6 week PUSH YOURSELF challenge, week 2



  • Hey everyone,
    last week i really fell off, I was really sick but this week I'm back at my daily work outs.

    Today I consumed 1,140 calories and I did 70 min workout.
    It feels great to be back!
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 317 Member
    What a beautiful day!! Woke up feeling like poo (sore throat and major sinus drainage) but I was determined not to let it beat me! I did 30mins on the elliptical and 20 mins of misc strength and THEN I put the girls in the stroller and pushed 25lbs x 2 kids + the 45lb stroller up/down/up/down the hills all the way to the waterfront (3 1/2 miles) and we took a break and had Subway for dinner and then back up/down/up/down to get home - new HRM says 742 calories HOLY COW!

    Day 8
    Cardio = 139 mins
    Elliptical - 30 mins
    Walking fast/stroller - 109 mins

    Strength = 20 mins
    Misc using resistance band

    Week 2 Totals: 139mins/Cardio; 20mins/Strength = 159 mins

    Keep up the great work everyone! Each and everyone of you are an inspiration!
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Here is my results for day one, week two.
    - I did 11 minutes of 3.0 walking to get the mail and according to MFP, I burned 72 calories.
    - I did a walk from Fitness magazine for 40 minutes going 3.0 and according to MFP, burned 261 calories.
    - My strength training lasted for 25 minutes. According to MFP, I burned 96 calories.
    - I got in 8 glasses of water.
    Total: 76 minutes. 51 minutes is cardio and 25 minutes is strength.

    chickadee's week two progress:
    Total Weekly Minutes: 76
    Total Weekly Cardio Minutes: 51
    Total Weekly Strength Minutes: 25
    Total Weekly Water Intake: 8 glassess

    chickadees total 6 week progress:
    Total Challenge Minutes: 597
    Total Challenge Cardio Minutes: 456
    Total Challenge Strength Minutes: 131
    Total Challenge Water Intake: 63

    I had a hard core strength exercises today. Three different workouts. I struggled a bit with the water today, but I made it. It was seven and I still had two to get in, but I did. I'm going to keep track of both my weekly progress and my progress on this challenge as a whole.
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Holy Cow you all went into week 2 strong! Wow to all of you, just wow, great job! Sorry to just be getting on and getting things posted but I have been without internet for the last 7ish hours! Felt like life was over that I could NOT get on here and post my exercise or food. Phew, almost had a nervous break down over it, LOL, but we got it all back up and working and I am here getting it all documented.

    Here are my Monday results: I have to say it was a beautiful day in Minot, ND for the first time in a LONG, LONG time and I really didn't want to be inside, so I did a lot today.

    60 minute brisk walk with my dogs burned, per my HRM, 628 calories
    32 minutes bike ride burned, per my HRM, 645 calories
    12 minutes circuit machines strength training burned, per my HRM, 132 calories
    45 minute kettlebell class burned, per my HRM, 755 calories

    17 glasses of water in today
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Good morning Tracie! I will participate this week, but not sure if I will meet my goals. Its half marathon time in 5 days, which means I have to taper. This means rest.... resting the body so I have an awesome time on Saturday!

    You're killing me Emmaliegh... You'll make it when you do your run duh... You and tracie are killing me in cals burned. I'm pushing to make my 3500 and you do that in one run.... :) Jealous much? Who me? NO :))))

    Haha haha you really put it all in perspective! You could take up running and start training for a race with me! :)
  • BRFMcKay
    BRFMcKay Posts: 80 Member
    Week 2, day 1:

    30 minutes elliptical
    20 minutes bike

    50 minutes total

    My HRM broke. It's not working right. So I think I will just use the site's estimates until I get this fixed. Ugh.
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    Good morning Tracie! I will participate this week, but not sure if I will meet my goals. Its half marathon time in 5 days, which means I have to taper. This means rest.... resting the body so I have an awesome time on Saturday!

    You're killing me Emmaliegh... You'll make it when you do your run duh... You and tracie are killing me in cals burned. I'm pushing to make my 3500 and you do that in one run.... :) Jealous much? Who me? NO :))))

    Decided I'm going to do a tri in Oct. :) I'll get with you for a long run if I live :)
    Haha haha you really put it all in perspective! You could take up running and start training for a race with me! :)
  • mfultz0429
    mfultz0429 Posts: 41 Member
    Week 2, day 1:

    30 minutes elliptical
    20 minutes bike

    50 minutes total

    My HRM broke. It's not working right. So I think I will just use the site's estimates until I get this fixed. Ugh.

    Ditto for me above. MInus the HRM. I dont have one. My fitbit seems to be pretty close to MFP and the machines, that I've heard are off by so much, dont seem to be too different than the Fibit/MFP. I would like to get a HRM so I could see where my burn is when I am done exercising. It seems like because I have exercised I have a spring in my step and thus am more energetic/active the rest of the day.

    Already have 6 glasses in this morning and its only 8:55 AM! I've started making myself drink a full sports bottle of water before I get my coffee. Same for my 2nd cup. So this morning I had a full bottle of water at the gym (24 oz) then 1/2 cup of coffee at home. Forgot it at home, so I refilled my bottle at work finished it (24 oz) and am now going to have my coffee. I hope this helps as water has been my biggest challenge. Got only 35 minutes in at the gym today but I do have to coach track again today so thats 75-90 minutes of activity. Last week I ran sprints/relays with the kids. Have a great Tuesday all!!!
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Week 2, day 1:

    30 minutes elliptical
    20 minutes bike

    50 minutes total

    My HRM broke. It's not working right. So I think I will just use the site's estimates until I get this fixed. Ugh.
    I hope you get your HRM fixed soon. :flowerforyou:
  • MoM2LayLa09
    MoM2LayLa09 Posts: 152
    Week 2 Day 2

    Cardio - 65minutes
    Water - 9 glasses

    Weekly Total
    Cardio - 147
    Water - 18 glasses
    ST - 0
  • BRFMcKay
    BRFMcKay Posts: 80 Member
    Thanks, everyone! Well, I tried to take the battery out today (I changed them once in both the watch and the chest part, since I have had these since 2007.)
    Well, the battery imploded! It was all metal smelly and exploded stuff inside! I removed it, carefully, and threw it away. I can't use it until I find time to go and buy new batteries. Hopefully it will be OK to use then. I am going to clean it out good with soup and q-tips. Does anyone think it will be unsafe to use?

    I forgot to add 10 minutes of stretching yesterday, meaning I did 60 minutes. Today (Tuesday) I did 30 minutes running, burning 340 calories (according to MFP), and 5 minutes stretching.

    Totals: 95 minutes
  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    today i did strength training - chest/back also did ab jam. did my measurements for 2 months of turbo jam , im down 15 inches and 12 pounds. that put a smile on my face.

    total mins:141

    the new water bottle is working out great. got 96 fl oz in yesterday. done got 2/3 bottles today.
  • Week 2 Day 2

    Today I consumed 718 calories (I tried to eat more but im too full!) and I did a 90 min workout.

    Weekly Total: 160min
    Strength: 20
  • CappyDM
    CappyDM Posts: 4
    So excited to join the challenge with week 2!! So far so good with exercise:

    20 min. elliptical
    20 min. low impact aerobics/strength training
    23 min. walk
    Water - 8 glasses

    20 min. elliptical
    10 min. strength training
    20 min. yard work/mowing
    Water - 8 glasses

    I'm really struggling with food. I kept track for a few weeks on MFP and lost 6 pounds. For some reason I have had a hard time logging this week. I AM BACK LOGGING TOMORROW!!! I feel so much better when I do!

    I'm going to have to step it up tomorrow to make up for Saturday and still get to my 350 minutes. I am part of a wedding, and think it might be hard to get in exercise. I suppose I can always dance, dance, dance!!!
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Holy Cow you all went into week 2 strong! Wow to all of you, just wow, great job! Sorry to just be getting on and getting things posted but I have been without internet for the last 7ish hours! Felt like life was over that I could NOT get on here and post my exercise or food. Phew, almost had a nervous break down over it, LOL, but we got it all back up and working and I am here getting it all documented.

    Here are my Monday results: I have to say it was a beautiful day in Minot, ND for the first time in a LONG, LONG time and I really didn't want to be inside, so I did a lot today.

    60 minute brisk walk with my dogs burned, per my HRM, 628 calories
    32 minutes bike ride burned, per my HRM, 645 calories
    12 minutes circuit machines strength training burned, per my HRM, 132 calories
    45 minute kettlebell class burned, per my HRM, 755 calories

    17 glasses of water in today

    Looks like you are really pushing yourselves again this week. Great job so far, everyone!

    Here is my totals for today, day 2

    60 minutes walk/run intervals burned, per my HRM, 760 calories
    30 minute bike ride burned, per my HRM, 513 calories
    30 minutes on the Elliptical burned, per my HRM, 615 calories
    11 minutes of circuit strength training burned, per my HRM, 138 calories

    So I have done 257 minutes of cardio and 23 minutes of strength training for the week, so far

    Today I have 18 glasses of water in and am sure a couple more before bed
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Hey Gang.....looks like everyone is doing great for week 2:

    Here's my numbers so far:

    40 minutes elliptical
    10 minutes-bosu strength training
    60 minutes-circuit training
    9 glasses of water

    45 minutes elliptical
    25 minutes-bosu core training
    53 minutes-cycling
    7 glasses of water

  • 1crazymom
    1crazymom Posts: 434 Member
    80 minutes in today.(walking and 30 day shred.) 13 8oz glasses.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Good evening!

    Progress thus far ...

    Monday: 25 minutes elliptical + 10 minutes strength training = 30 minutes
    Tuesday: 30 minutes Yoga X
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 317 Member
    Day 9

    Cardio: 80 mins
    Wii Free Run - 30 mins
    Wii Adv Step - 10 mins
    Elliptical - 30 mins
    Stairs - 10 mins

    Week 2 Totals: 209mins/Cardio; 20mins/Strength = 239 mins

    Little low today. Eye appointment took up 3 hours of my day and I just couldn't get the time back (however I did get to count 10 mins of STAIRS)! Will be better tomorrow.

    Keep up the great work!! We got this!
  • humble64
    humble64 Posts: 69 Member
    well for today i completed 75 mins of cardio (30 day shred and 45 mins brisk walking). According to the exercise tab for this site i burn approximately 563 cals. Hopefully i'll have a more active day tomorrow.
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