Current 140; Goal 115



  • ebgbjo
    ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member
    I read your updates! You are doing great. Good luck at the interview tomorrow
  • prila13
    prila13 Posts: 222 Member
    Going back to the chiropractor today. Woke up with my back hurting. I think it may be my desk chair. This sucks. I'm taking an extra break from JM 30DS.
  • tiffanyjade09
    tiffanyjade09 Posts: 70 Member
    I just wanted to say that we are the same exact height and weight! My goal is a little different though. I am hoping to weigh around 100-105 since I am so short. I weighed 120ish before I got pregnant with my daughter and I thought I was kinda chunky. Just my personal opionion of myself. I can tell you are losing weight by the pictures and you are looking great. Keep up the good work.
    Sending a friend request :)
  • BettyandVeronica
    BettyandVeronica Posts: 333 Member
    Hello everyone seems we havesimilar goals in mind. I too am about 145lbs and wanting to go down to about 125lbs. My belly is my biggest problem.It jsut sits there like a lazy frog showing no signs of going away.

    What are you guys doing for your belly?
  • prila13
    prila13 Posts: 222 Member
    Woo. I'm down 1 more pound. I started a new job as well so I hope I'll be losing more weight now. Hope everyone else is doing well.
  • willowy80
    willowy80 Posts: 1 Member
  • mixmastermel_b
    mixmastermel_b Posts: 40 Member
    this is like the short girls thread! love it

    i'm so fascinated by people's stories and goals on here. i'm 5ft and my goal is get down from 143 to around 125-120. i'm trying to be realistic in my goal and the timeframe i want to achieve it by (july 2011). maybe after i meet it i will set up another one. when i was in my mid 120's i was thrilled with how i looked and more importantly how i felt energy-wise.

    good luck ladies! keep up the awesome work.
  • naunnie
    naunnie Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, kudos to you. Keep the faith and it will happen. I am in my early 60's, 5 ft tall or less half an inch. Six weeks ago I weighed myself and gasped seeing that I had inched my way up to 131 pounds. Up until I quit smoking 3 years ago, I averaged 116-118 pounds.
    Since then the weight has slowly but surely gone up. I was ok with being 125 to 128. But, when I saw 131 (naked), I almost died. That's when I put the brakes on seriously and was determined to get down to at least 120-121. Cause after all, when you are older, you can't get too thin. It just makes you look that much older.

    I found and started using the free journal which was terrific. Todate, I have lost 10 pounds by recording everything I eat accurately. I even record my own recipes. I also doubled up on my workouts. 5 workouts a week. Three zumba and 2 pilates.
    I still want to lose another pound or two and then I'll maintain (hopefully).

    Why am I telling you all this? Cause if an old woman like me can do it, you can definitely rock it! Congratulations to your success, cause I know you will.
  • cris12
    cris12 Posts: 90
    hi prila :) thank you for sharing your story! you're definitely an inspiration and proof that consistency pays off. I'm also trying to get down to 115 and am 5'1", I've weighed the most at 139 thanks to eating junk during college and not caring one bit about my health - time to change! I was tired of looking at myself and feeling disgusted, and having uncontrollable urges to eat. Thanks to MFP I know we can win this and win our bodies back, good luck :)
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    You re doing a really good job keep it up....:flowerforyou:
  • ebgbjo
    ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member
    Bump- Prila- how are you doing this week??
  • prila13
    prila13 Posts: 222 Member
    Hi everyone, sorry I havent posted in a while. Between school and my new job, things have been rough. But, I'm trying to slowly get back into my routine again.. well, a new one anyways. LOL
  • prila13
    prila13 Posts: 222 Member
    I'm definitely back to trying to stick to my exercise program. Going back to work really through a loop into my schedule. I'm not able to exercise 5 days a week like I was but I am definitely trying to stick to staying under my calories. Since I work in fast food, I get plenty of exercise but on my off days, I'm trying to work in at least 30 mins of walking per day. I haven't lost any weight but hopefully that will change soon.

    I hope you all are doing well and I hope to have some progress to share soon.
  • EnuffaMyButt
    EnuffaMyButt Posts: 111 Member
    Hello ~ I'm short too! 4' 11" But, I say I'm 5ft. LOL - My heaviest was 226lbs. My lowest 119lbs. I broke my pelvis and gained 20 lbs. so, I working to get that back off again!

    Good luck in obtaining your goal. We can do it :):flowerforyou:
  • LeanLove
    LeanLove Posts: 8
    You can do it, take it one day at a time :)
  • prila13
    prila13 Posts: 222 Member
    Thank you all!
    In case some of you haven't heard, (Even though it's been on national news because my friend in Alaska knew about it before I was able to tell her), we here in North Alabama were hit hard (along with part of MS and GA) by several tornadoes on 4/27. So, that is why I haven't been on in the past few days. It roared through here and destroyed a neighboring town. Thank goodness we live on the outskirts and we only lost power and had some trees blown down. We just got power back last night. And thank goodness my dad has a generator so we didn't lose anything in our fridge and freezer.
    But, I hope thinks are going great with all of you.
  • janew68
    janew68 Posts: 37
    Good luck! You'll get there before you know it=0) There is such a huge support here! And don't beat yourself up if you have an "off" day.
  • remaho80
    remaho80 Posts: 126 Member
    I love reading your story thus far! We are of similar heights/weights. I'm slightly taller (5'3") and I started at a heavier weight (144). My ultimate goal is 115 as well. I haven't been that weight for 10+ years! I REALLY miss it. I started my weight loss journey just 3 weeks ago and I have lost 4 lbs so far. Good Luck! I look forward to reading and seeing more!
  • prila13
    prila13 Posts: 222 Member
    UGH! Since starting work a little over a month ago, I've gained back almost 6 lbs! Though, I'm not seeing a change in the weight loss in my belly but I have noticed I have more definition in my muscles in my arms and thighs. So, maybe, just maybe, that muscle is causing my weight gain. On a daily basis, several times a day, I'm picking up things that are 20+ lbs. Plus the fry and chicken baskets. So, let's hope that's what it is. But, I'm starting to get back into walking at least 20 mins per day and my chiropractor says I can do about half the 30DS but no situps yet. (He doesn't want me to strain my back any more than I have to.) So, we'll see what happens... I just want to be swin suit ready by summer.

    Til next time...
  • ehedges31
    ehedges31 Posts: 72
    My goal weight is 115 as well!! I started out at 131. its so difficult to lose even just a pound because I'm technically in the healthy range for my height (I'm 5'3") but its at the high end. and I want to be in the middle and not be so worn out walking around campus. Now though I'm not so worried about numbers - unless they are in inches! I've seen a lot more of a change since I started measuring around my calves, thighs, hips, waist and chest. Its also a great motivator. :) Good luck on your journey!
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