Stay-At-Home Moms 11/3-11/9



  • enkcott
    Thanks for the great welcome! I actually have a boy and a girl thank goodness! they are crazy and fun and starting to learn so much at school I can hardly stand it!

    When I was first prego I realized that I was about 30 lbs over weight, much to my horror. After I had them (7 weeks early) I lost the 15 I had gained plus everything else and maintained that for 4 years.

    Then I quit smoking.

    I gained the obligatory 10 lbs and maintained that for more than a year then sometime over August/Sept I started noticing the scale going up (okay, I obsessively noticed it) and thought that was weird. So the other week one of the trainers at the gym was talking to me and mentioned the thyroid and some of the symptoms so I called the fam doctor and after threatening to poke him in the eye (he tried to play the bmi game with me) we got it figured that it really was outside of normal so I go Friday to see what the next step is and hopefully get it moving again! What a pain! No wonder I have been so frustrated, now I can keep that pile of clothes I have been systematically throwing out of my closet in the hopes that I really will get back there! Ugh!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    Now Alex is breaking out from the antibiotics! Ugh! :noway: Poor kid! He's actually feeling better though. LOL
  • kileenas
    Kileenas - Welcome to the group! Four girls! Whew! That's a lot of hair braiding going on! The trick for me with exercising is to find something that you really like to do. I've tried tae bo, walk away the pounds, slim in six, some postnatal work out...they all worked temporarily but it wasn't something that I LOVED to do so I eventually stopped doing them all. Turbo Jam, however, is my new love. I LOVE doing it. It burns stress, it works FAST (for me at least), it tones muscle & it just makes me feel good. Once I found it, it is now part of my day. I make time for it b/c I WANT to, not b/c I have to. Some days, it is difficult to get in & somedays it doesn't happen, but since i like it so much, I get back on track the next day. That's just my 2 cents. I'm kind of the mouth around here. :laugh:

    Thanks for the welcome!
    Same here, I get bored. I've tried tae bo, walk away the pounds, slim in six, and the biggest loser workout. I switch around and then I get tired of them and move onto the treadmill for awhile. I know I lose weight walking/jogging on the treadmill but that gets really boring ...FAST! I haven't heard of Turbo Jam. Hmm...I'll check it out. Thanks!

    Created by - Online Calorie Counter
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Kileenas - Welcome to the group! Four girls! Whew! That's a lot of hair braiding going on! The trick for me with exercising is to find something that you really like to do. I've tried tae bo, walk away the pounds, slim in six, some postnatal work out...they all worked temporarily but it wasn't something that I LOVED to do so I eventually stopped doing them all. Turbo Jam, however, is my new love. I LOVE doing it. It burns stress, it works FAST (for me at least), it tones muscle & it just makes me feel good. Once I found it, it is now part of my day. I make time for it b/c I WANT to, not b/c I have to. Some days, it is difficult to get in & somedays it doesn't happen, but since i like it so much, I get back on track the next day. That's just my 2 cents. I'm kind of the mouth around here. :laugh:

    Thanks for the welcome!
    Same here, I get bored. I've tried tae bo, walk away the pounds, slim in six, and the biggest loser workout. I switch around and then I get tired of them and move onto the treadmill for awhile. I know I lose weight walking/jogging on the treadmill but that gets really boring ...FAST! I haven't heard of Turbo Jam. Hmm...I'll check it out. Thanks!

    Created by - Online Calorie Counter

    Switching it around is best anyway-- no? Muscle memory and all that jazz. I do step aerobics for a couple times, switch to 30 day Shred, then run-- then back to step-- blah, blah, blah. Seems to work pretty well. Happy to see the flabula around my tummy starting to go down. I'm with Roni who said in an earlier thread that she couldn't feel her abs when she worked them-- I couldn't either for the longest time. No pain, so I thought no gain. But, the cardio is burning the fat away so the muscles are now somewhat evident-- (STRESS ON SOMEWHAT-- ) but, it's going down, which is sweet.

    Sara-- thanks for encouragement. Kids are awesome-- they're always very helpful, but they really have no choice. Our motto around here, straight from scripture-- "If a man does not work, he shall not eat." We're all in this together-- one for all and all for one-- you get the point-- even my six year old knows how to push a vacuum around a room, and the 2 year old is able to sweep the deck. (we have to redo it, but he still feels productive)

    I've been on the warpath against idle children-- even before I knew grandma was coming. Warned the kids there'd be hell to pay if I walk into a room and see them sitting idly, in a messy room. Hubby and I are so busy, there's not the time to oversee things the way we'd like. Hopefully, once he secures a job and I can stop typing so much, we can resume a "normal" life once again-- this is getting old and tiring. Zzzzzzz. I just woke up from a 30 minute cat nap. I couldn't keep my eyes open at the keyboard. But, hopefully if we can ever resume our normal chaos once again the house can resume ITS normal chaos-- :noway:

    Must work-- later all.
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Harley & I took a walk today. (Okay, so I walked and she rode in the stroller. I'm telling you, babies are so lazy!) it was a nice warm sunny day so I felt like I had to take advantage of it before the dreaded snow starts.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Those lazy babies. :grumble: My kids do the same thing to me, but oftentimes the wagon is containment for my boys. Protects the general population from their insanity. I'm dreading the snow, too. Between the kids & the dogs, someone is always scratching at the door.

    Marla - love the motto! Some of my friends think I'm nuts for giving my 3yo "chores" He doesn't do them well, but at least he's doing them! He puts laundry down the chute before bath time, makes his bed & puts the dishes in the sink after each meal....very very loudly. BTW - I just realized I STILL have your tae bo sitting here in the envelope & ready to roll! ACK! I forgot to take it to the post office & things got piled on top of it! It'll be there soon! I promise! Sorry!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    enkcott - I have a HUGE bag of clothes that I put away when I quit working & just remembered them about a week ago. None of them fit any more. They're all too big! WOO! You'll get there, too. That thyroid is a tricky, tricky thing. Once you get it straightened out, I bet you'll feel so much better & your body will get in check.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Those lazy babies. :grumble: My kids do the same thing to me, but oftentimes the wagon is containment for my boys. Protects the general population from their insanity. I'm dreading the snow, too. Between the kids & the dogs, someone is always scratching at the door.

    Marla - love the motto! Some of my friends think I'm nuts for giving my 3yo "chores" He doesn't do them well, but at least he's doing them! He puts laundry down the chute before bath time, makes his bed & puts the dishes in the sink after each meal....very very loudly. BTW - I just realized I STILL have your tae bo sitting here in the envelope & ready to roll! ACK! I forgot to take it to the post office & things got piled on top of it! It'll be there soon! I promise! Sorry!

    No worries-- whenever you get to it. I certainly appreciate things piling up-- believe me!!!!!!!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I caught my self in a parent-ism. "shut your mouth & eat your dinner." :huh: Zeke looked at me like I was nuts...then Micah tried to shut his mouth & put a fork in it...didn't work too good.
  • kate25
    kate25 Posts: 37
    I don't think I'll be doing the push up challenge. I'm doing the 30 Day Shred challenge right now. And I'm on Level 3 and everything is hurting but a good kind of pain.
    And I remember when my little ones were so little that I didn't want to leave them anywhere. Now I love leaving them with the grandparents for a night.
    And I love working out with my kids. They try to do the exercises and it just makes me laugh and makes everything so much easier.
  • katiechakos
    katiechakos Posts: 348 Member
    Hi girls! I had a great experience at the gym today. The drop off daycare was terrific. They gave me a beeper and there is one on one care for infants. They allow 2 hours per day, so it's like a dream come true! I was able to run 7 miles and do some abs before heading back up to see him. YAY for us!

    What a fun thing to have... I love talking to other moms!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Kate - my kids are too little to exercise with me yet. My heavens, how I've tried! The 3yo is bound & determined to get kicked in the head & the nearly 2yo likes to try to run between my legs. It doesn't work out too well. What exercises do you get your kids to do?

    Katie - Good job! I'm glad leaving wasn't too stressful & that you got SEVEN :noway: miles in! You go, girl! That's awesome! I'm envious of runners. I've just never been that girl. Don't see it happening, either. LOL

    Well, I'm mother of the year. I put my boys down at 6pm & the baby is down now. The insanity level in this house was through the roof & they were all feeding off each, dh came home between work & school (which isn't the norm) for about 5 min. & got everyone's panties in a bunch. GGggrrrr. I think I'm going to try to TJ again since i didn't get to go on my walk. Our walk time was taken up by trying to track down our dog. He chewed through our fence AGAIN & was running through the neighborhood somewhere. The third time we stopped home to check the answering machine, he was behind our fence trying to get back in. Stupid, stupid coonhound. Time to go punch kick & jam the stress away....again. :grumble: I need a normal day again!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    Okay, turns out Alex is not having a reaction to the antibiotics. He has scarlett fever/strep throat. I didn't know people still got scarlett fever! He is feeling better but now he looks worse with red splotches on his face. :cry:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    You know, I was going to ask you about that & simply forgot. My friend's little girl had scarlet fever last year. Poor baby. It does amaze me though how when kids' throats hurt, they don't stop screaming. I hope tomorrow is a much better day for you both!
  • kate25
    kate25 Posts: 37
    3babybeans - My kids are 4, 2 and 1. I exercise in the living room. Right now I'm doing Shred. They know what part of the living room they have to stay in and not to get in my way. They try to do the exercises and it's just too cute. It took some work to get them to stay out of my way but it was worth it because now I can work out whenever and don't have to worry about them. And if the 1-year-old is fussy she just becomes my weight ;)
  • guntherma
    guntherma Posts: 115 Member
    Hey great to see everyone again (virtually). Well, I was so excited because each week I had been losing at least a pound a week. I just weighed myself and could have cried. It's back, like a nightmare!!
    Today just could have gone better. One of my daycare kids vomited all over my carpeting on her way out the door this afternoon. Then the scale hit me over the head. At least my kids ate their supper without arguing or I would probably be at wits-end. Hoping for a better day tomorrow. Although, I am taking all of my kids for their dental check-ups so I am saying my prayers tonight.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    *shudder* the dentist & I are not friends. I'll be saying a prayer for you, too! I hope tomorrow is a better day!

    kate - i need you to come over here & beat my kids into submission about staying the heck out of my way when i exercise. Then again, my kids are like velcro when I'm not exercising. The like to be cuddled & carried all the time & it just doesn't work all that great 24 hours a day....shocking, I know. :laugh: Plus, I made the mistake of making jumping a dance move when we dance to music in the living room so when I'm jumping around to turbo jam, the kids think I'm dancing (never mind the sweating & heavy breathing) so they want to be picked up & jump with mommy, too. I don't turbo jam while holding heavy kids...that's asking for an ambulance.
  • kate25
    kate25 Posts: 37
    LOL 3bb.

    I'm so tired today. I hate that the kids are getting up so early with the time change. How is everyone else doing?
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I put mine in bed at 6pm last night if that tells you anything, Kate. LOL The oldest was still up at 4am b/c he hates me but the other 2 got a really good nights sleep.

    We have a busy day today. Dropping off a gift for a friend that's moving, returning the SECOND digital camera I bought :mad: , grocery shopping, post office (I swear Marla! It is happening today!), and a couple other places but I don't know if I'm up to it today. Dragging 3 kids in & out of so many places gets exhausting. Plus, we have Invisible Fence coming out to the house tonight to give us a quote. We'll see how that goes.

    I still want to get in my walk. Last nice day for a while! And I need to Turbo Jam & do some pushups...and keep my hands out of the candy bowl which I think is an exercise in itself. :grumble:

    Check in with you all later!

  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    and I just opened my curtains...I need to rake the leaves today too. :noway: