. I was going pretty slowly at a 13:26 minutes/mile pace on average, but I finished it! Instead of stopping to walk when I was getting tired around 20 minutes, I slowed my jog to 4.3 mph and pushed through it to recover. Whoot!

    That's amazing. Congrats!!!
  • shorty702
    shorty702 Posts: 57
    Hi everyone! I hope I'm not too late to join. My goal for this Thursday is 147.
  • RunConquerCelebrate
    RunConquerCelebrate Posts: 956 Member
    LOVE LOVE LOVE the chart! I'm so stoked to start this out ;)

    I was thinking.. another thing that might be cool is for everybody to update their profile pic every week wearing the same outfit (the days when they are turning in weigh-ins for the week) and then we would all be able to see the start-to-finish transitions! It would be a visual way to see just how much progress we've made, along with seeing our numbers ;)

    I'll be posting my new image tonight!

    I like this idea, I took some pictures last week, they are actually in my blog

    The first one is when I started my weight loss journey, the middle one is when I finished p90x and the last one is three weeks into Insanity.

    I will just keep updating my blog and post the link here :)
  • RunConquerCelebrate
    RunConquerCelebrate Posts: 956 Member
    Hello Shorty's friends hope everyone had a great weekend, mine was really good we took the kids to Disney on Ice and it was a lot of fun I did not workout on Saturday so I went over my calories by like 151 so not too bad. Sunday I did not have time to log I was so busy cleaning my house and doing laundry that I forgot to eat lunch or snack so I know I did not go over we went for a walk with the kids to the park and I burned around 200 cals. So I knew I would be Ok for Sunday. The weekends are really hard for me to log my food since we are always on the run but I always do my best to make healthy choices.

    Hope everyone has a successful week
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 696 Member
    I was able to stay on track this weekend. My husband had to work so we didnt get a chance to eat out ( which is my biggest problems on the weekend). Hopefully I am able to show some weight loss this week!
  • oliveoil87
    oliveoil87 Posts: 141 Member
    I need to exercise, with to kids under 3 it is challenging! but, I won't give up!!!
  • abyssfully
    abyssfully Posts: 410 Member
    I wish I wasn't 5'8" so I could be part of this challenge! It looks so organized! lol
  • JessyT919
    JessyT919 Posts: 11
    I've only just joined MFP and would love to be added to this challenge - hope I'm not too late!

    -136.7 (started 11th April)
    -120lbs (12 Week Challenge goal)

    So inspiring girls!
  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    Hi I hope it's not too late to join ,I love this challenge for us shorty's, it is so hard to compare goal weights with people who are so much taller :)

    Height - 5'2
    CW - 169
    GW in 12 weeks - 150
  • WishComeTru
    WishComeTru Posts: 88 Member
    I need to exercise, with to kids under 3 it is challenging! but, I won't give up!!!

    It is hard to find time to exercise with the little ones to take care of. When I don't have just "me" time to exercise, I take my daughter and my goldens out on a walk. She's 14 months and loves to look around at everything, and the dogs are just happy to be exercised. If I didn't work a full time job, I could do more during her nap time, but unfortunately I don't have that luxury. I know some moms get up before the kids to exercise. Hope some of these ideas help!
  • KristinAshli
    Hey Shorty's! LOVE how everyone is writing on here and keeping up with how our weeks/weekends are going! AWESOME! My weekend went GRRRREAT! I like to social drink every so often and I wanted to tell yall.. I turned down drinking beers with friends/neighbors and it felt awesome! I feel my will power kicking in...which I haven't had in a LONG TIME! This week I'm going to have HUGE weight loss, the most I have ever had in my life Im pretty sure...but it's because I have been working my tail off. Really watching what I'm eating, portion control, exercising, and just staying extremely active. It's amazing the amount of change that has happened in just one week from doing "what you're supposed to do". Just my energy, my self-confidence, my will power, and even already seeing some slight results on my body. I AM STOKED to finish this challenge and reach my goal! CAN'T WAIT TO SEE EVERYONE'S RESULTS!!! Ahhh!! :):):):)


    Keep up the motivation for yourself and even others! This is turning out great! And I have had a lot of people interested in joining the challenge! I still want to keep it pretty small, so after 2 weeks into it....I will not be adding anymore peeps! So guys, if you're reading this...join the challenge before April 20 deadline! Thanks!!

  • JessyT919
    JessyT919 Posts: 11
    I'm all in for the mega workout challenge for Wednesday!! Nothing better to get over "hump" day than to really focus and push ourselves physically, bring it on!!

    Can't wait for the weigh-in, should be good girls!
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    I slept in this morning, so my workout was not as MEGA as I would have liked. In fact, it was pretty basic and short. I really blew it over the weekend. So, I'm terrified about weighin in tomorrow. I probably gained weight. Monday and yesterday, I stayed on track. I'm just having trouble getting up in the morning and eating like I should this last week or so.

    Hopefully, my eating for the last two days will continue and I'll start getting myself out of bed earlier again.

    By the way, my fiance is 6'4", so he's always eating. It's tough...